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Hi all,


I don't often venture out of the Blood Angels subforum, but I'm looking for help on painting my Sniper Scouts and that seemed more appropriate here. The official paint scheme for Scouts has always bothered me. Bright white pants for a bunch of dudes that are supposed to be under cover, never worked for me.


I wanted to paint them more like Special Ops troops and go for a mostly black color scheme, but I don't think that will work as I still need some variance in colors so they stand out. I probably should have a bit of red in there as well so they tie back to the rest of my army.


I was thinking of something like this:




Anyway have any idea or has done something similar?



You could use a real dark black for the armoured parts, and i mean a red thats almost black.

Then do the pants in a dark desaturated blue, something like Dark Sea Blue from Vallejo, mixed with some neutral grey.

I agree with Bung on using a really dark red for the armour, and near black for the fatigues.

For my Mentor scouts I did the cloth areas back highlighted up to Thunderhawk blue.


I considered replacing the green with a more camo-ish green (say, Deathworld Forest), doing the white as a dark grey and toning down the chapter icon too. Like how modern fighter planes still have insignia but it's dulled down. But I chickened out :D

Go for it.

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