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As you can see, the Death Guard and Thousand Sons have gotten their own little places on the forum now. :)



This has happened for a multitude of reasons. They will have their own Codexes separate from the CSM codex, they have gotten new and updated models and rules and the buzz around them is high...and other things...



Now why haven't Slaanesh and Khorne gotten their own little homes yet, you ask? Well, there just isn't enough posts going around about them yet. I'm betting that GW will eventually get around to making them too, and we'll add them then...



So that's the news! Now post away and fill them up! :P

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Can't wait for our own little pleasure subsection on this forum. :smile.:

I'm greasing up with old chicken skin as we wait.. 



Good ol Willi. Scottish people just know what's best. Pretty sure the bagpipe was just an early verson of the Doom Siren as well. :tongue.:
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