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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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He is, and I'm sure he'll share more cool ideas down the line. @Blindhamster did you use the imperium issue cap for the base? I've gotten him a while back and have been thinking of ways to swap arms to change his pose. Edited by Silas7
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  • 11 months later...

Another small update, technically its part of a bigger one, but i don't really feel like posting pictures of loads of bases.

However these heavy intercessors old bases were not very good (I'd had a go at press molding some details from other bases, just didn't like the result, and when I started painting them, they were even worse. Therefore I made new bases from scratch (plasticard, some scultping, some textured plasticard, a bit of brass and a bit of resin plus stones and sand.

Quite happy with how they look :) Also had a bit of fun with some quick and dirty freehand for the heavy bolter marine.




For anyone interested, the reason I'm working on bases, is my eyesight is a lot worse, and I struggle with detail work generally, I also came to the conclusion that red models with bases looks better than half finished (or barely started models) with bases not done at all.

All the bases will eventually get weathering effects once I have the actual models painted I think.

Edited by Blindhamster
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4 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Sorry to hear about your health issues. :sad: 


I do like the work you've put into the bases - they definitely look good. :biggrin:

Thanks, I’ve had terrible eyesight all my life but when I was young I had particularly strong focusing capabilities apparently, getting older those start to get worse, I do have magnifiers which I’ll use when I get back to painting the actual marines :)


I need to add some rust and stuff to them but I’m quite happy, I didn’t want them being too over the top, but I like adding little details, I do have razor wire and things to add from time to time too

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Continued with basing "fun", will add powders and grass once the marines actually get painted.


Some bladeguard, these have converted swords because I wanted a more blood angels vibe. Also started playing with skin tones.



Some more, again with sword swaps, and a custom shoulder pad:



Bladeguard Lieutenant and Ancient:



IMG_2688 (2).JPG


Group shot!



More basing progress:



Progress on my main captain in his two armour forms:



Oh and I started on Dante (because what self respecting blood angel hasn't!)


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On 4/23/2023 at 1:25 PM, Blindhamster said:

I do have magnifiers which I’ll use when I get back to painting the actual marines :)

I'm considering getting some kind of magnifying glasses or visor - which ones do you have and would you recommend them?


The minis look great too of course. I particularly like the captain with multiple armour options!

Edited by Nexus17
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4 hours ago, Nexus17 said:

I'm considering getting some kind of magnifying glasses or visor - which ones do you have and would you recommend them?


The minis look great too of course. I particularly like the captain with multiple armour options!

I have these:



They're pretty good, take some getting used to and I personally find I can't do long sessions with them without getting some eye strain, but they do allow me to do the odd bit of detail when I want to (such as the faces in this thread)

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They look good - I do like your bases, and the skin tone you're using is nice :smile: 


9 hours ago, Nexus17 said:

I'm considering getting some kind of magnifying glasses or visor - which ones do you have and would you recommend them?

I'm not Blindhamster, but I bought an Optivisor with 1.5x magnification lens, and it's been great - the only thing I could really criticise it for is a relatively narrow field of view. It is expensive, though (there are "imitation" products on Amazon - I bought one for a relative, and the lenses are fine, but the visor is noticeably left comfortable). I asked this question on here some time ago - I don't know if the replies are any help?

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8 hours ago, Blindhamster said:

I have these:



They're pretty good, take some getting used to and I personally find I can't do long sessions with them without getting some eye strain, but they do allow me to do the odd bit of detail when I want to (such as the faces in this thread)

I can also recommend going to your local pharmacy / drug store and getting some 3x magnification non-prescription reading glasses as a cheaper, and more readily available option :thumbsup:

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50 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

I can also recommend going to your local pharmacy / drug store and getting some 3x magnification non-prescription reading glasses as a cheaper, and more readily available option :thumbsup:

not helpful if you already wear high perscription glasses like myself, but yes for anyone with "normal" eyes, totally agree!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been chugging away at things. I've got a pretty substantial portion of my models now based, I've also got the vast majority now in the correct shade of red (50:50 evil sunz and mephiston), I've got the helmets and neck seals updated to correct colours where needed and bare heads done to a basic level more or less across the board (with some progressed furhter than others, but again the skittles are present on their armoured part of the bare heads where necessary lol).


I also started blocking in details on the invader ATV, I'm not a huge fan tbh, but it's grown on me as I've been painting.


3 outriders, a turret, 3 suppressors, doom sergeant, 10 hellblasters, 10 assault intercessors, 10 veteran assault intercessors, 30 intercessors, chaplain on bike, chaplain, indomitus captain, judiciar, phobos librarian, librarian, techmarine, storm speeder, invader atv, 13 lieutenants (lmao)



9 inceptors, invictus warsuit, brutalis, redemptor, 20 intercessors, 10 veteran intercessors, 10 rievers, 10 incursors, 10 hellblasters, 10 infiltrators, 5 heavy intercessors, 6 bladeguard, mephiston, captain, gravis captain, apothecary, librarian, champion, chaplain oh and 3 different ancients



The Gladius and two repulsors need the correct red to be done. Only the Astreus and one impulsor have their bases done. Can also see minor progress on Dante, plus my captain.



unbased things, in the case of the rievers and the bunker not even in the right shade of red. those barely started marines will be death company.



Current workbench:

5 bolter aggressors, 3 flamer aggressors, 6 eliminators and a phobos strike team. All need their red sorting, and basing done and bare heads/helmets at least blocked in.


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On 5/15/2023 at 10:19 PM, Naryn said:

Wow, that gold is really juicy. I love how it pops!

Thanks, think it may just be camera being helpful tbh! the gold on most models is currently just a retributor armour base with a layer of gulliman flesh all over and/or riekland flesh in the recesses!



on the topic of progress though... phobos strike team are now roughly at the same place as most other models:



would be interested to know opinions on colours for the medica marine and two techmarine-esq ones. All red as they are now? or lots of white panels?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still chipping away at things, still primarily focused on bases, blocking in the correct red and getting some core colours blocked in on things.


Aggressors (I've got one more bolter aggressor to build, he'll be posed with one arm shooting to the side, the other lowered.

IMG_2797 (2).JPG


Las fusil eliminators (Need to work out precisely what I'm doing wit hthe camo, I startred with the sand colour to go with the predominant colour ofthe bases, thinking of doing irregular large triangles in grey and smaller irregular triangles in karak stone perhaps?

IMG_2798 (2).JPG


I'm currently working on getting a set of 3 bolter eliminators to the same state.


Once the above are blocked in, I'll build the remaining agressor, then have 3 flamestorm aggressors to base and block in colours on... next is 9 eradicators and 5 rievers with carbines, plus a bolt rifle gravis captain and phobos captain, then thats all my currently built things based (minus a couple of vehicles).


So next building will be 5 more heavy intercessors and 10 desolators and 10 DC intercessors... for the last one I want to look at how I can make them look a bit more aggressive in terms of poses.

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