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Primaris Ragnar Blackmane conversion


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Hello folks,

So, last night I got to thinking what Ragnar might look like if he underwent the changes to become a Primaris marine. This led to a swift dive into the bits box and I threw this together...






Its partially stuck together with bluetac at the moment and needs some greenstuff work, but generally I'm happy with it.

My only question would be in regard to shoulder pads. I have always been dubious of his wolf head left shoulder pad. I started to build one using a thunder hammer head (Seen on the model and on the left below needing much green stuff). However, knowing that Primaris armour is new and therefore less embellished with decorations, I was thinking of using the simpler painted head shoulder on the right...


Your thoughts, opinions, etc are most welcome as per usual. :)

Hope you like him.



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Glad you like him. :)


A fair percentage of him is carved up Dragongaze. So his right shoulder is just the one you get with that model. The wolf head one is a standard space wolf shoulder pad from the blister pack with the middle flattened and the wolf head from a thunder hammer stuck on. Still needs some green stuff to match it up properly, but it's not too bad scale wise.





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Very cool for something you 'threw together'.


Thank you - it has come out rather well. :D


To be honest, i had been contemplating building a new Ragnar from Dragongaze for some time, hence having the model laying about. However, upon seeing the Primaris Lieutenant on my desk, the two images just clicked and the above was knocked out in about an hour / hour and a half.

The only major pain to cut was the back of the torso from the cloak in such a way it would fit right on the Primaris.

The rest is inspiration from the various Ragnar conversions seen previously on B&C, a modest amount of conversion skill and sheer dumb luck. 

All in all, I'm quite pleased with it.


I'm currently working on the greenstuff and will hopefully post some more pics shortly.





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So, brief update!

I have now greenstuffed the fur and shoulder pad and attached some chain to fasten the cloak.


On the subject of shoulder pads, Mithrilforge makes a good point, however as Caldersson stated in the other thread, the wolf head shoulder pad is a fairly iconic part of the original model and as enormous a pain as it is to model and fit, i think it has come out ok in this instance. Ill see how it goes this this and can always swap back if i can't make it work. Fingers crossed, eh? :confused:



Any comments/feedback welcome as per usual. :smile.:



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  • 1 month later...

Greetings Brothers,

Well, I have at last finished him!

Presenting for your review, Primaris Ragnar Blackmane....













I hope you like him!

I swapped the head for a Primaris one, with added topknot in the end, which i think has turned out ok.

Apologies once again for the dodgy photo quality.

Any feedback most welcome as per usual.



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Tbh with the head, I wanted something different from the original Ragnar, to show how he had changed, both due to time and maturity and by upgrading to primaris, rather than just doing a primaris sized duplicate of the original.

The first head was convenient, but a bit too pretty boy for me.

I dabbled with some others but none looked quite right and I got to thinking about the primaris neck gear and helmet interface. In the end it was the best of a bad bunch.

I did contemplate some tattoos along the scalp, but not being sure of my skills, decided not to risk ruining the miniature.





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