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Deathwatch Fortress Furor Shield - Inquisitor Trinity - 15/10/24

Inquisitor Trinity

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Hello Everyone!

Been out the hobby for about 7 years and decided recently the Deathwatch are the army to get me back into it. Decided to record my progress as i go. I'll be adding some inquisition as well when I've got them time. But first i decided to make up some Primaris Deathwatch to get me started. I really wanted to see what the new primaris models were like and thought i might as well make them Deathwatch. Probably won't get any more though, just normal size after this. Here are some pics!


Did a fair bit of conversion work on the basic intercessors to get them to be deathwatch. Added the shoulder pads and the elbow detail on the left arms, sculpted shot selectors into the boltguns, filed of the chest eagles and replaced them with pouches, grenades and bullets and sliced up the right arms to incorporate the wrist scanner.

Here's a close up of the Sergeant

Primaris Sergeant


Prior to this i painted up some random servitors i had unpainted from years and years ago as Inquisition for practice.



I'll post more when I've painted the primaris squad. Let me know what you all think!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone

Made some progress! I've painted up the Primaris marines now ans also re-based them on Sector Mechanicus bases. You might notice one of them has lighter black highlights which was the first one i painted, didn't like it so i went with a darker grey on the rest.


Here is a close up of one of the painted ones. And a close up of the detail on the shoulder pads. I thought that other chapters would probably not want to send Primaris off to the deathwatch when they just got them so i reckon Gulliman sent a bunch of the Unnumbered Sons to the Deathwatch for them to use and would paint the symbol of the watch fortress on their shoulder pads in place of a chapter symbol. I went with Furor Shield.

Primaris Deathwatch - Painted

Furor Shield

Finally here are 5 deathwatch veterans i just assembled and spraypainted. Nothing particularly special with these 5, just a few arm and hand re-positioning, some weapon swaps ect.

Again let me know what you all think!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Everyone

Sorry it's been so long. Due to some S***ty circumstances I wasn't able to do anything for a while. But i'm back now! So i finished up those 5 deathwatch veterans. Here they are!


Left to right is: Black Shield, Warmonger, Black Guard, Marine Errant and Novamarine. What do people think of the power weapons? Here are some close ups of the 3 free hand symbols.

SAM 0432

Marine Errant

SAM 0434


SAM 0435

Black Guard
I'm trying to make sure i don't have more than 1 marine of the same chapter (with a few exceptions) I have an excel spreadsheet planning them all out haha. Also trying to go with some of the more obscure chapters. Anyone got any suggestions i might not have thought of?
I have also managed to write up a 2K army list for 8th. Thoughts would be great!
Battalion Detachment = 1560
HQ (3) - 332
Watch Master - 130
Captain Artemis - 130
Chaplain (no upgrades) - 72
Troops (6) - 979
Veteran Squad A (5 Marines) - 115
1 Blackshield (free)
5 Stalker Bolters - 20
Veteran Squad B (5 Marines) - 115
1 Blackshield (free)
5 Stalker Bolters - 20

Veteran Squad C (6 Marines) - 151
1 Blackshield (free)
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
4 Power Weapons - 16
1 Vanguard - 21
Pair of Lighting Claws (vanguard) - 12
Veteran Squad D (6 Marines) - 143
1 Blackshield (free)
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
1 Vanguard - 21
Veteran Squad E (5 Marines) - 145
1 Blackshield (free)
4 Shotguns - 20
1 Frag Cannon - 30
Veteran Squad F (10 Marines) - 310
1 Blackshield (free)
4 Frag Cannons - 120
Flyers (1) - 249
Corvus Blackstar - 249
Assault Cannon - 44
2 Rocket Launchers - 30
Auspex - 5
Hurricane Bolter - 10
Vanguard Detachment = 430
HQ (1) - 65
Inquisitor Lok - 65
Elites (3)- 365
Vanguard Squad A (5 marines) - 150
5 Power Weapons - 20
5 Storm shields - 25
Vanguard Squad B (5 marines) - 125
5 Power Weapons - 20
Vindicare Assassin - 90
TOTAL = 1990 Total Command Points = 7, Also get access to the Chapter Approved Objective Secured, Relics and Warlord Traits for the Battalion Detachment.
Let me know what you all think of everything!
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I see your point about the anti-armour, it's why i plan on using all the the combi weapons i have to make combi Meltas. I could add a few of those in veteran squads C, D and F. I have a razorback i could add. The only Terminator and Biker i have is the ones that come with kill team cassius so i don't have any i could really add there.

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So you need to get the meltas in range, maybe put a TL heavy bolter on the razorback load the melta team, and push forward.

Corvus will be a target for all enemy long range weapons, and it wont survive long, but it is a distraction, enough to get the razorback close and alive. Advance, hide it and pop smoke. Next turn unload and fire


I would put the one terminator in the frag kill team to absorb some low ap fire, and 1/2 stormshields to absorb multidamage high ap fire. 120points is a big investment, protecting it is a must. The problem is that Brannatar is expensive for that. Stormbolter and powersword costs 6pts....heavyflamer+meltafist much more.


I like the vindicare assassin, have one in my army too...very useful to take down characters

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Love this, Of the Night, you're a man after my own heart!


See my sig-link to the Watcher Keep stuff I've been doing - it's comprised almost entirely of 'non-celebrity' chapters, which sounds suitably obscure. The most well-known ones are likely the Mortifactors, Silver Skulls and Star Dragons, but I've got plenty of odder (and, indeed, home-brew) ones in there too.


As your freehand looks a lot better than mine, I'd love to see what you could do with the Star Phantoms icon!




Otherwise, sounds like a really fun list you're putting together. Getting a rhino/RB or two in there to make sure you can get from A to B (and thereby get those combi-meltas used optimally) might help, but it sounds like others have you covered on that front.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Again!

Just finished painting the contents of the Execution Force board game. Gotta say the Assassin's are brilliant models.

Not sure about the brightness of the black highlight, not best pleased with how the phase sword turned out either. Still, not bad overall.
Next up are the Chaos team, i went with the word bearers as the colour scheme.
Once again please let me know what you think!
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Evening everyone

Got a few more marines i managed to put together over the weekend. After emailing the guys at the warhammer world events team i found that if the army list says chainsword they have to have a chainsword and not a power weapon to be tournament worthy, so i had to convert a few to fit. I'd rather have them all modelled with power weapons but oh well. Also got my first frag cannon put together.


Let me know what you think. Any guesses on the chapters?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again everyone. Finished painting up the last 5 marines. Here they are, left to right Doom Eagle, Black Shield, Carcharodon, Marines Malevolent, Silver Skull.


Here's a closeup of the 2 sculpted chapter symbols and one freehand. I tried to sculpt the Marines Malevolent but i couldn't get it to work. I think going forward i'm gonna decide to freehand or sculpt on a case by case basis.

SAM 0446

SAM 0452

SAM 0449

Also managed to make another 5 marines AND one Inquisitor Greyfax.

Once again let me know what ya think. :smile.:
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  • 4 weeks later...

Evening everyone. So since we've had the Deathwatch codex announced i've been slowing down a bit until we know what the changes are and if i need to switch up my list and models. Thankfully all the stuff i've done so far is general enough i could use it in any list. Fingers crossed for mission tactics to make a comeback! For my money deathwatch has always been about a small force of extremely flexible and adaptable tactics. The variety of chapters and specialist training should enable them to instantly switch up their tactics to deal with any threat and i think the rules should represent this. Mission tactics in 7th was at least a step in the right direction. I imagine they'll do it with stratagems this time though.

In any case, on to some models! Here we have the painted versions of the last 5 marines.

From left to right they are: Sons of Medusa, Destroyers, Star Phantoms and Ultramarines and Space wolves form the Cassius kill team.
Close up's of the Sons of Medusa, Destroyers and Star Phantoms chapter symbols. I think the medusa came out okay, it's a modified novamarines sculpted shoulder pad. The destroyers didn't turn out brilliantly, i think i made the skull to big and it didn't leave enough room. The star phantoms turned out much better than i expected though!

SAM 0469

SAM 0470

SAM 0471

And last but most certainly not least, Inquisitor Greyfax!
This is the first character i've done since the 7 year break so i but a fair amount of work into it. I'm interested to know what you all think. :smile.:

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Honestly it was a first attempt! I think i'm getting a lot better at Freehand, my hands are a lot steadier than they used to be. I wanted to make my freyfax a bit unique so i went with a grey almost white Armour and you can't really tell from the picture but the cloak is yellow. I'm quite Pleased with how she turned out :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone! It's been a little while as I've been waiting till the codex released until i make any new marines in case i wanted to change everything. In the meantime i found some old and somehow unpainted models i could induct into the Inquisition including miraculously a full squad of Kasrkin. Take a look people!


These Inquisitorial Stormtroopers could represent acolytes or Tempestus Scions. For the 2nd sergeant (no idea why i had 2) it was missing it's power sword for some reason so i just gave him a power maul from the deathwatch set. I'm really pleased with how the red armour turned out, took a long while though. I also found some more servitors and a mystic while i was digging around in boxes.

Soooo my thoughts on the codex are pretty good, obviously there are a lot of improvements over the index but the question is is it better than the 7th Edition codex? I would argue yes, the strategems are very useful and there are a lot of points decreases to everything i plan on using. So much so that i could get an whole squad of intercessors. I dropped the inquisitor due to the recent detachment ruling about factions as he just doesn't add enough to be worth it, plus i could use the points to add a watch captain which meant i could take 2 battalions instead of 1 for all those extra command points. The vindicare is still worth taking an auxiliary support detachment for though. Here is the full list. Let me know what you think of everything!
Battalion Detachment = 931
HQ (2) = 232
Watch Master - 130 (Beacon Angelis Relic and Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait)
Watch Captain with Jump Pack, master crafted Boltgun and Power Sword - 102
Troops = 335
Veteran Squad A (5 Marines) - 95
1 Blackshield (free)
5 Stalker Bolters - 15
Veteran Squad D (5 Marines) - 123
1 Blackshield (free)
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
5 Storm Bolters- 20
Veteran Squad E (5 Marines) - 117
1 Blackshield (free)
4 Shotguns - 12
1 Frag Cannon - 25
Elites = 135
Vanguard Squad A (5 marines) - 135
5 Power Weapons - 20
5 Storm shields - 25
Flyers = 229
Corvus Blackstar - 229
Assault Cannon - 44
2 Rocket Launchers - 30
Auspex - 5
Battalion Detachment = 977
HQ (2) - 203
Captain Artemis - 130
Chaplain (no upgrades) - 73
Troops = 659
Veteran Squad B (5 Marines) - 95
1 Blackshield (free)
5 Stalker Bolters - 15

Veteran Squad C (6 Marines) - 108
1 Blackshield (free)
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
5 Boltguns - 5
Veteran Squad F (10 Marines) - 266
1 Blackshield (free)
4 Frag Cannons - 100
6 Boltguns - 6
Itercessor Squad (10 Marines) - 190
10 Bolt Rifles - 10
Elites - 115
Vanguard Squad B (5 marines) - 115
5 Power Weapons - 20
5 Bolt Pistols - 5
Auxiliary Support Detachment = 90
Vindicare Assassin - 90
TOTAL = 1998
Total Command Points = 12
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I would put some antitank weaponry, maybe 2 or 3 razorback with TLlascannons 120pts each


Since you have 2 spare points, you could split intercessors in 2 five man squads and give each an aux grenade launcher

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Time for some more deathwatch! This time we have a shotgun breacher squad for you. Most likely will use the teleport stratagem to deep strike them in or stick them in the Blackstar as there is no point trying to foot slog them across the table. Feel free to guess the chapters! (although one is pretty obvious) we also have the Inquisitor lord Coteaz accompanying them.


Let me know what you think of them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone. I've finished the latest squad. Quite pleased with how the turned out. From Left to right we have: Imperial Fist, Howling Griffon, Dark Hunter, Blackshield and Red Scorpion.


Here's a close up of the Red Scorpion shoulder pad, i'm really happy with how it turned out. I thought i'd make a terrible green stuff scorpion but it's turned out quite nicely.

20180528 105029

I also did a quartered cloak for the Howling Griffon which i think turned out alright.

20180528 104901

I also have Lord Inquisitor Coteaz! Went with a few different colours for him and i'm worried it's a bit too bright and doesn't look right. I guess painting a lot of black is getting boring haha.
Let me know what you all think of everything!

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Howling Griffon cloak looks rad, and I for one think your green stuff sculpting is on point, and improving with each project.  I certainly couldn't get anywhere near those results, so take that for what it's worth! :lol:

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Thanks guys, i do feel that the green stuffing is getting better. I'm trying to experiment with new techniques and it seems to be working.

And now we have some more members of Kill team Cassius including the man himself! In addition another black shield and 2 sergeants with Xenophase blades. The FAQ dropped just before i put them together so i gave cassius a boltgun. I've really gone off pistols since they no longer give you an extra attack, plus SIA makes the boltgun pretty deadly. For the dark angel i swapped the plasma pistol out for a boltgun and for the iron hand i gave him a power maul instead of a reloading arm to fit in with my power weapon squad. I've tried to mix in a few different parts to these ones including some vanguard bits and xenos skulls from the skulls set (it arrived today and i'm going to glue a few to models i've alread made).

Let me know what you think!
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  • 3 weeks later...

After a bit of a delay i have finished painting the next squad and Cassius. I haven't actually put as much effort into Cassius as i would have liked to for a character. As he shared most of the same colours as the deathwatch (unlike the inquisitors i have done) i ended up painting him alongside the others and using the same techniques as i did them. In my defence how interesting can you make black armour look. If you highlight it too much it looks more like it's been edged in another colour instead of just a highlight of the black. I am pretty please how the xenophase's turned out though. I went with a red instead of the usual green. I'm sure some necrons glow red haha. Anyway! Here they all are!


From left to right we have: Dark Angel, Iron Hand, Exorcist, Cassius, Minotaur and a Black Shield. Here we also have a close up of the Exorcist and Minotaur shoulder pads.

IMG 20180618 210459

IMG 20180618 211025

Honestly i really hate how the Exorcist symbol turned out. I tried green stuffing but it just didn't work. Sadly painting didn't work either. The Minotaur however has turned out great! I'm really pleased with it.

I have also completed the next squad, this time a unit of Vanguard Veterans and the special edition inquisitor Solomon Lok.


The deathwatch shoulder pads were a nightmare to get to fit under the jump packs. It's lead to some of the arms being a little awkwardly placed. I may well change them at another time.

Let me know what you think of everything!

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