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Help: Made a deal with my GF, help me choose a book.

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I made a deal with my girlfriend that I would read one of her favorite fantasy novels and in exchange she is going to read a warhammer 40k book of my choosing. I need help choosing one to get her hooked.


She has read and liked:

Way of kings, raymond E feist, lies of locke lamora, dresden files, patrick rothfuss, codex alara, night angel and black prism series, riddlemaster trilogy


She likes some romance, less gross, but action with a focus on story. I was thinking the Caine series, but I would love your guys advice! Help me suck her into the universe I love.

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+1 for Night Lords but also going to throw in Tanith First and Only. I've always found the Gaunts Ghosts series to be one of the most relatable.
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I really do want her to read ADB cause he is the lord and master of Black Library, but she hates really gross so the Night Lords might be out.

Mhmhm. Tbh I'm not sure how "gross" it really was, because it's some time since I read it. But Aaron's stuff is quite cool because it usually has a female protagonist. What's with Talon of Horus? The only problem here is that you may give her some background facts before that.

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No, no, no, don't start her off with bolter porn. Do one of Abnett's series' that's not about marines. I would personally suggest Eisenhorn to start.

This is probably a sensible suggestion.  Is it the Caiphas Caine series that is funny?  



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You did what?! You made a deal with your love for her to read a Black Library novel? You'll be lucky if you keep her after this :tongue.:!


I agree with BCK, stay far away from the bolter porn. She seems to like your average fantasy novels so let her read either the Eisenhorn Trilogy or a Gaunt's Ghosts book. Basically I'm saying to stick with Abnett.

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The Night Lords series is full of marines skinning people alive.

Mhmhmhm. You are probably right.


Aww, aww, awww. What's with the "Path of the Eldar" series? 




That one may be the middle one, but it was quite easy to start with it as afaik the story of all three is a bit overlapping? 

Edited by Atia
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I suggest Dead men walking.  It  focus on a 40k love story with death korp of krieg and necron fighting in the background.  Its also a easy read, and not to heavy on the 40k terminology. 




Yeah, this was my first pick. As an avid reader of Romance novels, this one sates the 40k itch, too.

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No, no, no, don't start her off with bolter porn. Do one of Abnett's series' that's not about marines. I would personally suggest Eisenhorn to start.


This. A thousand times this. Start with Eisenhorn, imo, it's one of, if not the most accessible to those from outside the hobby. Then expand from there, Caiphas Cain books would be a good second choice, as they are as previously stated, slightly more light-hearted in places.




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Eisenhorn, just a very nice set of books, and not ultra killy bolter porn.


First and Only, war porn but shows what the setting is about in many ways.


Horus Rising, because I honestly wonder how it would read to someone going in knowing nothing of the setting. "I was there the day Horus slew the emperor..." I don't get it :75 books later: Ha! I get it!

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The Night Lords series is full of marines skinning people alive.

Mhmhmhm. You are probably right.


Aww, aww, awww. What's with the "Path of the Eldar" series? 




That one may be the middle one, but it was quite easy to start with it as afaik the story of all three is a bit overlapping? 


Its Rashamon style, so yeah, she can start sort of in the middle. And the protagonist is a female space elf, so that could work for her, but I'm not sure how much it will hook her.


If I'm honest, and we are going for female protaonists, Shira Calpurnia novels are closer to mistery novels (like Dresden Files), show a bit of the universe. But its been sometime since I read it.


If not going for female protagonists? Einsenhorn, though there are a few scenes of torture in it, if I remember correclty. 


At this point, Ciaphas Cain is the best bet, a character that realizes the Grim Dark, have a full on mix regiment, and its pretty funny.



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