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Still though, if we get the ability to move after deep striking, I think it will help inferno pistols. Still way over costed, but with some points decrease I’d throw one or two in a squad so they could be pushed into opportune positions.

Very very unlikely that our chapter tactic will give just jump infantry a bonus. So far all such rules were for the whole army with few exceptions instead of the opposite. I think GW said something like that at some point as well.

What do you all think would be the right points deductions for our chapter specific gear for starters?


Inferno Pistol 7-8pts


Hand Flamer 2-4pts


Angelus Bolters 2-3pts


Reduce our dreads costs by 15-20%


Reduce Baal Pred base points cost by 10-12% or increase its overall utility?

Really can't tell for the pistols. The whole pistol mechanic is so clunky that I don't feel like taking Inferno Pistols for even just 5p. Heck the equipment slot would be more valuable than the pistol imo.

At d3 shots and s3, i’d Take a bolter or pistol for free every time. Hand flamers need to be d6 shots or s4, and maybe 4 points.

At d3 shots and s3, i’d Take a bolter or pistol for free every time. Hand flamers need to be d6 shots or s4, and maybe 4 points.

What about this for BA Chapter Tactic:


Any time an opponent "Falls Back" from combat, they suffer d3 mortal wounds for each Infantry, Bike, or Dreadnought unit that is within 1" of them at the time of their fallback.

Do you guys think flesh tearers and blood angels might get a different gimmick? It would make sense to just give them blood angels tactic, and their difference is the chapter master (like crimson fists and imperial fists), but I feel like the two chapters are decently different enough I could see seperate tactics as well.

I've been thinking that when our codex comes out, i wouldnt mind if BA Primaris got a little bit of attention. Something along the lines of war gear options like BA Leutenants can take eviscerators (and still hit on 3+ with their WS2+) instead of Power Swords, or Interseccors replace their Bolt Pistols with Chain Swords. My thinking is that these type of options are pretty simple kit bash's, fit BA design focus well and play nicely with Sange Priest aura's and Unleash Rage.

  On 10/10/2017 at 6:09 PM, 9x19 Parabellum said:

Speaking of which, is there any scuttlebut on about when we are getting our 'dex?

Nothing so far. Some think around the time when the Devastation of Baal novel gets released but to be honest if that happens it's purely coincidental.

  On 10/9/2017 at 3:31 AM, 9x19 Parabellum said:

What about this for BA Chapter Tactic:


Any time an opponent "Falls Back" from combat, they suffer d3 mortal wounds for each Infantry, Bike, or Dreadnought unit that is within 1" of them at the time of their fallback.


This is something I've considered too, actually. It probably should have been a mechanic for melee in 8th overall but that would be a nice way to reward BA units that get into close combat.

Inferno pistols need to come down in cost. In fact every armament option for the sang guard needs to come down, with the exception of the plasma pistol.


Their power fists cost more than the average marines power fist for no additional benefit.

The angelus bolt gun has half the range of a bolt gun, and costs more than 2 meta bombs.

The encarmine weapons cost more than the average marines power fists and have worse stats.


They all need a good looking at.

Edited by SM1981

I was thinking about intercessor sgt only being able to take chainsword. Maybe BAs and wolves could have the option to give a chainsword to every member of the squad once the respective codices come around.


I'd like to see some sort of "Affinity for Flight"  Something like +1 to hit against units with the fly keyword and units with jump packs double the number of shots on their pistols.

  On 10/13/2017 at 6:07 AM, Grazcruzk said:

I was thinking about intercessor sgt only being able to take chainsword. Maybe BAs and wolves could have the option to give a chainsword to every member of the squad once the respective codices come around.

I've been thinking the same thing, it would make Intercessors a bit more interesting, as long as it did not replace their rifles. Having a 5 man squad with 16 CC would be nice, not enough to make them a desirable CC unit, but enough to make a viable option to charge them in if needed and dissuade chump units from wanting to get in close with them unless necessary. 

  On 10/13/2017 at 4:24 PM, Grazcruzk said:

I was thinking along the same lines, the chainsword/powersword doesn't replace anything on intercessor sgt, does it? Not a huge boost, but it would be nice.

The chain sword is an extra, doesn't replace anything. as a side note, i just finished building a intercessor sergeant with a chain sword and it definitely looks pretty cool.

On a semi related note (well related to rules updates / changes). Can someone point me towards the FAQ where space marine power fists get reduced to 12 points, and also where it says this applies to all non codex chapters also?


I'm sure I saw this somewhere (specifically the 2nd point) but now can'take re-find it.


Any ideas anyone?

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