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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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Was pointed out that the chest had a fist on it, somehow i'd missed that and thought it was a double headed eagle... anyway, as it wasn't...


quick note on where the head goes and the mess there - i had to scrape it to make it a bit deeper so the head would fit properly!

For cloak, i am rethinking sculpting fur as its meant to be the big leopard type thing like sanguinius has.. so need to work out a way to make a similar texture effect to sanguinius' model I think... Not sure if maybe better to just paint it?

Edited by Blindhamster
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I love the pose but the abs just don't work for me, they really need to be rounded and given more shape to fit the curved aesthetic of the rest of the Gravis Armor..

Was aiming for this:



Which appears quite angular to me, what i did is probably a little too angular, but not sure how i'd fix it honestly, the lower abs would need to be a fair bit narrower than the upper ones, which doesn't work as the torso would need to be wider :( Might try and tweak it a little though.

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so i started sculpting fur on the cloak like i would for a space wolf model, then realised that was a stupid idea because a leopard has very different fur. Looking at the Sanguinius model i came up with an alternative approach, which I *think* should look decent once painted.


I stippled on liquid greenstuff with a wide slightly older brush. Thoughts?

Edited by Blindhamster
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Huuuuge fan of the conversion! Maybe one of the right pauldrons of FW's Angel's Tears would look decent on him?


Regarding the cloak: I think the texture could work, but the shape might take away from the idea that it's a pelt.

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Bit of an update, still have some cleanup and tidying to do (where the lower portion of cloak joins up and a bit more smoothing on tabard for example), The head isn't stuck in place and i'll review the choice in base he is on. But here he is as he currently stands



Left Side:


Right side:



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I like him a lot so far. The angular abs don't bother me, I actually like small deviations from armour types. I would imagine the techmarines of the chapter just come up with their own modifications or "custom jobs" to honour specific heroes from time to time, why not? But I'm always in team "artistic license" anyway :biggrin.:...
Interesting texture on the cape as well.

Edited by ranulf the revenant
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I like him a lot so far. The angular abs don't bother me, I actually like small deviations from armour types. I would imagine the techmarines of the chapter just come up with their own modifications or "custom jobs" to honour specific heroes from time to time, why not? But I'm always in team "artistic license" anyway :biggrin.:...

Interesting texture on the cape as well.

the abs are actually not angular anymore, or rather the dont have the harsh angle on the sides and curve instead. But i guess they're angular in that they overlap eachother.



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Ok that is a solid improvement as far as I am concerned and I am looking forward to seeing it painted, very well done BH.


EDIT: One final suggestion, the gap between the abs plates and the crotchpiece looks strange and I believe it does not exist in the regular Gravis armor, maybe that needs to be filled and smoothed out?

Edited by appiah5
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Hey brother! Can't believe I haven't said 'hello' here yet! :)

Fantastic works here and great job on the recent captain! Really unique.
The abs is just fine, the hair also look good. Love the overall pose and can't wait to see it painted!

Hows your Astraeus btw?

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Ok that is a solid improvement as far as I am concerned and I am looking forward to seeing it painted, very well done BH.


EDIT: One final suggestion, the gap between the abs plates and the crotchpiece looks strange and I believe it does not exist in the regular Gravis armor, maybe that needs to be filled and smoothed out?


Hey, thanks, appreciate it! In terms of the gap, the art has it, the other models don't because of the very bulky ropes that sit where the gap would in theory be, but the garadon model actually does have it even on his base model.


Hey brother! Can't believe I haven't said 'hello' here yet! :smile.:

Fantastic works here and great job on the recent captain! Really unique.

The abs is just fine, the hair also look good. Love the overall pose and can't wait to see it painted!


Hows your Astraeus btw?


Thanks and welcome! The pose is inspired more by the gravis captain art found in the gravis captain entry of the code (just not running), im hoping hair looks good when painted, its still possible I'll have to redo the hair though.


Astraeus remains how it was in the last image more or less - i painted the grav plates and some other black areas but it got left by the wayside after a few games with it. I'm terrible at completing projects as I always have so much on.


The stippled greenstuff looks great for leopard fur.

Thanks, was a bit worried how it would turn out, but pretty happy with the effect overall - particularly as it'll differentiate it from the tabard/loin cloth

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That captain is off the chain! I too have been looking at making one myself, it’s such an awesome pic. What was your bits list if I may ask?

nothing crazy.


most of tor garaddon

sword and head from the dark angel character

right lower arm and left boltstorm gauntlet were from a gravis captain

upper left arm was from an inceptor

right shoulder was from the BA upgrade set

left knee was from a sanguinary guard set of legs

iron halo thing was from a terminator captain

ammo feed was from a company i cant remember - they sell flexible resin ammo feeds and cables, i bought them a couple of years ago now.

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