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Of recent I've been interested in putting together a small Black legion/Chaos renegades force however I find many of the CSM models dated, I've looked at the aftermarket Evil Craft "not chaos space marine" and have been interested but thought them slightly over-detailed for basic troops. Has anyone ever kit bashed the Evilcraft legs with regular chaos space marine body and head? Does the result look better proportioned then the stock ones?

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I found examples of the inter webs of war-games exclusive torsos with evil craft legs and they looked alright. The idea was to minimize as much evil craft stuff as possible, as the are... Not cheap (though cheaper then many forgeworld products after factoring tax, shipping, and exchange rate).

Check out my 30K Word Bearers, I used a lot of Evil Craft bits mixed and matched with B@C Marines (make sure you follow the link to download the add-on to view Photobucket pics first). Some combos work better than others. For instance, the Evil Craft torso on GW legs looks weird, but FW / GW torso on Evil Craft legs looks alright. The heads are kinda meh... the bare heads are much larger than FW / GW bare heads. Truthfully, they're more true scale than anything else, which is why I used complete Evil Craft models for my Shadow War Kill Team. 

These guys all have GW arms and weapons, though two of the heads are also third party (Kromlech's Bedlam range):

Grey Knight's Two-Hander:


Standard Chaos Marine Arms:


DV Chosen Arm, GW Head and Necron/Bashed Arm:


As DuskRaider says, they are closer to truescale, so I use them for Chosen and characters, otherwise your other marines will look a bit tiny...

Few other figures and shots in my thread, but these are probably the clearest, hope they help!

Edited by Pearson73

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