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I think people are underestimating the ignore -1 ap. Most people will be firing the big guns at your bigger tanks leaving smaller weapons like heavy bolters, autocannons, ect. At your chimera. This bring an extra level of resilience to them.

It's pretty underwhelming for an armor force. If it just flat dropped AP by 1, that would be excellent resilience, but it's not, so it's pretty situational. Unless Chimeras receive a big cost drop and multilasers become Assault or something, Chimeras aren't worth it in a competitive army. The irony here is that Steel Legion is now the best Airborne Calvalry in the game thanks the the ability to shoot and embark on a hard to hit transport. Sure, you won't get the Regiment bonus, but i'd rather be harder to hit than to ignore a narrow weapon band.

I think the -1AP boon is overlooked. 


You aren't affected as much by heavy bolter fire. 


You aren't also affected by mass burst cannon fire from Tau commander spam with the ATS upgrade.


5 Commanders:
60 shots => 58.3 hit => 19.4 wounds => 9.72 damage.


However with this would instead be changed to <6.5 damage with this rule.


Edited by The Catachan Devil

Hmm not bad, but not great either. If I get this right:


Ideal situation, starting the game embarked:


turn 1 you disembark, move 18" from the enemy, and rapid fire to some damage

in normal circumstances, the enemy will have minimal chances to charge you, although he will likely have you in his 12" rapid fire range


turn 2, you fire at the enemy, which should now be 12" or closer, then you embark with your order. However, your Chimera won't move from there because it's already the fire phase.

now your Chimera gets charged/mauled by fire, although being slightly more resistant it might take a few more shots to take it down


In case your vehicle survives, turn 3 you can start the whole thing again, or redeploy the Chimera elsewhere (losing a turn with the squad inside).



It's not a mobile armoured infantry army, it's a semi-static bunker infantry army. It takes two turn to do the trick effectively, but you won't go anywhere during those turns.


I think Steel Legion would have been more fluffy if their trait also allowed Chimeras to e.g. forego its move in the movement phase and be able to move at the end of its shooting phase, *after* having embarked a squad with the order. Ah well.




Question, it says "Double the number of attacks for rapid fire weapons" so rapid fire 1 becomes rapid fire 2? So a lasgun rolls 4 shots at rapid fire range instead of the normal 2?


That's the way I read it



Uh, no? It references doubling the number of shots for rapid fire at 18 instead of 12. Do your lasguns normally fire at 4 shots in rapid? No.


I know, I edited the original post

I'll note that Tyranid "anti-tank" weapons are often AP-1, as well as Tau Missile Pods/Ion Weapons, so it's good against those. Being able to survive incidental Bolter fire, Necron Gauss weapons and Autocannon fire seems like a decent bonus to me. It was never going to be able to prevent Lascannons.


Think about it. It helps your light vehicles like Chimeras, etc, which the Steel Legion are known for. Your tanks are going to be pulling in the heavy AT fire, meaning that your opponent normally doles out the light AT fire to the Chimeras, which they are now partially resistant to.



Grenadiers: up to 10 models in the unit can fire their grenades as opposed to 1.


I like the idea of this, but it seems like it'd be more efficient for any unit with a lasgun to get a FRFSRF order instead. For a unit of conscripts that is no longer a reliable target for orders, I can see it being of some use against weak hordes.




Grenadiers: up to 10 models in the unit can fire their grenades as opposed to 1.


I like the idea of this, but it seems like it'd be more efficient for any unit with a lasgun to get a FRFSRF order instead. For a unit of conscripts that is no longer a reliable target for orders, I can see it being of some use against weak hordes.


Special weapons squads can fire off all their Demolition charges, and Scions can all throw krak grenades instead of lasguns, should the target be a light vehicle with no other great targets around.




Grenadiers: up to 10 models in the unit can fire their grenades as opposed to 1.


I like the idea of this, but it seems like it'd be more efficient for any unit with a lasgun to get a FRFSRF order instead. For a unit of conscripts that is no longer a reliable target for orders, I can see it being of some use against weak hordes.



This also allows a SWS with demo packs to all throw in the same shooting phase 




Sad to see that they didn't seem to tweak the bad Russ turrets, but they gave some huge buffs to the super heavys.


Strange how Valkyries were buffed but I didn't see any sign of changes for the chimera



Also worth noting that our enginseers are still safely in our codex.




Also, I wanted to quickly say that this isn't my video

Edited by Chris521

As far as list building goes I may just go under the radar and skip conscripts all together.  I know that the conscript nerf was seen by many as not enough and given that I was just using a few squads as a first rank for an equal or greater number of infantry squads anyway, it's not really a battle I feel like fighting. I know some people on this forum feel strongly the other way, but 4 pt infantry is more than fine by me.


I was really hoping for a Vanquisher change, with the intention of giving it to Pask while he ordered around 2 other battle cannons. Still 3 battle cannons set up like that within and large infantry line should be very good.  I think the wyvern should synergize well with the re roll 1s.  Add in my 2 earth shaker carriages and my manticore and I got myself a pretty strong "combined arms" detachment.

Edited by Chris521

And BOOM my Baneblade just became relevant again. Thanks Chris.


Edit: I was saddened to hear about match play restrictions on Commanders around 19:00 minutes.

I think he meant to say command squad. Pausing the video and reading the text he's pointing at while saying that, it's clearly about command squads, not commanders.

Inspired tactics 1 cp. Officer can issue an extra order.

Fight to the death 1cp. Unit uses d3 instead of d6 for morale checks.

Vengeance for Cadia NOT Cadia exclusive. 1cp to reroll hit and wound on overwatch vs Chaos units.

Ariel Spotters 2cp. A wyvern or Basilisk may reroll failed to hit rolls.

Mobile command vehicle 1cp. Officer in a chimera can issue orders, and counts as having a vox caster.

Overlapping fields of Fire, Cadian only, 2cp. If a Cadian unit has caused at least one unsaved wound on a unit, all other units reroll failed to hits when firing at the same unit.

Ambush Tallarn only. 3cp. Choose up to three Tallarn units. At the end of any movement phase, they can come in from any table edge, so long as they stay more than 9 from an enemy unit, and stay within 7 of the edge. Sudden Backfield Russes with multimeltas, anyone?

Volley fire, Mordians. 1cp. Activate when a Mordian infantry unit fires. On a roll of 6+, make another shot. 30 man conscript squad+Sabre weapons battery=win?

Tempestus, one cp. Fire at a unit that just arrived from reserves, with -1 to hit. 

New powers: -1 to hit buff, buff that makes a unit immune to morale, Buff that causes one mortal wound on a 2+. If successful, roll again. Another wound on a 3+. Etc until you fail.

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