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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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Thanks LutherMax!

So, this evening I decided to paint another face, mostly because I wanted to see if the other one was a one off success tbh.

I chose to paint one of the new BA primaris heads, and I have to say... they do not have such harsh lines, which makes it significantly more difficult to get the contrast on the skin. Anyway, It's not finished, I still need to do another highlight and probably try and push the shadows a bit more, plus touch up the left side of the lip a bit and do the hair etc (its currently just ushbati bone with a sepia wash to give a general idea..)



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So, I've not had much time for stuff the last couple of days, works been manic today and yesterday, sunday I ran the 23rd session of my elderscrolls pen and paper campaign and saw the end to the second arc.

But I did sort out the teeth on the captains head:


I also had a play with the BA lieutenant:


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Although not usually a Blood Angel fan in any way (though they are a definitely better than those dubious Dark Angels... :P ) I must say I really love your work. The red is bright and pops nicely without seeming garish or cartoony.


As for the heads, you show a level of skill and attention to detail on your flesh tones which leaves me speechless and to which I could not hope to aspire. Extremely impressive.


I am really looking forward to seeing what you produce next. :)





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So, I've not had much time for stuff the last couple of days, works been manic today and yesterday, sunday I ran the 23rd session of my elderscrolls pen and paper campaign and saw the end to the second arc.

But I did sort out the teeth on the captains head:


I also had a play with the BA lieutenant:


That face is great! Crisp and menacing, i love it! The magnifier is working i see :)

But honestly that little conversion on the lieutenant is totally awesome! I may have to stole it :blush.:

Well done brother!


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Cheers LordValrak, you can steel away :) it's an easy conversion and makes for a good (reversed) representation of art from the codex)


Thanks Greymane, really appreciate the feedback, I really wanted to emulate the brighter eavy metal look with these as any other BA I've done have always been dark red and I've always liked the brighter red but never felt I could do it justice.


Cheers Ephrael, might have to wait a while considering how slow a painter I am.ive gotten side tracked by faces recently so still need to get the second intercessor squad to the same level as the first!


Thanks ToyShip, I'm painting yet another face now (my warden of the bloods one).


Thanks Anamnesis, appreciate the kind words considering your god-like level of skill at precision painting :D


Glad everyone likes the lieutenant conversion, it's been on my to-do list since the model arrived but needed more reiver arms first!

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Hey BrotherJim

It's the recipe that David Perryman used to paint the official BA intercessors that were shown as part of dark imperium.

  • undercoat with mephiston red
  • basecoat with 50:50 mephiston red/evil sunz scarlet
  • paint recesses with 50:50 khorne red/abaddon black
  • chunky edge highlight of evil sunz scarlet on all edges
  • thinner highlight of troll slayer orange on all edges
  • thinner highlight of fire dragon bright on most edges
  • thinner highlight of tau light ochre on corners
  • spot highlight of tau light ochre + white on sharpest points

quoted from a different post:

Okay, so if you want the style the eavy metal primaris used, I can tell you exactly what dave perryman (the man that painted them) did:

Hello sorry for the slow response. Here is the complete recipe I hope it helps. Basecoat 50/50 Mephiston Red & Evil Suns Red. Shade: Khorne Red & Black, you can do a soft shade of just Khorne but for consistency the shade is lined in to the recesses. First chunky highlight is Evil Suns followed by Troll Slayer Orange, sharp highlight Fire Dragon Bright around all edges, corner highlight Tau Light Ochre and add white for any extreme corners or where the light would hit. Thats it really, if you have any other questions please let me know

I followed up saying:

Thanks! I had guessed correctly on it being 50:50 then, that's good 1f642.png

I used the mephiston red spray to undercoat and then had started giving models a couple of coats of those two.

Interesting on the shading, I don't think I'd have guessed that! Did you use something to make the fire dragon bright less bright? Like a glaze or anything?

They're absolutely wonderful by the way, really captured an old school 2nd ed vibe that instantly made me want to try and replicate it (although I don't have the skill you have!)

Thanks agai

to which david said:

No glazes used on these. If the Fire Dragon is too bright you could mix it with the Troll Slayer. The key is sharpness for marines, ideally each successive high light should be thinner than the previous, this creates the illusion of a smooth transition, so start off chunky enough that you can get your other highlights in and pay attention to where your lightsource is which is usually above the miniature, so your lightest highlights will be along the top edges of armor panels.

Hope that helps!

and my attempt at following the guide (I will definitely (probably) have more examples at some point)...


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So... Having done the head above, I want to go back and replace the head on the two marines I've already done, the magnifier does help get things nice and neat...

anyway, I did pupils! Technically I did pupils on all three models, but this is the only one I bothered to get pictures of for now lol


@blindhamster unbelievable work throughout. Looking forward to more.


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Cheers guys :)

First of all, Happy New Year everyone, I hope everyone also had a lovely Christmas (assuming you celebrate, and if not, that you are happy anyway!)

So, I've not had much chance for hobby time, I've had visitors or been away since the 22nd of December, and managed to grab enough time for a couple of specific tasks...



(larger picture here)

This is my gaming table (technically half of it, but I need another 4 table sections and more scenery to use the second half) I will be aiming to get all the greys and silvers blocked in and drybrushing the board itself over the next couple of days, I've got some friends coming over for my 30th on the 6th and intend to get some gaming in :D

So, Blindhamster, what else have you been doing?

Truth be told, not much, I had to write a character background and make said character for a starfinder campaign im playing in that starts on the 7th and I've been very busy with kids, parents, extended family and the whole christmas thing!

But I did do these chaps faces:


Hellblaster Sergeant, i still need to do the service stud and highlight the silver - speaking of, thoughts on leaving the rebreather silver? or should i do a blue plate on it to help him fit in with his squad? Larger pics Here and Here.


Sword of Sanguinius (aggressive lieutenant) face is also done, quite happy with this (hair is just placeholder as with the rest for now). Best thing about it was that it was very quick, probably 45 mins total (huge speed improvement for me). Larger pics Here, Here and Here.

Finally, a little group shot of the stuff thats had some paint splattered on it so far, only the anniversary sergeant is finished, the front right squad is the intended level I want it all at before I go back and bring it up to anniversary sergeant level - i want an army I can game with and not feel bad about. My only areas I plan to put in a lot of effort in at this stage are faces and probably helmets, because they're focal points for models.


larger picture Here

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I'm loving this thread so far, and have unashamedly stolen the recipe for the red armour for the Blood Angels force I've just started.  I've almost painted the Primaris Lieutenant, just got the tabard and the sword to complete and then I'll throw a thread up somewhere on here.


What colour are you intending to do the tabard(s) throughout your force?


Keep up the great work! 

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Looking good. Your plog may have been a contributing factor in my decision to take a break from my heresy BA project.


Thanks, i am honoured :) if you do a plog, link me? :)



I'm loving this thread so far, and have unashamedly stolen the recipe for the red armour for the Blood Angels force I've just started.  I've almost painted the Primaris Lieutenant, just got the tabard and the sword to complete and then I'll throw a thread up somewhere on here.


What colour are you intending to do the tabard(s) throughout your force?


Keep up the great work! 

Cheers! glad the recipe is useful to someone else, as soon as i saw the models at warhammer fest last year i knew i wanted mine to have a similar look, so when white dwarf gave a name, I found him on facebook and asked exactly how they were done :D I dont have his skill but I'm pretty happy with the results anyway.


I look forward to seeing yours! do link me when you put something up please.


as for tabards, probably go with a classic off-white boney sort of colour, like the official models. But i won't know for sure till i get that far.

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as a general aside, I bought the snap fit aggressors, have built and basecoated them. Quite nice as they were quick to do, though i missed a few minor mold lines.

I am currently painting bases for my plasma inceptors too.

I have 15 more intercessors to build, planning to do 10 with auto bolt rifles and 5 with stalker bolt rifles, just to give me some more options in the army.

oh and i fixed the left eye on the sword of sanguinius lieutenant as I realised (from the pics i posted) that it was a bit oddly shaped





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oh and i fixed the left eye on the sword of sanguinius lieutenant as I realised (from the pics i posted) that it was a bit oddly shaped

Didn't want to nitpick so i'm very glad you fixed it, also when you have time would you go into more detail on how you adjusted the LT's sword arm? I was planning on cutting at the wrist and maybe using a sang guard encarmine blade for a swap but it sounds like you did an arm swap with a reiver?

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