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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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So, for the scouts, Ive blocked in the black fully, including the black leather areas with my brown+green mix.


But I've been a bit distracted with building things as the death company box arrived...





Close ups:










I'm pretty happy with these, I sculpted the sergeants chest blood drop, then press molded it to do the assault canon.


I've also started on death company, got the blood drops on 5 torsos done so far (I'll put them in a spoiler block as they're unfinished models from a build perspective, just showing progress):






Much like the terminators, I sculpted one, then push molded the rest, then touched up with a sculpting tool once partiall cured.


I've also built my Lemartes, really nice model!



and finally, my astorath, this ended up being very painful to do, I messed up a number of things but had to just keep going. I wanted a pose more like the artwork of him, ended up sculpting the right arm in its entirety above the elbow, and a chunk of the left arm too. It's not perfect, but I think to make it perfect, I'd have needed to replace the arms entirely. The right shoulder (his right), isnt stuck on yet, I'm giving it more time to cure then I'll look at adjusting its position a little.



Some other angles:







Edited by Blindhamster
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I LOVE that Astorath repose!  There was someone on Reddit who did it similar, but didn't do any resculpting; they just cut the left hand at the wrist and green stuff+pinned the hand in, and then just kinda dealt with a more awkward elbow.  Yours and theirs are way closer to that artwork we were discussing in that other thread, as opposed to looking more like the old version (Which I hate).


Here's their pic;


I like yours with the axe being lower, but this might be an option for anyone else who's looking at him and thinking of reposing the arms (AKA me LOL).

Also great work on your chest blood drops; you've got that down to a science!

Edited by DemonGSides
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Cheers, yeah I’d seen that one on Facebook actually, and liked it but knew I wanted the axe lower than that. Definitely a viable and no doubt less stressful solution. Fair to say I had the sinking feeling of “what have I done” at a few points working on it.


for anyone interested the arm without the pad is attached here. 





Also great work on your chest blood drops; you've got that down to a science!

 Thanks, yeah I do like a bit of bling, and my favourite thing to change out is typically the imperialis skull for a blood drop.


if it’s useful, I usually take a fair bit of time sculpting one model, then I push mold that with miliput - miliput will hold the sharper details better than most things from my experience, and it’s a bit more durable. I can then just replicate that on other models, saving time.

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Great sculpting with that arm and I like that pose. I'm not going to be that brave though and just stick to his regular pose, lol.


The chest blood drops on the Terminators came out really well. I thought about doing the same but the gap between the wings looked pretty big if removing the skull and I wasn't sure I would be able to get the blood drop to fill the space without it looking silly. But yours came out perfectly, so I will give that a go.


It would have been great if the Terminator chest peice on the upgrade sprue was just plain with the blood drop, then a separate peice that has the rope and vials you can add. I'm going to have so many of those chest peices left not getting used, seems a waste.

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The chest blood drops on the Terminators came out really well. I thought about doing the same but the gap between the wings looked pretty big if removing the skull and I wasn't sure I would be able to get the blood drop to fill the space without it looking silly. But yours came out perfectly, so I will give that a go.

I did have to sculpt an extra set of feathers and extend the ridged bit of the wings a bit to make it work, I found doing it in a couple of sittings helped a lot. 

look forward to seeing your results!


I'm hoping to get some miles out of the Assault Terminator kit of yore.  Combined with the chest piece I'll have at least one unit looking drippy b

That sounds cool, look forward to seeing them. I think the shape/size is different but you could probably press mold the designs onto a smoother out terminator torso

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