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Deathwatch Fortress Furor Shield - Inquisitor Trinity - 15/10/24

Inquisitor Trinity

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The Watch Master and Captain are now finished. Here we have Watch Captain Tigris of the Celestial lions armed with a xenophase glaive. He can also be given a jump pack.

And a close up of the freehand pad. Honestly i'm not happy with this one but I've done several attempts at it and this is the best I've got.
And the commander of Furor Shield Watch Fortress, Leonidas of the Minotaurs

I am super pleased with this guy, I've put a lot of work into him and i hope it shows.

Actually managed to play a 2000 point game over the weekend against some khorne daemons. Started off reasonably well as i shot up the bloodletters and flesh hounds, pretty much wiping them off the board. But then they deep striked skarbrand, a bloodthirster and a squad of 8 juggernaut cavalry. They were brutal and several multicharges from them killed damn near all my army in a turn or 2.

This is the list i was working with:

Battalion Detachment = 892
HQ (2) = 216
Watch Master - 130 (Beacon Angelis Relic and Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait)
Watch Captain, master crafted Boltgun and Xenophase blade - 86
Troops = 325
Veteran Squad A (5 Marines) - 100
1 Blackshield (free)
5 Stalker Bolters - 20
Veteran Squad D (5 Marines) - 108
1 Blackshield (free)
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
Veteran Squad E (5 Marines) - 117
1 Blackshield (free)
4 Shotguns - 12
1 Frag Cannon - 25
Elites = 127
Vanguard Squad A (5 marines) - 127
5 Power Weapons - 20
3 Storm shields - 15
2 Bolt Pistols - 2
Flyers = 224
Corvus Blackstar - 224
Assault Cannon - 44
2 Rocket Launchers - 30
Battalion Detachment = 1018
HQ (2) - 221
Captain Artemis - 130
Chaplain with jump pack and boltgun - 91
Troops = 674
Veteran Squad B (5 Marines) - 100
1 Blackshield (free)
5 Stalker Bolters - 20

Veteran Squad C (6 Marines) - 108
1 Blackshield (free)
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
5 Boltguns - 5
Veteran Squad F (10 Marines) - 266
1 Blackshield (free)
4 Frag Cannons - 100
6 Boltguns - 6
Intercessor Squad (10 Marines) - 200
10 Bolt Rifles - 10
10 bolt pistols - 10
Elites - 123
Vanguard Squad B (5 marines) - 123
5 Power Weapons - 20
3 Bolt Pistols - 3
2 Storm Shields - 10
Auxiliary Support Detachment = 90
Vindicare Assassin - 90
TOTAL = 2000
Total Command Points = 12

In reserve but not in this list I have:

  1. 2 squads of 5 stormbolters and chainswords which are the same points as the stalker squads so I can easily switch those out. Which I would have to do at any GW store or event as my stalker squads use 3rd party parts which aren’t allowed (grumble grumble).
  2. A 5 man squad of combi meltas and chainswords which I would deep strike to take down big vehicle threats. 5 combi meltas can do even a knight a lot of damage and maybe even kill it the turn they drop. Points wise these are 180 so can replace the intercessor squads with no problems.
  3. 3 Agressors
  4. 3 Inceptors
  5. 5 Helblasters
  6. 1 Librarian
  7. 2 Primaris captains
  8. 1 Rhino/Razorback
  9. 3 rievers
  10. The vanguard vets, terminator and biker from squad cassius
  11. 8 more intercessors
  12. Inquisitors Rex, Eisenhorn, Greyfax, Lok and Coteaz

So with this list and all these other options what do you think of the list I have and what would you suggest to improve it?

Let me know what you think! :biggrin.:

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That Xenophase Glaive is a killer idea. Surprised I haven't seen such a thing before. You should be very proud of the freehand shoulderpad too, that's an impressive finish on the chapter symbol :smile.:

Thanks :smile.: I did like the idea of a glaive and i haven't seen it done elsewhere.

I've made a few more now. 3 with chainswords and Combi meltas to make a squad of 5 including the 2 i already have.

I've also made 2 with power swords and bolt guns to replace the 2 combi melta marines leaving those squads. Aaaaaand Inquisitor REX!


The one with the claymore is looking really good, i'm looking forward to painting him. I'll update you again when i've painted these. Let me know what you think of them :smile.:

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Liking the new guys.


However, if the one with a claymore ISN'T a Storm Warden, I'm going to be ashamed of you :p


How'd you make the claymore Marine's pose? And where'd you get the hands for his claymore from? Or is that all from the Grey Knights kit?

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Liking the new guys.


However, if the one with a claymore ISN'T a Storm Warden, I'm going to be ashamed of you :tongue.:


How'd you make the claymore Marine's pose? And where'd you get the hands for his claymore from? Or is that all from the Grey Knights kit?

Maybe it is a storm warden..... :wink:


I used the arms from the heavy thunder hammer. The outstretched ones of both sets, the hands are are attached to the grey knights sword.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So many points reductions from chapter approved! What a time to be alive. STORM SHIELDS FOR EVERYONE!!!

Ahem. Anyway i've finished the 5 marines from last time. Still working on Hector Rex which could take a while so i'll upload him later.

To begin with we have 2 marines with power weapons and boltguns:


Angels of Absolution on the Left and (as some people guessed) a storm warden on the left. The storm warden will be the sergeant in my Kill Team games

Next we have 3 marines with Combi Meltas and chainswords.


Left to right: Black Shield, Death Eagles and a Storm Lord

Some close ups:

Angels of Absolution

IMG 20181206 213702

Storm Wardens

IMG 20181206 213530

Storm Lords

IMG 20181206 213304

Death Eagles

IMG 20181206 213226

Honestly this batch of freehand hasn't been great. Lot of skulls which i'm still struggle to free hand. Let me know what you think of all these. In the meantime i'll be painting Inquisitor Rex and figuring out how to spend the extra 135 points in my 2k army. :biggrin.:

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Apologies for the double post, but I did say you should feel very positive about your freehand work.


It could be worse...




For those extra points, I've been tempted to look at some transport.


No decisions made for me as yet, but it's bouncing about in my head!

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Hello again and welcome to the continuing adventures of me not painting Inquisitor Rex.

I've built a squad of storm bolter and chainsword marines who, due to the points changes in chapter approved, will now be in my 2k list replacing the shotgun squad. The shotguns are cool but just not effective enough, and they're overcosted. I've also put together the Gravis captain from dark imperium with some alterations.


I'm really pleased with the re purposed grey knight storm bolters. The way i see it the deathwatch probably have enough pull with the Inquisition to acquire the schematics for the wrist mounted versions. I did use different magazines though as i hate the chunky look of the ones you get with them. Also i didn't have any haha. Instead i used the spare drum mags you get with the Anvil sniper rifles (Shhh, don't tell people at GW events). I'm sure they'll be fine, they look kinda similar to the drum mags from the Orlock necromunda gang so i can just say i got them from there.

Thanks for the feedback about the free hand by the way guys. I'll keep trying to improve as well! :smile.:

Here's my post chapter approved 2k list. Let me know what you guys think of it.

Battalion Detachment = 972
HQ (2) = 216
Watch Master - 130 (Beacon Angelis Relic and Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait)
Watch Captain, master crafted Boltgun and Xenophase blade - 86
Troops = 436
Veteran Squad A (5 Marines) - 92
1 Blackshield - 2
5 Stalker Bolters - 20
Veteran Squad D (5 Marines) - 100
1 Blackshield - 2
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
Veteran Squad E (5 Marines) - 92
1 Blackshield - 2
5 Storm Bolters - 20
Veteran Squad E (5 Marines) - 152
1 Blackshield - 2
5 Combi Meltas - 80
Elites = 111
Vanguard Squad A (5 marines) - 111
5 Power Weapons - 20
3 Storm shields - 6
2 Bolt Pistols - free
Flyers = 209
Corvus Blackstar - 209
Assault Cannon - 44
2 Rocket Launchers - 30
Battalion Detachment = 948
HQ (2) - 221
Captain Artemis - 130
Chaplain with jump pack and boltgun - 91
Troops = 618
Veteran Squad B (5 Marines) - 90
5 Stalker Bolters - 20

Veteran Squad C (6 Marines) - 100
1 Blackshield - 2
1 Xenophase Blade - 7
5 Power Weapons - 16
5 Boltguns - 5
Veteran Squad F (10 Marines) - 248
1 Blackshield - 2
4 Frag Cannons - 100
6 Boltguns - 6
Intercessor Squad (10 Marines) - 180
10 Bolt Rifles - 10
10 bolt pistols - 0
Elites - 109
Vanguard Squad B (5 marines) - 109
5 Power Weapons - 20
3 Bolt Pistols - 0
2 Storm Shields - 4
Auxiliary Support Detachment = 80
Vindicare Assassin - 80
TOTAL = 2000
Total Command Points = 12
Let me know what you think about all of this and guess which chapters the new recruits are from :biggrin.:
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  • 1 month later...

Hello Everyone!

After a long break i am finally back at painting and have gotten round to painting Inquisitor REX (finally). At some point during the painting though, i discovered that i seemed to think i was painting Lion El'Johnson... So i just went with it.

Let me know what you think!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Evening everyone!

Comparatively short break compared to last time we have another squad ready! This is the stormbolter and chainsword squad. Pretty please with how they turned out, quite characterful i think :smile.:

Left to right we have: Taurans, Angels Redeemed and Red Templars


Left to Right: Black Shield and Shadow Wolves.

I also finished painting up my version of the Dark Imperium gravis captain, he is from the Helion Legion.


Some close ups of the chapter symbols:

IMG 20190217 192023

Shadow Wolves (After i started i found out the Shadow Wolves chapter was wiped out. So i guess this is the last Shadow Wolf?)

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Angels Redeemed

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Red Templars

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Helion Legion

Pretty pleased with the freehand ones (Red Templars and Helion Legion).

Let me know what you all think of the updates! :biggrin.:

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Hot on the heels of Sunday's update i have some more models for you to review :smile.:

I've always said building and converting is my favourite part of modelling which is probably why i get through it so much quicker than the painting. Anyways, i present to you the last of Kill Team Cassius! Unfortunately i forgot to take pictures before i sprayed them so they are all undercoated and as a result you can't see the details as well. I'd just like to say these models are fantastic especially Setorax, i could easily use him as a Watch Captain if i felt like it.

To begin with we have Edryc Setorax and Garran Branatar. No particular changes to these two.


Then we have Antor Delassio, Jetek Suberei and Jensus Natorian. Before anyone comments i am aware that Suberei doesn't have a base, i still need to acquire a sector mechanicus biker base so all the models in the army share the same base theme. I have made a few changes to Delassio and Natorian. Delassio has a Power sword and Bolt Pistol instead of his chainsword and hand flamer so he can slot into my vanguard veterans. Natorian just has a bolter instead of a bolt pistol.


Finally i have built a Deathwatch Smash captain! This guy was a bit of a nightmare to put together. I used the 2008 games day captain as the base which was a metal slotta base model. I'd forgotten how much i hate working with metal, it's a nightmare to convert, getting the hammer to stay in place was extremely fiddly and even then the hands are slightly dislocated... all things considered though i am pretty pleased with how it's turned out.


I've also recently tweaked my list to include the chapter approved changes and this is where i am at now:

Battalion Detachment = 978
Watch Master - 130 (Beacon Angelis Relic and Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait)
Watch Captain, master crafted Boltgun and Xenophase blade - 86
Veteran Squad A (5 Marines) - 92
1 Blackshield
5 Stalker Bolters
5 Chainswords
Veteran Squad D (5 Marines) - 100
1 Blackshield
1 Xenophase Blade
4 Power Weapons
5 Bolters
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines) - 90
5 Bolt Rifles
5 Bolt Pistols
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Veteran Squad E (5 Marines) - 152
1 Blackshield
5 Combi Meltas
5 Chainswords
Vanguard Squad A (5 marines) - 109
5 Power Weapons
2 Storm shields
3 Bolt Pistols
Corvus Blackstar - 219
Assault Cannon
2 Rocket Launchers
Hurricane Bolter
Battalion Detachment = 936
Watch Captain with Jump Pack - 114
- Thunder Hammer
- Bolt Pistol
Chaplain with jump pack and boltgun - 91
Veteran Squad B (5 Marines) - 90
5 Stalker Bolters

Veteran Squad C (5 Marines) - 100
1 Blackshield
1 Xenophase Blade
4 Power Weapons
5 Boltguns
Veteran Squad F (10 Marines) - 248
1 Blackshield
4 Frag Cannons
6 Boltguns
10 Chainswords
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines) - 90
5 Bolt Rifles
5 Bolt Pistols
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Veteran Squad (5 Marines) - 92
5 Storm Bolters
5 Chainswords
Vanguard Squad B (5 marines) - 111
5 Power Weapons
2 Bolt Pistols
3 Storm Shields
TOTAL = 1914
Total Command Points = 13
I left 85 reinforcement points to use the new "Operative Requisition Sanctioned" strategem at the start of the game to get ANY of the 4 vastly improved assassins depending on which army i am facing. I cannot express how awesome this is :biggrin.: .
Please let me know what you think of the models and this updated list! Have a great evening!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Good evening everyone!

I've completed the last of squad cassius now. Here they all are:

Antor Delassio

Edryc Setorax
Jensus Natorian
Garran Branatar
Jetek Suberei (now with added base)

The Smash Captain is done as well. I'm quite pleased with how these turned out, i tried a new power weapon effect on Branatar's power fist, Natorian's sword and the smash captains hammer which has worked quite well.

Here's a close up of the chapter symbol, he's from White Templars.

IMG 20190309 201531

I'm quite excited about the upcoming shadowspear boxed set. I know there's no rules for us to include them so far but i can see the Vanguard all taking the black. :tongue.:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good evening everyone!

Today's update is a rare one, a Vehicle! I'm not much of a fan of making and painting vehicles, it's a lot of time and effort and depending on the vehicle they aren't that interesting to paint. Anyway, here is a Deathwatch Razorback.


It's using the forge world extra Armour and inquisition front plate with doors which make it much more interesting. I've bought a lightbox so i can take some better pictures for you all. I've left a lot of the parts unglued so i can choose the loadout and have it as a rhino if i want.


The techmarine in the cupola is from the Aurora Chapter

IMG 20190325 213705

I also bought some arco flagellants and an acolyte from GW direct for a bit of a change. I always liked the arco flagellant models.


Let me know what you think of this update. I'll have more for you tomorrow :biggrin.:

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As promised i have another update for you :smile.:

Today we have 5 Infiltrators from Shadowspear taking the black. And an Ancient from Dark Imperium.


They come complete with the usual conversion bits so they look the part. I'm pretty excited to be able to use these in a game, 2 squads of 5 and a vanguard captain and you can deny enemy deep strike to most of your side of the board! Which is fantastic against genestealer cults and other deep strike heavy armies. Also pretty good at keeping the updated assassins at arms length a bit longer. Sadly we can'ts use them in the deathwatch yet and to be fair they are far too expensive for me to want to use them right now. I expect them to drop at least a few points and then get access to special issue ammunition for the 1 point bolter tax. Then i'd be quite happy to use them instead of the intercessors i have at the moment.

Let me know what you think and feel free to speculate on their chapters of origin. :biggrin.:

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Yeah, we can`t. But anyway we can use them as allies of deatwatch by making them as any other chapter which have rules for them. So not a big deal atm IMHO =) I`m going to run them exactly as I mentioned here (maybe as Ravenguard detachment).

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Everyone!

I've finished the Infiltrator squad and the ancient. I'm still waiting for the deathwatch to get access to the shadowspear marines, hopefully it'll be soon. Here they are!

Left to Right: Astral Hawks, Red Talons and Wolfspear

Left to Right: Marauders and Blood Drinkers



I've given each of them a name on the base which i'm trying out. I'm not sure if i like it though, let me know what you guys think of it.

Here's close ups of the banner and the chapter symbols:

The banner of Furor Shield!


Blood Drinkers

IMG 20190428 115720 Min

Wolfspear (this was a nightmare to do! I feel bad for the person who decides to do an army of these)

IMG 20190428 115710 Min


IMG 20190428 115652 Min

Red Talons

IMG 20190428 115640 Min

Astral Hawks

IMG 20190428 115628 Min


IMG 20190428 115615 Min

I've also REALLY changed my list after it became clear my list wasn't competitive:

Battalion Detachment
Watch Master (Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait)
Watch Captain, master crafted Boltgun, Thunder Hammer (Beacon Angelis)
Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
5 Stalker Bolters and Chainswords
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines)
5 Bolt Rifles
5 Bolt Pistols
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
5 Combi Meltas and Chainswords (1 Blackshield)
Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
1 Frag Cannons
1 Storm Bolters and Storm Shields
2 Storm Bolters and Chainswords
1 Bolter and Chainsword (Blackshield)
Vanguard Squad (5 marines)
3 Power Weapons and Bolt Pistols
2 Storm shields and Power Weapons
Battalion Detachment
Watch Captain with Xenophase blade and master crafted boltgun
Chaplain with boltgun
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines)
5 Bolt Rifles
5 Bolt Pistols
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
2 Frag Cannons
2 Storm Bolters and Storm Shields (1 Blackshield)
1 Storm Bolter and Chainswords
Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
1 Frag Cannons
2 Storm Bolters and Storm Shields
2 Storm Bolters and Chainswords (1 Blackshield)
Vanguard Squad (5 marines)
3 Power Weapons and Bolt Pistols
2 Storm shields and Power Weapons
Heavy Support
Hellblasters (5 Marines)
- 5 Plasma Incenerators
Leviathan Dreadnought
- 2 Grav Flux Bombards
TOTAL = 1911
Total Command Points = 13
I left 85 reinforcement points to use the "Operative Requisition Sanctioned" strategem at the start of the game to get any of the 4 assassins.
Please let me know what you think of this updated list!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Good evening everyone :biggrin.:

Today i bring you the hellblasters from dark imperium and the vanguard librarian from Shadowspear. All converted to the deathwatch! For the hellblasters i tried some object source lighting from the plasma guns, just on the guns themselves and on the right arm a bit. Here they are:

Left to right = Crimson Fists, Preators of Orpheus and Hawk Lords

Left to Right = Angels of Iron and Angels of Vengeance
Librarian Ashok of the Angels Sanguine. I went with the same urban camo scheme that i used on my stalker bolter sergeant a while back (see earlier in the thread)
Also quite pleased with this power sword effect, tried something a little different

Some close ups of the free handed shoulder pads

Angels of vengeance

IMG 20190521 200335

Angels of Iron

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Angels Sanguine

IMG 20190521 200435

Preators of Orpheus

IMG 20190521 200319

Let me know what you think of this update! I've tried some new techniques so i'd like some feedback or tips on those. Still not sure on the names on bases yet haha. Keep an eye on the thread, thanks to a recent forge world order arriving there will be something BIG next time :wink:

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