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Work in progress by Warhead01


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I haven't posted in this subforum for a very long time. I think the last time was before 2005.
I usually just post pictures of my Orks, work in progress, in my ongoing thread. (In the Orks subforum.)
Recently I've started collecting er.. probably finished collecting harlequins. That is I now have an army with lots of models to paint.
I started to paint the few I already had about a week ago.

I'm waiting for the bases I ordered for them to arrive.
I'm painting roughly 1 and a half mini's a day. It's slow going but rewarding.

Have a look and tell me what you think.












This last one. For some reason is sideways. but it shouldn't be. I have no idea what's causing that.
Jokes on me?

Thanks for looking.

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Here's 4 more that I managed to paint in 2 days.
All still wip.

still working out what other colors I want to use on this one. or maybe stick in another pattern.


This one has an opposite quarter on the other side.


This came out well.


I struggled with this one. I'm not thrilled with all that yellow right next to more yellow.

Thanks for looking.

These are the last two I'm going to paint for a short while. I have to finish at least one Ork unit that I set aside.

My thinking about these color schemes on the rest of the army has changed after these crazy characters. I will paint, I think, two more in random colors but I want to pull in a pallet that is easier to work with for most of the rest of the army. so in a way this was like a lot of test colors. I think the bright green, orange, white and yellow are the best of the lot and will probably use those. It's a little less important for single model units who will probably get a few extra colors.


I may decide to do a repaint on this one.


This one got weird. it started with a dark blue coat and grey pants. then I thought I could add a design that looked like brick work in bright blue. for some reason I filled in some of the bricks with red ink then later washed them with another ink. I went back over the out line of the brick design with yellow to try to give an outline.
I like this one but I also don't like this one. clothing is a bit difficult to paint when it's not mostly flat colors.

One of my early thought about all these random clowns was as a single unit, it might confuse my opponent just a bit. I also was worried if I keep this trend of crazy models I would also become confused about which ones are in which units. so I was planning to mark the bases. Now I think I can settle on at least a pallet for each unit so it's more obvious who is in what unit.
Also, less free hand. I need a new detail brush for that and it's a real pain. to look at when it doesn't come out well.

Thanks for looking.

Next post should be Orks - Flash Gitz.

The Hex bases I ordered from ebay arrived!


I found my florescent paints which I plan to work into the functioning pallet. I bought a 3 pack of paint brushes the other day and now have a new detail brush to mess with. I've also set up my wet pallet so we'll see where that goes.

I'm still working on one more troupe master but I have a bit more to so before I attempt pictures, he's got a lot of colors going on. I want to paint one so it looks like he's jumping out from his coat, like he's jumping out of the shadows of his coat. No idea what hat should really look like but maybe?

Had to add a group picture.


I really need a better camera.

Thanks for looking.

Very 2nd edition as far as colors (still a tough unit to face back then!) Why the hex bases? They look nice together, I just haven't seen that much on 40k stuff

I follow Old Hammer on Face Book and over the last year have seen several members posting old mini's on Hex bases. I really like them. I has considered buying the original Harlequins last year when I found almost all of them on eBay but I hadn't really planed to collect Harlequins at that point and was just thinking I'd paint and post them for fun at the time but never did it. (I might if I see them available again one day.)  I read an article about close combat in 8th edition a month or more ago and in the comments someone commented on "getting more attacks" with hex bases because of math.  I don't see it really. Best case scenario, I can more easily see who should be fighting, and when they "rank up" . A week ago I ordered these for this project. I want something interesting and unique to look at, when they're finished.  I'm not a competitive player and I don't play at a GW shop so I am not expecting any blow back. I started playing back in second and I think it was the edition I liked the most I really wish I had a group willing to play.  


I'm going to put a hold on this project for a bit I need to rethink this. I'm starting to think I would rather airbrush them and do minimal brush painting. Should look a lot cleaner. But. I have a start on some colors I like.  Bright green, orange, yellow and white, these seem to pop really well.  
I painted a Necron army 2 or 3 years ago and I want this army to look as good as those. 

  • 1 year later...

I just started working on Harlequins again yesterday after these many months.
Looks like a year ago... But how...

Harlequins wip


This time around I started with building a base color of red and gold blended a bit.
I've added a very dark grey for a quartered look, more to do with that still.

a little silver and stated the masks with light grey and a layer of white to highlight.

I am still working out the diamond pattern I don't want to rush into that.

Lots left to do.

Thanks for looking.

Nice start on your Harlequins:thumbsup: I rather like the old school look and the hex bases are a very cool touch:yes:

Thank you. 

I kinda like the first batch but it was suppose to help me pick colors mostly. I do like the hex bases. This batch is meant to look slick and finished very quickly so we'll see how that goes I'm just finishing up day 2.  :biggrin.:

First set of diamonds. red and gold. Not very easy. lol. Lots more to do.




I'm also looking to buy some cool color shifting paints for more models in the army/project that I have to build still.
Not exactly sure what I want to do with it but I have some ideas.

More progress again!

med_gallery_3442_13862_98198.jpg med_gallery_3442_13862_156387.jpg med_gallery_3442_13862_20752.jpg


I decided to match the hair to the masks. I think it works.

The diamonds are coming out much better now than when I started.
I did a little other stuff as well but it's not ready yet. Just blending and layering pearlized red and Orange as well a s florescent Magenta and Orange on the coats.
It's very slow going with stops. And a day or two later it seems to just start working again, when I try to force it it stops working, if you know what I mean.

Right now I am dreading trying to paint any of the vehicles in as I have no idea what it will take to match these models on models the size of those speeders and skimmers. I am hopeful that the coats will solve that problem for me. Lots more to do.


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