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Hello friends,


I decided to gather all my 30k related work in a single thread for easier viewing and whatnot.


I'm gonna try to give a better idea of my thought proccess when making my models.






                                                                  - Alpha Legion -



After reading the awesome Praetorian of Dorn by John French I knew I had to put together a small Cell of operatives.




Alpha Legion Sergeant.



Basing :


The harrowing is taking place somewhere in the Sol System, Alpha Legion vs Imperial Fists, firefights in an urban setting.

I gave GW's sector imperialis bases a try and I was pleasently surprised, the details are copied from the SE Realm of Battle but are also flattened, marines stand on them nicely because of this.


 Modeling / Painting :


The arms were cut and pinned to get the pose I aimed for, then greenstuff the gaps. Simple and effective.

Gave him a tabard inspired by the art of HH books, observed on warriors of all ranks. Even tho I dont know the meaning of this, I sculpted this hairy item next to the cloth. These things also appear on the AL contemptor... Hmmm...



For the armor I used mainly metallics and tamiya paints, following Kizzdougs' recipe as a starter and taking it from there.


C & C welcome.

Edited by Chickenleg

Thanks for the support guys! I love painting faces. :)


@Ugolino : The green thingy is sculpted with Gs while the tabard is from the WHFB range, I think it's from the Chaos Forsaken?


@Kizzdougs : Thanks! You did all the hard work figuring out the perfect blue for HH Alpha legion, it was almost too easy haha. I mean come on, the hue looks exactly like the artwork. Good job!


@Olis : Thanks, it's the first time I paint a metallic marine so this is new to me, so far I'm very happy with the result.


A few more Alpha Legionaires are coming soon...


Also more things...


Can you hear those chainaxes grinding?



@Kizzdougs : I was speaking about you doing all the thinking, not the actual painting but yeah! The black lining is intense tho. :biggrin.:


Hydra Dominatus




Finalizing the paint scheme with those 2 veterans, they should recieve their additional CCW and pouches later on.


C & C welcome.

  • 2 weeks later...

Small upgrade, another veteran joins the group.




This head is one of my favorites, it brings together the bare headed marines and the armored ones.








  On 7/21/2017 at 1:15 AM, hushrong said:

Still looking excellent! Definitely digging your work on the Alpha Legion.

I also used the same bases as you and I think I am going to paint mine very similarly after seeing yours.

Hey, go for it! Maybe our forces are fighting on the same city. :happy.:



  On 7/21/2017 at 2:45 AM, Kizzdougs said:

Yeah, fantastic work bro! The Veterans look excellent :thumbsup:

Thanks friend! A few more troops to do before I move to the good stuff.



  On 7/21/2017 at 4:53 PM, Olis said:

Solid work. Keep it up, brother. :thumbsup:

A lot of things are going on right now!!


C & C welcome.



As i hinted the other day the project to go along with my AL is a mid heresy era World Eaters company, based on the image below.




I took some notes for the scheme, maybe someone finds them useful when he starts a similar mid heresy force.


■ Blue elements are deteriorating, fading away and ignored.


■ Red is applied crudely as their bloodlust grows.


■ Original blue color can be seen under the red paint on the shoulder pads.


■ Traditional Legion markings are ignored.


■ Crude kill tallies are carved on the armor or written with blood.



In contrast to my Alpha Legion' cohesive look, this group of berzerkers with be painted with varying amounts of blood red.


Fluff wise the project is based on the audio drama Khârn: The Eightfold Path by Anthony Reynolds. The World Eaters are losing control as the butcher's nails take hold, a whole Legion descending into madness.


Test model





C & C welcome.

Edited by Chickenleg

Very nice! The blue peeking through on the shoulder guards is a sublime effect! I would argue, however, that the faded effect is somewhat less successful on the kneepads, as they just look as though they had been pale blue from the beginning -- maybe you could do something to enfore the impression that the colour has actually faded with time? Maybe by building up a gradient to a slightly stronger blue on the rim of the pads?


Anyway, looking forward to the next update! :)

Fantastic paint job on the World Eater!! If I was to make one suggestion it would be to add some more colour to the waist area. It needs some red or gold/bronze to break up all of the white. At the moment the shoulder plates look a bit strange because their colour scheme doesn't really fit with the rest of the armour (except for the gold brow ridge on the helmet). The belt would be the perfect place (gold belt, red buckle).


Can't wait to see what's next :tu:

Thanks for the positive feedback brothers!! The test model was a success and more will follow soon. This paint scheme has so many special effects going on, it's been a blast to paint.


  On 7/31/2017 at 5:38 PM, Spiritual Liege said:

Oh boy, that's amazing. Simply unbelievable paintjob and colour scheme.:wub:   I've always wanted to do a WE army in those colours.

Go for it!


  On 7/31/2017 at 5:48 PM, Olis said:

Excellent representation of the artwork, brother. The red-on-blue on the shoulder pads works well, I think. :thumbsup:

It's fun to paint too!


  On 7/31/2017 at 9:49 PM, Sagentus said:

Oh my that looks insanely good. Brilliant colour scheme and representation of the artwork. Would love to see how that would scale up for a dread or rhino :-)

A few more warriors first!


  On 8/1/2017 at 4:57 AM, Vairocanum said:

Well that looks fantastic! Brilliantly executed in both bits choice and paint job! Will you be adding some kill tallies to other World Eaters? Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks! Yeah, kill tallies of both types!


  On 8/1/2017 at 5:01 AM, terminatorAM said:

Very awesome



  On 8/1/2017 at 8:41 AM, KrautScientist said:

Very nice! The blue peeking through on the shoulder guards is a sublime effect! I would argue, however, that the faded effect is somewhat less successful on the kneepads, as they just look as though they had been pale blue from the beginning -- maybe you could do something to enfore the impression that the colour has actually faded with time? Maybe by building up a gradient to a slightly stronger blue on the rim of the pads?


Anyway, looking forward to the next update! :smile.:

Thanks! The kneepads are painted in a faded blue color of my own making by mixing white, grey and blue to get the color I was aiming for and then allowed the armor's white color to show on the edges, slowly peeling off. Maybe I must push this effect more but overall I'm happy with it. Imagine a white cotton t-shirt painted blue, then washed a thousand times... That's the color IMO


The state of blue heradry for a mid heresy WE force also appears on this Vindicator:



Finally, it's all about the colors and how they work together. White, pale blue and crimson are perfect together and the FW artists pulled it off nicely.


  On 8/1/2017 at 9:06 AM, Aasfresser said:

Wow, the faces on your AL marines are fantastic (the rest of the minis are too). Your test WE is perfect as he is, imho. Really great work all around.

Painting faces is what I do so this means a lot! Thanks!


  On 8/1/2017 at 7:15 PM, BeatTheBeat said:

Looking great, but agreeing with KrautScientist about the kneepads. I think they need some weathering, like in the reference picture, some white daubed on with a sponge should do it.


Thanks! There is already white showing on the edges, I might go back and reinforce the effect.


  On 8/2/2017 at 1:39 AM, Kizzdougs said:

Fantastic paint job on the World Eater!! If I was to make one suggestion it would be to add some more colour to the waist area. It needs some red or gold/bronze to break up all of the white. At the moment the shoulder plates look a bit strange because their colour scheme doesn't really fit with the rest of the armour (except for the gold brow ridge on the helmet). The belt would be the perfect place (gold belt, red buckle).


Can't wait to see what's next :thumbsup:

Hey bro, thanks! You are probably right about the shoulderpads but this is something unique to this color scheme and I enjoy it at the moment, hopefully the blue showing on the pads will be enough to tie it with the rest of the scheme. There is also bronze on the big rivets on the legs and the spikes on the chest area. The belt is an interesting spot, the buckle must be kept white for future decals but i am considering a bronze belt. Or leave it as it is and tie everything with blood... Maybe this is the key, not enough blood!



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