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"New" BA Units - Primaris Captain, Librarian, Reivers


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I know it's probably too much to hope considering the prices of the two new character units, but I would loooove for the 5 man squad to be less than $40.  If a 3 man squad is only $15, add $5 for making it not snap fit, then double it makes it $40, so a 5 man squad should be just under $40.

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I'm pretty excited about the reivers. After seeing the rules it sounded like a good, fluffy opportunity to model them up with death masks due to their similar functionality. If the two auras stack though..


I wonder how they look in red saltires. Who better to have their vox unit turned up to eleven?

Ooh I like that idea! I don't think I'd do them as Death Company per se (their role doesn't seem to lend itself to being completely insane!), but I may well do them black with just red detailing...

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Here's the rules for the Reivers.




I really wanted to like these guys. I don't think they are terrible or anything like that, but the lack of a way to get into close combat is disappointing. I think they'll get shot off the table. We'll see what happens. Hopefully it gets addressed when the Codex drops.

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I feel very confident they'll get an infiltrate, deep strike grav chute, or both as options in the actual codex. Absolutely everything written about them describes them as infiltrators and their armor is designed that way specifically so that they can move quietly.

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Presumably we'll be able to take more than just three in a unit too..?


I don't quite understand the logic of releasing models with rules, knowing those rules are going to change within a few months. Seems to go against the whole simplification and clarity they've just worked so hard on bringing to the game. Surely this will confuse many players - especially new ones.


And how's it gonna work with the datasheet that comes with the 3-man Intercessor unit, which already has a 5-man entry in the Index?

Edited by LutherMax
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The other thing of course is these are only ultramarines - no chapter keyword! They seem designed to use with the getting started rules in first strike, not generally.

Those are only the rules from First Strike. Note the designer notes. My only hope was I wished they were troops :( guess im sticking with scouts for my troops in the battalion for now :(

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I don't quite understand the logic of releasing models with rules, knowing those rules are going to change within a few months. Seems to go against the whole simplification and clarity they've just worked so hard on bringing to the game. Surely this will confuse many players - especially new ones.


Also need to keep in mind that these things are printed and built months in advance usually. So the rules for these guys and all the Primaris might be changing quite a bit when the space marine dex arrives. Something I'm starting to wonder is if Primaris are going to be included in the Blood Angels dex or if we are going to get a "See Codex: Space Marines" for Primaris rules.

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I'm very interested to see the format that the BA/DA codex will take, id prefer to see a "see codex space marines" personally, as it'd mean they can keep things consistent, But I'm sure thats not what we'll get. Instead it'll be reprints of the same rules in codexes which results in an awful mess as updates happen to some books and not others.

I'm honestly not expecting primaris to get a whole lot more in the way of options, but I think all the existing units will get SOME options.

I'm guessing Reivers will get access to grav chuts and and probably some form of harness thing. Plus I'm guessing auto bolters.

I've no idea what options intercessors would get, but i'd personally love to see them get options for stalker pattern bolters and auto bolt rifles. Ideally as a mix and match thing.

Inceptors we have heard will apparently get some form of plasma weapon


Hellblasters look like they'll get something that makes their plasma weapons more powerful (I bet it'll mean they don't overload and always fire as if they are overcharged)

Captains will presumably get some more options to cover stuff like the birthday captain.

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i was thinking more than just primaris - tactical squad for example, or rhino etc.

I'd personally be quite happy to buy a mini dex for a low price that goes on top of the base codex space marines (ala 3rd ed), I had not been in the hobby too long when 3rd ed came out and I still like the concept after all these years.

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I would rather then just FAQ/ Errata what needs to be changed.


The last thing I want is to have to buy a whole second codex just to use Primaris. I hope that we don't have any "see codex: x"

PRIMARIS is not a faction keyword.

I never said it was?

Edited by Arkangilos
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