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How will you equip Reivers?


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I been thinking on how to equip the Reivers in a all-comer list.


First we got Grapnel Launcher that allows you to to come in from any bordedge within 6" and more than 9" from any enemy model. It's allso do not count any vertical distance in there movement.

The other option is Grav Chutes thats lets you Deep Stike anywhere but still more 9" any enemy model, at the end of any of your movemnt phases.

For me i think thats the Grave Chutes is the better choise becurs you choose what turn you want to come in and anywhere you want to. The option that the Grapnel Launcher's disregurd any vertical distance is very situationel.


Secondly we have the choise between either the Bolt Carbine thats is a assault 2 at 24" or a Combat Knife thats give you 1 additional attack, so you get 3 in total. But the only shoting you got is your Heavy Bolt Pistol that 12" and -1 AP.

This one is more difficult one and will depend alot on what Chapter Tactics you use. If you use the Black Templars I will take the Combat Knife. But if you are using Raven Guard the Bolt Carbine simes the better choise becurs it's lets you stay more then 12" away form enemy model to get there buff and still shoot 2 times. But by taking the Bolt Carbine you will proberly not get to use there Shock Grenades, thats is one of the bigger reason thats you take the Reivers in the first place with there ability to stop a enemy Infantry unit from shooting Overwatch and they get a -1 to any to hit rolls (both shooting and fighting) until its your turn again. 


I like to hear your choices on equipment and why. 

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Grapnel Launchers are too flimsy and will break, and that vertical rule will seldom come into play for my part.
I also think that Deepstrike offers more utility than Outflank, especially in tactical objective missions.

I don't think that the Bolt Carbine adds something new that other units can't already so, while few of our units can dish out 3 attacks each in close combat, and then tank the retaliation due to having 2 wounds per model.

My Chapter Tactic is almost useless on Reivers since I play Salamanders (A near guaranteed hit on the Stungrenade is nice), but I don't care because I like the model's and I like close combat. Now my Vanguards and Assault Centurions got some new playmates.
I will also use the unhelmeted Reiver-heads for my Scouts.


So I will run my Reivers with Deepstrike and Combatknives. 

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I think the Grav chutes are the better options for an all comers list unless you regularly play on tables with lots of vertical terrain (like walkways, the Armageddon stuff etc.).


  I'm taking some for a game at Warhammer World and using the launchers though, as we'll be playing on this:
 Which I think is that GW had in mind for the launchers!

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With the Codex now in hand:


Reivers can make effective stand-ins for Intercessors or replace Tactical Marines if you're willing to spend Elites slots. One of the big problems of Intercessors is that they're very expensive for what they bring. They're 20 points per model.


Reivers, compared to Intercessors:


18 points per model (2 points cheaper)


Identical statline


Have heavy bolt pistols (better AP than regular bolt pistol)


Have shock grenades


Have a debuff to enemy LD if they're within 3" (isn't useful unless you assault with them though)


The Reiver's bolt carbine is also completely identical to the Auto Bolt Rifle. They have the exact same statline.


What this means is that for 2 points less than Intercessors, Reivers actually bring more utility to the table at the expense of only having one ranged weapon identical to Intercessors. But if you're not big on the Heavy 1 of Stalker Bolt Rifles or don't care for the Rapid Fire of the Bolt Rifle and prefer to advance and put out 2 shots at 24", then you were taking Auto Bolt Rifles anyway. It just so happens that Auto Bolt Rifles and Bolt Carbines are both 24" Assault 2 S4 AP0 D1. Completely identical.


With this in mind, if you wanted to bring Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessors... literally don't, because Reivers have the exact same weapon, but better sidearms, shock grenades, a debuff to enemies AND are 2 points cheaper. If you wanted to run Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessors, then you could take Reivers and pay 2 points per model for grav-chutes and not only have a better unit, but a better unit with deep strike that costs exactly the same.


If you were going to bring OTHER types of Intercessors, then Reivers are worth considering as an alternative. They let you save points and engage effectively at medium ranges, but the carbine doesn't have any AP and is 'only' 24" range.


For an extra 2 points per model, you can give them grav-chutes. They now cost as much as Intercessors, but have a better sidearm, shock grenades, the LD debuff to enemies and deep strike. All you lose is primary weapon flexibility.


In my opinion, the main thing that'll keep Reivers becoming the infantry backbone of Primaris armies is that they're not Troops. They don't get the ObSec special rule that battle forged Space Marine Troops get and they take up Elites slots. The above comparison makes them look great (which I think they are), but the comparison doesn't account for the fact that they suck up Elites slots.


We can also compare Reivers to Tactical Marines, but it's a bit shakier because Reivers and Tactical squads can have different roles. Reivers are close-assault drop troops or presented above, ranged anti-infantry. Tactical squads are altogether more flexible with their weapon options.


Note: This comparison ignores the Auxiliary Grenade Launcher. Which appears to be free wargear that you just magically get in each intercessor squad. If you factor in the Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, then one intercessor per squad can fire a S6 AP-1 D: D3 grenade, which has the potential to be more effective than 2 bolt rounds in some situations.


Compared to Tacticals, Reivers are:


18 points per model (5 points per model more expensive base)


+1 W


+1 A


+ Shock grenades


Heavy bolt pistol (better AP than regular bolt pistol)


Bolt carbine (24" Assault 2 is outright better than 24" Rapid Fire 1.) The bolt carbine puts out 2 shots at 24" when the bolter only gets 1 shot at 24" and needs 12" for its two shots. The carbine can be fired after advancing because it's Assault. The Carbine is straight up better than the humble boltgun.


Debuff to enemy LD if they're within 3"


Compared to Tactical Squads, you're paying 5 points more for an extra wound, an extra attack and a whole lot of extra utility and mobility. The obvious downside is that Reivers get no special or heavy weapons. In my opinion, if you were planning on using tacticals as line infantry, then Reivers are seriously worth considering if you have Elites slots to spare. Reivers can more reliably deliver bolt rounds to enemy faces because of the 24" Assault giving them longer reach AND more mobility. You can run Reivers very aggressively (I mean, that's their role) and have them advancing, shooting and then charging with all of their wonderful leadership debuffs, shock grenades and extra attack. Heavy bolt pistols are a useful touch.


Compared to Tactical Marines, Reivers don't put as many bolt rounds into the enemy on a per point basis, BUT they put bolt rounds into the enemy much more reliably. They're also the clear winners in melee. Downsides are pricier and no special/heavy weapons.


With the above comparisons in mind, I would personally run Reivers with bolt carbines if the following conditions are met:


1. I need aggressive anti-infantry units


2. I have spare Elites slots


3. I prefer aggression and plain bolt rounds over heavy weapons, special weapons or flexibility


If 2 or more of those conditions can be met, I think Reivers are a strong argument as aggressive infantry killers. They can cross distances quickly with Advance while firing 24" Assault 2 bolters. They're cheaper than Auto Bolt Rifle Intercessors while being an objectively better unit. They can compete with other intercessor types by being cheaper and having a LOT of utility. And if they get into melee, point for point, they are much better than intercessors.

Edited by IVIilitarus
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I'm deciding between the cool foregrip carbines or the knife and pistol. Grav chutes for sure because I like the fins and Deep Strike. I think grappnels are useless because Deep Strike is more flexible, but the vertical bonus seems like it'd be really good if you have tall buildings on your table.


I almost always pick wargear on looks though so there's that.

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Regarding the grapnels ... If I'm on a 12" tall building it would be very difficult for someone to charge me even from the base of the building they would need to roll 12.  Yet if they are at the base of the building its a guaranteed charge for the Reivers right?  Just trying to wrap my head around how to best use these guys.  


The 6" range of their shock grenades would mean you really need to set things up.  


So in the previous example, you sit on top of a building, they can't charge you so they try to shoot you, then on your turn you move right next to them, throw your grenade, shoot them with pistols, and then guaranteed charge.  Sometimes I'm wary of shooting into the squad I'm charging because I don't want them to increase the charge distance on me ... but these guys could in theory get very close so that wouldn't matter, then the heavy bolt pistols will be very nice to have.


Of course good players probably won't come near these guys and fall for traps like that ... but then that's also useful as area denial?  

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Guest Triszin

so I was thinking

10 reivers

equipped with both Grav chutes and grapple so I can alternate how I deploy them, give them a boost in movement.

6x with heavy bolt pistols and combat blades

x4 with bolt carbines.



my question is which is the maximum "tactical" loadout for a squad of ten? able to be annoying at range, and good in cqc? would it be a even x5 bolt carbines, or is x4 bolt carbines good enough?

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so I was thinking

10 reivers

equipped with both Grav chutes and grapple so I can alternate how I deploy them, give them a boost in movement.

6x with heavy bolt pistols and combat blades

x4 with bolt carbines.



my question is which is the maximum "tactical" loadout for a squad of ten? able to be annoying at range, and good in cqc? would it be a even x5 bolt carbines, or is x4 bolt carbines good enough?


sorry to rain on your parade but they must all have the same weapon loadout ... no mix and match

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Guest Triszin


so I was thinking

10 reivers

equipped with both Grav chutes and grapple so I can alternate how I deploy them, give them a boost in movement.

6x with heavy bolt pistols and combat blades

x4 with bolt carbines.



my question is which is the maximum "tactical" loadout for a squad of ten? able to be annoying at range, and good in cqc? would it be a even x5 bolt carbines, or is x4 bolt carbines good enough?


sorry to rain on your parade but they must all have the same weapon loadout ... no mix and match


I did not see that....




so either I have shooty reivers or stabby. things to think on

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So I'm building the kit and I'm confused - there is a right arm one handed carbine, great for the Sgt.


But then that guy has no left arm. Because he can't take a knife and a carbine at same time. The build in the instructions isn't a legal figure.


I mean, I don't really care, it looks cool so I'm doing it, but feels like a mistake.

I'm probably going to make him with carbine and knife and use the left arm with the wrist computer.

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Guest Triszin

So I'm building the kit and I'm confused - there is a right arm one handed carbine, great for the Sgt.


But then that guy has no left arm. Because he can't take a knife and a carbine at same time. The build in the instructions isn't a legal figure.


I mean, I don't really care, it looks cool so I'm doing it, but feels like a mistake.

I'm probably going to make him with carbine and knife and use the left arm with the wrist computer.

isnt there a left arm with a grapple?

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Once I saw that they had split legs I grabbed a box to convert to truscale bikers and counts as ThunderWolf Cavalry. Unfortunetly the store was out of bikers, I figure that the armor might look good seeing it lacks the stomach plate. Edited by CCE1981
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My reivers (being part of my Black Templar Crusade) will focus completely on Close Combat. The combination of Shock Grenade, Combat Knives, Chutes and rerolls on my Charge will make it a very useful and dangerous alpha-strike / deepstrike unit. Which then due to the extra wounds and durability can really terrorize a backline of an enemy army. 

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