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I don't live near a gw store (which is a pain). Can I contribute to this remotely?


Sorry if this has been asked already

No not really. But maybe there is a non-GW store that takes part in the campaign nearby. Try the storefinder on the campaign website.


I don't live near a gw store (which is a pain). Can I contribute to this remotely?


Sorry if this has been asked already

No not really. But maybe there is a non-GW store that takes part in the campaign nearby. Try the storefinder on the campaign website.


Cheers stPanzer, shamefully there is a non-GW store in the next town but i can afford to travel there every week =S


Edit : tell a lie, just used the store finder and there is an independent stockist in my town. I'm sure it didnt show this store up last time i used the store finder  

Edited by Sagentus

Even though it was a forgone conclusion, I got another small game in last night. I had a freshly painted Terminator Sorcerer, and my hype over the Night Lords teaser was high.


It was a fast and bloody skirmish vs some Death Company, Astorath the Grim, an Eversor, and a Vindicare. I brought five CSM with plasma, Raptors with double melta, a helbrute with a fist and reaper, and my sorcerer with combi-melta, staff, prescience, and warp time.


The sorcerer ended up being the last model on the table at turn 7 after he beat the Vindicare down with his wizard staff. Command point reroll discipline has been key for me. Spending two points to interrupt the melee sequence is so valuable on stuff like Helbrutes. And with the new stratagems coming out, I'm really not going to want to fliff away CPs on rerolls here and there.

++News from the Front++


If your watching Warhammer twitch right now.  There just cover Week 2 mission - Seek & destroy.

There nothing on the web site right now.  But as soon as it posted, I'll hopeful get them posted on here around 10pm.  I've got a game on Saturday against my friend Space Wolves, going 125 Power Levels.


Also unit of the week is Elites.  I've got a unit of Thousand Sons currently been painted.

Edited by Insane Psychopath

Currently painting my new Hellbrute and the Noxious Blightbringer for this week. Not sure I'll make it into the store on Saturday to make any of it count but it's good motivation to focus on certain units anyway


Do they have a facebook page?  Could always post it up on there wall or send photo of the complete model in a message to your local store?

Well, week 1 did not go as planned. :whistling:


I managed to get units painted, just not the ones I had planned. In the end I finished seven bases of Nurglings, and made progress on a Nurgle Herald and an Ork Painboy. The Herald will be finished for week 4 (being a Psyker), and since the Painboy is an Elite choice, I want to get him done this week.


Apart from that the plan is as follows: a Noxious Blightbringer, two Ork Meks, two Ork Runtherds, and of course the Painboy. Pictures of both the finished Nurglings as well as the - as of yet - unprimed models for week 2 will follow later today.


I can also report that I alone am responsible for the corruption of a whole FLGS. SInce apparently nobody else there wants to participate in the campaign (so far...), the points I grabbed for the painted Nurglings were enough to claim the whole week. Nurgling infestation for the win! I hope to get something written about this today or tomorrow.


Now do not let the Imperial weaklings foll you: they barely hed the tide at Astaramis. Another week, another chance at crushing their damned souls. For the Dark Ones!

Would be nice to see the math behind it all. Whenever I was watching the website I saw a whole lot of Chaos victories and Xenos seemed to take points from the Imperium much more than from Chaos. So it would have been nice to know just how many wins Chaos/Xenos would have to accumulate to get 51% ownership of the planet. 


Hopefully one of the planets will start with 50/50 ownership between Chaos and Imperium so that it is an even battle. 


Hopefully one of the planets will start with 50/50 ownership between Chaos and Imperium so that it is an even battle. 


Not this week. Of the three battle zones, one started at 100% Imperial control, one at 75%, and onl one at a 50/50 distribution.


One can not deny that so far this campaign is extremely biased towards Imperium. Personally I do not care: for me this is great motivation to get stuf painted and play more. I do understand that some people might have sour feelings about it though.

Yeah if you take pictures of games/models and put them on your nearest GWs facebook they will count.
A loss for chaos today I'm afraid. The start of the game was looking great, Iron Warriors vs Sisters of Silence, I had done a lot of damage with havocs. Then the 5 flamers got into range and another squad of marines just couldn't roll 3+ for armour saves. What made it worse was the primaris psyker that beat up my chaos Lord. A dark day. 

So interestingly the Manufactorum we guys in the EU have to hold is split something like 45/55 in favour of the Imps. So it's still an uphill battle but much more achievable than the other ones which look like they are split 33/67 for the Imps...


My Vectorum shall move on and soon make planetfall on Konor itself. We shall take the Manofactorum...!



Currently painting my new Hellbrute and the Noxious Blightbringer for this week. Not sure I'll make it into the store on Saturday to make any of it count but it's good motivation to focus on certain units anyway

Do they have a facebook page? Could always post it up on there wall or send photo of the complete model in a message to your local store?

Ah nice. Didn't think of that but yeah that's probably a good idea if I can't make it in.

++Week 2 - Seek & Destroy++


Imperial win week 1



Astaramis stands. The forces of Chaos brought terror and death to this gleaming hive world, but the Imperial Aquila yet flies from its tallest spires.

The forces of Chaos fell upon Astaramis like slavering wolves, bringing ruin and terror to this once proud monument of Ultramar’s glory. Yet, as the smoke cleared and the echo of gunfire ceased, the hive world remained standing, battered but unbroken. Despite suffering horrific casualties during the early stages of the Chaos onslaught, the armies of the Imperium dug in with rugged determination, hurling back each fresh assault with blistering cascades of las and bolter fire, turning to knives, makeshift weapons and fists when the slaughter boiled over into hand-to-hand combat.


Try as they might, the Chaos invaders could not break the defenders’ spirits, nor scour them from their fortifications. Their rage and frustration was only exacerbated by a series of lightning attacks by the Aeldari of the craftworlds, who emerged from the hidden labyrinth of the webway to slice into the rear of the Chaos formations. There was no formal alliance between the Imperium and these deadly raiders, but the Aeldari ever follow their own mysterious whims. Fusillades of shuriken fire and pinpoint lances of searing energy tore through the unsuspecting ranks of the invaders, and even as they regrouped and reformed, the xenos disappeared from whence they came, leaving nothing but the smoking bodies of their victims behind.


This flanking assault badly stalled the Chaos advance, buying precious time for Primaris Space Marine reinforcements to arrive on Astaramis. Unable to force a breakthrough at the vital Praxima Skyport, the massed heretical legions could only watch with furious hatred as fresh regiments of grim-faced warriors and columns of heavy armour made planetfall, rushing to shore up gaps in the Imperial line wherever they emerged. Inch by bloody inch, the Chaos invasion force was pushed back to the outer hab-zones of the hive cities, and the flag of Ultramar was raised proudly upon the highest spire of Saviour’s Landing – a symbol of defiance and Imperial might that girded the heart of every loyalist warrior.


In the wake of this vital victory, Imperial High Command immediately ramped up the production of munitions on Astaramis, and issued a decree requiring every human of fighting age to take up arms in the defence of Ultramar. Such a vast resource of manpower will be vital in the battles to come, for the war in the Konor System is far from over…




Week 2 - Konor





The forge world of Konor is a vital cog in the war machine of Ultramar, its sprawling manufactorum districts pumping out a ceaseless stream of weapons, ammunition and battle tanks.


Konor is the manufacturing and fuel-producing capital of its eponymous system, and thus this forge world is a vital target for both Imperial and Chaos forces. The Death Guard and their allies have assembled a vast invasion force for the conquest of the planet, including detachments of xenos mercenaries and millions-strong hordes of fanatical cultists.


Manpower will be vital in the attritional conflict to come. The Chaos assault on Konor opened several days ago with an apocalyptic orbital bombardment, plague-ridden space hulks and Despoiler-class warships ravaging the holdings and armies of the Adeptus Mechanicus with waves of inferno missiles and toxin cascades, churning the planet’s atmosphere into a hellish cocktail of flesh-melting viruses and choking smoke. Almost half of Konor’s industrial capability has already been utterly demolished, and the invaders are landing an increasing tide of troops planetside. The prodigious level of destruction has been judged appropriate by the Heretic Astartes commanders responsible for prosecuting the slaughter, for even with so many manufactorum districts shattered, Konor is still capable of pumping out colossal quantities of battle tanks and munitions. With the billions of slaves claimed by the invasion fleet put to work in the manufactorums, the forge world would produce even more still should it fall under Chaos control.


The Imperium of Mankind’s war effort in the Konor System, and indeed the wider conflict raging across Ultramar, will be severely derailed if Konor is lost to Chaos. Thus, Imperial high command has authorised the dispatching of several armies to relieve the besieged defenders. Archmagos Gother Zymus and his Skitarii legions yet retain control of Forge Temple Cladis and its surrounding domain, and are aided in their stubborn defence by Imperial Knights of House Raven. Yet outside their rapidly receding kill-quadrants and excoriation zones, the enemy presses ever closer, with heavily armoured assault troops and Daemon Engines grinding their way through the shattered innards of manufactorums and hab-arcologies. In this hellish no man’s land, squads of dead-eyed killers stalk the choking sprawl for fresh prey, looking to secure key objectives such as vox relays, promethium refineries and precious intact generatorums.


Mission - Seek & destroy





The fighting on Konor has been fierce, yet through the valour and determination of those tasked with defending the system’s capital planet, the Imperium’s forces have thus far endured. Elite warriors and armoured walkers now scour the ruined industrial districts for pockets of surviving invaders even as stealth units encircle them and close in for the kill.



Each player must first muster an army from the miniatures in their collection. A player can include any models in their army, but if their army is Battle-forged, they will also be able to use the unique Fate of Konor Stratagems and the appropriate Stratagems included within this mission.

In this mission, if one player’s Warlord has the CHAOS keyword, they are automatically the Defender, and their opponent is the Attacker. If both player’s Warlords have the CHAOS keyword, or neither player’s Warlord has the CHAOS keyword, the players must roll off to decide who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender.



Create a battlefield using the deployment map included with this mission and then set up terrain. The battlefield should contain plenty of ruined manufactorum buildings and pipe relays, representing the sprawling industrial complexes that dominate the forge world’s landscape as far as the eye can see.


After terrain has been set up, the players then alternate deploying their units, one at a time, starting with the Defender. A player’s models must be set up wholly within their own deployment zone, though up to half of the Attacker’s units can instead be placed in Reserve (see the Narrative Play Mission Rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook), representing their forces having spread out across the complex in their search for their foe. USE DEPLOYMENT IMAGE …..



The Defender rolls a D6. On a roll of 6, the Defender can choose to take the first turn; otherwise the Attacker has the first turn.



Starting from the second battle round, the Attacker rolls a D6 for each of their units in Reserve at the end of their Movement phase. On a 3+, the unit being rolled for arrives from Reserve. Units automatically arrive at the end of the Attacker’s fourth Movement phase if they have not already done so.

When a unit arrives from Reserve, set it up anywhere wholly within 6″ of the Attacker’s battlefield edge that is not within 9″ of any enemy models.



The players should use the Random Battle Length rules (see the Narrative Play Mission Rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) to determine how long the battle lasts.



At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most victory points wins a major victory. If both players have the same number of victory points, the game is a draw. Victory points are achieved for the following:

Heavy Duty Onslaught: Each time an enemy unit is destroyed, you score 1 victory point. You score 1 additional victory point if the last model in the enemy unit was slain by a unit with an unmodified Save characteristic of 2+ or 3+.

Hold Your Ground: If at the end of the game the Defender has any units with at least one model wholly within their deployment zone, they score 1 victory point.

Slay the Warlord: If the enemy Warlord has been slain during the battle, you score 1 victory point.



In this mission, players can spend Command Points (CPs) to use the weekly Fate of Konor Stratagems, which are available in all participating stores or with any purchase of special weekly units at games-workshop.com. Players also have access to the following bonus Stratagems:



Attacker Stratagem

Use this Stratagem immediately before making a charge in the Charge phase. Add 1 to the unit’s charge distance and any saving throws you make for them for the duration of the phase.



Attacker Stratagem

Use this Stratagem at the end of the Movement phase before setting up an INFANTRY unit from your army that arrived from Reserve this turn. You can set up the unit anywhere wholly within 6″ of any battlefield edge that is more than 9″ away from any enemy models.



Defender Stratagem

Use this Stratagem when your opponent targets a unit from your army in their Shooting phase. That unit gains the benefit of cover (+1 to their saving throws) for the duration of the phase. Note that this Stratagem will have no effect on a unit that is already receiving the benefit of cover.



Painting - Elites

I don't really get why the mission is named Seek&Destroy since it really looks more like a generic killpoints game with bonus points for killing tough units and for the defender staying in his deployment zone. ^^


Tho it looks like Astra Militarum will have some VERY easy games as defender. Barely bonus points for the attacker due lacking 2+/3+ armor on many units and they don't want to move out of their deployment zone anyway. Will be a tough mission for CSM. Maybe a bit easier for Daemons and Xenos with medium armored Elite choices.

I don't really get why the mission is named Seek&Destroy since it really looks more like a generic killpoints game with bonus points for killing tough units and for the defender staying in his deployment zone. ^^


Tho it looks like Astra Militarum will have some VERY easy games as defender. Barely bonus points for the attacker due lacking 2+/3+ armor on many units and they don't want to move out of their deployment zone anyway. Will be a tough mission for CSM. Maybe a bit easier for Daemons and Xenos with medium armored Elite choices.


I could be reading the mission wrong, but this time around Chaos is the defender, so unless you play a Xenos or Imperium army, AM won't be the defender.

Additionally, the Heavy Onslaught rule is a bonus point for units with a 2+/3+ save that kill an enemy unit, not that are killed. So taking heavy armoured infantry and tanks with lots of killing power will be a good way to go to net extra points.

Yeah my bad. It was late and I just assumed Imperium is the defender. :D

Way more manageable this way!


I guess we'll have to expect a bunch of Terminators and Jump Pack units coming at us then so Cultist screens will be rather important.


I don't really get why the mission is named Seek&Destroy since it really looks more like a generic killpoints game with bonus points for killing tough units and for the defender staying in his deployment zone. ^^


Tho it looks like Astra Militarum will have some VERY easy games as defender. Barely bonus points for the attacker due lacking 2+/3+ armor on many units and they don't want to move out of their deployment zone anyway. Will be a tough mission for CSM. Maybe a bit easier for Daemons and Xenos with medium armored Elite choices.


I could be reading the mission wrong, but this time around Chaos is the defender, so unless you play a Xenos or Imperium army, AM won't be the defender.

Additionally, the Heavy Onslaught rule is a bonus point for units with a 2+/3+ save that kill an enemy unit, not that are killed. So taking heavy armoured infantry and tanks with lots of killing power will be a good way to go to net extra points.



You are correct. Space Marines will have it easy too, as well as tank-heavy AM armies.

I've started my 40K DG with this campaign and so far I have won both weeks:biggrin.: 


I freaking love the Bloat Drones!  They are my top performers.  In my second week game 2 of them killed 1/4 of my opponents army while eating the other 3/4 worth of shooting.  That allowed my zombie horde to sit in my deployment zone to score big points at the end of the game. 

A little late posting this, but I played a campaign game on Sunday at my local GW. I ran Death Guard and my opponent was Ultramarines, exclusively Primaris. And he used the new codex. I've posted a short report on it here.


The TL;DR was that it was a resounding victory for Chaos, and at the time, tied the faction score at the local GW. This pic says it all: 



Edited by Large and Moving Torb

Was able to head down to the store today and played a game of Iron Warriors vs Crimson Fists. All in all a good game and I enjoyed it, not just because Chaos won either. Top moment had to be when I used the stratagem from the big book to change up the order of charges and was able to get my helbrute to utterly smash Pedro into a pasty goo onto the pavement. 


It is also nice being a more assault oriented army, now to just get three editions worth of bad habits broken.

As promised, some pictures of my "campaigning progress" so far:


Painted models for week 1: seven Nurglingbases, a Nurgle Herald (still WIP), an Ork Painboy (still WIP).


Models I want to paint for week 2: Noxious Blightbringer, two Ork Runtherds, two Ork Meks, two "Beasts of Nurgle" (plus a third, if I can find it...).

A quick update: I played another Konor game with my Death Guard, this time against Blood Angels. It was another win for the Dark Gods!


2nd Konor battle, first turn

I will say, the mission was pretty well suited for Death Guard. Trying to shift a bunch of T5 units with FNP off a whole table quarter is going to be hard for any army. Also, the fellow I played hadn't played more than one 8th edition game, so I probably benefited from his inexperience. Anyway, it was still fun for both sides. I'll post a longer form report later when I have time.
**Update**: More pics and a bit more description posted here.
PS: It's really stomach-turning to see how many of my North American brethren are mewling, obsequious supplicants of the False Emperor. Hats off to our British cousins across the pond for their hard work on behalf of the Dark Powers.
Edited by Large and Moving Torb

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