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I was only thinking to myself the other day: "I really should get round to posting the models I'm actually building, rather than hoarding them all to myself" - which would, of course, require me to actually post, rather than just haunt the boards... But that aside; in my 'new members' post, I pointed out that I've built a few Tau models, but I though I'd post my Marines first, and see what everyone thinks.


Now, as I'm sure everyone who's painted a custom chapter has considered, picking a colour scheme was a bit of a nightmare. I wanted to make a custom chapter, rather than build/paint a pre-existing one because I like to see what additions I can make to lore (ok, fan-lore, but whatever), rather than just take a part of it. Plus, I write a bit, so... yeah. Perhaps, if I wanted to go for a established chapter, I'd collect a Heresy-era army - just so it's "properly different" to my current stuff.


As the title suggests, beige eventually seemed the colour to go for (OK, Zandri Dust, if you want the actual paint name... but... yeah. Beige.). Whatever colour I considered, I could name a chapter that wore that colour (mostly), and I wasn't a fan of doing anything complicated like colours in half-and-half, or quarters.


So... in short: beige and light blue (Russ Grey) for highlights - shoulder pads and so on. I also wanted the chapter to be largely codex-compliant, mainly so I'd actually have consistency across my models. Most of my models so far have red trim (because I thought it went well with beige-and-blue), so that makes them members of the 3rd Company. Seems fair.


Right - chapter name. Ah. I came up with a few names when I was thinking, and they didn't really seem to fit. In this case, the problem (and also the great thing) about Space Marine chapters is the sheer variety in the naming conventions: Adjective-marines, Noun-marines, Adjective Verbers, Space Nouns, Nouns of the Noun, etc, etc...

Slightly breaking my rule from earlier (a custom chapter, not pre-existing one), I settled on the name "Sand Scorpions" for two reasons - 1) Beige / Sand, that whole colour-matching thing there, and 2) Forge World actually do scorpion-branded accessories (for the Red Scorpions), so I can have some molded shoulder pads, etc, should I want. Plus, the name sounds relatively inoffensive, and not too complicated to say (always a bonus - "I'm Captain Placeholder of the third company of the Scythes of the Emperor - oh, he's fallen asleep...").


But I digress.


And I suppose I should get round to posting some pictures, shouldn't I? I'll post a couple every so often, rather than a page-long picture-dump, which also gives people chance to respond if they like (please? pretty please?). ^^ I do apologise in advance for the rubbish lighting... Everything seems so much brighter on a phone screen. Of course, that may be the problem. Or it's the beige; you decide. XD


Here's my first Tactical Squad, with missile launcher and melta gun options:




Followed by a closer look at half of the squad, including the sergeant and a chap in mk VI armour. The banner doesn't have anything on it yet... as I'm not sure what to put there. If I can get scorpion decals... well, yes... ^^




And another close-up of a couple of the marines:




And last for now, another look at the special / heavy weapons marines in the squad:



While rather simple, this looks quite good, I think!


I want to make a similiar scheme for my marines and already thought about Zandri Dust. Must consider if this is the right thing for me or if I try something else.

Thanks for the (unintended) reference! :wink: :thumbsup:

They're not the greatest-looking, I'll grant you; a bit like the Guard I've built / am building - they're intended to be "A. N. Other" Chapter. I'm not hugely confidant with my painting skills yet to attempt anything more than flat colours, but I quite like the look. When I'm more confident with washing, I will probably re-visit the guys posted above and make them a little less... flat. Plus, the bases need doing...
However, away from the tactical squad - have a couple of character models:
Captain of the 3rd, with storm bolter and power sword:

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Though, there's something about the head I'm not too keen on; he looks a bit... short. Hm... :huh.: 

And a Techmarine, made from a tank commander's body and a servo-harness from a couple of "totally-not-space-marine-honest" parts:

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I'm not a huge fan of a lot of the GW character models, so I had to do a bit of hunting around for parts for a Techmarine, Librarian, Chaplain, Chapter Master, etc, etc... I quite like my Techmarine model here, although the more you look at it, the weirder the robe looks... Hmm... Ah, I'm sure it'll be fine... :whistling:

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