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Cultists Sprue Question

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Howdy all, 


So I was looking through all the cultist sprues that I had and I noticed that none of them came with the heavy stubber or the cultist flamers. I remember seeing the models before but I don't know where I can find them now. Is there a source to buy cultists with special weapons that isn't ebay? I'd like to be able to buy several of these guys and I'd appreciate having a reliable source of them. 


Thanks a lot. 

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are they in the larger box you can buy which includes like 20 cultists

No. As said, only in the Dark Vengeance box.

The box with the 20 Cultists is basically only 4 times the box with the 5 Cultists + the Champion.

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You could always just buy the GSC Neophyte Hybrid box, remove the few GSC symbols, replace the heads and you would have a nice unit of Cultists with 10 Autoguns. It even comes with a Heavy Stubber but unfortunately not with a Flamer.

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You could always just buy the GSC Neophyte Hybrid box, remove the few GSC symbols, replace the heads and you would have a nice unit of Cultists with 10 Autoguns. It even comes with a Heavy Stubber but unfortunately not with a Flamer.

Great idea that, and actually the kit does come with a flamer in the old 2nd Edition style;


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What heads do you think would go well with these guys?

Good question. Haven't really thought about it yet but I'd probably search for some 3rd party bitz. Still holding my money back in hope for a soon-ish EC modelrange. :P

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To each their own but they look too GSC-ish for me.


Yeah I think so too, plus I always have a weird "counts-as" itch that I need to scratch by doing some conversion work on whatever I'm working on. 


I was specifically talking about the heads there. ^^

maybe do some head swaps with the chaos cultists to tie them together a bit? 

Head swaps would be difficult since the Cultists all are snapfit models.

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You could always just buy the GSC Neophyte Hybrid box, remove the few GSC symbols, replace the heads and you would have a nice unit of Cultists with 10 Autoguns. It even comes with a Heavy Stubber but unfortunately not with a Flamer.


Such a awesome idea! Way easier than kitbashing empire units, or the zombie kit I ordered last week!

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The cultists I'm currently building are Genestealer Neophytes + Cadian heads, but my aesthetic is a most uncorrupted and scuffed up one so might not work for you.

I find its most fun to find your own unique combo that fits your army and style.

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Forsaken heads are a bit big for your standard sized cultist/guardsmen, but it's a great kit for any chaos conversations simply because it has a ton of mutated arms/heads.


I made 40 cultists from empire flagellants and used heads from maxmini for more variety: http://maxmini.eu/conversion-bits/head-swaps. Also fits on the standard cultista decently well if you want to have less copies of the same model.


I don't like marauders/acolytes for cultists since the models are so overtly muscular, which I don't want for my chaff cultists units but to each their own they do still make good human chaos followers.

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