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cool looking unit! very characterful!

Thank you!

Looking good.

In the age of the Primaris it is nice to see some kit-bashed "normal" marines.

Cheers, Marius. Much appreciated!

Amazing stuff :smile.: Seriously tempting me to do some more Badab Chapters... I've always wanted some Fire Hawks, hmmmm....

Doooo iiiiiiit. :devil:

You are very welcome, happy to be of help. Though you are giving me the itch to restart my Astral Claws.

Doooo iiiiiiit. :devil:

Question: Where's that brazier from? That'd look lovely on a Conflagrator...

It's from the Salamander Deathwatch Terminator from Deathwatch Overkill.

Teaser for a joint project I'm working on with The Observer:


A lone Stormbird, its hull scratched and burned betraying only hints of the golden yellow it once proudly displayed many decades ago when it rolled fresh off the production lines of Mars, powered towards one of the outer defence platforms around Europa. The station orbited the planet silently, not a flicker of power in it according to the spacecraft's sensors.

Ekthelon approcahed one of the docking tubes and clamped itself in place. Inside the great metal bird a detachment of Astartes from 63 Storm Battalion could feel every scrape and vibration as they waited for the pilot to give the all-clear. As the airlock unlocked itself and opened, Battle-Brother Geiss detached himself from his harness and moved towards the open hatch. The light from the Stormbird's interior only illuminated the space a few metres inwards before it was pitch black.

"Geiss taking point, sir."

His Sergeant acknowledged this and ordered the rest of the squad to form up behind. Geiss ajusted his visuals to the darkness and stepped into the silent tunnel, boltgun armed and ready.

+ + + + + +

The writing's a bit shoddy but it'll do for now. Anyway, I'm going to start painting the Fire Angels tomorrow so be sure to pop in then. :tu:

I tried painting the Fire Angels but I didn't get very far. For whatever reason I wasn't enjoying it and I ended up putting my brushes down and not touching them for almost a week. Fast forward to this morning, I noticed The Observer's most recent update in his Badab War thread and after admiring the lovely Fire Hawk I suddenly got the urge to paint some red and yellow. First I thought I would also paint up a Fire Hawk but then after a bit of searching I settled for the colour scheme of the Crimson Guard. Here is the result of tonight's frantic but very rewarding and fun painting session (about 4 hours from undercoat to finished model):





The freehand is shoddy but I've managed to hide most of it under some strategically-placed battle damage. Same with most of the mistakes I made, actually. And there are plenty. But hey, another finished model which is always a win in my books. :tu:

Anyway, looks like it might be Crimson Guard and not Fire Angels after all. :rolleyes: :lol:

Looks great, the battle damage stops him looking too bright. Also loving the mix of armour marks and the chainblade on the bolter. Giving me old skool vibes to my first RTB01 box.

Also liking the purity seal between the power cables on his left leg, I have never thought of putting one there but it fits very well.

Ah, a partial return to the familiar yellow, who would've expected that? :wink: Just pulling your leg mate, he looks splendid!

Indeed. ;) Thank you!

Damn! That looks excellent my dude! Hope to see many more! Any solid background info on the Crimson Guard? Or will you be developing it yourself?

Thanks, Vazzy. :tu: No official background info so I'll be developing it in the same way you've been doing it with your Shattered Suns.

Looks great, the battle damage stops him looking too bright. Also loving the mix of armour marks and the chainblade on the bolter. Giving me old skool vibes to my first RTB01 box.

Also liking the purity seal between the power cables on his left leg, I have never thought of putting one there but it fits very well.

The mix of armour is something I always enjoy doing so I'm glad it's noticeable. I didn't really think about the placement of the purity seal, it was quite accidental. Anyway, thank you!

LOVE the paint job. Split and quartered paint jobs are the bee's knees for me and you did red and yellow! Superb!

Cheers, hush. Halved and quartered schemes are always a nice challenge to paint. :)

That paint job is superb! Very gritty and battle worn. Cant wait to see more

Thanks, Sagentus! Glad you like 'em. More below!

Member #2 of my Crimson Guard Tactical Squad:





I'm happy with the plasma glow between the bronze coils and in the vents. I tried doing some basic OSL but it didn't turn out alright so I removed it and settled for a simple interior glow. Not as fancy as other OSL these days but it does the trick. :)

Yeah, quartered is my favorite and I have been tempted with trying Sons of Malice again. Before I traded off my primaris half of the new starter I thought about Howling Griffons but painting yellow and red is madness. It looks like you have it mastered as the newly paint Crimson Guard is looking ace.


I think the coils look great and I love OSL but sometimes I feel like it can be too much (plus I suck at painting OSL). I think you found a sweet spot with that blue and was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing how you achieved it.

Yeah, quartered is my favorite and I have been tempted with trying Sons of Malice again. Before I traded off my primaris half of the new starter I thought about Howling Griffons but painting yellow and red is madness. It looks like you have it mastered as the newly paint Crimson Guard is looking ace.

I think the coils look great and I love OSL but sometimes I feel like it can be too much (plus I suck at painting OSL). I think you found a sweet spot with that blue and was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing how you achieved it.

Do it! Not enough Sons of Malice around, in my opinion. Red and yellow is surprisingly easy once you've got a good recipe and the process is nailed down.

I'm glad you like it. I've had a couple of people tell me I should've pushed it a bit further but like you I feel like OSL is usually pushed too far and I'm very happy with how quick, easy, and decent-looking this method is! It's simply watered-down GW Temple Guard Blue applied to the areas you want looking plasma-y. I put two coats around the plasma coils and one coat in the forward vents and barrels.

These are quite amazin, great poses!


Brilliant! Love the natural gritty weathering and the armour marks work really well together! Keep it up!

Thank you, Cadmus. :)

Just the right amount of grubbiness, I think. Nice work. :thumbsup:

Cheers, Olis! Looking forward to pounding your Astral Claws to dust early next year. :P

Impressive weathering effects on the Crimson Guard member.

Thank you!

​lovely work dude, textures going on, def like the griffins with weathering

Cheers, marc. When will we see more of your gorgeous Imperial Fists?

Right, minor update. Took a bit of a break yesterday and have only done some assembly work today. Here are the results:


(Veteran) Sergeant armed with chainsword and lightning claw, and third Tactical Marine. I'm really happy with these two and look forward to painting them.

Now, I need some advice regarding my army. I'm participating in a "Tale of Five Warlords" with some friends and we have to build and paint 250 points each month, add them onto whatever we have from previous months and then play some games. This month is the first month and I have the following planned:

  • Chaplain with plasma pistol;
  • Tactical Squad (5-man) with plasma gun and lightning-claw-and-chainsword-wielding Sergeant;
  • Razorback with twin heavy bolter turret and storm bolter.

I'm trying to plan ahead a bit and figure out what I'll be building and painting next month. The games will be quite casual so I'm not looking to curb-stomp my mates but I don't want them to curb-stomp me either. A few options I have in mind:

  • Upgrading the twin heavy bolter on the Razorback to a twin assault cannon, giving the Chaplain a jump pack, and adding a full 10-man Assault Squad with jump packs, two eviscerators, and a plasma-pistol-and-power-axe-wielding Sergeant;
  • Upgrading the twin heavy bolter on the Razorback to a twin assault cannon, adding a Dreadnought with assault cannon and DCCW, and a 7-man Scout Squad with camo cloaks, shotguns, close-combat weapons, and a power-sword-wielding Sergeant;
  • Adding a Predator with autocannon and sponson heavy bolters, and a 6-man Scout Squad with camo cloaks, shotguns, close-combat weapons, and a power-sword-wielding Sergeant;
  • Upgrading the twin heavy bolter on the Razorback to a twin assault cannon, adding a full 10-man Tactical Squad with plasma gun, heavy bolter, and a power-axe-wielding Sergeant, and a Rhino;
  • OR something that you suggest to me in your comments! :D

All feedback appreciated, as usual. :tu:

How much armor do you think you'll be facing? A devastator squad with two missile launchers and two las cannons will put the work in there. A las Predator is also very effective! Though based off of your list, upgrading the razorback, Dread and scouts would be cool to see. 

Definitely the option with the dreadnought ;) Also, very lovely veteran and tactical marine! Quick question: Did you ever think about painting the ribbed "backparts" of mark 3 legs in a more darker colour like black or dark iron? I think your scheme could benefit from that if you'd like a bit of a more subtle backdrop? Just some food for the thought :)

Oh, I may bring a detachment of SoM around but we’ll have to wait and see. As for the new additions I love the movement of the sergeant and the use of his bare head. As for the tactical I like the use of the chain bayonet. A nice, aggressive touch.


I really want to see what you do for a chaplain.


As for army suggestions I say turn traitor...>:) Just kidding, hate to say I have no helpful input for loyalist stuff.

I vote for this option:



Upgrading the twin heavy bolter on the Razorback to a twin assault cannon, adding a Dreadnought with assault cannon and DCCW, and a 7-man Scout Squad with camo cloaks, shotguns, close-combat weapons, and a power-sword-wielding Sergeant;


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