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TC's WIPs - Back with some GSC

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Not quite 16 wounds but my submission this month for the tale of painters will be a contemptor dreadnought. I'll have to take a pass on the special for this month, I can't afford a landraider :ermm:





I've been sitting on a Chaos Space marine army idea for a long while and finally decided to make a start on it, so far I've only built stuff and not actually painted anything yet. The Sons of Orar army will still carry on but it'll be more of a slow grow.


So the idea for the army is that they're Night Lords that don't follow any of the Chaos gods and are closer to renegades than a chaos legion. And they scaveneg armour from whoever they can.


I haven't got a name for the Lord yet but here he is in several different armours:



In this one he's meant to look like he's stepping through a hole in a wall







For the normal marines I have two squads of them, one with CCW and Pistols and the other with Bolters. I haven't taken pictures of the second squad but they're very similar. I used MKIV armour mixed with Chaos Marine bits:






Havocs with Autocanons:




2 5man squads of Raptors, one with flamer and one with Melta:






Chosen in MKIII:




Terminators, not too much kitbashing, just the trophies on the shoulders




And finally the Exalted champion, I'm not great with GreenStuff:




There is also 2 Forgefiends, a Helbrute and a predator that I didn't take a picture of. I'm not sure about the Helbrute as it's too Chaosy

So seeing the Chem Dogs conversions that GW put out in the newest WD and on their website and am now starting an army for it, I've wanted to start an AM army for a while but couldn't find/think of a cool and different regiment.

I'm not sure what to do with the body and the waist as the legs are sloped and the chest is straight where they meet, I'll probably have to GS in between or trim the waist down. I have great coat Victoria minatures legs on the way that I will use with the GSC body. As with the fluff they will use a mix of autoguns and lasrifles as they just take what they can get

Here's the first guy that I've built:





C&C welcome

Got some more Chem Dogs and a Company commander done:















The guy with the auto gun, I'm not sure if it's just the camera angle, but I think his head looks a little bit too bulbous for a regular human. Otherwise loving the look of the chem dogs! Certainly a lot easier than my attempt to do some a few years back! How do the gsc parts mesh together with the Cadians? Leave many gaps or do they fit together relatively well? What colours do you plan on painting them?

I know what you mean - those conversions almost had me creating an AM army too! :smile.:


Chem Dogs are looking great, I look forward to seeing more.

Thanks man! Its nice to see GW giving inspiration for stuff that doesn't have a model


The guy with the auto gun, I'm not sure if it's just the camera angle, but I think his head looks a little bit too bulbous for a regular human. Otherwise loving the look of the chem dogs! Certainly a lot easier than my attempt to do some a few years back! How do the gsc parts mesh together with the Cadians? Leave many gaps or do they fit together relatively well? What colours do you plan on painting them?

I agree with you on the head, it is slightly too big, its from the GSC neophyte box and on the sprue it looks about the same but on the models it looks too big. There are quite a few gaps, with a lot of them. Filing down the legs so that the torso has a flat surface is easy. But there are some legs that are ment for the GSC heavy weapons so they're very hunched over so I had to use some modelling putty to fill the gap. I'm probably going to paint them the same way GW did in the newest WD. Its simple and I actually have a guide for it


This is what they'll hopefully look like:


I love seeing the Chem Dogs and you are doing those light-fingered dogs some justice!


Looking at box of the hybrids and hybrid squad with the upgrade sprue to churn out a few myself. Any idea if these would work well?

Thanks man!

The only thing to look for is that the legs and bodies of the actual GSC hybrids are sloped at weird angles and need work to make them fit together with the cadian parts. The heads are also slightly too bulbous for the cadian bodies so they look a bit odd. But otherwise they work well

Yeah, I was rereading that in some of your previous comments. I wounder if filing them down could work.


Hoping to make about ten proper looking Chem Dogs just for kicks and giggles. I could use them as Alpha Legion Cultists or maybe Shadow War if anyone played.


Looking forward to seeing you paint them up!

Yeah, I was rereading that in some of your previous comments. I wounder if filing them down could work.


Hoping to make about ten proper looking Chem Dogs just for kicks and giggles. I could use them as Alpha Legion Cultists or maybe Shadow War if anyone played.


Looking forward to seeing you paint them up!


I filed them down with the ones that I could. Some of them if filed down look really odd and the poses don't look right

Some more Chem Dogs done today, I've finished a second squad using the Anvil industries grat coat legs and GSC bodies. I tried using normal lasguns but the proportions look way off with the IG shoulder pads and the thinner legs. Instead they've all got autoguns with a couple of bayonets and muzzles changed.

Here's the first 3 that I managed to take pictures of:



Since I've taken the pictures I've gotten rid of the brow ridges  and changed some muzzles and attached bayonets


I did a very small conversion on a commisar by giving him a gas mask to bring him more in line with the rest of the army (Sorry for bad pic quality:



So far in the army I have 2 infantry squads, company commander, 2 hwt autocannons, a commissar, 3 Bullgryns and a Leman Russ MBT. All of this has now been sprayed ready to start painting. C&C on all of this is very welcome

Awesome update! I like that gas mask you used on the commisar. I have some left over from an old command squad sprue. I was thinking that gas mask, some guitar string, and modifying something like a space marine melta bomb would be good for conversions. 

I've finished the test scheme on one guy. I think the highlighting is too heavy handed and I need to go back over it a bit but otherwise it's looking to mostly be done. Any c&c would be great







Looks great! Squads of this will be fantastic to see on the battlefield.


One thing I'd like to suggest is if his slacks are brown maybe paint the pouches and sheathes on his waist a different color.


These Chem Dogs look great! One thing though, I would probably got the same colour as the carapace for the water bottle, or even silver 

Thanks guys!

I was thinking to change the pouches to another colour, maybe a light khaki?

That's a good shout to be fair, I think that the green is too bright personally


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