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++Fate of Konor - Week 6: Death of a World++

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I'm not sure what they did to come away with a Chaos victory. Maybe there is some legitimate reason for it. But right now, it does look like a bit of deus ex machina on GW's part to keep the campaign closer than it otherwise would be. I'm not a fan of that. 

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So Drenthal is a "Chaos victory" now, despite the numbers saying clearly it was going for the Imperium? Sure GW...


I'm not sure how often the results site gets updated or the granularity of the results tracker. They might do what we do in debating and have a "blind round" at the end of the competition where no one knows the results to prevent biasing the result (i.e, Chaos players don't bother to play the last day because they think they're going to lose). 



The current "campaign tracker" website has the planet as an "Imperial  Victory": https://konor.warhammer40000.com/#



However it has the Chaos victory text. Smells like a bug to me. 

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Yeah it's most likely a bug. The graphic shows an imperial victory and the planets icon is the imperial one as well. Only the flavor text is the wrong one.

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Yeah it's most likely a bug. The graphic shows an imperial victory and the planets icon is the imperial one as well. Only the flavor text is the wrong one.


It suggests one of three things:


1. It's a legitimate chaos victory. The site text is automatically selected based on the winning team at time zero based on the database and the graphic update procedure is not correct/has not been called correctly.


2. The flavour text is based on the main site text and Gdub hamfistedly changed the result at the last minute.


3. The flavour text is based on the main site text and Gdub manually updated the site with the wrong victory page.


1 is the most probable given that it would be a bit weird to draw the flavour text from the main site but I wouldn't put 3 past anyone. I generally ascribe negative outcomes to incompetence rather than malice unless given conclusive proof so I'm giving Gdub the benefit of the doubt (for now).

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So Drenthal is a "Chaos victory" now, despite the numbers saying clearly it was going for the Imperium? Sure GW...

Chaos won fair and square :biggrin.: we got two regioms whilst the Imperium Scum only claimed one


"Drenthal has been claimed in the name of the Ruinous Powers. Oceans turn blood-red as butchered corpses bob and float upon the surging tide, while Daemon-forged drakes whirl and screech overhead.

Smoking wreckage fell across Drenthal’s endless oceans like a meteor shower as the armies of Mankind sought to scour the legions of Chaos from the face of the planet. The enormous seasteads were aflame, ignited by daemonic fire and hammered relentlessly by traitor artillery. The virulent plagues of the Death Guard spread with horrifying speed amongst the remaining civilians. Imperial High Command swiftly came to a grim realisation – Drenthal could not be saved. Instead, it must be denied to Chaos. By overcharging the titanic fusion drill housed at Terebral Station Sigma, the Imperials would unleash a tectonic catastrophe upon their hated foes.

As the brutal fighting escalated in the cramped alleyways of floating hive cities, warriors splashed though tides of bilge water and spilt blood, past bloated corpses and shimmering promethium slicks. The sense of havoc and confusion was only exacerbated by the actions of a hidden cult of xenos-worshipping traitors that had long lain dormant amidst the vore-whale tanneries and promethium refineries of Drenthal. Forced to the surface by the war erupting all about them, these mutant killers slipped from sewer access hatches and bilge tunnels to fall upon any intruders, striking with swift and deadly force before retreating to their hidden lairs with purloined weapons and ammunition. Rumour spread of even worse horrors that crawled out of dark hiding holes to snatch away unsuspecting soldiers, dragging them screaming into the pitch blackness of the underwarrens.

The battle also raged across Drenthal’s scattered island archipelagos. Bikes and speeders roared across treacherous coral-dunes, the air echoing to the ceaseless chatter of pintle-mounted bolters. As vicious as the ground war had become, the battle in the air was just as deadly. The full might of the Aeronautica Imperialis was unleashed upon the Chaos invaders, and vast wings of Stormravens and Valkyries met with flying Daemon Engines in a murderous storm of flak-bursts and blossoming explosions.

At Terebral Station Sigma, the forces of Chaos launched furious assaults against the Imperial occupiers, while enginseers tried in vain to enact the machine-rituals necessary to sabotage the fusion drill, chanting desperate prayers to the Omnissiah as they worked. It was too late even for such desperate measures. A cabal of Chaos Sorcerers channelled the aura of savagery and carnage rippling across Drenthal, and tore open a wound in reality, spilling Daemons into the cavernous drill chamber. In an orgy of bloodshed, the enginseer work crews were slaughtered, and the destruction of Drenthal averted. The ocean world would make a fine staging point for the ongoing assault upon Ultramar.

Edited by Plaguecaster
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Yeah it's most likely a bug. The graphic shows an imperial victory and the planets icon is the imperial one as well. Only the flavor text is the wrong one.

It suggests one of three things:

1. It's a legitimate chaos victory. The site text is automatically selected based on the winning team at time zero based on the database and the graphic update procedure is not correct/has not been called correctly.

2. The flavour text is based on the main site text and Gdub hamfistedly changed the result at the last minute.

3. The flavour text is based on the main site text and Gdub manually updated the site with the wrong victory page.

1 is the most probable given that it would be a bit weird to draw the flavour text from the main site but I wouldn't put 3 past anyone. I generally ascribe negative outcomes to incompetence rather than malice unless given conclusive proof so I'm giving Gdub the benefit of the doubt (for now).

Or a number of other possibilities. You can't really say much based on that without looking deeper into the issue. Which we obviously can't.

So Drenthal is a "Chaos victory" now, despite the numbers saying clearly it was going for the Imperium? Sure GW...

Chaos won fair and square :biggrin.:


So that means that even if one region would have 100% dominance they'd lose if they have only 49% on the other two regions? Sounds a bit weird but I'll take it! :D

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Wasn't the planet crumbling?

Well there were different locations that were prone to crumbling because they were floating platforms or similar things. It wasn't the whole planet that was crumbling.
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While I am fine with the criteria for winning the planet being one side has to control at least 2 of the 3 regions, that isn't how the Planet Ownership gauge has appeared to work throughout the campaign. It's seemed to tally up victories across the three regions, not who was ahead in 2 of the three regions. This past week was a good example as there was a point when the map showed Chaos with a very slight lead in one area, a small but clear lead in another area, and trailing far behind in the third; the planetary gauge was giving ownership to the Imperium. 


If the region winning criteria has been in place since the start of the campaign, that's fine. If it has been newly introduced so as to give Chaos the win this week, that stinks. And I say this as a full-fledged supporter of Chaos.

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I agree, with their graphic, everybody thought it's about the points, not about the regions which you can't blame them for. If the total points didn't matter anyway, GW should've made the graphic about the controlled regions instead.


I for one think that it's just a quick decision by GW to say it's about the regions so Chaos still has a chance instead of it being intended to work like that from the beginning. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) we can't prove that claim tho since so far every faction who won by points also won by regions in this campaign.

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One of the regions was exactly 50/50 from what I could make out. Counting that one "for Chaos" is dubios at best.


In the end GW can do whatever the hell they want, but it feels like a stolen "victory" this week.

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Despite a much improved showing from the Imperium – resulting in them actually pulling ahead in terms of overall victories – thanks to the efforts of players in the UK and the Rest of the World region – Chaos managed to maintain a hold on 2 out of the 3 locations, thus claiming a win on objectives (we’ve all been there!)


The final week of the campaign dawns – here, the Fate of Konor will be truly decided. The winner on Loebos will win the entire campaign, and with both sides making strong showings, it’s impossible to say at this stage who will win. For this extra-special campaign week, we’re giving you a little extra time to battle, and you’ll have until the morning of Monday the 11th of September to play and submit your results – after which, we’ll be announcing the final victor.

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Despite a much improved showing from the Imperium – resulting in them actually pulling ahead in terms of overall victories – thanks to the efforts of players in the UK and the Rest of the World region – Chaos managed to maintain a hold on 2 out of the 3 locations, thus claiming a win on objectives (we’ve all been there!)



The final week of the campaign dawns – here, the Fate of Konor will be truly decided. The winner on Loebos will win the entire campaign, and with both sides making strong showings, it’s impossible to say at this stage who will win. For this extra-special campaign week, we’re giving you a little extra time to battle, and you’ll have until the morning of Monday the 11th of September to play and submit your results – after which, we’ll be announcing the final victor.



I kind of hope there are bonuses to the sides based on those 5 weeks or this will feel seriously kludged. Also you're totally right. I didn't see a ham fisted rules retcon as a possibility.

Edited by OnboardG1
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Week 6






Loebos was once an Aeldari Exodite world, until an Imperial invasion slaughtered the populace and rendered its world spirit violently insane.


As the war in the Konor System reaches its crescendo, dire vox reports filter in from the far edge of the region. The death world of Loebos hurtles across space like an enormous wrecking ball, trailing a vast cloud of spore-ridden asteroids and noxious gases. This is Mortarion’s final gambit for the conquest of Konor – a world weaponised, powered by continent-sized engines and the fell power of the warp. If Loebos’ furious momentum is not stopped, the system-wide war still raging will be rendered irrelevant. The death world will barrel through the system like a plague comet, trailing corruption and death in its wake, infecting world after world with Nurgle’s pestilential gifts.

Long-range scans of the onrushing world have revealed the source of its momentum. Gargantuan warp-engine arrays cover Loebos’ southern continent, flaring with the power of a supernova. These are engines that once powered a number of the Death Guard’s vast space hulks, grotesque vessels from which Nurgle’s chosen launch their raids into Imperial space. Through some form of dread warpcraft, these enormous devices have been transferred to the surface of the death world, and their colossal power has wrenched Loebos out of its circumsolar orbit and sent it speeding towards the heart of Ultramar.


The only option left to Imperial high command is to order an all-out assault upon the world, in the hope of sabotaging the warp engines or destroying the planet itself with a well-placed cyclonic charge. Such a task will not be easy. The Death Guard have established towering fortresses across the only viable landing sites on Loebos, and holo-picts indicate that Chaos forces are stationed across the equatorial belt in unthinkable numbers.


Such a fearsome garrison would be terrible enough, but the planet of Loebos itself is perhaps the gravest threat to any who set foot upon its surface. Long ago the Imperium attempted to settle Loebos, only to discover that it was in fact an Aeldari world, populated by Exodite tribes. The fighting that followed was brutal, and the Aeldari population was massacred by regiments of heavy tanks and campaigns of intense firebombing. This wholesale slaughter sent Loebos’ tormented world spirit mad with grief and rage, and it lashed out at the invading humans with every weapon at its disposal. Loebos’ flora and fauna fell upon the Imperial forces. Regiments of infantry were torn apart by razor-thorn vines, and tanks were dragged into bubbling acidic swamps. Only a fraction of the Imperial invasion force escaped Loebos alive.


The corruption of Nurgle has only exacerbated the world’s vengeful insanity. Moats of foul corpse-water ridden with every toxin imaginable keep the Chaos defenders safe within their fortifications, but any troops fighting in the wilderness will have no such protection. Every available force must be directed towards Loebos immediately, for time runs short. The coming battle will be like nothing the Konor System has ever experienced, a nightmare of apocalyptic proportions. Thousands of vehicles and millions of warriors will be ground up in a murderous meat grinder, and the environment itself will seek to slaughter and devour the combatants, no matter their allegiance. Yet the Imperium must destroy Loebos, by whatever means and no matter the cost, lest the war for Konor ends in system-wide devastation.



Mission: Death of a world






By the artifice of the Death Guard and in accordance with their Daemon Primarch’s fiendish plan, the Death World of Loebos is hurtling its way through the Konor System and threatens to leave nought but devastation in its wake. The Imperial forces must stop at nothing to prevent this outcome by destroying Loebos itself, lest the Realm of Ultramar be dealt a blow from which it may never recover.



Each player must first muster an army from the miniatures in their collection. A player can include any models in their army, but if their army is Battle-forged, they will be able to use the unique Fate of Konor Stratagems and the appropriate Stratagems included within this mission.

In this mission, if one player’s Warlord has the IMPERIUM keyword, they are automatically the Attacker, and their opponent is the Defender. If both player’s Warlords have the IMPERIUM keyword, or neither player’s Warlord has the IMPERIUM keyword, the players must roll off to decide who will be the Attacker and who will be the Defender.



Create a battlefield using the deployment map included with this mission and then set up terrain. The battlefield should feature as many Deathworld Forest (or Citadel Wood) terrain pieces as possible to represent the heavily forested nature of the planet’s surface.

The Defender then sets up three objective markers. The objective markers can be located anywhere in their territory, as long as the centre of each is more than 12″ from the centre of any other objective marker and 6″ from the edge of the battlefield.


After terrain has been set up, the players then alternate deploying their units, one at a time, starting with the Defender. A player’s models must be set up wholly within their own deployment zone.



The Defender rolls a D6. On a roll of 6, the Defender can choose to take the first turn; otherwise the Attacker has the first turn.



If, at the end of any turn, the Attacker has more models within 3″ of the centre of an objective marker than the Defender, they successfully destroy that objective marker; remove that objective marker from the battlefield.



The ranges of any battlefield effects caused by Deathworld Forest terrain are doubled. For example, roll a D6 each time a model moves within 6″ (instead of only 3″) of a Barbed Venomgorse terrain piece whilst Advancing or charging – on a roll of 1 or 2, that model’s unit suffers a mortal wound.



The players should use the Random Battle Length rules (see the Narrative Play Mission Rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) to determine how long the battle lasts. However, if the Attacker successfully destroys all three objective markers, the battle ends immediately.



If, at the end of the game, the Attacker has destroyed all three objective markers (see Destruction Protocols), they win a major victory; if they have only destroyed two objective markers at the end of the game, they win a minor victory instead. If, at the end of the game, the Attacker has only destroyed a single objective marker, the Defender wins a minor victory; if the Attacker has destroyed none of the objective markers at the ends of the game, the Defender wins a major victory.



In this mission, players can spend Command Points (CPs) to use the weekly Fate of Konor Stratagems, which are available in all participating stores or with any purchase of special weekly units at games-workshop.com. Players also have access to the following bonus Stratagems:



Attacker Stratagem

Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase to remove a single Deathworld Forest or Citadel Wood terrain piece that is within 6″ of an INFANTRY unit from your army from the battlefield.



Defender Stratagem

Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase to summon a NURGLE DAEMON unit to the battlefield. The cost in CPs depends on the type of unit you wish to summon: 1 Herald of Nurgle, a unit of 1-3 Nurglings or 1-10 Plaguebearers costs 2 CPs; a unit of 11-20 Plaguebearers or 1-3 Plague Drones costs 3 CPs. Set up the unit anywhere wholly within 6″ of the Defender’s battlefield edge that is not within 9″ of any enemy models. Note that in matched play games, a unit summoned in this manner is free, so you do not need to spend reinforcement points on them before the battle.



Defender Stratagem

Use this Stratagem before rolling to see if a unit from your army suffers any mortal wounds from a Deathworld Forest terrain piece; that unit does not suffer any mortal wounds







Drenthal has been claimed in the name of the Ruinous Powers. Oceans turn blood-red as butchered corpses bob and float upon the surging tide, while Daemon-forged drakes whirl and screech overhead.


Smoking wreckage fell across Drenthal’s endless oceans like a meteor shower as the armies of Mankind sought to scour the legions of Chaos from the face of the planet. The enormous seasteads were aflame, ignited by daemonic fire and hammered relentlessly by traitor artillery. The virulent plagues of the Death Guard spread with horrifying speed amongst the remaining civilians. Imperial High Command swiftly came to a grim realisation – Drenthal could not be saved. Instead, it must be denied to Chaos. By overcharging the titanic fusion drill housed at Terebral Station Sigma, the Imperials would unleash a tectonic catastrophe upon their hated foes.


As the brutal fighting escalated in the cramped alleyways of floating hive cities, warriors splashed though tides of bilge water and spilt blood, past bloated corpses and shimmering promethium slicks. The sense of havoc and confusion was only exacerbated by the actions of a hidden cult of xenos-worshipping traitors that had long lain dormant amidst the vore-whale tanneries and promethium refineries of Drenthal. Forced to the surface by the war erupting all about them, these mutant killers slipped from sewer access hatches and bilge tunnels to fall upon any intruders, striking with swift and deadly force before retreating to their hidden lairs with purloined weapons and ammunition. Rumour spread of even worse horrors that crawled out of dark hiding holes to snatch away unsuspecting soldiers, dragging them screaming into the pitch blackness of the underwarrens.


The battle also raged across Drenthal’s scattered island archipelagos. Bikes and speeders roared across treacherous coral-dunes, the air echoing to the ceaseless chatter of pintle-mounted bolters. As vicious as the ground war had become, the battle in the air was just as deadly. The full might of the Aeronautica Imperialis was unleashed upon the Chaos invaders, and vast wings of Stormravens and Valkyries met with flying Daemon Engines in a murderous storm of flak-bursts and blossoming explosions.

At Terebral Station Sigma, the forces of Chaos launched furious assaults against the Imperial occupiers, while enginseers tried in vain to enact the machine-rituals necessary to sabotage the fusion drill, chanting desperate prayers to the Omnissiah as they worked. It was too late even for such desperate measures. A cabal of Chaos Sorcerers channelled the aura of savagery and carnage rippling across Drenthal, and tore open a wound in reality, spilling Daemons into the cavernous drill chamber. In an orgy of bloodshed, the enginseer work crews were slaughtered, and the destruction of Drenthal averted. The ocean world would make a fine staging point for the ongoing assault upon Ultramar.

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I can see chaos winning this one. A Brigade with maxed poxwalkers babysitted by Typhus claiming objectives in their backline, with 20 plague bearers dropping each turn and PM  units (big ones) protecting the walkers should make difficult the task of destroying objectives.


With all that many forests, IW should have a fun time too.

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I am perfectly positioned for this final game!  I've got a Chaos Jungle terrain table and mat and a large Nurgle Daemon army.  Will be great.


I'm planning on putting a Nurgle terrain piece in my deployment zone and the 3 objectives right in front of it at 12" apart in a Nurgle triangle.  The enemy then is forced to come fight me at close range when I'm running the following:


-Scabby the Pit Lord


-3x Nurgle Daemon Princes, wings, malefic talons

-30x Plague Bearers, icon, instrument

-30x Plague Bearers, icon, instrument

-4x Nurglings

-4x Nurglings

-3x Nurglings

-3x Nurglings

-9x Plague Drones (to summon for 9 CPs)


Come get some!  Scabby with 60 Plague Bearers and Epidemius tally notching up should be extremely hard to move off of those objectives.

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I play tomorrow a game of 1200 points against Deathwatch and Primaris SM allies. My plan is to place the objective as close to my edge as possible and engineer the least exposure of my troops to enemy fire. I will use my Daemon Prince as a countercharge element and my Foetid-Bloat Drone as my harassment element. I am on the fence whether to keep the Rhino or just max Plague Marines in the two squads. I also hope that my Plaguecaster will do his job and pass the nice -1 to hit around. 


My main concern are his heavy weapons and the 30'' shooting range of the Primaris. There will be cover but it has a chance to eat me too. Any tips?

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I play tomorrow a game of 1200 points against Deathwatch and Primaris SM allies. My plan is to place the objective as close to my edge as possible and engineer the least exposure of my troops to enemy fire. I will use my Daemon Prince as a countercharge element and my Foetid-Bloat Drone as my harassment element. I am on the fence whether to keep the Rhino or just max Plague Marines in the two squads. I also hope that my Plaguecaster will do his job and pass the nice -1 to hit around. 


My main concern are his heavy weapons and the 30'' shooting range of the Primaris. There will be cover but it has a chance to eat me too. Any tips?

I like to take 2-3 daemon princes. Those malefic talons eat Primaris for breakfast.


Rhinos can be useful for eating overwatch or tying up shooty things that really don't want to be stuck in a slap fight with a heavily armored transport.

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Did my bit to further the glory of chaos and tear down the realms of the false emperor.


So being Lords of War week I went for it we played a 100 power level game in which I took:-


An'ggrath the unbound

Lord of Skulls

Renegade knight


Plus a chaos lord in Terminator armour and 5 Chaos marines to fill out the points.


Facing off against some floaty tank filled with 10 primaris marines, 10 Custodes, a Custodes Dreadnaught and a Primaris Dreadnaught oh yes and Robute Guilliman as his LoW choice.


After a really close game filled with some of the best and worst dice rolls I've ever seen Chaos emerged victorious. The Primarch and LoS went toe to toe for 4 game turns befor the LoS finally blew up. The knight was smashed to pieces by the Custodes Dreadnaught in a frighteningly short amount of time (did I mention dice rolling) and then An'ggrath killed Guilliman twice just for good measure.


At the end of the game I had tabled my opponent but all I had left was An'ggrath with 3 wounds remaining.





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