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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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getting closer, slowly... Still have precious little time on my hands, once this one is done I plan to try and batch paint things as I suspect that will help me make much better progress overall (worked with the helmets).

I need to paint the metal parts around his head and do something with his hair, paint script on the purity seals and paint the seal itself, plus finish the golds and silvers across the model. Once done I in theory need to do a final highlight on the red in specific points too. Oh and i need to finish the scroll on the left pad


Edited by Blindhamster
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Me again, my painting definitely gets me less feedback than my sculpting haha. At some point I'll do some more of that most likely.

Anyway, so I believe the Sergeant is "finished" He technically needs the pupils painted on his eyes and the gold stuff might get a small final highlight... maybe, but overall I'm pretty happy. Oh yeah, and he needs a name! Any suggestions? Needs to be short enough to go on the scroll on his shoulder!!


Beyond that, I've started on the next 5, nothing crazy yet, I've just given them two coats of the base colour (50:50 mephiston red and evil sunz)

I'd like some opinions on my captain too, I bought this guy:

So I have the head spare from him, do people think the hed I originally had planned or the one from the birthday captain would be a better fit:



Cheers all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I for one love your painting style. It isn't easy to pull off a bright color and keep it from looking "toy-like". You have that nailed down and the level of detailing that you put into a single figure is quite impressive.


Thankfully, "we" only have to paint a figure once! :)


Anyway, you are a master modeler and painter. Play on!

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Thanks Honda :) I'm slowly getting back into painting, I continue to have very limited time, but getting the odd half hour hear and there is helping.

Lol @LutherMax I'm not overly surprised you prefer the Aphael head, I'll still paint that head up and then make a final call, but the wife has spoken :P

I've gotten a little hobby time today, so sat down and made a concerted effort to do -something-

I've blacked out almost everything that should be black on the first 5 man squad of primaris marines, its just the chest eagles that I've not done. And I've started blocking in silver areas also. For two of the models I also added the darklining, but I mixed too much black in on the sergeant, so it's significantly darker than I want - will probably have to go over all of it on him.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Minor Update, haven't really had any time for hobby, too much travelling and work. But managed to sit down and do all the recess painting (50:50 khorne red and abaddon black painted in recesses). Also tidied up the red here and there, applied a new coat of black to the guns and did the base colour for the knees, eyes and purity seals.


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These are turning out to be really nice. Keep up the good work!



I'm gutted I didn't vow them now though, I think I would have stood a fair chance of getting them done with that extra motivation - I didn't touch them for 2.5 weeks!

Huh...I'm three pages late for this project. I should visit the WIP section more often. :D

Great work, Blindhamster! Can't wait to see more of it!

Thanks! I struggle to motivate myself with my limited free time. So will be slow going! But I'm already making better progress than on my main army

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Small progress update:

Silver areas on all helmets (except sergeants.. doh) have been blocked in and shaded, same goes for all the bolt rifles and the sergeants chainsword, I also base coated the purity seals, blocked in gold areas and gave them a bit of shading, tidied up bloack areas and did some cleaning up of red areas too.


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