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Blindhamsters Blood Angels


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  • 3 weeks later...

Progress on my captain, which I'm painting for the Lock-down Painting Challenge.

I've done the basecoat of 50:50 mephiston and evil sunz, and applied a glaze of khorne red to some areas, plus the recess shading of black & mephiston.

Golds been started, some of the black areas (soft armour and wings) have been started and white bits have been base coated too (wings on sword are slightly further along).

All a bit rough and ready atm still, the dark recess shading is a bit too rough and needs some further neatening up, but i'll mostly handle that with the next step on the red (evil sunz highlight)






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  • 1 month later...

Made a bit of progress on my gravis captain.

I decided to replace the sword and halo, i also resculpted the tabard. I've painted the cloak twice, pretty happy with the second attempt honestly.

My eyes are not what they were (sucky thing to say at 32) so its a real struggle to do any kind of detail work, but the magnifying glasses i got before are helping a bit. In terms of actual progress, shading has been done on just about everything, the red has had recesses painted and a glaze of khorne red in logical areas, the tabard is more or less done, the cloak is more or less done, the rest isn't!






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The Gravis CAPT looks great! What will you put under his raised foot? Rocks or other terrain features? Skulls or other remains of those he killed in battle?

Im thinking probably some broken rubble and perhaps some bent metal - to show how weight. It was tempting to go for the body of an enemy but i've not included that as a theme in the rest of my army so may be weird.

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Hey Blindhamster! I've been following your progress on FB as well and gotta say: well done :)

Captain is coming along nicely. Good work on the cloak. New Iron Halo will look great next to the new Indomitus releases ;)

They were part of the reason for resulting the tabard and the halo change lol. He should look cool being backed up by the bladeguard!

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  • 1 year later...

haven't posted in this for a long time, I HAVE done stuff, which I may post at some point. But had a different little update

Started on a new captain (I like captains), this one is built to be kinda modular, covering the plasma pistol, bolt pistol + MC auto bolt rifle and relic shield variants. He has the Encarmine Warblade, using the actual model for it.




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  • 6 months later...

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