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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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Thanks, I've now done a first highlight, it's subtle in real life (it is afterall made using evil sunz which is also a part of the base colour), so fairly hard to see in the pictures, but the entire thing has had it... now i shall be doing recesses and blacking stuff out...



However, the real reason for this post, is to show off my four year olds painting :P


He base painted it, dry brushed it and washed it. I painted the gold trim on the left arm and the left eye, the rest was him :)

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My best memories are hobbying with my dad, he's gonna cherish those memories forever.

I never had that, but I hope so :) my wife approves too as it's a good way to practice his fine motor skills. He doesn't have the attention span to do it for long yet but he gives a good effort. I subscribed to warhammer conquest to make armies for both my boys (my youngest is far too young for now but it'll take time to get them all anyway)

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I can definitely say that tinkering around with my father was what got me into this hobby; whether it was building up and painting Airfix or messing around with some woodwork in the garage, those memories are definitely some of my most cherished, so I'd agree it's a great move that you'll both appreciate.

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  • 2 months later...

However, the real reason for this post, is to show off my four year olds painting :tongue.:


He base painted it, dry brushed it and washed it. I painted the gold trim on the left arm and the left eye, the rest was him :smile.:

I mean, for four that's pretty excellent work! Get him to the stage where he can basecoat your models then you take care of the details and get a production line going.

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Thanks! Maybe you could do a mixed force of sons of sanguinius? I think that would be a pretty striking primaris force!


It's a shame I suck at making progress, I really thought I stood a good chance of getting the Astraeus done for Rage to Salvation, but with the month of downtime of B&C I lost the motivation and work and home life have been pretty hectic since it came back up :( so it sits in an "in progress" stage which its been in for many weeks :(

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Thanks! Maybe you could do a mixed force of sons of sanguinius? I think that would be a pretty striking primaris force!


It's a shame I suck at making progress, I really thought I stood a good chance of getting the Astraeus done for Rage to Salvation, but with the month of downtime of B&C I lost the motivation and work and home life have been pretty hectic since it came back up :sad.: so it sits in an "in progress" stage which its been in for many weeks :sad.:


I know how you feel - I've had models sitting on my desk for a while, undercoated for months but untouched. Getting over that initial energy to sit down and apply some paint is the tough one.


Last weekend I made time, sat down and cranked out a trygon, got the main stuff done over a couple of stints. The detail work I've been chipping away at, 10 - 15 minutes before work, and hour in the evening, etc. It'll get done eventually!


Maybe pick a panel per night and finish it off, then go back to routine?

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My main problem with painting motivation is that I would have to set up my painting station all over again every time so if I have like half an our of time to paint things I'm not motivated due having to set up and pack away everything for half of that time. If I had everything set up so I could just go, pick up the brush and paint a little bit, I'd have much less of a problem with my motivation lol

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My main problem with painting motivation is that I would have to set up my painting station all over again every time so if I have like half an our of time to paint things I'm not motivated due having to set up and pack away everything for half of that time. If I had everything set up so I could just go, pick up the brush and paint a little bit, I'd have much less of a problem with my motivation lol


I get this - I have the luxury of being able to leave my stuff out all the time, but have considered GW's paint stations if I ever have to have more space - open the briefcase, paint some stuff, close and put the models away. 



Thanks, i'll give it a go, see if i can get some kind of painting routine going on! I hate blocking in colours lol


Same here - things tend to cascade once those base colours are all done. 

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks, i'll give it a go, see if i can get some kind of painting routine going on! I hate blocking in colours lol


Really?  Blocking in colors is my favorite part of painting figures; what I really hate is basecoating.  Due to space constraints and a toddler in the house I can't invest in an airbrush and basecoating by brush is a real killjoy, especially when painting multiple marines at once.

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  • 4 months later...

I really can’t say that I like primaris marines, because their plot-armour and birth into 40k is way too convenient. In other words, I abhor the girlyman and his armies of goons. They’d do good as true scale marines though.



But man. You’ve really stepped up your painting skills!! All of these look super good! Nice clean highlights, great colour on the red, yellow and the lenses are superb. I like your conversions as well.


So while this might’ve started off as a rant, let me say I’m looking forward to seeing more of your primarines! :)



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Primaris aren't Guilliman's (please don't use derogatory meme names) 'goons', every Primaris created after the first batch is exactly the same as a regular Marine except for having a bigger body since they get recruited and tought the same way regular Marines get. They also don't really have any more plot armour than regular Marines have general either.

The introduction was a bit hamfisted, I'll give you that though.

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It may please you to know that I've actually been painting again a bit for the first time in a long time.

Managed to start taking some stuff to work so getting a little in in my lunch breaks, slow progress but progress nonetheless! I've created a rough list based on stuff I'd started and set myself the goal of getting it done. It won't be a good quality army in terms of performance, but it'll be the most progress I've ever made on an actual army if I can get through it :D

Primaris Captain (power sword, auto bolt rifle)
Primaris Lieutenant (power sword)

10 man Intercessor Squad (power sword, bolt rifles, aux grenade launcher)

10 man Intercessor Squad (chainsword, bolt rifles, aux grenade launcher) - Bonus sergeant with fist

10 man Infiltrator Squad

6 man assault bolter inceptor squad

3 man plasma inceptor squad

3 man suppressor squad

3 man eliminator squad

10 man hellblaster squad


1688 (or 1697) points

I'll get some photos tomorrow maybe, but most of the above has had their bases done, the intercessors have all had the black areas blocked in with some being further along than that, i've started on painting in the recesses slowly but surely.

I also started working on pretty much every one of the bare heads for the entire collection (except riever ones). Made reasonable progress on them too.

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Primaris aren't Guilliman's (please don't use derogatory meme names) 'goons', every Primaris created after the first batch is exactly the same as a regular Marine except for having a bigger body since they get recruited and tought the same way regular Marines get. They also don't really have any more plot armour than regular Marines have general either.

The introduction was a bit hamfisted, I'll give you that though.

Not going to derail this thread more than I have already, but I disagree on both points. Feel free to shoot me a pm if you’re inclined to discuss this further.




Nice pan-view, Blindhamster! Can’t wait to see them finished!



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Love this stuff. I'm planning on doing an all Primaris Ultras army once I've reached a good stopping point in my Death Guard, and this is great inspiration for all that you can do with primaris minis. Excellent job.


Thanks! Honestly I think a strength of primaris models is that they look pretty nice without much effort, but adding a few minor conversions here and there, dropping in some embossed pads, replacing the skull in the chest eagle, some other ornamentation etc can go a long way to helping individualise models. You can't get away from duplicate poses in the army, and in my case I've actually got duplicate poses in certain squads - although thats through choice. I decided to intentionally try and theme certain squads, so for example I have three of the stand and shoot dudes from Dark Imperium in one squad, I've done shoulder pad replacements and head swaps etc but the idea that the squad are in shooting stances is a theme so it works (sergeant is the 30 year anniversary sergeant too).


I just wish i was faster at painting!



Primaris aren't Guilliman's (please don't use derogatory meme names) 'goons', every Primaris created after the first batch is exactly the same as a regular Marine except for having a bigger body since they get recruited and tought the same way regular Marines get. They also don't really have any more plot armour than regular Marines have general either.

The introduction was a bit hamfisted, I'll give you that though.

Not going to derail this thread more than I have already, but I disagree on both points. Feel free to shoot me a pm if you’re inclined to discuss this further.




Nice pan-view, Blindhamster! Can’t wait to see them finished!





So, seeing as it's my thread i am going to derail it slightly:

- Primaris are not Guillimans goons, their inception in the fluff has them as commissioned by him, but sfPanzer is right, the majority by current timeline were created as part of the actual chapters and never served with Guilliman, this is actually especially true of the Blood Angels as we know a large number were created post devastation of Baal as the chapter was utterly decimated (again). Similarly, many chapters were not given a tithe of primaris at all, instead they were just given the tech to make their own (spears of the emperor are a good example of this). So most primaris in the imperium know exactly nothing about Guilliman, or at least, nothing more than other marines.

- They really don't have any more plot armor than existing marines, in fact, in the two main novels to feature primaris heavily (dark imperium and plague war) the primaris are quite regularly shown as being held up and aided by their astartes brothers. And Primaris don't really have enough recurring characters to determine one way or another if they have plot armor or not yet, unlike many of the existing characters in marine armies.

- Their introduction into 40k was clearly rushed and lacked the detail or slower buildup it needed, seeing as they'd been working on them for years, some fluff tidbits dotted through codexes and novels about unusual or larger marines being seen or heard about (as part of their test runs) and some more time to build up Cawl would have worked wonders to make them more acceptable upon introduction. That being said, a lot of novels and other lore tidbits have happened since to help better fit them in (again spears of the emperor does an outstanding job of this). Ultimately their introduction was no more sudden and weird than when tau were introduced or dark eldar etc.


I definitely don't think it was handled perfectly, but it also could have been handled much worse, and I'm (clearly) happy with their introduction because it made me decide to effectively drop my current BA army and start over. But a part of that is simply that I love the models! I do understand that there are people that don't like their inclusion in the setting for various reasons and thats fine, but you should totally read spears of the emperor, ADB did a great job!



As for the painting, slow progress but getting there, It takes me about 30 mins to do the brown-lining on a single marine, so it's something i will be doing during lunch breaks, in the meantime I plan to block in the silver areas on the 22 intercessors I'm working on, and do the bases for the hellblasters, lieutenants and eliminators (because that will be the full army based then).


Watch this space!

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  • 9 months later...

So i moved, have a nice new large study/gaming room, my step father is making me an oak gaming table for the room too but wont be able to get it till after lockdown.

Anyway, i havent hobbied since the move in january till last weekend where i started a new captain model.

Thought i'd update this with some progress :smile.: I still need to finish the tabard (doing it in stages so i can smooth out and sand between to try and get a nice clean finish, hence the variation in colour to it), also will probably sculpt some hip armour. I am still planning to sculpt fur over the cloak and I need to decide what to do where the shield went on garadon, thinking of trimming it away and making an ornate clasp. Then adding a winged blood drop to his right shoulder.

Any suggestions for the left shoulder?





p.s. sorry for roughness on sculpting, i've not done any serious sculpting in probably a year.

Edited by Blindhamster
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I mean, I'll make the obvious recommendation and say "BA Gravis Shoulder" for his left shoulder. Maybe the Sergeant one?

Or if you have one to spare, the Blood Angels Terminator shoulder pads? Like, the fancy one in the bottom here, next to the arm (looks like part 39?)?

Edited by Gederas
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