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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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If you take a regular sorcerer in the DG detachment is it forced to take contagion discipline? I thought they use the normal chaos index dataslate.


Unfortunately the regular Sorcerer/Terminator Sorcerer makes use of Contagion. I paused the video as they were looking at his entry.

That said, Dark Hereticus should be able to work on Death Guard since they have the Heretic Astartes keyword. Best way to slot them in would be supreme command detachment, meaning your Death Guard get all the benefits for being pure Death Guard and not a mixed detachment. Sorcerers have no real benefit from DG rules anyway (no Disgustingly Resilient).  

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Is there a way to take one heldrake in a list without it costing you a command point for the auxiliary detachment? I've been trying to throw in a regular CSM detachment to fit in some holes (like havoks/raptors etc) but can't really find one that fits with a heldrake and leaves points for regular DG units.

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Some warlord traits/relics/stratagems


Warlord Traits


Tainted Regeneration: Warlord regenerates a wound at the start of each players turn. RAW (and possibly RAI) that's two wounds per battle round. Very nice, excellent on a DP with the armour relic (I forget it's name).


Hulking Physique: Add one to your toughness. Lame compared to the other options for Warlord Trait.


Rotten Constitution: Reduce all damage taken by your warlord by one (to a minimum of one). Decent.


I definitely feel Tainted Regeneration is the stand-out choice of these three. That and Arch Contaminator are the best ones in my estimation.




Grandfather's Blessings: Same as CSM


Blasphemous Machines: Same as CSM


Fire Frenzy: Same as CSM


The Dead Walk Again: 1CP, at the start of your movement phase you can buff a poxwalker unit and change their walking pox rule to the following: Each time an INFANTRY model (other than a poxwalker), friend or foe, is slain within 7" of the unit, add another poxwalker to it. Neat...especially if you can get a depleted unit near a bunch of enemies and shoot them to death, replenishing your zombies.


Plague Pact: 1CP. When a DEATH GUARD CHARACTER is attempting to summon a NURGLE DAEMON you can use this stratagem. He can roll up to four dice and ignore the penalties for rolling doubles or triples. Neat, makes your summoning a little more reliable.


Blight Bombardment: 1CP. Just before a DEATH GUARD unit shoots or overwatches, when resolving that attack every model equipped with Blight Grenades can throw them instead of just one being able to. Combine with the Biologus Putrifier for best results. Also allows your melee teams to make a decent shooting attack.


Veterans of the Long War: Same as CSM. Still bloody brilliant, especially on Death Guard armies running lots of Plague Marines with Plasma Guns and Blight Launchers. So happy this one returns.


Chaos Familiar of Nurgle: Same as CSM, except you are changing your contagion powers.


Gifts of Decay: 1/3CP. Gives you more relics.


Chaos Boon: I'm pretty sure it's the same as CSM, just with Nurgle themed names for the boons.




Plaguebringer: Anyone with a Plague Knife, Plague Sword or Balesword can swap for this. Strength: User/-2AP/Damage D3 Plague Weapon. Wound rolls of 6+ inflict a mortal wound in addition to any other damage.


Fugaris Helm: Adds 3" to the range of any aura abilities on a model's datasheet. I can see this being taken on a generic lord, as a bigger bubble of re-roll 1's is always appreciated. Him or the Plague Surgeon. Not a bad pick by any stretch.


Plague Skull of Glothila: A 7" grenade, one use per battle. If it hits, roll a d6 for each model in the unit, re-rolling ones. 6s are mortal wounds. Skip.


Psychic Powers


There's only one we haven't seen so far, which is Curse of the Leper: Warp Charge 7. Targets an enemy unit within 14" inches. If manifested roll 7d6. For each d6 that exceeds the target's toughness they take a mortal wound. I'd argue this is better than Plague Wind on all but the biggest units. Against Marines you have a 1/3 chance to cause a mortal wound instead of 1/6. Against elite Toughness 3 armies (Eldar) I can see this power being good. Range is okay too, but let's be real you'll probably be casting buffs instead.

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Thought I would as this question here instead of a new thread.


In the codex it states a PM Champion can:


1. Upgrade their Plague Knife with a Plague Sword.

2. Upgrade their Boltgun with a boltpistol, plasma pistol, or plasma gun.

3. Can take a Power Fist.


Does that mean they can take a PLague Sword, Plasma Pistol, and Power Fist? I thought they nerfed the SW Wolf Guard (sergeants) because they didn't want units to have 3 weapons. 

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A thing I noticed first is that the Deathshrouds are bodyguards that actually intercept hits instead of somehow magically turning already dealt damage into mortal wounds. Love that. I hope all bodyguard units get their rules rewritten to work like that!



How do we deal with Ad-Mech?


Kastelans butchered my poxwalkers and Plague Marines with contemptuous ease.

My opponent said that he had trouble dealing with tanks and vehicles, so maybe play a more elite list with lots of Plague Marines in Rhinos?

By waiting for their Codex and THEN trying to figure it out. :P

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Maybe some of our new tank and micro tanks? More poxwalkers? Not sure, never faced ad mech.


They are very good at killing chaff with loads of strength 6 ignores cover shooting. Kastelans and Crawl are an amazing firebase and all three admech players I know swear by them.


Arugh, I just don't know how we are going to deal with mech lists and high toughness/wounds models. Mortal wound spam is really close range and Death Guard are slow, making it hard to close the gap. Maybe a kind of armoured fist army with lots of shooty squads, transports and tanks?

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I am totally feeling those myphitic blight haulers. That is some crazy support + shooting on a cheap durable platform. I wonder how much $$$ each one is going to cost because I want 3. Keep him near Morty to give him a 2+

 I doubt Morty will be Infantry, hence he can't benefit from the aura which is a shame.


The codex looks like it encourages lots of footsloggers, hammering out volleys with Inexorable Advance, being buffed by our elite slot characters. You could do far worse than taking a a battalion of MSU Plague Marines and Poxwalkers with a bunch of Elite Characters/Blight Haulers separate Detachment (*cough* plague surgeon *cough*). Support HQs like Blightcaster and Vanilla Chaos Lords are probably the best picks for leaders.


You can buff footsloggers to insane levels of durability, but mass shooting will always hurt. I think it's best to spread out defence buffs (from stratagems/powers e.c.t.) across the entire army in order to boost overall durability. Otherwise your unguarded units will just be alpha'ed.

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How does the cover bonus work with AP if your armor save is already 2+? Like terminators, will they get a +1 against the AP? Or is it before the Ap is applied? Cause it could work well with foot slogging terminators.


1s are always failures. But you can have a 1+ save thanks to cover, which negates the first point of AP a weapon might have. So if Primaris Bolt Rifles are shooting your terminators in cover, they still get their +2 save. At least that's how I understand it.

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@theMelancholic, I had the pleasure of fighting Admech with Kastelan robots a week ago. They are insanely shooty, but I did manage to pull out a win. Multiple daemon princes seem like an optimal way to kill them. I would advance behind rhinos or other relatively sturdy high-toughness LoS blockers with everything else so they can't turn their guns on things like the zombie swarms. 

Edit: I forgot; I also had a Contemptor soak up a lot of the return fire. It died eventually, but it put a lot of hurt out too.

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I've been playing around with some ideas using points we know. My current idea for a list is:







2x Malignant Plaguecasters




Poxwalkers: 12x Poxwalkers


Plague Marines: Champion: Knife, Boltgun, Pfist, 2x Blight Launchers, 4x Boltguns


Plague Marines: Champion: Knife, Boltgun, Pfist, 2x Spewers, 4x Boltguns


Plague Marines: Champion: Knife, Boltgun, Pfist, 2x Belchers, 4x Boltguns




2x Blightlords: 5x Plagueswords, 4x Combi-Bolters, 1x Blight Launcher






Depending on cash and point cost of the little tank guys that give cover, I might drop a Plaguecaster for one or two. I really want to keep as many terminators as I can though. Maybe even drop a squad of PM for a Blightlord or Deathshroud squad to bring me to three squads of terminators. If I can figure out how to make it work, I would do a Terminators with the fast little tank guys(blight haulers?) morty, some pox, and typhus. Without the codex it is still up in the air.

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This new codex seems awesome, but I am wondering which troops everyone plans on using?

Plague marines, probably going to run a blight hauler with every plague marine squad who mostly will be 7 man squads with blight launchers and champ with plasmagun and fist to provide some heavy firepower as well as giving them that lovely 2+ armour sv through its abilitiy. Seeing that Possessed don't get anything being Death Guard has made me change my mind and instead want to run a pure combat plague marine squad with a Plaguecaster and maybe one of those new characters who make blight grenades stronger so I can use the blight grenade strategem to great effect before I charge a squad


I may include a poxwalkers unit or two but only for acting as bubble wrap for a Deredero dread as well as objective holding whilst the dread unleashes its firepower

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Plague Marines mostly. 2 units for now, with one unit of 16 Poxwalkers and another unit of 10. My PMs will be run one unit of 7, one unit of 6. 


I'll be using the Plague Marines from DI, First Strike, and Plague Brethren. Once the stand alone multipart kit comes out and I can scrape money enough to get it, I'll run 3 full units of 7.

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I will probably go for 2k list:




flying DP with supperating plate


3x blight haulers

blight drone

3x units of pox walkers x20

as many beasts of nurgle as I can fit.



flying DP

20x plague bearers

2x units of nurglings


auxiliary super heavy


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This new codex seems awesome, but I am wondering which troops everyone plans on using?

Plague marines, probably going to run a blight hauler with every plague marine squad who mostly will be 7 man squads with blight launchers and champ with plasmagun and fist to provide some heavy firepower as well as giving them that lovely 2+ armour sv through its abilitiy. Seeing that Possessed don't get anything being Death Guard has made me change my mind and instead want to run a pure combat plague marine squad with a Plaguecaster and maybe one of those new characters who make blight grenades stronger so I can use the blight grenade strategem to great effect before I charge a squad


I may include a poxwalkers unit or two but only for acting as bubble wrap for a Deredero dread as well as objective holding whilst the dread unleashes its firepower



The only problem with Haulers is that it forces you to bunch up and the darn things are too quick for your guys to keep pace. Bunching up isn't as big a problem since blasts are no longer a thing, but it still limits your flexibility if you need to deploy say...three Plague Marine squads in a clump near your haulers.

I will probably go for 2k list:


battalion 1


flying DP with supperating plate


3x blight haulers

blight drone

3x units of pox walkers x20


battalion 2


flying DP

20x plague bearers

2x units of nurglings

as many beasts of nurgle as I can fit.


Mortarion will almost certainly be a Lord of War, so you'll need to take a super heavy auxiliary detachment. Otherwise I like your list, very cool mixed arms with daemon support.

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Man, I'm trying to take notes from GK Paladins for building Plaguewing. Typhus, Plaguecaster, Blightlords. Do you guys think a LR for movement is needed? It is actually closer to Dustwing methinks.


For Deathshroud a LR is definitely needed. Otherwise they are way too easy to kite. Even teleporting in 9" away, an opponent with any sense will move his guys as far away as possible and barring a very lucky charge, will avoid their melee all game.With Blight-Lords this is less of a problem, seeing as they have half-decent shooting and can double-tap from 18" away with their combi-bolters.


Plaguecaster would be a bit of an odd duck, since I don't think he could take terminator armour. You could take a terminator sorcerer though.


All in all Plaguewing will suffer the same problem that all other "wing" lists have. Limited objective capping power, points inefficiency, limited mobility after the first strike. Deathshroud and Blightlords (and terminators in general) aren't really meant to be the bulk of your force. They are an elite strike unit that can be deployed where needed to back up your battle line, not a mainstay trooper. Taking too many means they are doing jobs that could be done better by Plague Marines or even Poxwalkers.

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