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Mantis Warriors Primaris Project

Rik Lightstar

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Thanks for the kind words guys.


The yellow is going to be in different places on each of them, it's nice to make them a bit more individual with such a low model count.


There are Mantis emblems on the left shoulder pads, just not really visible in the pics, the right pads will be getting squad markings once I decide how I'm identifying the different squads of the same type.


As for the clear bases, I only chose them as a temporary thing while I decide exactly how I want to do the permanent ones. But I'm really beginning to like them now.



I always fancied the idea of clear bases because they would look like they are standing on the board you are playing on. If there are rocks and snow you will see it beneath their feet for example. Now I just use the new GW bases with terrain designed on them because I find they speed up my hobbying. Less sand and stuff to glue to bases and what not.


I like the idea of switching up where the yellow will go on your marines. I kind of liked the 'random' allocation of colors like the Astral Claws had and the markings that White Scars use on their white armor too.

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I see you put in a TREMENDOUS amount of effort in these models. You can confidently say it paid off- the models look GREAT.


Thanks Bjorn, there's a fair amount more to come too.


At the moment the waiting to be painted list is:

  • Primaris Captain with Power Sword and Bolter
  • Primaris Captain with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour
  • Primaris Chaplain
  • Primaris Librarian
  • 2 Techmarines
  • 10 Reivers with Carbines
  • 10 Reivers with Pistol and Knife
  • 6 Inceptors (from the boxed game)
  • 5 Intercessors with Stalker Bolt Rifles (like the Lieutenants above)
  • 5 Hellblasters
  • Sergeant Telion "counts as"

I'm considering some Aggressors too, I'm hoping there's some more Primaris units coming soon.




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