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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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the hair is currently just bleached bone with a sepia wash over it. I'll do more with it eventually, probably highlight with bleached bone and maybe a little screaming skull eventually.






oh and i fixed the left eye on the sword of sanguinius lieutenant as I realised (from the pics i posted) that it was a bit oddly shaped

Didn't want to nitpick so i'm very glad you fixed it, also when you have time would you go into more detail on how you adjusted the LT's sword arm? I was planning on cutting at the wrist and maybe using a sang guard encarmine blade for a swap but it sounds like you did an arm swap with a reiver?



yeah the moment I saw the eye in the picture i sighed lol.


for the arm it was:


the lieutenant arm from below the elbow.

a reiver arm that had the right general pose to it which i removed the arm below the elbow and attached the lieutenant part to.


really was that simple :) (If i do it again i'll take photos)

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Thanks both :)


Btw @Silas7 (and anyone else) please don't hesitate to point out areas for improvement, even though the plan is to get things to the relatively simple standard of the squad I have so far first, I do intend to then bring them up to a higher level so feedback will help for that.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

I've not done a whole lot since my last post I don't think - I've painted some bases and base coated various things and built a fair number of other things, I believe I've painted a few more heads as well.

I also got the super heavy grav tank, which has been build and partially undercoated, will get photos of that when I have some time (along with various other things).

But as part of Blood & Zeal, I had hoped to try and do my gravis captain, however life commitments meant I didnt get to start it till thursday and then more commitments meant I didn't get much time over the weekend...

So here is my progress, I suspect I shall fail my vow (which sucks), but i'd rather do that than rush the model honestly.

So here is my current progress:


I've asked LutherMax for some help with conceptionalising the fur cloak he's meant to have, the version the art has simply won't look good on an actual model (going over the backpack). I need to add some detail to both shoulderpads (chapter symbol on left and probably a winged blood drop like my tycho had for the right, possibly a smaller less OTT one). Plus a few blood drop pendants here and there.

The loin cloth also needs to be smoothed out.

parts list so far:

Iron Halo - Terminator Captain

Head - BA upgrades

Sword - Sanguinary Guard

lower sword arm and all fist arm, back, upper torso and legs - Gravis Captain

Pelvis - aggressor

upper right arm and shoulder - aggressor


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What an awesome army! Your work on the faces is particularly impressive and the magnifier seems to be a great idea.


I'm currently painting up my Death Guard, so I'm not doing anything so clean, but in the future this will be really helpful for me.


I can't wait to see them all finished up as a whole army. Well done!

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hehehe... finished whole army... lol... hehe.

I really am hoping to make real progress with these, already i've made more with them than i had with the stupid number of regular astartes I had, but im still incredibly slow. I appreciate the kind words!

Captain undercoated. No Cloak for now. May add one eventually... maybe.


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a few of the other bits I've been doing:

Intercessor sergeant I made the moment we got power swords (totally due to me constantly messaging them on facebook with stuff to prove why we should get them...)


a shot of all the Intercessors I'd built, i've since made a couple extra models and shuffled which models are in each unit around a bit. Buying another set today to do for Blood and Zeal and bump it to full size squads.


And my Astraeus super heavy alongside a tarantula turret, both of which has had the undercoating begun since this picture was done.


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There are no obvious gaps left on mine but it took a couple of days of cleaning to sort out.

I noticed you have a few broken aerials as well, mine has the exact same ones broken which is a shame.

What? Where?? Haven't noticed for the moment :huh.:

little one on the top section that slots in... I've got your picture and highlighted it:


anyway, as for filling, I didn't have to do a fat lot on the top or sides, managed to get all that fitting very nicely with a little filing and a lot of hot water/hair dryer time.

bottom had a lot to deal with, some of the parts were a bit "rugged" around the end (forgeworld even sent me replacement parts for the main hull... but the replacement was even worse than the original so i used the original).


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Aftyer a pretty long hiatus where all I have done since the above picture is make sure everything is basecoated, I will be looking to get back to these again. Life has been very busy, as I'm sure many others experience on a regular basis too.

Also looking to get into kill team when that comes out and will likely make a primaris unit for that depending on options.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Excellent work Blindhamster!

Soon I'll start a primaris army too. Having painted everything from 2nd edition until today as 2nd company, the primaris will be 3rd company, it also fits with them having a new captain too.

My style is similar (though no as well painted :smile.: ), so I connect with your work.


Hey, thanks :) my painting is pretty basic honestly, I don't practice anywhere near enough. But I definitely appreciate the kind words. I look forward to seeing yours when you get started!



We want updates!



With pictures!

What they said ^^



Well that went well.




Really struggled to be motivated for painting lately, so much going on at home and with other hobbies (I am a DM in multiple roleplaying games plus a player in another) alongside family life with my wife and two boys its just incredibly hard to be in a painting mood at a time when i am actually able to do it.


I want to sort out the Astreus, so need to get the base colours for it sorted, I started brushing on red last night, but at the size of it that is feeling like a pretty thankless task...



In other news, I picked up kill team and the industrial kill zone to go with it, have built a bunch of the scenery, but not all of it yet, very cool stuff.



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So, super small update, Astreus has been base coated with mephiston red followed by the 50:50 mix of mephiston red and evil sunz red, and I've started slowly doing the base highlights of pure evil sunz before i then have to work up to the lighter colours as described earlier in this blog lol. Plan is to get the evil sunz ones done, then black out all the black areas and paint in all the recesses, before going back to the red to do "real" highlights...

Probably not very exciting, I technically could post pictures of models I built since the last update, or bases I started doing or scenery I guess. But it's been so long since I posted anything I thought I'd start small...

Tank after base coats were done:


Highlight progress... red remains a rubbish colour to take photos of, especially when its these early phase highlights - the turrets have had them and the front right upper section and middle of upper hull have also had them... its something right?


There are other pictures as always of course in the gallery:


But I guess they arent terribly exciting lol.

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