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HeritorA what makes you so sure he is writing another HH entry and another 40k alongside the 3rd black legion book?

He signed another NDA not long ago (3-4 weeks ago) - so yeah, that's another book presumably.



No, Aaron, no KFC! We need your heart to keep working for another 10-20 books or so...:thanks:

Nope - 2 books per year for HH and Abaddon would be enough, I think  :thanks:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding the Gathering Storm...


Seeing Cypher has escaped imprisonment on Terra, any chance he springs Khayon whilst he's at it and the two bust out like Tango and Cash?


That would be difficult, given that Khayon has had his eyes removed and his psychic senses fettered.

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Regarding the Gathering Storm...


Seeing Cypher has escaped imprisonment on Terra, any chance he springs Khayon whilst he's at it and the two bust out like Tango and Cash?


That would be difficult, given that Khayon has had his eyes removed and his psychic senses fettered.



If his psychic fetters are broken, he won't need eyes to see. 

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That would be difficult, given that Khayon has had his eyes removed and his psychic senses fettered.


It's not clear how the Inquisition is suppressing Khayon's powers, but he's probably strapped to a null-engine or there are blanks around. Or the null-engine is made out of human blanks. It's 40k after all. It's possible that if whatever that is gets disabled, then he's free to use his powers. Doesn't even need eyes. Or maybe he has some biomancer abilities at that point and can just regrow them? Anyway, Khayon is where he wants to be, so I suspect there are contingencies.

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.

I don't think the team who wrote GS know their lore at all. Especially after the 3rd book which is like a childish version of World of Warcraft set in W40K, lol :teehee:



I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.

Although Laurie apparently saw all books GW produced - I think - I guess the Studio didnt really care for acknowledging much if anything of Talon's vision of the Black Legion - despite being amongst the best-received depictions of Chaos!


I think that 'team' does not take anything into account except their own :censored:  story

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I bet that you made sure of that.


"We need someone on Terra, secretly working for Abaddon...but who? And most important...how?"


A D-B: *cough* Saved your day. *cough*

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



Glad you brought light in the grim darkness of my assumptions.


I openly admit I'm not a fan of the Gathering Storm series. The first book gave me enough reasons to sour the whole thing for me, and the remaining two didn't manage to change that (even though the Eldar one was decent fluffwise, I have to admit).


I was so incredibly disappointed by how the fall of Cadia was handled, by how incredibly convenient were most events that happened (the Phalanx tossing itself randomly in the warp from half a galaxy away to funnily appear right in the middle of the Black Legion's fleet just at the right moment...)


The handling of the scale annoyed me to no end when I got to read it. And as I said lately, it's a shame even the Eye of Terror campaign felt incredibly bigger than this.


Oh, and of course I wasn't quite fond of Abaddon acting like a shortsighted beatstick. It made no damn sense to me. And I suppose you have all the right to call me wrong, but I can't help it.

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Trust me, they know.

ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events.


From on point of view - I would gladly read it if it is written by BL headliners (ADB included). From another - due to the abyssmal quality of fluff in 3 GS books don't know if I want to read it at all.


But sure I second the question - ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events?

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.

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Trust me, they know.

ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events.


The upcoming Devistation of Baal novel which is re-launching the SMB line occures during the GS timeline... who knows how much detail (if any) it will touch upon re GS as the novel appears to mainly focus on Baal and the impending doom that Hive Fleet Leviathan presents, but i'd say it's a safe assumption to make that within the next year or so there could very well be other titles picking up this trend.


Checking whats coming soon via Amazon lists 2 which really stick out and are set on Holy Terra, The Carrion Throne & The Emperor's Legion...we may see further touches upon the GS in these too.


Exciting times to be a fan of the fiction that supports the table top gaming side of things!! :-)

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Trust me, they know.

ADB - Would you be able say how soon BL are looking at releasing stories set in the GS period? With Khayon's current circumstances on Terra, you're probably the author whose work is the 'closest' to these new events.


The upcoming Devistation of Baal novel which is re-launching the SMB line occures during the GS timeline... who knows how much detail (if any) it will touch upon re GS as the novel appears to mainly focus on Baal and the impending doom that Hive Fleet Leviathan presents, but i'd say it's a safe assumption to make that within the next year or so there could very well be other titles picking up this trend.


Checking whats coming soon via Amazon lists 2 which really stick out and are set on Holy Terra, The Carrion Throne & The Emperor's Legion...we may see further touches upon the GS in these too.


Exciting times to be a fan of the fiction that supports the table top gaming side of things!! :-)


A bit to happy about exciting times? From 3 GS books haven't seen anything 'exciting' so far.

As for the impending doom of Devastation of Baal - it would be saved in the last moment by some miracle (cough SM 2.0 cough)

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I don't think the team who wrote GS know who Khayon is.


Trust me, they know.



I know you are probably in no position to answer this, but since a lot of us are baffled by this I want to ask: Why the team decided to ignore some of the greatest bits from the Talon (e.g. the golden eyes)? Was their vision of Abaddon different from yours? Did they meant to portray the events from the Imperium's POW? Or was it something else entirely.



IIRC, Abaddon is a bit like the Emperor. Everyone, to an extent, see him as they want to see him. Don't quote me on that, but I think it's a thing.


EDIT : Thank you, Forward Assist, thanks to your Amazon links, I went on to check the Black Legion book with the fugly Eternal Crusade art and realized it now has a cool blurb ! Enjoy :


The Sons of Horus may be no more, but rising from their ashes come the Black Legion. Returning after his long self-imposed exile, Abaddon offers the disparate Chaos Space Marine warbands within the Eye of Terror a simple choice – join him or die. As his newborn war host emerges from the Eye of Terror to ravage the galaxy, none can stand in Abaddon’s path, not even the Black Templars Chapter - sworn to stand guard at the storm’s edge -  nor the Emperor’s Champion himself.

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