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Betrayer41’s 40k Log **New White/Red Recipe** (12/11/23)

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Late heresy Khârn WIP. Workin on his belt and a modified helmet.

He has thigh guards like the 40k model and similar legs just a bit less chaosy.






There's a length / mass disparity between the two, TBH. I think you'll need to decide which one you prefer more and stick with that. As for what to arm him with, I'd go with the classic Axe + Plasma Pistol. It's matches his rules and it makes him much more recognizable. 

I would say no to the 2 axes... Khârn only ever used his own blade or Gorechild, Angrons axe.


At the moment he is more a World Eater than Khârn, as besides the torso, there is little to tie the model to either the early HH or his 40K version


Either hold the axe in 1 hand or wield the axe 2 handed and holster the plasma pistol.


I would go as far as to say, use FW Kharns helm if you have it kicking about, if not I can send you mine at the end of the month, maybe add the veteran bunny ears to his FW helm but keep them plain as he is not yet the Betrayer.


I like the fact that you are putting the bare arm on the same side as 40K  Khârn, unlike the Fw model. Although the FW Khârn arm might look cool as if he has just finished a vicious swing and is looking for his new target.


Alternately a bare arm from the Chaos or catachan range with some fine jewellers chain around it might also look good


Another consideration, and a test for your x-acto skills might be to use SW 13th company pads Wulfen one on the bare arm, shaving off the SW symbols

Thanks Dantay a lot of great and mucn needed input.  


I have Khar's old 40k pistol with the skull i will be using. I ordered a load of WE heads from ebay including 30k FW Khârn so those two will help.


I want to find a ccompletely bare left army, i have some great gunmetal chains i am using for my WE and plan on wrapping it around his arm.


I also have a spare gore child i will be using.  The above model is more or less just to get the pose and angles right.

Thanks recon! Good hearing from ya, your input is always welcome!


A bit more work done. These are from my first batch so the Sculpts are a bit rough.


Waiting for a lot of bits to come in then I can really get rolling.




Thanks guys, im pretty happy haha these guys are a bit of a mess paint and sculpt wise. I really should have been patient. I painted thes before my hobby lamp came in. Next batch is looking much cleaner.


Dantay: I love these chains great color and will really help hide some of the ugliness haha.


They are a 2X1.5mm gunmetal chains from amazon 6 bucks for 5 yards. I love them cuz the color is perfect, all i will need to do is weather em up a bit.

Pretty good update.


Got a lot of oils done. Still need chains skulls and blood but getting there. Really happy with red on shoulders not so much on packs. Also still waiting on left we pads from fw








Edited by betrayer41

Thanks Fellas!


@Dantay: I love these bases they are actually from Ebay this guy makes alot of great bases and they usually get to me same week so much quicker turnaroun time.


@Dusk: I agree i think theyre fine now, but yes i think there needs to be some more metal to really help em pop.


I will be doing a bit more oils and then chains and skulls tonight hopefully.

Thanks everyone. Now that most of the experimeting with kits and colors are done i feel alot better about just sitting down and knockin stuff out. Waiting for ALOT of  bits to come in. So while i wait ill be starting on a land raider, kharybdis or whatever and a spartan

Got some more marines primes.


Also started playing around with my chaos lord... he’s kinda huge






So i know nothing about 40k how would one equip a world eater chaos lord haha

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