Logan Storm Posted August 22, 2017 Share Posted August 22, 2017 (edited) Profane Defilers [Reneged Chapter] In order to understand this legion one would first need to journey back to before it fell to the perverse pleasures of the Slaanesh, back to when it was first founded as one of the Adeptus Astartes loyal to the God Emperor of Man. Back to when it was a chapter known as the ‘Storm Hammers’. 'Storm Hammer Chapter http://imageshack.com/a/img922/9687/4Mm9rU.jpg It’s gene seed was or so it is believed to have come from a stable Ultramarine stock as was many created during the thirteenth founding, the Storm Hammers where to become renown by those that faced against them or fought alongside them in battle as having an indomitable will, it was argued that its regular engagements the forces of chaos is the reason behind this chapters sheer force of will that or the a mutation to the Chapters gene-Seed, at least this is the general belief by those in the Adeptus Mechanicus whose duty it is to monitor the gene seed of the Space Marine Chapters still loyal to the Imperium. Others believe it is just a reflexion of the Chapters extreme and mostly all ways highly destructive ways of dealing with things, for while other Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes are more akin to a surgical implement and the Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) are likened to a sledge hammer. The Storm Hammer Chapter would be best described as nothing less than a wrecking ball, slow to get started but when it does it leaves nothing but complete and total destruction, everything is raised to the ground. For the Chapter Honour in Battle is considered nothing more than a luxury and not a necessity as such many challenges to a duel are turned down or answered with artillery fire. But results as well as effectiveness of their methods, as savage and brutal as they maybe to those outside of the chapter cannot be denied or ignored as they demolish and shatter the enemy lines with their ferocious assault. For all intents purposes the Storm Hammers are a devastating force and have proven time and again to live up to name their preferred weaponry, the Thunder Hammer and the Storm Shield. One of the more unusual though not unique traits of the Storm Hammer’s is the way the indoctrinate new recruits into the Chapter, while most other chapters of the Adeptus Astartes replenish their ranks from a single world or worlds with in their home territory the Storm Hammers pull theirs from anywhere be it penal colonels to gang’s form over crowded Hive worlds. Storm Hammer Scout http://imageshack.com/a/img922/8135/SVceEP.jpg This fact could well be the true reason for their sheer strength of will and brutal style of combat that can be frustrating to the tacticians of both allies and opponents alike something the Elder and Tau are well aware of, even after the Chapters fall from grace they have proven to be a random factor in any battle plan. 'The Storm Hammers make the Space Wolves of Fenris look civilised and cultured.' -Captain Calton of the 502nd Tempestus Scions- Wargear During their heyday the Storm Hammers would often sortie into the close confines of Hive Spire or the corridors of a Space Hulk as such their equipment tended for the most part to evolve around squads utilising Storm Shields alongside their Bolt Gun while the Sargant would field a Storm Bolter or Thunder Hammer. In some cases, it was not unknown to see a marine from the storm hammer chapter with a pair of Lightning Claws. Tough the use of Flamers/Melt-Guns and Heavy Flamers/Multi-Meltas would also be utilised due to their high effectiveness in such confined areas. Though since falling to the powers of chaos the Profane Defilers many aspiring champions are found to have a preference to wielding Combi-Bolters with Power Fist combination, some still retain attachment to their old Lightning Claws unfortunately this also tends to be quite literally as they in most cases tend to have fused with their weaponry. The hierarchy of the Storm Hammer Chapter on the outside looks not to unsimilar to that laid out by the Codex Astartes but on closer inspection one would find that each squad and company is laid out from strongest to weakest with the most strongest fighter in the whole Chapter earning the right through combat to hold the title of Chapter Master and lead the entire chapter. The Chapter Master at that time had managed to keep hold of his title for several centuries crushing those who challenge him for his position in rank, their skulls adorning the assembly hall as badges of honour as well as a warning to those others who contemplate trying to take his title for themselves. To be the weakest in this Chapter is to suffer a living hell where torment becomes a way of life, but in this lay the chapters biggest weakness; for if a chain is only as strong as its weakest link then so to would it be for the Storm Hammers and the path to their downfall. The chapters fate was sealed on 775-777.M41 along the outer rim where the Chapter’s Barque the ‘Storm Lord’, was dragged into the immaterium during what had at first seemed to be a malfunction in the massive vessels warp engines. It would be foolish to think the Storm Hammers could escape escape the interest of the chaos Gods especially Khorne the Blood God who converted the Chapter for his own ends, but he wasn’t alone as Slaanesh had noticed the delightful if not exquisite cries of the weakest member of the now doomed Chapter. However, while Khorne bellowed and used force to try to make the Storm Hammers to worship and pledge allegiance to the Lord of Skulls, Slaanesh approached used a far more subtler less direct attempt. No empty promises or simple seduction of the senses to beguile the Lone Marine kept under foot by his Battle Brothers. Instead Slaanesh through one of many Daemonic handmaidens nurtured his body bring his lips to the Daemonette’s teat and feeding him milk made from the very essence of the warp itself while whispering words of comfort and reassurance to boost his confidence and rebuild his pride so he might stand tall.The Marines body grew stronger than his Battle Brothers, faster with reflexes akin to denizens of the black Library, he was no longer the simpering wretch he had once been; the corrupted Marine was grateful beyond all measure and begged to bare the mark of Slaanesh. The Daemonette gifted the mortal with a kiss while her claws sensuously caressed his cheek as the mark formed over his heart and his soul was freely offered up to and accepted by Slaanesh naming the new servant to his armies as Ash’Slaa a word meaning ‘Liquid Ecstasy’ in the tongue of Daemons. The Grudge of Durran IV’ The incident leading to tensions between the Storm Hammers and the Dark Angels being tenuous at best came about upon the Hive World of Durran IV where a Dark Angels Interrogator demanded a gang being scouted by a Chaplin of the Storm Hammers for possible recruits, be turned over to him and his brothers for reasons that the Interrogator refused to give. Frustrated and incensed by such demands the Chaplin attacked the Interrogator while their honour guard watched on, forming a ring around the two combatants. The fight lasted for hours with at last the Chaplin emerged victorious and claiming the gang as his spoils. As was the tradition with the Storm Hammer Chapter the gang was permitted to come aboard the strike cruiser ‘Flaming Vengence’ to watch as those chosen from amongst their own and other gangs those who had been chosen fought for the privilege of recruitment in to the Chapter. Half way through an unmarked vessel engaged the ‘Flaming Vengence’ performing a boarding manoeuvre that led to the death of the gangs and some of the Chaplin’s overseeing the selection of suitable juves for induction. One of the gang leaders though was missing and a power sword with the livery of the Dark Angels chapter was found buried deep in the Storm Hammer Chaplin who had defeated the Interrogator early that week. Outraged the Chapter Master of the Storm Hammers demanded recompense from his counterpart in the Dark Angels only to rejected and informed not to cast false allegations and that one weapon was not evidence enough. Since then that same sword was placed in the Chapters Trophy room as reminder often Dark Angels unforgivable act against the Storm Hammers least the foul act be forgotten. Latter this same sword would be used as an instrument that would lead the chapter into the hands of Slaanesh. -The Grudge of Durran IV- While the forces of Khorn laid siege to the fortress monastery the forces of Tzeentch preyed upon the Navis Nobilite Navigators but where driven back with the aid of the Chapters Librarian’s in an combined momentous effort to repel the psychic assaults. Even the forces Grandfather Nurgle who had made a late start in this latest game between the Gods of Chaos, Nurgle sought to add the vessel to the Nurgles Plague Fleet. Eventually unwilling to let neither Nurgle nor Khorne have this precious prize the Changer of Ways tore open a hole into the material world, upon seeing the opening the Chapter Master ordered the ‘Storm Lord’ to head into it. Upon exiting the warp the mighty vessel echoed with the cries of victory by those that had remained true and resisted the pull of corruption proving once more there indomitable will or so they thought, one Marine the weakest link in the chain that bound them all together as warriors, had been broken. With the Warp Engines beyond repair the vessel limped towards the nearest Imperial world to initiate repairs and feast in honour of their own glory in holding their own in such dire circumstances, a peril that had in the Imperiums past both claimed and corrupted other Chapters of the Adeptus Astarties. Fuelled now with a sense of over confidence in their abilities the Storm Hammer chapter fell foul to Hubris and deeming those unable to resist the pull of chaos as being weak something they could never be. These same delusions led to the Chapter Master to the belief that he was completely untouchable, that no foe could touch him. That he was on par with the great Primarchs, or at least that was until Ash’Slaa entered the Chapters Trophy Chamber and took a Power Sword that had been taken from the broken body of a Dark Angel Interrogator. With Sword in hand Ash’Slaa challenged the chapter Master who merely laughed and mocked him claiming him to be beneath contempt and proceeded to ignore Ash’Slaa as a fool and a weakling, only to find himself looking up at the lowly Marine from the floor, unable to comprehend why the room seemed to be getting darker or why he could no longer speak. With the head of the Old Chapter master in hand he raised it up as proof of his right to rule through victory, over the period of the next few hours many believing their chance at advancement in the hierarchy had come tried to slay what they conceived as an easy target only to lose their heads as well. Eventually those Captains who remained alive knelt before the New Chapter Master Ash’Slaa and the seeds of corruption had been sown and the Chapter began its unknowing descent towards the clutches of Slaanesh. With the rise of the new Chapter Master, Slaanesh at long last had a foot hold in a prize much coveted by his brothers Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch. The hedonistic doctrine was swiftly embraced infecting the entire chapter like some undetected cancer. The Storm Hammer’s being too proud and stubborn to acknowledge or even recognise the corruption from with in their own ranks until it was too late had become a renegade chapter, such was the stubbornness of that same unyielding pride that the Storm Hammer’s refused to comply to the inquisitions demands for investigate the rumours of secret practices and worship to the chaos that was occurring within their chapter, a decision that would return to haunt the Storm Hammers latter. For while the Inquistion has command over many of the forces within the Imperium of Man the Adeptus Astarties is not one of them, as such while the Inquisition may well have had some suspicions as to what was happening they could do very little but watch and wait. As with most things of this nature the Chapters actions were coming to a head as the Storm Hammers had slowly begun to cease supplying their quota of their Gene Seed to the Adeptus Mechanicus as prerequisite for all Chapters of the Adeptus Astarties. As such the rumblings of annoyance and outrage began to build in the Adeptus Administratum as this was a most unprecedented turn of events. While it was not unheard of for some Chapters through extreme loss of force to send less and less Gene Seed, but the deliberate act of stopping was of a great concern and alarm. The truth though to the Storm Hammers frailer to pass on a regular percentage of their gene seed was much more sinister, it was mutating beyond acceptable limits and would have revealed the truth behind the chapter having turned to Chaos. The Inquisition who had long been shunned by this Chapter even before it had turned began to make its move sensing the time was right, those Inquisitors who had, as the inquisition is most fond of doing, had stopped jealously guarding their own individual investigations and formed a conclave with which would work with the singular goal of having the Chapter sanctioned as ‘Excommunicate Traitoris’. Chaos Marine of the Profane Defilers http://imageshack.com/a/img923/2913/lQpYwn.jpg It took only a few decades but the conclave gathered evidence enough to prove the Chapter was mutating under daemonic influence, this was all they need to convince other Chapters of the Adeptus Astarties as an ‘Edict of Obliteration‘ was sanctioned, but before the strike force had even been assembled the Grey Knights had attacked the Chapters Barque the ‘Storm Lord’ that acted as the Storm Hammers Fortress Monastery. The ‘Storm Lord’ was eventually destroyed by the Chapter Master ordering its massive reactors to be overloaded while the massive vessel was plunged in amongst the Vessels of the Grey Knights before detonating and ripping a hole in the fabric of the materium for but a few brief moments sucking the rest of ‘Storm Hammer’ chapter fleet into the immaterium and into the awaiting arms of their patron Slaanesh. This act of absolute defiance took out a sizable chunk of the Grey Knight force that had come to utterly wipe the ‘Storm Hammers from the face of existence itself. When next the ‘Storm Hammers’ where seen they had become something else entirely, their flesh had become fused with their weaponry and armour some even to their vehicles, no longer were they the ‘Storm Hammers’ they were now the ‘Profane Defilers’ the metal of their weapons and armour was forged from psycho-conductive metals forged in the smiths of Slaanesh’s forges. This allowed the Profane Defilers to commune with their armour and weapons in ways the black carapace worn by their loyalist breather could never experience as well as enhance the sensations experienced in battle where experientially increased. It is due to this nightmarish fusion of technology, warp and flesh that has over the centuries lured Warpsmith’s, Mutilators and Obliterators to the legion bolstering the sheer strength and ferocity of these traitor marines. The Grudge Renewed The grudge the Storm Hammers had towards the Dark Angels remains even in their current form as the Profane Defilers, as such they gladly give refuge to the Fallen even accept them into their ranks just to spite the Sons of Lion El’Johnson. This tends to work well for the Fallen and even in some occasions for Cypher when looking for a safe location to recover where the Dark Angels cannot easily get at him. In regards to recruiting new blood to replace their fallen warriors, the strongest warriors from the Chaos Cultists that follow the Legion like so many love sick groupies are selected, those blessed with selection and survive the transformation into chaos space marine are implanted with a shard of solidified warp energy and a spike forged of psycho-conductive conductive metal. Each spike is a prized and zealously guarded artefact that is considered as a gift from Slaanesh as proof of their allegiance to Prince of Pleasure’s in all its obsessive forms, with every battle their war gear grows ever more apart of them. For some they will become more akin to mechanical skeletons with parts of their old power armour fused to their techno organic bodies as a sign of what they had once been, these veterans are as far from Human’s as Daemons are from Mortals. Their humanity and mortality striped form them as they travel form battle field to battle field with screams of pure ecstasy while their psycho-conductive metal bodies absorb and amplify the pleasures of combat. these follows of Slaanesh are domed never to become fully daemonic yet at the same time are blessed with an eternal fully sentient existence, the chaos marines of the profane defilers take great delight in their duties in the service of their one and only true master Slaanesh. The Profane Defilers Flagship http://imageshack.com/a/img924/8417/lzpxIM.png It was during their time as the loyalist chapter that brought them to blows with a small group of Magas with in the Adeptus Mechanicus and those forces in their command, the main reason for this intense tension between the two organisation lay mostly with the chapters love of tweaking of their equipment and neglecting to perform required prays to the machine spirits of that same equipment. This in itself both a Techno’Heresy and an affront to the Machine God, worse yet the chapter would openly and make no secret of picking up a fallen enemies’ weapon to use be it of Chaos origin or Xenos. They cared little as long as it would allow them to continue killing their enemies and while these practices are often frowned upon by the Tech Marines of the Chapter but with no support to stamp it out from the Chapter Master the Tech Marines could do little, some would even hoard Xeno tech’ for closer study. Now as a renegade chapter these practices continue to the point where the Profane Defilers will go out of their way to capture whole Xeno’s factories and ships to study and strip for its technology, their once disapproving Tech’Marines have become Warpsmiths that encourage and support such endeavours. It should be pointed out that while much the same as the legions and renegade chapters in the service of the fell gods, the Profane Defilers steal the much treasured gene seed from the defeated bodies of those Loyalist Marines whose Progenoid Glands they will plunder, as such it is not uncommon for this renegade chapter to make raids upon an astartes strike cruisers or planets under the protection from one of the loyalist chapters, This and the chance for a fight against a worthy adversary. On this note however unlike those of the other renegade chapters and chaos legions the Profane Defilers refuse out right to do business with the much loathed Fabius Bile, considering his Cloned Warriors an affront to their pride as warriors and in their view a complete insult to the joys of battle. 'We Forgo Glory, We Forsake Honours, Gifts of Praise are but an Insult to us! If you seek to reward us then give us a fight against impossible odds for that is what we crave!' -The Profane Defilers to a Herald of Slaanesh- . Edited September 21, 2017 by Logan Storm ArsTerra and Raztalin 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted August 22, 2017 Author Share Posted August 22, 2017 (edited) Got a couple of pictures to and, need to reduce their size so they don't break the site rules for picture size heh! Last thing I wish to do is anger the powers that be Edited bit: This one goes at the top: http://imageshack.com/a/img922/9687/4Mm9rU.jpg This one goes at the bottom: http://imageshack.com/a/img924/8417/lzpxIM.png Edited August 22, 2017 by Logan Storm Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4865439 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted August 24, 2017 Author Share Posted August 24, 2017 Okay those last two pictures resized so they don't stretch out the screen and get me in to some deep water with the Admin and Mod's, last thing I want is the Daemon Ban Hammer to come down upon me hehehehehehehe! Now I was thinking they could deliberately raid Space Marine Strike Cruisers/Battle Barges and battle field s where Space Marines are stationed at so they can kill them and steal the gene-seed from the bodies to use on those they recruit from the chaos cults that follow them around, rather than trade with Fabious Bile? Of course this will have them as eagerly hunted by the Loyalist Space Marine Chapters for performing such a heinous act, so what do you folks think? Also thinking of having psychics or Sorcerers if you will as being rare and highly prized to the Profane Defilers. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4867260 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted August 27, 2017 Author Share Posted August 27, 2017 (edited) Gonna try to make this more presentable rather than so slap dash, saw 'The Nephilim's one and it looks so spectacular so amazing that I have to give it a whirl, not sure if I can make it a great as that but I do have to those side bar's are just so awesome that I don't feel my own is up to par. I need to push the limits of what I can do other wise how will I be able to improve unless I do so, I guess its a matter of pride and and the desire to improve upon oneself more than any thing heh! Edited bit: Well with that done gonna work on some stuff about their new Mobile HQ or Flagship if you will since the Grey Knight's where the reason the renegade chapter lost their fortress monastery ship in the first place. Edited August 27, 2017 by Logan Storm Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4869472 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heru Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 First thing of note, is that there is a heck of a lot of spelling errors throughout the article. Might be worth giving it a once over to clean them out. Overall though I like these guys, but I feel like a lot of attention is being driven towards how they became who they are and there isn't really much in regards to actually who they are now and how they operate as Traitors. I'd also like to hear more about how they actually go about worshipping Slaanesh, how has their organization changed (do they still look like a Chapter?), whereabouts they operate in the Galaxy, who they've fought, what actually drives them now. Also in regards to your last paragraph, that isn't really much different to how most traitor forces replenish their geneseed as working with Fabius Bile is a luxury rather than a rule. Logan Storm 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4878371 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share Posted September 10, 2017 Thank you Heru, just ran the whole thing through MS-Word again and only one spelling mistake came up: While many of the legions and renegade chapters in the service of the fell gods are forced to do business with the much loathed Fabius Bile for fresh Gene Seed to maintin their numbers, the Profane Defilers instead steal it from the defeated bodies Loyalist Marines whose Progenoid Glands plundered and often more times than not will be the true reason for a raid upon a vessel or planet by this reneged chapter. Instead of 'maintain' I had put 'maintin'. As for the Fabius Bile thing will rewrite that part, I do intend to add more to this and currently typing stuff up about the 'Profane Defiles': Their New Flag Ship, since the original Fortress Monastery was destroyed by the Grey Knights so they could escape as lets face its few are the number of chapters who have faced the fury of the Grey Knights and survived with enough of their numbers to maintain a coherent numbers to function as a renegade Chapter. Worshipping Style, how the 'Profane Defilers' worship Slaanesh. What Has Changed, what in the way of how they operate has changed from their former incarnation as the 'storm Hammers' Battles Fought, since turning their backs upon the Imperium who have they fought and whereabouts are they currently operating in the Galaxy? So yeah I hear what your saying and got some of that covered on a to do list which is currently being typed, though will pause on all this to rewrite that last paragraph as it does seem wrong now that you point it out, though save for that one word, MS-Word (UK Edition) does not find a problem with the rest of it spelling wise. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4881943 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) Right changed that paragraph from: While many of the legions and renegade chapters in the service of the fell gods are forced to do business with the much loathed Fabius Bile for fresh Gene Seed to maintin their numbers, the Profane Defilers instead steal it from the defeated bodies Loyalist Marines whose Progenoid Glands plundered and often more times than not will be the true reason for a raid upon a vessel or planet by this reneged chapter. To: It should be pointed out that while much the same as the other legions and renegade chapters in the service of the fell gods, the Profane Defilers steal the much treasured gene seed from the defeated bodies of those Loyalist Marines whose Progenoid Glands they will plunder, as such it is not uncommon for this renegade chapter to make raids upon an astartes strike cruisers or planets under the protection from one of the loyalist chapters, This and the chance for a fight against a worthy adversary. On this note however unlike those of the other renegade chapters and chaos legions the Profane Defilers refuse out right to do business with the much loathed Fabius Bile, considering his Cloned Warriors an affront to their pride as warriors and in their view a complete insult to the joys of battle. Edited September 10, 2017 by Logan Storm Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4881957 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heru Posted September 10, 2017 Share Posted September 10, 2017 Thank you Heru, just ran the whole thing through MS-Word again and only one spelling mistake came up: While many of the legions and renegade chapters in the service of the fell gods are forced to do business with the much loathed Fabius Bile for fresh Gene Seed to maintin their numbers, the Profane Defilers instead steal it from the defeated bodies Loyalist Marines whose Progenoid Glands plundered and often more times than not will be the true reason for a raid upon a vessel or planet by this reneged chapter. Instead of 'maintain' I had put 'maintin'. As for the Fabius Bile thing will rewrite that part, I do intend to add more to this and currently typing stuff up about the 'Profane Defiles': Their New Flag Ship, since the original Fortress Monastery was destroyed by the Grey Knights so they could escape as lets face its few are the number of chapters who have faced the fury of the Grey Knights and survived with enough of their numbers to maintain a coherent numbers to function as a renegade Chapter. Worshipping Style, how the 'Profane Defilers' worship Slaanesh. What Has Changed, what in the way of how they operate has changed from their former incarnation as the 'storm Hammers' Battles Fought, since turning their backs upon the Imperium who have they fought and whereabouts are they currently operating in the Galaxy? So yeah I hear what your saying and got some of that covered on a to do list which is currently being typed, though will pause on all this to rewrite that last paragraph as it does seem wrong now that you point it out, though save for that one word, MS-Word (UK Edition) does not find a problem with the rest of it spelling wise. Most of the mistakes hide themselves as legitimate words but not the words you want. I'll go through it tomorrow and point them out if you don't catch them by then. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4881982 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted September 11, 2017 Author Share Posted September 11, 2017 Sorry Heru,but I haven't found one save for that 'maintin' one, I ran it several times through MS-Word finding not even one spelling mistake, typo or missing words or letters! @_@ Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4882613 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted September 14, 2017 Share Posted September 14, 2017 It's more stuff like grammar mistakes, the use of the incorrect homonym, or clumsy punctuation. (For instance, it's "Renegade" Chapter - "Reneged" is also a correct word, but doesn't mean precisely the same thing) - unfortunately, that's not stuff that word can pick up on. One thing that you might be able to correct more easily is to have a look at tenses: only use a single tense within a paragraph, ie only the past tense or the present tense; if I can offer some advice I'd at least use the past tense for the parts about the loyalist chapter before their fall. Write as if you were a historian writing at the very dawn of the 42nd Millenium :) Anyway, your article is looking pretty good on the whole already :) One thing I'm unfond of is seeing a DIY chapter being compared to a canon chapter and being shown as surpassing them in their best known field - here, I'm particularly thinking of your quote saying that the Storm Hammers were more savage then even the Space Wolves. Of course, this is only my opinion, but I feel that only canon chapters should be allowed to be known throughout the Imperium, and throughout the Imperium the Space Wolves are known as the most savage chapter there is. But that is very subjective, and your quote can also be taken as hyperbole so do as you want on that side ;) Perhaps using a lesser known successor of the Dark Angels as a provenance for the sword would also be more likely (btw, they are "Interrogator-Chaplains", "Interrogators" are something else in 40k) I like the idea of the least powerful member of the chapter taking over thanks to the help of Slaanesh - this guy probably deserves an introduction, with at the very least a name? I'd also recommend fleshing out his motivations a bit prior to the flagship's passage in the warp, to give the seed of corruption and to his ambition to taking over the whole chapter: a person's self-made corruption, helped along the path of chaos only by whispers of glory, is always an interesting story to read. I'd probably also upgrade the Daemonette to a Herald of Slaanesh - perhaps corrupting the whole chapter through this one pawn could even be her way of becoming a Herald in fact? Be wary however of using the Daemonettes sensuality to lure the Space Marine towards chaos, as Marines aren't supposed to feel lust. It might be better to restrict the number of Chaos Gods involved in the chapter's fall - even at the time of the Legions, most legions only ever got the attention of a single god of the warp. Here, you could use Khorne as the first one who tries to corrupt a very savage chapter, and Slaanesh only starts to try his/her luck to spite Khorne (they are rivals after all) - this would not only have the benefit of toning it down (and therefore making it sound more believable), it would simplify that section of the article and would give more interesting motivations to the players involved rather then a simple "oh, I want this chapter" "oh me too" "and me"... Though the Inquisition doesn't generally hold much de facto power over Space marine chapters, but they can (and do) investigate chapters on a fairly regular basis - it's seen as unusual that the Space Wolves only ever have one Inquisitor visiting the Fang, and that's even with the considerable political power they hold as a first founding chapter. The Grey Knight's sphere of influence is specifically Daemons, not all chaos - and therefore it wouldn't be their duty to destroy the Storm Hammers. It might be more interesting to use another rival chapter for this mission, for instance the Dark Angels' successor chapter that they have already had upsets with ? From a strictly "form" point of view finally, I'd split up your Warband's history into different parts, giving each main part of the story a title (for instance, "Chapter Founding", "Fall to Slaanesh", "Exile", or something along those lines) - also, don't add "quotation marks" around your chapter name (apart from possibly the first time it's used), and use Italics for the ship name (ctrl+i works when viewing the forum on a computer browser) You've got a good start here, keep up the good work :tu: Logan Storm and Banelord 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4886359 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted September 15, 2017 Author Share Posted September 15, 2017 (edited) Hmnnnn You know Lord Thorn you have a blooming good point there, will remove and edit the Space wolf part, and try for some thing else, was trying to go for these guys to be the very essence of Thug Life, but you have a good point there. The Daemontte was supposed to be a Herald, crap have to go through it again, having dyslexia even as mild as mine can be a real drag. You read it and think it makes sense and then read it again only to find your missing whole word or just letters or typos or even words that just don't even fit with the context of the paragraph or subject matter and don't get me started on the spelling and repeating the same word twice at times. If it wasn't for MS-Word my material would be horrific to behold. X_X And yeah I know it should be Chaplin Interrogator, again my missing whole words being missed out at times thing, thanks for picking that up Lord Thorn I appreciate it big time. As for former Chapter Master..I just read through it again and while I am sure I had a whole part dedicated to him on there your right there is nothing but a small mention which is not good, while as for Ash'Slaa I have planed is a whole section about him that I wish to write out heh! ^_~ Hmnn aye they don't but they can feel attraction like Ragnar Blackmane in the space wolf novels when he felt attracted to that lass in the Inquisitors Entourage as one example. BUT your right one should be careful when using the lust thing to lure a Space Marine to Chaos, hence why I went for the nurturing of Ash'Slaa to make him from the under dog to the new Chapter Master....Though now you mention it I could flesh it out a bit even hav a whole section devoted to Ash'Slaa. *puts this on his list of things to do list* And yeah that's right hence the problems the Blood Ravens have had and are having due to the investigations, with The 'Storm Hammers' I was going for the Chapter now under new management to flip the proverbial bird while telling the Inquisition to get stuffed approach, which is never a wise thing with a multi layered and complex structured organisation like the Inquisition with all it's many departments Ordo's and Orders hehehehe! The multiple Chaos God's thing....Again Another great point Lord Thorn, one that I hold my hands up to that I missed and should have known better. I'll alter that as well to just Khorne and Slaanesh only, Thanks for pointing that out to me it greatly appreciated! Yes the Grey Knight focus on things Daemonic, I was going for the fact the chapter now under new management is harbouring daemonic entities would be just something to take care of to leave no witnesses to their existence (despite the Space Wolves and other organisations knowing about them heh) as they destroy the Slaanesh Daemon on board the Storm Hammer's Flag Ship come Fortress Monastery, BUT now you point it out yeah it probably needs fleshing out to give credibility to the Grey Knights taking a hand in matters, then after wards continue to hunt them since the Reneged Chapter knows about their existence and rather face another debacle like the Months of Shame from after getting their butts handed to them by the Space Wolves. That said I loved that whole thing after the 1st Armagedon war that led to fall out between the Inquisitor, the Grey Knights and the Space Wolves that led to the death of Grand Master Joros. That's a lot of food for thought and stuff to add to my do list, but defiantly need to break it up and give head lines to parts that's for sure, I do appreciate your advice and constructive criticism as it helps big time....You Sir Rock! Edited September 15, 2017 by Logan Storm Banelord and Doctor Perils 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4887167 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted September 17, 2017 Author Share Posted September 17, 2017 Okay so started to flesh out and give the Chapter Master (the one Ash'slaa murders) a name (Jacob Travis) as well as fluff up the Storm Hammer chapter giving it a founding, l'm gonna also build Jacob up show how he became a chapter master and put some fluff together for how the Chapter operated when they still loyalist and how things changed and where reorganised when he became the chapter master. Anyway here's what I got so far, it may require some tweaking though. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ FOUNDING OF A CHAPTER In the 738.41st Millennium the twenty sixth founding of the ‘Adeptus Astartes’ saw the creation of numerous chapters, amongst these was the ‘Storm Hammer’ Chapter whose gene-seed can be traced back to ‘Ultramarine’ gene-stock as does many of the founding’s from the second founding onwards. At first glance, this chapter like its Chapter Master was generic at most following the codex astartes to the letter as they welcomed any and all Inquisitorial investigations with open arms eager to prove their worth as warriors of the Imperium. Centuries of clearing space hulks and derelict vessels left the storm hammers chapter master frustrated and desperate to prove his chapters worth, this chance would come on Claptus Twelve an Eta class Hive World, it was here the storm hammers chapter first cut its teeth against a rampaging Ork force and at the same time loose its first chapter master whose own rigidness to the codex would lead to a horrific fate. The chapter master faced off against the Ork Warboss ‘Tuf Skraga, the battle was savage and bloody with neither combatant showing signs of weakness or backing down but eventually the warbosses monstrous strength allowed the massive green warrior to prevail. It had been the chapter master’s inability to diverge form the codex he adhered to so piously that led to his defeat and loss of his limbs to the ork warbosses power klaw. In a sudden act of unspeakable cruelty, the ork ordered his Mekboys and Mad-Doc’s to mount and hard wire the chapter masters still living head to his boss pole. Outraged by this callous act of desecration the storm hammer chapter performed an all-out assault on the ork strong hold putting an end to ork warboss once and for all and ending the suffering of their chapter master. The second chapter master, Jacob Travis, originally a juve from a hive world gang whose ferocity and prowess in combat had caught one of the chaplain’s attention during one of the chapters recruitment runs, it was Jacob who would eventually be the one to bring down the Ork, Tuf Skraga. Though not before his rise from a lowly scout to full fledge battle brother after facing off against a Tyranid Warrior with only his bare hands was deemed as a sign of great potential by some, while his skirting the code laid down in the codex brought disapproval and scorn from others none more so than from the first chapter master. In spite of adversity and being passed over for advancement in rank due to his disregard for rigid uncompromising protocols Jacob was eventually promoted to sargent in the seventh company, one of the reserve companies that rarely saw much in the way of glory other the sweeping of space hulks and derelict vessels infested with Genestealers and other unwholesome threats to the imperium of man. Such was the first chapter masters distain for divergence from the codex astartes, that all with in the chapter who strayed even slightly from the written word would be severely disciplined be they serf or battle brother, regardless of position within the hierarchy of the chapter. Even company captains where not immune to the humiliation of be stripped down and flogged before the entire chapter for choosing a practical course of action that saved the lives of countless battle brothers over the exact wording of the codex that would have achieved the victory but at the unacceptable cost in the lives of his fellow marines. Jacob would be a regular participant in such floggings to the point the humiliation and pain had become routine losing all function as a punishment to him, his brazen display of defiance both perplexed the first chapter master and earned Jacob the respect of his battle brothers. For the chapter master it was a frustrating quandary, he wished to exile the unruly Jacob but the trouble maker had not done anything with in the codex to warrant such action. Many attempts to place Jacob in path of destruction where made by the chapter master as paranoia began to take root, chapter master was starting to see subversive activities every with in the storm hammer chapter where there was none. The first chapter master eventually started to view Jacob as the sole cause for this but was unable to act directly without diverging from the written word of the codex, as the paranoia grow so too did his suspicion of his company captains plotting against him. So, when an opportunity presented itself on Claptus Twelve to demonstrate his worth as commander of the chapter he snapped it up eager to take up arms against the ork warboss had claimed the hive world as his own. At first everything went smoothly as the chapter followed dictates of how to proceed, the ork warboss was too busy stamping his mark of authority on the planetary defence force who seemed to disagree with the orks claim to their world to care about a Battle Barge and its strike cruiser escorts arrival in orbit. Let alone the reports of how his prized Battlekroozers where taking fire, it was only when drop pods thundered into the ground take and hold locations that would act as either bases or landing zones for thunderhawk transporters that the ork warboss started to take an interest. Expecting the orc forces to split their forces between two battle fronts the storm hammers soon found themselves swamped as the entire hoard opted for a fight with the stronger foe, and while whole units of orks where wiped out as they turned tail and headed away from the guns of the planetary defence that had proven to be of little challenge against ork ferocity and savagery. But the numbers lost in this sudden move by the warboss had hardly put a dent in the sheer tide of green skins. It was in this battle that Tuf Skraga took the head of the storm hammers chapter master, having it grafted to his boss pole with a mix of a Mek Bosses orky science and a Painboss know wots, the morbid still living trophy was the warbosses pride and joy admiring the chapter masters look of horror; It was the ultimate insult to the honour of the storm hammer chapter, one that could not be allowed to go unanswered. The chapter rallied at the last imperial foot hold on the planet to consolidate their forces with those of the planetary defence force, the remaining company captains came together to formulate a new strategy. Free from the bonds of a codex obsessed chapter master new more efficient plans were drawn up with the hopes of still succeeding without the need to call for support from other chapters or the Astra Militarum as to do so would only further their shame. To buy more time a drastic course of action was proposed to send the ork forces into discord by taking down the Tuf Skraga, an all-out surprise attack upon the warbosses strong hold was made by the remaining companies of the chapter. This time without the exact word of the codex to hold the battle brothers back the outcome was much different, the green skins where swiftly put on the defensive from the beginning to the end of the assault. It was the seventh company that made it into the warbosses inner sanctum first and it was Jacob who faced off and defeated Tuf Skraga while the rest of what was left of his company battled the warbosses small army of nob’s. The fight swiftly drained from the green skinned hoards as word of the warbosses death spread like wild fire amongst the ranks or of orks, some fled while others fought on either believing it to be a trick or just not knowing what else to do. With the battle over the still living head of the chapter master had watched in silence the realisation of how wrong he had been to follow the codex so obsessively, the living head mouthed two words as Jacob raised his bolt pistol, ‘Thank You’ then with a squeeze of the trigger the first master of the chapter was given the emperors mercy. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ As any Ork player who knows his Ork Glyphs will tell you 'Tuf Skraga' would translate to 'Old Skarboy' in Ork tongue and while the name may not have a nice ring to it does have some tasty orky meaning which was what I was going for. Was gonna call the warboss 'Grim Gor' (Dangerous Slaughter) which rolls of the tongue so well but lacks that same big old ork boss feel to it. In the next part: A Chapter Reforged I'm gonna have Jacob Travis promoted after having be deliberately passed over so many times to Sargent and transferred to the 10th company where he takes command of a scout squad to pass on his experience to the scouts who at this point are in much demand by the other companies after the complete debacle on Claptus Twelve. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4888697 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Logan Storm Posted October 17, 2017 Author Share Posted October 17, 2017 I haven't given up on this, but have been busy with work so been unable to spend as much time as I wish upon the army fluff, but I will be still working on this and it is not dead by a long shot! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338519-profane-defilers/#findComment-4911245 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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