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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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That actually sounds like a pretty awesome idea though I hope both have more weapon options than what they currently have, I want my Plaguecaster to have a scythe (axe) :D


I wonder if normal Sorcerers, Lords and possessed have Disgusting Resilence??? The daemon prince has it so hopefully they do too as it would really make them much more better especially the sorcerer who would have an extra sv since he doesn't get an inv save. I doubt any of the vehicles will get DR though apart from maybe Helbrutes or even Defilers which would be pretty amazing

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Adding my two nurglings of thought to the new stuff revealed.


Cloud of Flies: Wow, so much better than what I predicted. I was expecting this to be a -1 to hit or +1 to cover saves, but this...this is amazing. If you are at least somewhat competent with positioning you can pretty much make a unit immune to shooting for a turn. I think this is the break that Possessed have been waiting for (assuming Death Guard can still take them as they could in the index) and I'd seriously consider a sizeable unit of the guys. Of course there are other good targets for this, big Plague Marine squads, Terminators e.c.t. I feel like this stratagem is best combined with a few mobile units (Spawn/Bloat-Drones/Rhinos) that can make an advance force to cover your footsloggers.


Nurgle's Rot: Not too sold on this one, simply due to the CP cost. Death Guard seems to have a real theme with stacking Mortal Wounds which is no bad thing, but I feel as if this is just a little too expensive and a little too unreliable. Still, not bad if you can get someone like Morty or Thypus right into the thick of it pop this thing like an over-ripe boil, especially if the enemy is running MSU.


Putrid Explosion: I don't mind this one actually. I feel like it's well priced at 1CP and it acts as a last "Screw you" to the enemy, particularly if you can pack your vehicle in amongst as many enemy units as possible. I wish it didn't affect NURGLE units but them's the breaks. All I can really say is I'd use it if I saw good opportunity.


The Plate Thingy (I can't be bothered spelling it out): The best relic we've seen so far imo. 2+ save is already good for your DP and power armoured characters. The 50/50 chance to mortal wound on a successful save is just gravy and makes your dude a real horde blender. DP is the obvious choice for this relic because hopefully your sorcerer/blightcaster won't be in Melee. Could be good on a Chaos Lord in power armour though.


The Staff Thingy: Yeah it's okay. Better than the Tzeentch relic CSM gets simply because the Blightcaster can make better use of it with his pestilential fallout. Wouldn't be my first pick for the relic slot though.


Dolorous Knell: Again it's okay but not worth taking over the Plate. The chance to cause mortal wounds is slim and while the battleshock ability is useful, the Knell doesn't really add to much beyond the odd wound here or there.


Revoltingly Resilient: I'd debate whether or not this is as good as people think it is. A lord in the middle of a blob of his cronies shouldn't have to take too many DR saves in the first place. Could be good on a DP who will be exposing himself more often. If Morty can take this (I don't think he'll be able to based on a few comments in the community post) we'll be laughing.


Living Plague: Not bad but not that good either. He can only cause ONE mortal wound per unit...if it were D3 I'd consider it more strongly.


Arch Contaminator: The best trait revealed so far IMO. Useful at range and in melee. Pairs well with Blight Launchers, Plague Spewers, Plague Belchers, Plague Axes...anything with plague really. 7" is a good range, keep your lord in the middle of a bunch of Blight Launchers for maximum profit.


Some other things I've noticed. DG will get regular sorcerers alongside Blightcasters. This leads me to believe that DG will get dark hereticus on the normal sorcerers while contagion is limited to Blightcasters/Thypus e.c.t.


Also Daemon Princes get Disgustingly Resilient, which is nice.

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Let's take a minute to appreciate how insane Cloud of Flies is.


My first thought was to take it on a close range unit to help it get close, but where it's really going to shine is on Havocs. Imagine 4x lascannon plague havocs that nobody gets to shoot back at. Give them a deepstrike screen of cultists or poxwalkers. You can easily keep them covered with CoF every turn of the game, given that 1CP cost.


Also, given the wording, CoF'ed units cannot be targetted by Snipers. This will probably be FAQed.


Between this and the existing Alpha Legion/Raven Guard Legion trait and Strats, it is really looking like the Metagame has some serious hurdles to gunblob armies. I think this is very good, as the basic rules are heavy in favor of shooting lists. But having nasty armies out there that have some many good tools vs shooting, and we'll see people being forced to include anti-back line units, and also ways to quickly remove deep strike screens so that those anti-back line units can get in. In other words, fast attack may actually end up being worthwhile this edition! Hurray!


However, I do think CoF is too cheap and Nurgle's Rot too expensive. They should have both been 2CP.


For the Bell, will wounds caused in the Morale phase trigger morale tests? Not clear on that one.

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Let's take a minute to appreciate how insane Cloud of Flies is.


My first thought was to take it on a close range unit to help it get close, but where it's really going to shine is on Havocs. Imagine 4x lascannon plague havocs that nobody gets to shoot back at. Give them a deepstrike screen of cultists or poxwalkers. You can easily keep them covered with CoF every turn of the game, given that 1CP cost.


Also, given the wording, CoF'ed units cannot be targetted by Snipers. This will probably be FAQed.


Between this and the existing Alpha Legion/Raven Guard Legion trait and Strats, it is really looking like the Metagame has some serious hurdles to gunblob armies. I think this is very good, as the basic rules are heavy in favor of shooting lists. But having nasty armies out there that have some many good tools vs shooting, and we'll see people being forced to include anti-back line units, and also ways to quickly remove deep strike screens so that those anti-back line units can get in. In other words, fast attack may actually end up being worthwhile this edition! Hurray!


However, I do think CoF is too cheap and Nurgle's Rot too expensive. They should have both been 2CP.


For the Bell, will wounds caused in the Morale phase trigger morale tests? Not clear on that one.


DG can't take Havocs in the index. Fingers crossed they can in the codex.


FB says that Mortarion has Arch Contaminator and Thypus has Living Plague as their set warlord traits.

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Let's take a minute to appreciate how insane Cloud of Flies is.


My first thought was to take it on a close range unit to help it get close, but where it's really going to shine is on Havocs. Imagine 4x lascannon plague havocs that nobody gets to shoot back at. Give them a deepstrike screen of cultists or poxwalkers. You can easily keep them covered with CoF every turn of the game, given that 1CP cost.


Also, given the wording, CoF'ed units cannot be targetted by Snipers. This will probably be FAQed.


Between this and the existing Alpha Legion/Raven Guard Legion trait and Strats, it is really looking like the Metagame has some serious hurdles to gunblob armies. I think this is very good, as the basic rules are heavy in favor of shooting lists. But having nasty armies out there that have some many good tools vs shooting, and we'll see people being forced to include anti-back line units, and also ways to quickly remove deep strike screens so that those anti-back line units can get in. In other words, fast attack may actually end up being worthwhile this edition! Hurray!


However, I do think CoF is too cheap and Nurgle's Rot too expensive. They should have both been 2CP.


For the Bell, will wounds caused in the Morale phase trigger morale tests? Not clear on that one.


DG can't take Havocs in the index. Fingers crossed they can in the codex.



I assume they will have some sort of heavy weapon unit, even if not specifically havocs. The nature of this unit will matter a lot of course.

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Let's take a minute to appreciate how insane Cloud of Flies is.


My first thought was to take it on a close range unit to help it get close, but where it's really going to shine is on Havocs. Imagine 4x lascannon plague havocs that nobody gets to shoot back at. Give them a deepstrike screen of cultists or poxwalkers. You can easily keep them covered with CoF every turn of the game, given that 1CP cost.


Also, given the wording, CoF'ed units cannot be targetted by Snipers. This will probably be FAQed.


Between this and the existing Alpha Legion/Raven Guard Legion trait and Strats, it is really looking like the Metagame has some serious hurdles to gunblob armies. I think this is very good, as the basic rules are heavy in favor of shooting lists. But having nasty armies out there that have some many good tools vs shooting, and we'll see people being forced to include anti-back line units, and also ways to quickly remove deep strike screens so that those anti-back line units can get in. In other words, fast attack may actually end up being worthwhile this edition! Hurray!


However, I do think CoF is too cheap and Nurgle's Rot too expensive. They should have both been 2CP.


For the Bell, will wounds caused in the Morale phase trigger morale tests? Not clear on that one.


DG can't take Havocs in the index. Fingers crossed they can in the codex.



I assume they will have some sort of heavy weapon unit, even if not specifically havocs. The nature of this unit will matter a lot of course.



FB says that DG have 15 new units. Could easily be room for some heavy weapon dudes.

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I wonder if some of those Termies are heavy weapons. I thought I read the DG loved their termies and would use them as their heavy weapons teams instead of PA heavy weapons. Would make sense, don't need to move so much as a heavy weapon team and you want to ensure their survivability.


I didn't get the Chaos index nor CSM codex, if you take morti/typhus do they have to be your warlord? Could morti have his warlord trait and then a lord of contagion have another warlord trait? I'm thinking no but I also don't know the rules.

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I didn't get the Chaos index nor CSM codex, if you take morti/typhus do they have to be your warlord? Could morti have his warlord trait and then a lord of contagion have another warlord trait? I'm thinking no but I also don't know the rules.

You only get one warlord. If Mortarion has a unique warlord trait and is your warlord, that is what he uses. If you have other HQ choices you may be able to nominate one of them to be warlord instead (barring some special rule for Morty), but then you lose access to Mortation's trait.

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I wonder if some of those Termies are heavy weapons. I thought I read the DG loved their termies and would use them as their heavy weapons teams instead of PA heavy weapons. Would make sense, don't need to move so much as a heavy weapon team and you want to ensure their survivability.


I didn't get the Chaos index nor CSM codex, if you take morti/typhus do they have to be your warlord? Could morti have his warlord trait and then a lord of contagion have another warlord trait? I'm thinking no but I also don't know the rules.


You don't HAVE to make Thypus or Morty your warlord. If they ARE your warlord they HAVE to use that trait.

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I wonder if some of those Termies are heavy weapons. I thought I read the DG loved their termies and would use them as their heavy weapons teams instead of PA heavy weapons. Would make sense, don't need to move so much as a heavy weapon team and you want to ensure their survivability.


I didn't get the Chaos index nor CSM codex, if you take morti/typhus do they have to be your warlord? Could morti have his warlord trait and then a lord of contagion have another warlord trait? I'm thinking no but I also don't know the rules.


You don't HAVE to make Thypus or Morty your warlord. If they ARE your warlord they HAVE to use that trait.



You do know it is spelled Typhus? I don't know if there is some joke in the consistent misspelling.

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I wonder if some of those Termies are heavy weapons. I thought I read the DG loved their termies and would use them as their heavy weapons teams instead of PA heavy weapons. Would make sense, don't need to move so much as a heavy weapon team and you want to ensure their survivability.


I didn't get the Chaos index nor CSM codex, if you take morti/typhus do they have to be your warlord? Could morti have his warlord trait and then a lord of contagion have another warlord trait? I'm thinking no but I also don't know the rules.


You don't HAVE to make Thypus or Morty your warlord. If they ARE your warlord they HAVE to use that trait.



You do know it is spelled Typhus? I don't know if there is some joke in the consistent misspelling.



Whoops. Yeah I know he's called Typhus, after...like...the disease.


GW isn't terrible creative with names. Khârn means "Betrayer" in Arabic...his name literally means "Betrayer the Betrayer".

The parents of these marines must think "Gee I want my son to become a Chaos Space Marine, better name him something real sinister..."


Though to be fair Typhus' actual name is Calas...and he did change his surname from Typhon to Typhus to really ram home the whole Plague thing he has going.

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GW isn't terrible creative with names. Khârn means "Betrayer" in Arabic...his name literally means "Betrayer the Betrayer".

The parents of these marines must think "Gee I want my son to become a Chaos Space Marine, better name him something real sinister..."


Though to be fair Typhus' actual name is Calas...and he did change his surname from Typhon to Typhus to really ram home the whole Plague thing he has going.

Even before turning to chaos proper, the First Captain still was pretty much named 'Callous Monster of Chaos.' Calas is a meaningless homonym of callous. Typhon was a hideous Greek monster that tried to overthrow Zeus, the king of the gods, so... still a bit on the nose. But I suppose evil space barbarians should have nasty names.

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I wonder if some of those Termies are heavy weapons. I thought I read the DG loved their termies and would use them as their heavy weapons teams instead of PA heavy weapons. Would make sense, don't need to move so much as a heavy weapon team and you want to ensure their survivability.


I didn't get the Chaos index nor CSM codex, if you take morti/typhus do they have to be your warlord? Could morti have his warlord trait and then a lord of contagion have another warlord trait? I'm thinking no but I also don't know the rules.


You don't HAVE to make Thypus or Morty your warlord. If they ARE your warlord they HAVE to use that trait.



You do know it is spelled Typhus? I don't know if there is some joke in the consistent misspelling.



Whoops. Yeah I know he's called Typhus, after...like...the disease.


GW isn't terrible creative with names. Khârn means "Betrayer" in Arabic...his name literally means "Betrayer the Betrayer".

The parents of these marines must think "Gee I want my son to become a Chaos Space Marine, better name him something real sinister..."


Though to be fair Typhus' actual name is Calas...and he did change his surname from Typhon to Typhus to really ram home the whole Plague thing he has going.



What about the most unholy of names "Canis Wolfborn" with no hidden knowledge that it means Wolf Wolfborn.

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What about the most unholy of names "Canis Wolfborn" with no hidden knowledge that it means Wolf Wolfborn.


Good ol' Wolf Wolferson, wolf-brother of the Space Wolf marines; makes Typhon sound like nuanced poetry.


I can't wait to see if we get any new named characters. Hopefully they have names like Smol Poxx the Purulent or Leakyguts McGillicuddy. I am excited. 

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Even if just these items, stratagems and traits make it into the codex my current list is much more improved. The DR on a Daemon Prince with the mentioned armor item is so very strong. The DP is already a beast in combat and it has netted me a lot of kills during the campaign of Konor. Now with the added resiliency that comes with being Death Guard and the two additional layers of protection (2+, regain wounds, apothecary like characters and DR), this would make him a hard foe to tackle. 

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What about the most unholy of names "Canis Wolfborn" with no hidden knowledge that it means Wolf Wolfborn.


Good ol' Wolf Wolferson, wolf-brother of the Space Wolf marines; makes Typhon sound like nuanced poetry.


I can't wait to see if we get any new named characters. Hopefully they have names like Smol Poxx the Purulent or Leakyguts McGillicuddy. I am excited. 



Makes me hope that GW re-invents the SW's with more cold/helfrost and viking and less furry.



Alas back to the subject on hand. I am hoping that there is some multipart poxwalkers or something. So far there is 16 unique poses just 4 shy of a total squad of 20 unique poxwalker molds. I think my favorite thing so far is that I can almost make a 20x poxwalkers and 2 squad of 7 Plague Marines without using a repeating part if all the models and leaks are to be true. That means it may be possible to have a whole army of non-repeating (though some may be similiar) models. Something I can't say I have ever seen, eventually the models must repeat legs/chest/arms as there isn't enough unique models. 


Can't wait to see what the codex holds so I can build an army. Thinking 2 DG squads... Squad Corrosion and Squad Rust.

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