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Deathwatch Fortress Furor Shield - Inquisitor Trinity - 15/10/24

Inquisitor Trinity

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Hi Everyone! It's been a busy couple of weeks but i've finally finished painting the Vanguard squad and Inquisitor Lorr. So here they are


From left to right they are: White Scars, Scythes of the Emperor, Exectioners, Flesh Tearers and Black Dragons. If i'm honest then i regret doing the power weapons in red, shouldve gone with green or blue ah well. I'm still not happy with the white scars pose but oh well, the black dragon actually came out pretty well. I gave him a small forehead horn and a little bone blade on each wrist. I didn't want to go to heavy with them as it would be a bit too much.

Here's the Black Dragons, Scythes of the Emperor and Executioners symbols up close.

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And here we have Inquisitor Lorr, nothing too fancy here. Just put a bit more effort into this one as it's a character.


I'm sure i'll assemble some of my collection into a kill team for the new Kill team game. Let me know what you think of these new ones.

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Hello again everyone!

Swift on the heels of my last update we have a new squad. I am VERY pleased with how these turned out. Here they are:


They are a squad of 5 stalker bolters and Captain Artemis. The stalker bolters are Anvil Industry Negotiator Rifles which are SO cool, i've just green stuffed some shot selectors on them. I find the stalker bolters you get in the actual set to be very small and not that much different to the normal bolters. I always wanted a full sniper feel for them.

Tell me what you think :smile.:

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Hello again everyone!


Swift on the heels of my last update we have a new squad. I am VERY pleased with how these turned out. Here they are:




They are a squad of 5 stalker bolters and Captain Artemis. The stalker bolters are Anvil Industry Negotiator Rifles which are SO cool, i've just green stuffed some shot selectors on them. I find the stalker bolters you get in the actual set to be very small and not that much different to the normal bolters. I always wanted a full sniper feel for them.


Tell me what you think :smile.:


Absolutely love 'em. Did you use a mold for those shot selectors? 

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  • 1 month later...

And hello again everyone!

Another long gap between posts i'm afraid, to be fair though i was out of the country for about half that time haha.

So i have finally completed the Sniper team. Very pleased with how they all turned out. Hopefully you agree!


From left to right: Excoriators, Black Shield, Iron Snakes, Death Spectres, Raven Guard (gotta have at least one of the sneaky gits as a sniper)

Close up's of the Excoriators, Iron Snakes and Death Spectres Symbols

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Very happy with the Excoriators and Iron Snakes symbols, however i am very disappointed with the Death Specters. I really seem to suck at sculpting skulls and the the scythes just don't look right. And tips on green stuffing skulls?
And also we have: Old Man Artemis!
In my continuing need to make my character models at least slightly unique with paint schemes i've gone with a grizzled grey old version of the man himself. I think it's turned out reasonably well all things considered. I went for a very dark shade for his power sword to complete the "i've seen some S**T" look i was going for.
Let me know what you think of all this! I'm hoping to play some Kill Team with my new deathwatch soon so i'll report back on the games as well.

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Those rifles on the sniper squad are really cool! They're the anvil industries ones, right?


I can't give any advice on using green stuff, I've only ever used it for filling gaps and whenever I try to sculpt extra details I'm never happy with it... :(


Artemis is looking pretty good, that's a great grey muzzle he's got...definitely looking grizzled! Being totally honest, getting the teeth done and beard shows you've obviously got good brush control but I think you're using too much paint, it's looking a little thick so some of the details aren't showing as well as they could and the washes are pooling a bit heavy. Going a little thinner and then re-highlighting with the first colour can really make a difference in showing more depth. Have you tried using a wet palette?

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Those rifles on the sniper squad are really cool! They're the anvil industries ones, right?


I can't give any advice on using green stuff, I've only ever used it for filling gaps and whenever I try to sculpt extra details I'm never happy with it... :sad.:


Artemis is looking pretty good, that's a great grey muzzle he's got...definitely looking grizzled! Being totally honest, getting the teeth done and beard shows you've obviously got good brush control but I think you're using too much paint, it's looking a little thick so some of the details aren't showing as well as they could and the washes are pooling a bit heavy. Going a little thinner and then re-highlighting with the first colour can really make a difference in showing more depth. Have you tried using a wet palette?


Yeah it's the Anvil Industry Negotiator Rifles. I needed something much more sniper rifle-esque. The Stalker Bolters on the deathwatch sprue aren't all that different to the regular bolters.


I often forget to water my paints down. I tend to go quite heavy on the washes as they tend to blend the colour together a bit more. Especially on the black and the metal, i start with basecoating the metal and Black then highlighting the black with a very pale grey and pretty much black wash the entire model. Then i move on to the other colours. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by a wet palette. Is that just adding water to the paints?

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Those rifles on the sniper squad are really cool! They're the anvil industries ones, right?


I can't give any advice on using green stuff, I've only ever used it for filling gaps and whenever I try to sculpt extra details I'm never happy with it... :sad.:


Artemis is looking pretty good, that's a great grey muzzle he's got...definitely looking grizzled! Being totally honest, getting the teeth done and beard shows you've obviously got good brush control but I think you're using too much paint, it's looking a little thick so some of the details aren't showing as well as they could and the washes are pooling a bit heavy. Going a little thinner and then re-highlighting with the first colour can really make a difference in showing more depth. Have you tried using a wet palette?


Yeah it's the Anvil Industry Negotiator Rifles. I needed something much more sniper rifle-esque. The Stalker Bolters on the deathwatch sprue aren't all that different to the regular bolters.


I often forget to water my paints down. I tend to go quite heavy on the washes as they tend to blend the colour together a bit more. Especially on the black and the metal, i start with basecoating the metal and Black then highlighting the black with a very pale grey and pretty much black wash the entire model. Then i move on to the other colours. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by a wet palette. Is that just adding water to the paints?



Ah, I thought that might be the case. Watering / thinning your paints really helps a lot.


Here's a pretty good video describing what a wet palette is, why they're beneficial, and how to make a cheap one: https://youtu.be/96mjmqWTPfM

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Hello everyone, much quicker update this time :smile.:

So a few months back i bought the primaris half of Dark Imperium with the intent to convert them to the Deathwatch. I've just completed the first batch using much the same methods i used to convert the Intercessors when i started building deathwatch. But it was much more difficult with the pre-made Dark imperium sprues. Here they are!


5 Intercessors and a Lieutenant who has been promoted to Captain as the Deathwatch do not have lieutenants. I made the usual deathwatch alterations, added shot selectors to the bolters, scanners on the right wrists, the shoulder pads, made sure they all had scopes, added the thing on the left elbow (not sure what to call it), some pouches on the chest and a few sculpted inquisition/deathwatch details. I've gotta say i'm quite please with the sprues and poses of these starter set models. They've come a long way from the tactical marines who's arms and bolter were clasped so tightly to their chest they melted into one another.

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Thanks :) getting the shoulder pads on was really annoying, a lot of cutting and filing.


For some reason the Deathwatch cannot have Gravis Captains, i'll still convert him to the Deathwatch though. I don't plan on using any of the primaris in game other than 10 Intercessors. But i may well end up using them in future and I managed to get everything in the Dark Imperium set except the death guard models for £15 so it's not like it was a huge investment haha.

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Oooookay bit of a big post today. :smile.:

To start off with i finished the dark imperium intercessors from last time. Here they are:

Left to right we have: Revilers, Genesis Chapter, Fulminators, Eagle Warriors and my own chapter creation which i used on my regular marines called the Sons of the Forge.
Some close ups for you as usual, in the aforementioned order:

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That last one is my Sons of the Forge design. I also have the Primaris Captain which i decided hails from the Crusaders chapter:

IMG 20180908 182128

I also decided this would be a good time to repaint the shoulder pads of the original 5 Intercessors as the fluff is that they are from various chapters instead of being from the unnumbered sons as i had thought. Here they are:


Left to right is Invaders, Rampagers, Angels Revenant, Emperor's Warbringers, and the Iron Lords. Aaaaand some close ups (same order) :

IMG 20180908 182414

IMG 20180908 182504

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Overall i really think my freehand is coming along quite nicely. I'm particularly pleased with how the Rampagers, Iron Lords, Revilers and Fulminators turned out. It's much more precise and clearer than the freehand i started with.

I've also been working on a Kill Team loadout and this is what i have at the moment:

Watch Sergeant - Power weapon and Combi Melta = 21 (Leader - Resourceful)
Black Shield - Power Weapon and Boltgun = 18 (Combat - expert fighter)
Veteran - Power Weapon and Boltgun = 16 (comms - scanner)
Veteran - Stalker Bolter = 16 (Sniper - Marksman)
Veteran - Boltgun = 14
Veteran - Shotgun = 15
Total = 100
Finally i have a group shot of everything I've got so far! That's 42 different Chapters so far! I feel like i should've done more by now. Sorry about the cut sections from the photo, i had to lower the size of the image to 2mb to upload it.

Let me know what you think of all these updates!!!! :biggrin.:

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  • 1 month later...

SOOOOO. Big update for you guys today :biggrin.:

During the break I've gotten a bit more done. To start with we have a Corvus Blackstar!

A close up of the canopy, doesn't look perfect, i was trying to blend slowly from a pale blue to a white but you can still see the colour changing, guess the paint wasn't wet enough to blend properly. Oh well.
And a close up of the base details.
It is also fully magnetized with all the options! This was my first foray into magnetizing and i'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out. The only bits i needed to magnetize though were the missile options and the Auspex/halo-launcher as the assault cannons/lascannons and the hurricane bolters fit snugly into place so they didn't need anything doing to keep them there.

I don't generally paint vehicles so overall i'm pretty please with how it's turned out including the chipping on the front of it. After i finished the Corvus i moved on to the next squad which in this case is another vanguard veterans squad, this time all with storm shields.

Left to right = Black Templars, Iron Talons, Fire Angels

Left to right= Iron Knights, Lamenters

Pretty please with how several of them turned out, the black templars especially. As not all the vanguard legs have space for squad identification i thought it was a good idea to put them on the storm shields instead, but let me know what you think of that. Also went with Green Power Weapons this time which look pretty good, really regret doing red power weapons on the last set of vanguard. I'm really trying with these ones to capture the flavour of each chapter with the model. Here's the usual shoulder pad close ups.

Iron Knights (tilt plate)

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Lamenters (This one take AGES but i really like how it turned out)

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Fire Angels

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Iron Talons

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And last but not least, another Inquisitor has arrived! Say hello to Solomon Lok! I've again tried to go with a different colour scheme to the one he usually has. This one i aimed to make it reasonably dark, starting with a dark blue cloak. I gave him a yellow power sword though for a contrast, which i think I've done pretty well, yellow is a new one for me.


I get that this is a lot to post at once but hey ho. Let me know what you think of all these updates!

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For some reason the Deathwatch cannot have Gravis Captains, i'll still convert him to the Deathwatch though. I don't plan on using any of the primaris in game other than 10 Intercessors. But i may well end up using them in future and I managed to get everything in the Dark Imperium set except the death guard models for £15 so it's not like it was a huge investment haha.


You could use him as Terminator captain, easily. The pistol power fist is just a barrel replacement away from being melta power fist, then just replace sword with storm bolter or combi-weapon...

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Good evening! Another update for you on my Deathwatch Army. As of today I now have built a full 2000 point army! The last squad has been built which is another Sniper team which I am quite pleased with. Here they are:


As you can see I’ve done a few conversions here including bionic legs and servo skull for one marine, a camo cloak and auspex for another and a combat knife for a 3rd. I had ran out of combat knives so I had to cut down and piece together one from a Deathwatch power sword I had spare, I think it looks pretty good. The camo cloak looks… okay. Like it’s not bad but also it could be a lot better, I made it from a spare piece I had plus green stuff so it’s quite uneven. Maybe it’ll look good painted.

I have also built a watch captain to support the army


As you can see he can have a normal backpack or jump pack as I want the option to do either with him. I’ve tried to accomplish this with pins as I didn’t want to waste magnets but now I’m wishing I had used them. I can always blue tack them if they won’t stay on. I didn’t want to give him just a standard xenophase sword so I decided to give him a xenophase glaive which I think looks pretty sweet all things considered. While he looks quite distinctive from the standard veterans I still think it might be hard for my opponents to identify him as a captain which would be annoying. What do you think?

I also hacked off chaplain cassius’ backpack to give him the option of a jump pack as well.


Finally we have the BIG update. *drumroll* I give you the Watch Master of Furor Shield!


As you can see this is heavily converted from the standard watch master. I hate the static pose it comes with so I’ve reposed the legs (carving up a spare set of veteran legs in the process). Posed the arms in a more dynamic style and given him a new helmet. I am extremely pleased with how this guy turned out as it’s one of my most ambitious conversions for this army and possibly ever. Of everything I’ve done for this blog so far his guy is the one I want everyone’s feedback on the most so please let me know what you think!

P.S try guessing the chapters of these new additions while you’re at it :smile.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening everyone.

The Sniper squad is now finished. Pretty pleased how they turned out. I feel like they really reflect the character of the chapters they are from.

Left to Right: Mantis Warrior, Brazen Claw, Storm Giants
Red Hunters and Raptors
Some up close images of the pad's.
Mantis Warriors

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Red Hunters

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Raptors with a close up of the Camo cloak


I had the arm from the watch master with the attached cape spare as i'd already cut off the hand so i thought the raptor could use it as a camo cloak. I went with an urban camo pattern as they are all on industrial bases and i think it's turned out really well. I'm surprised at how well the red hunters pad turned out. I guess i've finally figured out how to freehand skulls. Wish i'd learned it earlier but oh well.

Let me know what you think :smile.:

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