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Chapter of the Dark Virtue (Kor Dalron´s Word Bearers)

Kor Dalron

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Greeting Dear B&C Community,


Since if been lurking for sometime now in this forum, and allways wanted to share my miniatures and projects I have finally come around and am doing so now!


What is this about?

This topic will be about my vast (and mostly unfinished) collection of HH and WH 40k Word Bearers of my own Chapter, the "Dark Virtue".

To begin with i will post some of my allready started and half finished projects, after that i will try to post some of my remaining stuff im working on, but be warned : Progress will be painfully slow!

Maybe i´ll also post some of my madness that i have done to myself in real life (if people would be interested in that), i went a bit over board and have gotten my body enscribed with the Word of Lorgar and the Icon of the Word Bearers, and honestly dont plan on stopping with that.


So lest start with the central indivuduals of the Dark Virtue. (they have allready collected a bit of dust hopefully you´ll excuse that)


First up the Dark Apostle: Ijonthas Assurgal

IMG 5405


His First Captain/Coryophaus: Kor Dalron

IMG 5404


The Librarian/Sorcerer: Kinu Syurn

IMG 5406


The Diabolist: Nirkal Maryn

IMG 5411

Assault Captain: Hal Beroth

IMG 5413

And finally Siegebreaker: Braaln Ruil

IMG 5410

Hopefully some of you will take some kind of liking to this thread. :rolleyes:
May the Gods watch over you,
-Kor Dalron




Thanks for your comments, glad you like it!


So now i have decided which of my open project i will continue after christmas/slaaneshmas. Its the reborn warriors that now walk in a metal coffin, two of the many dreadnoughts available to the Dark Virtue.


the unstopped Leviathan: Jeroka

IMG 5416


and the tromented Mhara Gal: Gilgra

IMG 5417


Wishing you all happy holidays.

-Kor Dalron

  • 1 month later...

So I am kinda back now, after exhausting holidays and exams at university, i finally got back to doing some stuff related to the hobby, but not the stuff i talked about in the last post :whistling:


So here is Kor Dalron Reborn! (WIP)

IMG 5423

IMG 5422

IMG 5420

IMG 5419

IMG 5418


I felt like the old version was out dated compared to the others (he was one of my first miniatures that you could have called converted), especially if you compared the models heights, so I took a chance and tried to recreate him in a more dominating version without loosing too much of the old.

I loved the old version and am very happy with the new one, but i am still not sure if i should try and put the big horns of the old one on the new and improved version. What do you guys think?

-Regards Kor Dalron

PS: I should add that I was inspired by one of KrautScientist´s conversions of the Betrayal at calth Terminator Captain, way back I cant even find it anymore.

Some very cool looking characters! I had to grin at your Cassius conversion, as I made a very similar model just yesterday -- great minds, and all that ;)


I will say that I think the models would profit from some highlights in key areas, such as the faces: The conversions are ace, and the paintjobs are quite nice as well, but you need something to draw the eye towards certain focus points, usually the heads.

Thank you very much, I never thought that the great Krautscientist would compliment my miniatures :sweat: 
Yeah just saw your cassisus yesterday after uploading the post and thought to myself "well thats interesting",great work!

About the paintjobs thanks for the advice its just that i wanted to get most of them painted on a basic level and do the highlights later (when ever that may be) because i almost never find time or motivation for it. Most of the time i go into a converting frenzy and end up with another lot of grey miniature.

Cool! I like the big horns on their helmets/heads, I think they fit very well to Word Bearers! :thumbsup:

Could you please give us another look at the weapon of the character apparentlx made from the Primaris Chaplain? 

I would be interested to see what he is wielding, exactly... 

About the paintjobs thanks for the advice its just that i wanted to get most of them painted on a basic level and do the highlights later (when ever that may be) because i almost never find time or motivation for it. Most of the time i go into a converting frenzy and end up with another lot of grey miniature.


Yeah, I can definitely symathise with that bit about going an frequent conversion frenzies ;) That being said - and this is just from my personal experience, so your mileage may vary - I usually find a truly completed model, highlights and all, will usually make me feel better about myself, so I have more motivation to carry on with the next piece in line. It's hard to describe, there's just this moment during the painting process where the last couple of minuscule detail turns the model from a chore into an actual representation of the character.

@Kyknos of Athena 

Thank you and here you go, its a pole topping out of the warriors of chaos chariot box, i use quiet alot of them.

IMG 5425

IMG 5424



I think i´ll get on it in the next couple of days when im starting to paint Kor Dalron, i´ll also try and finish the others while i am at it :biggrin.:

@Kyknos of Athena 

Thank you and here you go, its a pole topping out of the warriors of chaos chariot box, i use quiet alot of them.


Ah okay, I thought it was some kind of axe. Is it intended that one of the tips is banned? :happy.:

And are those meant to be true-scale? Some seem pretty big.

  • 2 weeks later...

@Kyknos of Athena Yeah, I just noticed the bent tip and put it pack into the correct angle.

Well here´s the thing I never wanted to do truescale models because they ment way too much effort, especially if you do a whole army of them, but with my characters I thought that they needed to stand out a bit more from the rest of the models, or I just thought the base model was cool and so I converted it without considering the scale!

BUT, due to your post I thought about doing some more "truescale" Chaos Marines: I have a whole project planed of a 10-man Chosen Squad, converted from Primaris Intercessors and Bits from the Primaris Reivers, AoS Blood Warriors and FW 30k Word Bearer Heads. Coming up in like 3-4 Weeks when I have the money to order the Intercessors.


Also I have finally finished painting the two Guys running my Chapter:

Firstly ofc Ijonthas

IMG 5435

IMG 5436

IMG 5437

IMG 5438

IMG 5441

IMG 5442

On the last Image you can see my attempt to do a freehand of the Icon for the Chapter of the Dark Virtue, I´m not really experienced in doing freehand so its kinda wanky, also I think I maybe screwed up the lettering on the bands hanging from his Torso. What do you guys think?

And now for Kor Dalron

IMG 5443

IMG 5444

IMG 5446

IMG 5448

IMG 5450

I think he turned out quite allright, maybe he needs some lettering on the prayer strips but I´ll think about that on a later date. Maybe his tabard needs some work. Thoughts?


Hope you guys enjoy this topic so far, even with the slow progress.

May the Gods be with you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback Pearson, my intention with the clean weapon was that he was looking over the battlefield contemplating/planing and hasn´t joined the fighting yet but my I´ll change that and still add some gore. :happy.:


Also while waiting for my order of Intercessors to convert, I started snipping off part from different models and just going with the flow with only a halfformed idea (and some insperations from different threads) in my head and out came two new models for my HQ roster, a flying Sorcerer and a Vigilator both unnamed at the moment.

Here´s the sorcerer:

IMG 5452

IMG 5453

IMG 5454

IMG 5455

IMG 5456

I personally think he´s looking pretty fine, wanted to keep him a bit low key because too much extra stuff would look very cumbersome and silly for a Jump pack model.

And the Vigilator:

IMG 5457

IMG 5458

IMG 5459

IMG 5460

With him I think there is room for improvement, of his 4 extra Prayer strips i think 2 are fine the other 2 are a bit weird also i think his arms are a bit too long for his body, but maybe he´ll turn out allright when painted.

As allways I´m happy to hear your opinions and any criticisms.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Pearson.


IMG 5461

So my Order finally arrived and I also got a box of AoS Melusai which will be very easily converted into Fiends of Slaanesh (just by adding two additional clawed arms). The Intercessors will become my Inner Circle of Chosen in the Chapter of the Dark Virtue, i´ll try to make every last one unique in his own way.

Also I allready put together the body for one of the Chosen so you guys can see in which direction the conversions will be going. Hope you guys enjoy it!

IMG 5462

More pictures:


IMG 5463

IMG 5464

IMG 5466

[ /spoiler]

And an Update for today!

I finished two Chosen, and the torsos and legs for another three plus an additional Fiend.


Chosen No.1 (Chosen Champion)

IMG 5472


Chosen No.2

IMG 5476


And finally the Fiend:

IMG 5468

More Angles:

IMG 5473

IMG 5474

IMG 5475

IMG 5477

IMG 5478

IMG 5479

IMG 5469

IMG 5470

IMG 5471

[ /spoiler]


As allways I hope you enjoy my works and maybe someone even gets inspired by something.

Thank you Sargentus, I really appreciate the kind words.


Time for an Update!
progress the last few days dragged on for a bit because I didnt quite know in which direction to go with the other 3 Chosen (also my Arm and Sword Bits are running kinda low). But yesterday I got them into a state where I´m satisfied with the resulting models, so the first 5-man Squad is finished alltough I´m a bit undecided what to do with the other 5 Intercessors, they´ll probarbly either become another Squad of Chosen or some special characters. Maybe I´ll change some of the swords around (waiting for an order of bitz) but the models themselves will stay the same.

So here´s some proof. 


Chosen No.3

IMG 5485

Chosen No.4

IMG 5486


Chosen No.5/ Master of Signals

IMG 5490

More Angles:

IMG 5482

IMG 5483

IMG 5484

IMG 5487

IMG 5488

IMG 5489

IMG 5491

IMG 5492

IMG 5493


And to round it all out a nice little group shot.

IMG 5494



Thanks you two.


@Pearson, not quite the two axes are from the Tzaangor, and the swords are from the Dark Elves Black Ark Corsairs, but I also ordered some more swords/blades from the AoS Tzaangors and may exchange the current ones, because the new ones are truly wicked and deserving of any true Word Bearer.


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