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TC's WIPs - Back with some GSC

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The Chem Dogs look great, the choice of the more archaic flamer pattern works well.


As hushrong says, a full force painted so would look smashing, the use of turquoise as a spot colour on that gear contrasts really nicely with the drab of the fatigues.

The Chem Dogs look great, the choice of the more archaic flamer pattern works well.


As hushrong says, a full force painted so would look smashing, the use of turquoise as a spot colour on that gear contrasts really nicely with the drab of the fatigues.

Thank a lot man! Unfortunately I'm a slow painter so it kight be a while until I get everything painted

You are an absolute conversion daemon! I especially like your Chem Dogs and grotesques. Looking forward to the finished product:thumbsup:

Thanks Dude! I'm pretty slow at everything so I'll get around to them eventually


Since GW don't stock the Ravager pretty much ever, I've resorted to making my own. I just used normal kabalites and a spare gangplank.





Finally got some progress on the squad leader of a infantry squad. Highlights are alot finer on this one  but still quite a bit to neaten up. C&C welcome







The dark eldar are looking good. I also never new the raider had extendable planks! That just blew my mind.


The chem dog is also sweet!

Thanks dude! For some reason the instructions tell you to glue it into place out of sight which is just crazy to me, the design is lovely

Company commander is finally done, just a few finishing touches and he's done. Someone on reddit pointed out that the chest pieces is very Vader-esque, I now can't unsee it.









Flesh tones look excellent. The slightly sickly colour is spot on.

Thanks dude! I wanted to get a sickly, drugged up and rugged look. If I achieved that: Great Success!


That chest piece is perfect. It provides some protection but more importantly it has his chem inhaler for some 'battlefield encouragement' or maybe even recreational use...:whistling:

To be fair, I wouldn't want to fight orks the size of ogryns, and emperor knows what else, without a bit of 'battlefield encouragement'

I've started 5 of the first squad, they're mostly done they just need some finishing touches like puches etc. C&C very welcome. The skin looks a lot better IRL than in the pictures.







My only critique is to drill out those barrels! Other than that I am happy to see more paint on the Chem Dogs.


Also, I think I missed this but what legs are those?

Thanks dude!

The legs are from Anvil Industries I've also got some from Victoria Minatures that I haven't tried out properly yet

Anvil Industries, huh? I don't make much use of third party bits but these look perfect for the chem dogs. I like that piece of art they have in he codex where he has that trench coat. I had been thinking about filing down guardsmen hips and thighs and try flattening out GS to make the trench coat look.

I finished the last 2 dudes and the weapon team to finish this squad and this month's vow. C&C welcome as always














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