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Iron Falcons Chapter


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So, after a very long time being a fan of the Warhammer 40k universe I have decided to actually get into the game itself. I was torn originally on which army to choose but in the end went on the side of caution and decided to build a space marine army. I enjoy Orks and used to love the Nids with a passion, but the Orks would require a lot of paint skill (I think) which I do not have at the moment, and the Nids are supposed to be a bear to actually play right now in 8th edition.


So I wanted to create my own chapter just to be different, I really enjoy the Raptors chapter, they make sense to me and their focus on stealth and hit and run tactics really sounds awesome. So I decided to make my chapter a successor chapter of theirs (founded before the age of apostasy).


The Iron Falcons are Mountain warfare specialists, focusing on long range firepower and stealth to get in close when the need arises, they prefer to use the terrain to their advantage working with it rather than plowing through it as most space marine chapters do. They have accepted the aid of the primaris marines, mostly due to their pragmatic natures but also because their numbers had been decimated by the events leading up to the Indomitus Crusade. I have a little bit of back story worked up for them. But for now I am just gonna post the models as I get them assembled and painted. I have a grand total of 5 models assembled so I am gonna wait to post them until I get a couple more of them done.


The first squad I am working on will be a 10 man intersessor primaris marines followed by 2 squads of Inceptors from the Dark Imperium pack (not as customizable but they are at a good cost) I will eventually have 2 squads of scouts, a captain and 2 lieutenants, a chapter ancient, and an apothicary. (All Primaris excluding the scouts). If anyone has any suggestions on an army list to make a sniper/stealth centric primaris/space marine list please let me know as I would like to hear Ideas.

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This seems promising. I hope to see more. Will you mount Onager dunecrawler legs onto the Rhino and Razorback chassis, so your Marines have transports that can traverse mountainous terrain with ease? Maybe mount Predator turrets onto Sentinel hulls (converting the leftover Predator chassis into transports) to give your Marines all-terrain fast attack units?

Mountain warfare specialists, like the 40k equivalent to the 10th Mountain Division? Color me interested. However I will be disappointed if their warcry isn't "Climb to glory!"

____I was thinking that yes, thought I was going to have their battle cry be a falcon's attack screech. But that is a good one as well, like the Raptors, yelling at your enemy before you kill them is silly in their eyes.


This seems promising. I hope to see more. Will you mount Onager dunecrawler legs onto the Rhino and Razorback chassis, so your Marines have transports that can traverse mountainous terrain with ease? Maybe mount Predator turrets onto Sentinel hulls (converting the leftover Predator chassis into transports) to give your Marines all-terrain fast attack units?

____I was going to use land speeders, dreadnaughts and fliers more than anything, I would be interested to see how to do the conversions you suggested.

So I got some more of my Intercessor marines completed, I decided from the beginning that my sergeants would be armed with Sniper rifles (played as stalker Bolters in game) because these warriors have proven themselves able to use them to advantage in combat. In addition their job is to direct their fellow squad members with information about the enemy, not throw bolter rounds down range. Each of these squads will also have a "Heavy Gunner" armed with an auto bolt rifle and equipped with an auxiliary grenade launcher these will act as support for each unit if the need for heavier firepower arises. Each other marine will be armed with a stalker bolter.

I am trying to find how to find room for the combat knives and bolt pistols on each man's belt but the space seems to be at a premium there so that will come when I have time to fight the fitment. I have 2 more regular marines to finish putting together for this unit, then I have to get started on the priming and painting. This is really detailed oriented work, much more work than I thought pre-paint. but I am enjoying it and can't wait till I can start painting.

All my photos were taken on my phone as the one I normally use is back with it's owner (my brother) and have not gotten a chance to borrow it from him again. I hope they are not too bad, Sorry for the huge size, but I had to fight the "My Media" button 3 or 4 times before I came up with this solution, anyone know how to get the silly thing to put the window back into the center of your screen rather than have the "post" button cut off bellow the browsing window?








Your Infantry look promising. Why the unique right pauldrons, and only the right pauldrons? Do they serve as a campaign badge? Were they salvaged from earlier marks of power armor, and awarded to this Squad for unit valor? Or is it a Chapter specific modification, meant to make their sword arms more limber?

Your Infantry look promising. Why the unique right pauldrons, and only the right pauldrons? Do they serve as a campaign badge? Were they salvaged from earlier marks of power armor, and awarded to this Squad for unit valor? Or is it a Chapter specific modification, meant to make their sword arms more limber?

I was planning on the latter, as a justification, the centurion pauldrons are just too small to make it easy to apply transfers or paint on insignia so i thought having a standard pauldron on the left side would make my life easier lol. But then seeing that they were smaller it would make a rifleman's life easier if he could move his right arm more freely.


I have a couple inceptors from the dark imperium box which i cannot swap the pauldrons on, so i am thinking that it would also be a mark to show that they were combat tested units, most would have been given it after leaving the scouts. (scouts having not good way to mount pauldrons on them as far as i have seen) And seeing as how the Primaris would have been joined the chapter "untested" as it were, it would make sense. Some have the chapter pauldron, some do not.

I have a couple inceptors from the dark imperium box which i cannot swap the pauldrons on, so i am thinking that it would also be a mark to show that they were combat tested units, most would have been given it after leaving the scouts. And seeing as how the Primaris would have been joined the chapter "untested" as it were, it would make sense.

That makes sense.

Whelp.... Looks like someone has already taken the name "Iron Falcons" back in the day, they even made a walker version of the predator tank which looks really awesome. now this was back in 2013 so I have no idea of it's still being used but would rather not use someone else's name. Any Ideas anybody?




I really like the look of this conversion. Hope I can find the parts I need but looks like a lot of work.

"Mountain Lions" or "Pumas Concolor" are obvious names, considering your theme of mountain warfare specialists. If you want to keep the avian theme, how about "Storm Falcons", "Snow Falcons", or "Blizzard Falcons"? Alternatively, "Iron Eagles", if you also want to retain the metal theme.
The reason i went with Iron Falcons was bwcause i wanted their heraldry to incorperate the Iron Halo. I really like the sisters of battle saint halo, and thought that would look cool behind a standing falcon. Halo Falcons, Halo raptors, Halo hawks.... not sure if any of those work.

The reason i went with Iron Falcons was bwcause i wanted their heraldry to incorperate the Iron Halo. I really like the sisters of battle saint halo, and thought that would look cool behind a standing falcon. Halo Falcons, Halo raptors, Halo hawks.... not sure if any of those work.

Halos make me think of angels, so maybe you should name the Chapter after a class of angels, e.g., "Iron Seraphim", "Iron Thrones", etc.?


FYI, Angels of Iron are a canon Chapter.


The reason i went with Iron Falcons was bwcause i wanted their heraldry to incorperate the Iron Halo. I really like the sisters of battle saint halo, and thought that would look cool behind a standing falcon. Halo Falcons, Halo raptors, Halo hawks.... not sure if any of those work.

Halos make me think of angels, so maybe you should name the Chapter after a class of angels, e.g., "Iron Seraphim", "Iron Thrones", etc.?


FYI, Angels of Iron are a canon Chapter.


I wanted to keep the bird imagery to tie them back to the raptors more.... hmm thanks so much for the suggestions. I shall have to think into it while I work on these last 2 guys

I say just go with ‘Iron Falcons’ and make a damned good job of it. :thumbsup:

For now I think this is a good Idea for now at least, I am thinking of how I can change the iconography to do a little different name. Found an amazing picture of the Gyrfalcon with a wreath behind it's head that I like a lot, just gotta figure out how to do it right.


Any Suggestion?


last 2 of the marines, one with a stalker, the other with a Auto Bolt Rifle. I went a little heavier with the auto Bolt rifles than I thought I would, but the poses worked really nicely so I went that way. And having a little extra firepower against Xenos filth is never a bad thing.

Final 2 marines

So been a little but here is the first of my 2 scout squads. I think next I will be working on my Captain, I have both the Gravis armor Captain and the standard primaris captain, i wanted a gravis armor captain (cause I like the look) but I want him to have a sniper rifle/ stalker bolter. None of the rules seem to support a gravis captain with a bolter of any kind.

But anyway here they are, have most of the parts ordered for my walker tanks. I really want to figure out how to do a transport with legs but they do not seem comparable. Speeders and fliers as I originally planned maybe. Though the new grav tank might work well seeing as how it is hovering.


I say just go with ‘Iron Falcons’ and make a damned good job of it. :thumbsup:


I agree..... I'm sure that in the 10k year history of the Astartes there have been two or more chapters with the same name crushing chaos in different corners of the galaxy, totally unaware of each other. Keep it.... its a cool name and fits too well with your theme to give it up.

Whelp.... Looks like someone has already taken the name "Iron Falcons" back in the day, they even made a walker version of the predator tank which looks really awesome. now this was back in 2013 so I have no idea of it's still being used but would rather not use someone else's name. Any Ideas anybody?




I really like the look of this conversion. Hope I can find the parts I need but looks like a lot of work.



As the person who started the Liber Astartes website and maintained it for nearly a decade, the fact that multiple people use a Chapter name is NOT uncommon. By the time I retired the site and just created the forum here, there were 5285 Chapters on the list. The name "Iron Falcons" appears at least 3 times. 



Heck GWs own lore even hints at names being reused. For example the current rendition of the Minotaurs is suggested to not be the original. 


So just go with it. 


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