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Deathwatch Fortress Furor Shield - Inquisitor Trinity - 15/10/24

Inquisitor Trinity

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  • 1 month later...

Another small update, working my way through the Space Hulk box set. A few more genestealers here and the dead terminator (which i am quite pleased with).




In other news i will soon have the Indomitus set! And as we are allowed to take all of them they will soon be appearing with silver arms and black Armour. I am very much looking forward to having the eradicators in game. Here is another version of my list incorporating the changes:

Main changes are i've compressed everything into 1 battalion and removed 2 of the HQ's . I have also removed the combi melta squad in favour of the FAR FAR superior eradicators. 1 extra melta shot and the meltas are all 24 inch range AND we have toughness 5 with 4 extra wounds for 17 points less !?!?! SIGN ME UP

Another change i am considering making is, now that i have a HQ choice in the eradicators to serve as a relic tax for the leviathan that frees up the contemptor mortis to now become a relic contemptor (which is now the same points apparently?). For that relic tax i can move 5 vanguard to an elites choice.

Battalion Detachment = 1991
Watch Master - 125 (Lord of Hidden Knowledge warlord trait)
Primaris Chaplain (Beacon Angelis) - 77
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines) - 266
5 Auto Bolt Rifles
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
5 Helblasters with Plasma Incinerators
Veteran Squad (10 marines) - 272
2 veterans with frag cannons
1 veteran with storm shield and storm bolter
1 sergeant with storm shield and storm bolter
1 black shield with storm bolter and chainsword
3 Vanguard with Power Weapons + bolt pistols
2 Vanguard with Storm shields + Power Weapons
Veteran Squad (10 marines) - 255
1 veterans with frag cannons
1 veteran with storm shield and storm bolter
1 veteran with chainsword and storm bolter
1 sergeant with chainsword and storm bolter
1 black shield with storm bolter and storm shield
3 Vanguard with Power Weapons + bolt pistols
2 Vanguard with Storm shields + Power Weapons
Veteran Squad (5 marines) - 120
1 veterans with frag cannons
1 veteran with storm shield and storm bolter
1 veteran with chainsword and storm bolter
1 sergeant with chainsword and storm bolter
1 black shield with boltgun and chainsword
Intercessor Squad (5 Marines) - 101
5 Auto Bolt Rifles
Grenade Launcher
1 Chainsword
Heavy Support
Leviathan Dreadnought - 350
2 heavy flamers
2 storm cannon arrays
Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought - 210
2 twin lascannons
cyclone missile launchers
Eradicators (3 marines) - 120
Callidus Assassin - 95
TOTAL = 1991
Command Points = 12
Let me know what you think of everything!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening all!

Got another update for you. I have finished the space hulk terminators! They were all really fun to paint with loads of little details. I left 3 of them with the blood angels details as they are successor chapters but the rest got all the teardrops and so on taken off them.

First up we have, from left to right: Subjugators, Angels Vermillion and Hammers of Dorn


Blood Swords, Storm Wings and Charnel Guard


Flame Eagles


And as usual some close ups of the chapter symbols:

Flame Eagles


Angels Vermillion


Blood Swords




Charnel Guard


Hammers of Dorn (very please with this one)


Storm Wings


I used transfers for some of the skulls because i suck at free handing skulls.

Let me know what you guys think! I need comments to fuel my creativeness!!! :D

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Excellent work brother! Those free handed pads are awesome and the skull transfers blend in really well. That Hammers of Dorne pauldron has me brimming with envy. Terminators seem like they’re on the rise in 9th as well. Can’t wait to see your continued work!
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again, i'm back with some new models!

Today we have the supressors from Shadowspear, the Chaplain from Indomitus and some aggressors:

Left to Right: Angels of Penance, Black Wings, Inceptors


Blazoned Legion Chaplain


Left to Right: Avenging Sons, Silver Templars, Castellans of the Rift


Really pleased with how the agressors turned out, i think in subtle ways i've made them quite unique. The Chaplain is such a cool and detailed model i didn't really want to change it much. As usual here's some close ups of the chapter symbols:

Blazoned Legion (the backpack got in the way so it hasn't come out great)


Castellans of the rift


Silver Templars


Avenging Sons (i know it's a very simple design but i quite like it)


Black Wings (Purity seal got in the way here, blends into the red annoyingly)




Angels of Penance


That's all for now! I probably won't have another update until January so merry christmas!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy new year everyone! I've got an early start to this one with another update for you.

Something different this time! Some arco-flagellants, a penitent engine and Kyria Draxus

The penitent engine is fully customisable for all it's loadouts. As it turns out you only need to magnetise the shoulders as all the other parts have enough grip to stay on (once painted anyway). Here's a couple of the loadouts and all the parts laid out:

med_gallery_63725_13961_602518.jpg med_gallery_63725_13961_350086.jpg


And now we have Kyria Draxus, the last named inquisitor i have left to paint (bar Karamazov). In my continuing quest to paint them all different to the standard i've gone for a bright orange for the armour, nobody expects the rainbow inquisition! Really damn pleased with how it all turned out to be honest:


And finally the arco-flagellants:



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Hello again!

Another set built, it's been a while since i posted some unpainted but i have a good reason for doing so today!

First up we have a pair of lieutenants, one phobos and one firstborn.


Not likely to see a game but the phobos lieutenant is WAY too cool not to have. I also fancied having some lighting claws so that's why the firstborn is here. On that subject here are some veterans with claws:


Given how effective it is i could use one of them as a black shield if i felt like it.

Here is the main reason i posted these unpainted, here is my deathwatch company/chapter champion!!!


It's hard to tell with it being unpainted but this is heavily based on war from the darksiders games. It'll be clearer once i've painted them. As you can see i've added a lot of additional details via greenstuff, kitbashing, plasticard and reposing. There 'might' be some issues with this in game but i reckon once i've explained that the shield is on the back of the power fist i imagine it'll be fine. It's a combat shield so it doesn't have to be huge anyway. The pistol is on his belt so he should be WYSIWYG. I mean it's distinct enough from a power fist i think to at least give people pause. I love this conversion, i put sooooo much work into it. Green stuffing the entire sword was hard work i can tell you. Which is why i wanted to show you it unpainted so you could see the effort i've made. Very much looking forward to painting them!

Let me know what you think!!!! I'd love some feedback on the greenstuffing particularly.

Edited by Prot
Edited Swear Filter Dodge.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Taken me a couple of weeks and now i have them painted up!

The pair of lieutenants, one phobos (Iron Ravens) and one firstborn (Crimson Guard):


Lightning claw Veterans. From left to right : Knights of Dorn, Silver Guard and Venerators of Osiron


And then the company/chapter champion inspired by war from darksiders. From the Harbingers chapter. Really pleased with this one, sword turned out pretty well in the end, certainly one of my better conversions.


As usual here are the close ups of some of the freehand chapter pads:

Venerators of Osiron


Crimson Guard




Silver Guard


As always comments and constructive criticism are strongly encouraged!

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I really applaud how much you get built and painted. A lot of people get stuff built but never painted so well done. Love all the different pads


Thank you! I used to do the same and had entirely unpainted armies for ages. A started doing this thing where i built a squad, usually 5 models and often a character and wouldn't build anything else until they were painted. It means nothing stays unpainted for long. 


I do love finding new and obscure chapter symbols and seeing what type of marine they would be. Do they have wolf skins, a propensity for trophy's, are they very stealth orientated ect. Then making the model reflect that. It's more difficult these days as i've burned through most of the chapters with any decent background so i kind of make it up myself.

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  • 1 month later...

It's time for another update!

Took a while for these ones, i just wasn't feeling in the mood for painting much these days.

We got an Invictor Warsuit! Fully magnetised for all options with some deathwatch alterations. Got the watch fortress symbol on the right pad though because it's a suit that belongs to the fortress not the chapter. Got an enclosed cockpit from the shapeways because the roll cage is ridiculous. However, in case i want to take this to a GW sanctioned tournament i allowed the cockpit and rollcage to be swappable. I figure i can get away with the deathwatch shoulder maybe but the shapeways cockpit it too obvious.




In addition we have a Land Speeder! Also magnetised for all loadouts and also with the furor shield symbol as it also belongs to the fortress not the chapters. Had to do the classic, drive me closer i want to hit them with my sword!



Let me know what you think!

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Racing in just after the last update is an update on the next update! I promise i'll do this next set much faster!

I wanted to show off these ones unpainted so you can see some of the work i've put in. I've put together some eliminators! As before they are on the base size they deserve, it makes no sense for them to be on 40mm bases when they wear the same armour as reivers and infiltrators. As usual i've added the wrist scanners and elbow decoration to make them look more deathwatchy


As you can see i've carved out the plain shoudlers and replaced them with slightly covered deathwatch pads, it was a bit difficult to get them to sit right but i think it's come off okay.


The next two eliminators are a little different, i built them using reiver bodies! As you may have seen elsewhere online it's a cheaper and easier way of adding a couple of extras to the squad without grabbing another box of eliminators. You get enough parts in the box to convicingly get 2 more reiver based eliminators with a bit of work!


As you can see, they aren't perfect. I've had to green stuff the capes and one backpack. Plus the right knees of both. I'm still pretty pleased with them though! Here's the cloaks from the back. I think they will look better painted


Not bad for my first attempt at sculpting capes! I'll do better next time though. But this isn't all! I also have a primaris techmarine!!!! I love this kit, i've been wanting a plastic techmarine for YEARS and this one is pretty perfect. Added a few alterations as you can see, the big one being a necron clutched in the servo claw!


Really looking forward to painting these, i will post them as soon as i'm done!!! Let me know what you think!

Edited by Prot
Edited Swear Filter Dodge
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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy Saturday everyone!

I've got the next set painted up, only took 3 weeks this time lol! Better than i've been doing recently but not as good as sometimes, i just don't have the drive to paint as much at the moment.

Anyway, here they are! Some deathwatch Eliminators:

Left to right : Imperial Harbingers and Victors


Left to right: Guardians of Celeres, Silver Eagles and the Dark Crusaders


Plus here is a shot of the camo cloaks, i went for an urban camouflage design to match their urban bases. I managed to make the deathwatch pads visible on all of them but i could only make the chapter symbols clear on 5 of them, the Victors and Dark crusarders sybols are partially covered with the cloak.


In addition here is a primaris techmarine with a necron clutched in his servo arm! This guy is from the Star Dragons. I tried to do an object source lighting from the light on the base but it hasn't come out very well (why it's not shown here) green OSL is difficult to pull off. I'll go blue or yellow next time. The necron is from the sunset dynasty lol, completely made up. I just wanted something bright to contrast with the servo arm, otherwise it'd be difficult to tell it apart.


Finally here is some close ups of the pads (the ones not covered by a cloak anyway).

Star Dragons, not too bad but not great either


Imperial Harbingers


Guardians of Celeres, nice and easy using a transfer for the skull and then painting the rest


Silver Eagles


That's all for this time folks! Please let me know what you think of them in the comments :) Also i'm thinking of setting up an instagram account, is that something people would be interested in?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got this next lot done pretty quick! I've been feeling much more in the mood for painting recently which could be to do with my new instagram page! Please go give it a follow!


This time i've painted up 6 eradicators. You'll notice i've converted the meltas. I can't claim the credit for this idea though! I saw it here :


I had found the melta rifles a bit boring so this was a great idea which i completely ripped off. I wanted to be able to field a 5 man squad in an indimitor kill team so I have the indomitus and multi part kit models. Can you guess which are which? Here they are!

Left to right: Angels Porphyr, Black Vipers and Prime Absolvers


What I wasn't pleased with though is the snake additions to the one in the middle. I tried to get a snake head on his helmet which worked out okay but the snakeskin loincloth isn't great. You can also see where I've done some battle damage to the helmet which is because I accidentally melted half of it with plastic glue.

Left to Right: Doom Legion, Marines Exemplars and Auric Patricians.


As always here are some up close shots of the chapter symbols.

Marines Exemplar


Doom Legion (just when i thought i was getting good at skulls this happens!)


Prime Absolvers


Black Vipers (now THIS i am veryyyy please with)


Angels Porphyr


Auric Patricians (this skull isn't too bad though)


Please let me know what you think of everything!!! Comments and criticism are very welcome

Edited by Of the night
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