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Betrayer41’s 40k Log **New White/Red Recipe** (12/11/23)

Go to solution Solved by LameBeard,

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Few more guys I think the kitbashing is getting cleaner. Obviously they are all missing shoulder pads and packs because they will be airbrushed separate.




This Guy is gonna be the standard bearer









  • 2 weeks later...

Finally making progress. My green stuff skills aren’t great but I’m working on it. Likeing the white so far.


Let me know what you think about the red. All CC are definitely welcome!







Edited by betrayer41

These were my first batch sp you can tell that most of em are different frome one abother.  I started clipping the belts of which i really thin helps. all these guys will be more or less rank and file and are to expensive to toss aside so i am going to finish these as is and the nxt set will be much less rough. Great learning experience so far though.


This is more or less me playint with colors, poses and all that jazz. Until WE or CSM get "truescale" units I think i am going to just use the whole Blood Warrior torso and just replace the legs

Edited by betrayer41

Working on some “termies” they wil have a belt of some sort around their waste thicken em up a bit and chains hanging down.



Thanks guys, i think he does look quite meanacing.


@Dusk: I'm not sure, i have some Calth termie bits on the way to try that out but i really like how they are looking already i will have a better idea once the pieces arrive.


@Vairocanum: Thanks brother. I will post some size comparisons later, I have one other built using a custome piece who is a bit bigger. They are bigger than regular TDA and primaris. With the shoulders on and the the second pads on they are quite big.

The last guy looks great, the Justaerin spiky legs work well.

I agree with Dusk, that he need to have the TDA section over his head so it is more obvious as to what he is.


The mark 3 legs, are they resin or plastic? Were they difficult to re-position at all? I want to vary up the leg poses on my Wolves when I get round to building them.

That terminator is great, the parts works very well, but i'm afraid that i have to agree with the others about the lack of a TDA head-box(for lack of a better term), he reads more like a true scale astartes at the moment. Might i recommend using the back half of  termie torso together with the blood warrior chest piece? But still, very promising! 


And i seriously love your other marines. I love them so much that i might have to use them as inspiration for my own berserkers, they'll be crazy expensive per marine but truly worth it

I have some Calth termie torsos coming but.....i dont think theyll fit those heads i want to use. Any reccomendations for termie parts i should use? I haven't done 40k stuff in years so a bit behind on bits haha


Steal away, I just love the heresy so much i wanted to do something that was a nice nod to it but have my guys be appropriate for 40k scale wise and fluff wise.


And yes they are expensive haha Blood warriors and MKII box just for ten guys

Edited by betrayer41

As an alternative.... What about press moulding the back of some Custodes models and use that instead of Astartes backpacks?


Or its just a case of getting the positioning right for the back section, and a lot of cutting


This is how I did my Hvarl conversion with Polux


You may need to cut in half vertically and widen the temie tp halves too, might be easier with the calth ones as it is an arch rather than a circle.


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36273922846_6e76ce2956_c.jpg20170801_184418 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

35507919383_d643b6cace_c.jpg20170801_184431 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

36273922146_866a53f91f_c.jpg20170801_184446 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr



How did you do the mark 3 legs to get them really dynamic?

Edited by Wolf_Priest _Dantay.

As an alternative.... What about press moulding the back of some Custodes models and use that instead of Astartes backpacks?


Or its just a case of getting the positioning right for the back section, and a lot of cutting


This is how I did my Hvarl conversion with Polux


You may need to cut in half vertically and widen the temie tp halves too, might be easier with the calth ones as it is an arch rather than a circle.


Hidden Content


36273922846_6e76ce2956_c.jpg20170801_184418 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

35507919383_d643b6cace_c.jpg20170801_184431 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

36273922146_866a53f91f_c.jpg20170801_184446 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr



How did you do the mark 3 legs to get them really dynamic?

For the custodes bits do you mean for the regular MKIII guys?


And for the legs i just cut them above the kneecap and shave and greenstuff them until they work well with the Bloodwarrior thighs/torsos

Starting to look like terminators






Their wastes will be buffed out about by chains and World eater symbols

Edited by betrayer41

Awesome, just what i was missing! Lovely! The added size just makes him more impressive.


While you figured it out already, I'll still add this link to Bio's thread, it's a great source of inspiration to any WE player



Thanks fellas, these have been a lot of fun. All with bits i already had. For those wondering, I glued The front of the AOS plates onto Custode back plates then cut the eagle off the top. I snipped the top half of the Justaerin torso off and glued it on top of the custode/aos torso

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