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Deathwatch Fortress Furor Shield - Inquisitor Trinity - 15/10/24

Inquisitor Trinity

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was planning to wait until this was painted to post it but as i'm entering it in ETL7 i might as well post it here as well. We have a BIG update today. I present to you, a deathwatch leviathan dreadnought! Fully magnetised so i can have any loadout.



Let me know what you think of it!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I now give you, Leviathan Dreadnought Hierax. Completely magnetised for any loadout and full of details. This may honestly be THE best model i have ever made, possibly not exactly the best painted, but it's the one i feel the most proud of.


Here you can see all the options available to him.


I've also got a closeup of the details including, Skulls, name scroll, an iron halo, crux terminatus, Destroyer symbol, leg studs, chains and the symbol of furor shield.


I have also written a bio for him :biggrin.: bit of an experiment for me and i wanted to see what you all think :smile.:

Hierax, “The Destroyer”, Leviathan Dreadnought of Watch Fortress Furor Shield, Former Captain of Watch Company Tertius, Formerly of the Nemesis Chapter

The Nemesis chapter has long held onto the more deadly and exotic methods of imperial warfare, using chemical and radiation weapons to devastating effect. Whilst officially codex complaint they still maintain stockpiles of phospex, rad missiles and other tools of destruction for use in extreme circumstances. Originally formed from the Ultramarine Legion’s destroyer companies they are brutal but coldly calculating killers. None exemplify this ethos more than Hierax, his name being that of a founding member of the Nemesis Chapter. He always favours scorched earth tactics and will think nothing of sacrificing imperial citizens for a tactical advantage. He will bombard contested planets despite allied forces being present to deny the enemy the territory. Thus earning him the epithet “The Destroyer”. His induction into the Deathwatch greatly increased the diversity of the weapons available to him. His ruthless tactics found a home in the deathwatch for whom the ends justify the means and he quickly rose to command Watch Company Tertius of Furor Shield. This finally gave him the ultimate weapon, exterminatus. Whilst fighting hive fleet Leviathan in the Octarius war, Hierax’s company was forced into a fighting retreat. The mission was to identify if Leviathan was gaining an advantage over the Octarian orks. During the exfiltration Hierax was eviscerated by a carnifex but his brothers managed to get him aboard a dropship and return to the ship in orbit. With his last breath Hierax ordered exterminatus on the planet, removing Leviathan’s advantage and returning the Octarius war to a stalemate. But, he did not die. Stabilised by the apothecaries and returned to Furor Shield it was judged the Hierax should be given the honour of being interred in a Dreadnought. His tactical skills were too valuable to be lost, even if he could no longer command a company. Awakening inside his new shell, Hierax was not displeased as he now truly deserved to be called “The Destroyer”. Given that hive fleet Leviathan crippled him, he considers it rather ironic that he is now also, a Leviathan. Heirax insists that he is still capable of commanding a company and regularly petitions Watch Master Leonidas to give him back Watch Company Tertius. Leonidas however is gravely concerned how quickly Hierax ordered an Exterminatus and will not risk giving him that power again. For now, Heirax is unleashed where the fighting is thickest and is a valuable, if overly destructive, asset to the deathwatch. But his moods grow darker and the years of being entombed begin to take their toll on his mind….

Edited by Of the night
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Cool models! Where did you get the Deathwatch bits for the Leviathan?

The inquisition symbol is from the brass etch, the deathwatch symbol on the arm is from the upgrade sprue, the crux terminatus i put a skull there and green stuffed the rest of it. The rest of them are painted on :)

Good morning everyone!

I'm making a habit of waiting ages between updates, i just didn't have the motivation recently. Anyway, they are now complete! After the new marines codex i'm really annoyed we have been left out of all the cool new models. I just want some deathwatch eliminators!!! Ah well, we will probably get access when we get a new Deathwatch codex. No one has really said anything about names on the bases so i'm just gonna keep doing it for now :P

A Deathwstrike Vanguard with plasma pistols and a Hospitallers Primaris Apothecary

Left to Right = Angels of Absolution, Black Consuls, Black Shield
Left to Right = Iron Champions and Angels Penitent


And as usual close ups of the chapter symbols.

Angels of Absolution


Deathstrike (really pleased with this one)


Angels Penitent (this is pretty terrible, it's a bit of an odd one to paint as well)


Black Consuls (really pleased with how this one turned out!)


Iron Champions (This is horrible honestly i just lost patience with it)


I'm moving house now so it might be a while before the next update! Let me know what you think of these ones :)

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  • 2 months later...

I'm back!

Hello again everyone, been away for a while as i have moved twice in the last two months. So i've only just got back into it. I've put together some intercessor reinforcements from dark imperium and a techmarine. See if you can guess the chapters and let me know what you think!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello again everyone!

After a long delay i have finally managed to finish the Intercessors and Techmarine. Here they are!

From left to right we have: Sons of Guilliman, Masters of Protelus, Knights of the Chalice and Sons of the Phoenix


From left to right: Mentors, Necropolis Hawks and Storm Warriors


As usual i have some close ups of the freehand chapter symbols:

Storm Warriors


Sons of Guilliman


Masters of Protelus


Knight's of the Chalice


Sons of the Pheonix (This was veeeeery complicated i pity whoever decides to do a whole army of these)


And finally, as it has been quite a while since the last time i have taken some photos of the whole army! Say hello to Watch Fortress Furor Shield!


As always please do let me know what you think of everything! I've been back through the blog and updated the formatting of the pictures so they should all look a bit better and more visible now. Feel free to go back through them and take a look!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all!

Got another squad all ready to go, terminators this time! I felt like adding some terminators to my force and was considering buying a squad of tartaros terminators as it's supposedly the most advanced terminator armour. But then i remembered i had a space hulk box set i never got round to painting! So i decided they would be joining the deathwatch, with some alterations. There is a little black left in the recesses from where i paint stripped them, please forgive me (i oversprayed them back when i was younger and more foolish) thankfully i only sprayed them. Here they are, also joining them is a primaris chaplain:



As you can see i haven't done a huge amount to them other than giving them a deathwatch shoulder pad and cutting off the stands so i can base them, which took ageeees. I've also removed the blood angel iconography (unless i plan for them to be a blood angel successor chapter) and scraped off the symbols on the left pad so i can paint my own. I will at some point get round to converting the rest of the space hulk terminators. Joining this first group will be an inquisitor as well! Can you guess who? Take a look back over my thread to rule out the ones i have already done :wink:

That's all for this time people! Let me know what you think and any guesses for which chapters these will be!

Edited by Of the night
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again Everyone!

Another update from watch fortress Furor Shield. The first batch of space hulk terminators and the primaris chaplain are now complete. Don't worry, the mystery inquisitor is still being painted and will be along soon. Keep guessing who it is! I'm pretty pleased with these terminators, tried out a new technique for the eyelenses which makes them pop a lot more.

Left to right: Disciples of Caliban, Carmine Blades, Skull Bearers


Left to Right: Red Legion, Angels Encarmine, Consecrators


As always i have some close ups of the free hand chapter symbols.

Red Legion


Angels Encarmine




Skull Bearers


Disciples of Caliban


Carmine Blades


I also have a casual 1750 tournament coming up so if you could give me some feedback on the list that would be great. It's banned forge world annoyingly so i'll suffer for that

Battalion 1

Watch Master (lord of hidden Knowledge)

Jump Pack Chaplain

Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
5 Stalker Bolters
5 Chainswords
Fortis Kill Team (10 Marines)
5 Intercessors with Auto Bolt Rifles
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
5 Helblasters with Plasma Incinerators
Veteran Squad (5 Marines)
1 Blackshield
5 Combi Meltas
5 Chainswords
Veteran Squad (10 marines)
2 veterans with frag cannons
1 veteran with storm shield and storm bolter
1 sergeant with storm shield and storm bolter
1 black shield with storm bolter and chainsword
3 Vanguard with Power Weapons + bolt pistols
2 Vanguard with Storm shields + Power Weapons
Battalion 2
Captain Artemis
Chaplain with jump pack and boltgun (Beacon Angelis)
Veteran Squad (10 marines)
1 veterans with frag cannons
1 veteran with storm shield and storm bolter
1 veteran with chainsword and storm bolter
1 sergeant with chainsword and storm bolter
1 black shield with storm bolter and storm shield
3 Vanguard with Power Weapons + bolt pistols
2 Vanguard with Storm shields + Power Weapons
Veteran Squad (10 marines)
1 veterans with frag cannons
1 veteran with storm shield and storm bolter
1 veteran with chainsword and storm bolter
1 sergeant with chainsword and storm bolter
1 black shield with boltgun and chainsword
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines)
5 Auto Bolt Rifles
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines)
5 Auto Bolt Rifles
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with Power Sword
2cp Assassin Stratagem

Let me know what you think of everything!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Evening everyone!

It's been a stressful time for us all i'm sure with the various lockdowns around the world. As i've been stuck at home for ages and will continue to be so i have got some more painting done and will have time to get the backlog done. This time it's something completely different! The genestealers from the Space Hulk set, and the cup and C.A.T robot. Ideally i'd like to get these all done over the next few weeks. I went with the hive fleet leviathan colour scheme due to my watch company being from furor shield. It's also the one i used for the carnifex head on the leviathan dreadnought.


Painting white is sooooo annoying, any tips? I also went painted the dead terminators deathwatch and went so far as to come up with a chapter for one of them with a shoulder pad.

This unfortunate terminator is from the sons of dorn chapter.


I'll have more coming very soon! Let me know what you think of the stealers, any tips, any ideas you think i should do or any thoughts on my other works!

This unfortunate terminator is from the sons of dorn chapter.

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Hello again everyone! Told you i'd be back soon ;)

This time we have a few more intercessors to start with. These will finish off my 4 squads of 5 intercessors. Sculpted a hairdo for one of them which was fun.


And i also have made some reivers! i love these models, it's just a shame they aren't that useful.


Finally i have a titan tech priest (everyone needs tech support) and a vanguard phobos captain! I am so pleased with how this has turned out, the pose was really difficult to get and has turned out great. I wanted him to be much more snipery so i wanted this pose and an extended sniper barrel. Getting the cape to work with the deathwatch pad was annoying and i'm still not that happy with it. I added the helmet instead of the bare head as it didn't make sense to me that he wasn't wearing one. It's hard to see on the photo but i sculpted what i hope looks like a tiger face into the right kneepad (a hint about their chapter ;) ). Sadly until the deathwatch get the vanguard rules he will be a stand in for a regular primaris captain.



That's all for now folks! I'm sure i'll be back with these painted soooooon. Let me know what you think of these and take a guess at the chapters these new recruits are from!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone

I've finished the latest batch. Sadly we STILL don't have access to the vanguard models so my phobos captain will at most be a regular primaris captain with a stalker bolt rifle.

First up are the intercessors, Left to right we have Rift Stalkers, Emperor's Spears and Blades of Vengeance


Next Rievers, Left to Right Guardians of the Covenant, Red Wolves and Fire Lords


Finally we have the tech priest and Watch Captain Pardis of the Argent Tigers. A few different angles as there isn't one good angle for him.


And some close ups of the chapter badges:

Guardians of the Covenant


Red Wolves (not too bad really)


Fire Lords


Blades of Vengeance


Rift Stakers


Emperor's Spears (nice and simple)


Argent Tigers (honestly this is absolutely terrible but i couldn't get it better)


Let me know what you think of them! Next time will be something BIG ;)

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It's me again!

I told you something BIG was coming! Say hello to my little friend!

A contemptor dreadnought, can be used as a mortis, relic or regular contemptor and the arms and cyclone launcher are magnetised!


At the moment i just have fists, assault cannons and lascannons as options, i might get the others one day. The contemtor has loaadsss of options though.


So, the big question. Which chapter is this guy from? Have a guess! There's some clues in the details i've added. Let me know any comments or criticism :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay everyone, he's finished :D

I'd like to introduce Contemptor Dreadnought Avonis, formerly of the Steel Confessors.


A few details here, got a scroll for his name, a mechanicus symbol as he's a former techmarine, various cables and bionic esque pieces, the furor shield symbol on his left knee and an inquisition shield on the right knee.


Also provided a close up of the steel confessors symbol


Please let me know what you think of him!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Evening everyone!

Another update for you, some more phobos models from the shadowspear box set. Sadly we still cannot use them in games but i'm still certain that we will be able to one day. In the meantime i'm sure i could always use them as reivers with carbines if i wanted to. Pretty simple conversions, shoulder pads added and bioscanners on the arms.

Left to right we have: Libators, Storm Reapers and Angels of Vigilance


Left to right: Mentors, Patriarchs of Ulixis and White Panthers


A close up of the shoulder pads:

Storm Reapers (This is pretty terrible, in retrospect i wish i'd carved off the parchment)


Angels of Vigilance (quite pleased with this one)




Patriarchs of Ulixis (used a skull transfer as i can't seem to paint them)


White Panthers (Still not great at these animals)


Mentors (I can do these eagles alright though)


Let me know what you think! Still hoping for some comments about the contemptor dreadnought!

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