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Chapter of the Dark Virtue (Kor Dalron´s Word Bearers)

Kor Dalron

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you very much Vairocanum!

So I´ve taken some sort of an unexpected hiatus because of minor Health issues and general lack of motivation, but now things are looking somewhat better so I´ll try my best and keep updates coming more regularly.
With that out off the way, I have 2 new additions to present for my inner circle. (They where in development over a longer timespan because I really didn´t know what to do with the other 5 Intercessor bodys)


The Sorcerer Ilum-Mar

IMG 5498

IMG 5499

IMG 5500

IMG 5502


The Herald/Iconbearer Magakal

IMG 5503

IMG 5504

IMG 5506


I´ll apologise in advance if the Images are not that great, the lighting was kinda off.

With that said going forward I should really start and paint the models that I posted on this Thread, or else I´ll continue my bad habit of too much collecting and building and not painting to complete the models.


May the Gods watch over you,

- Kor Dalron

Really like the sorcerer with the jump pack. He really looks like he's ready to launch himself off his base! Your second sorcerer also looks very promising. I've been struggling with photos & lighting myself, it seems really tricky until you get the knack.

  • 4 months later...

With victories over others, we conquer. But with victories over ourselves, we are exalted. There must always be contest, and you must always win.
- Kor Pharon, Master of the Faith


So with that I´m finally back and got something done hobbywise.

But first:


Really like the sorcerer with the jump pack. He really looks like he's ready to launch himself off his base! Your second sorcerer also looks very promising. I've been struggling with photos & lighting myself, it seems really tricky until you get the knack.

Thank you very much for the kind words, I´m very happy you like them. I think my problem with the pictures is mostly because of my camera which isn´t the best an a bit out dated in addition to not having the best of lighting.


I love all these conversions, very cool stuff. They've got a sinister vibe, nice work!

Thanks! That´s very reassuring that I was successfull in conveying the intended feeling.


Your conversion are really capturing the feel of the WBs, the sorceror is excellent.

I´m happy you like them and thanks!


The new fellas are excellently done, where's Ilum-Mar's blade from? In terms of your spare intercessors, hack them up into possessed, it's what I've done to (in my opinion) great effect.

Glad you like them, the blade is one from the AoS Tzaangors. Well I think the spare bodies will become more Chosen or HQ´s and I´ll get some more Intercessors in the near future to make more Chosen because I´m waiting for some Dreadclaws which will be their rides, to get those combi-flamers nice and close!


Fantastic looking sorcerer and icon bearer! Very nice bits choice on both models, looking forward to seeing more and hope you can recover your health quickly!

Thank you for the kind words. I´ve been healthy again for quite some time just haven´t found time and motivation to do anything.


So and now for my progress: I have finished painting my Chosen (at least the basic stuff, the highlights will follow at a much later point)


A small WIP

IMG 5519

Chosen 1

IMG 5523

more angles

IMG 5526

IMG 5527

IMG 5528


Chosen 2

IMG 5530

more angles

IMG 5531

IMG 5532

IMG 5533


Chosen 3

IMG 5534

more angles


IMG 5535

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Chosen 4

IMG 5537

more angles


IMG 5538

IMG 5539

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Chosen 5

IMG 5541

more angles

IMG 5542

IMG 5543

IMG 5544


As allways I hope you enjoy my work, and let me know what you think!
- Kor Dalron

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the continued support you two!


Also my dreadclaws arrived and I already built one and oh boy was that a hassle, almost as hard as building a storm eagle. But I guess it was still fun so it was worth it. In addition to that it made me search for my etched WB brass that I had for like 3 years and rarly used (had to search over a hour until I found it),


IMG 5546

So second Dreadclaw´s finished, and the build was even more exhausting than the first because some parts where slightly bent which I only noticed when it was allready half way built, but in the end it worked out fine.


IMG 5547


And now for a little bit of a teaser for the far away future (after im finished with the dreadclaws) I plan on completing two centerpieces of my army which I had standing around collecting dust.


So in my earlier post I mentioned that the Dreadclaw was almost as hard as building a Storm Eagle Gunship and that´s because I had that pleasure some time ago. It´s not pefect and one of my first FW models (which was a really bad idea at the time).

The "Crescent Descent"

IMG 5555

IMG 5556

IMG 5558


In addition there is this chunk of resin.

The Typhon Heavy Siege Tank "Roaring Hymn"

IMG 5548

IMG 5551

IMG 5553


As a sidenote, would you guys also be intressted in some of the background that I thought up for the Chapter of the Dark Virtue? 


Thanks for stopping by and feel free to tell me what you´re thinking!

Always like to see some fresh resin; the Typhon looks great with all the extra decoration and corruption, really screams Word Bearers.


I'd definitely like to hear some backstory, having a narrative for one's force always makes it so much more engaging.

@Pearson73 Okay you asked for it it hopefully you don´t regret it later, also thanks for the longterm support mate!


@Kizzdougs thanks man, great model horribly laid out built that´s my opinion, but mabe i´ll still get some more in the future too :sweat:

So here´s the more basic background for my Chapter of the Dark Virtue, from their beginnings to where they are now.


The Quest for Virtue


The Word Bearers Chapter of the Dark Virtue, is one of deep conviction and loyalty. It was first brought into life with the tragedy and humiliation of Monarchia, after Lorgar set his path towards the primordial truth and increasing his warefforts.



the Icon of the Dark Virtue (behold my great MS-Paint skills)

They started as an Subchapter of the Star of Judgement and have mostly continued with the scorched earth tactics of their primogenitor chapter only seldomly leaving habital ground behind them.

At their beginning they where allready completly dedicated to the new path their Legion was taking under the eyes of the newly instated Dark Apostle Ijonthas Assurgal and his loyal Captain Kor Dalron. They followed this route out of (mostly) pure dedication to the Urizen, but also due to some old ties to the bortherhood of Colchis and having priorly undergone the purge of their ranks to be one of the examples for the new loyalties their Legion now kept.

One of the first steps thy took was filling their ranks with new recruits during the few years they spend seemingly upholding their loyalty to terra, and conquering planets for the pantheon. But with their ingrained doctrine very few of the planets where left with a functioning economy and government, just one was left somewhat intact and was reinforced to be an outpost for later times, the planet of eternal winter „Sargalax“ which would play a central role in the distant future of the Dark Virtue. (Planet named after the legend of a drukhari warlord which used to plunder the planets population for slaves)


With the onset of the Heresy the Dark Virtue had the honour of serving at their primarchs side for most of the campaigns, so they where present at the dropsite massacre cleaving mostly through the ranks of the Raven Guard and for most of the shadow crusade in Ultramar. They where not present at Calth for they where recognized to have overcome their spite for the Ultramarines and having replaced it with devotion to Lorgar and the Chaos Gods, avoiding this „suicide mission“.


After the defeat of the Warmaster´s forces at Terra they fled with the rest of their legion to the Eye of Terror where First Captain Kor Phaeron awaited them on Sicarus. Spending some centuries on their now new Homeworld they left the Demonworld after Lorgar went into his long meditation not wanting to be part in the petty games of Erebus and Kor Pharon. Their depature was due to, now Grand Apostle, Assurgal´s unwillingness to join one of the two sides proclaiming he followed only Lorgar´s will but if they insisted he would still follow the summons of the Dark Council.


With this Assurgal brought the Dark Virtue to the one planet they had left intact for their return, planing on building an outwards Cathedralfortress outside of the Eye of Terror to claim his own.

Sadly the Galaxy is not such a kind place to make it that easy, when the fleet of Word Bearers arrived in the system they found it wanting, the imperium tried to recolonize and "reeducate" the planet, in additon it seemed like the planets namegiver had return for easy pickings.

In the long years between the heresy and the 41. Millenium Sargalax remained a constant warfront neither side giving way. Now the planet is a blasted landscape of reduced mountains, burnedout citys and kilometer long trenchlines, the enlightend populace is kept close to the Mainfortess of the Dark Virtue sitting in the middle of an octagon of defense networks and outer bastions.

Lastly with the dawn of new conflict in this galaxy new enemys stir beneath the planets crust and approach at sub-light speeds from the edges of the system.


Storys for the individual parts/characters will follow on a later date I hope.


Please let me know what you think! Is it too much? too little? hopefully not a Mary Sue....

I like how the planet they had reserved to be their sanctuary and perhaps an (un)holy world has, ultimately, become a blasted ruin, marked only by war. A very 40k turn of events and, to me, mirrors the Great Crusade and subsequent civil war.


I would maybe question the chapters close ties to so many of the big players in the Legion, it is often better to have a more independent path (as they have now taken) for personal fluff, gives you more room.


Really digging the chapter symbol!

Yeah the whole thing with the planet is a setup for the narrative of the matches I play with my roommate, because I of course play CSM (and a little bit of Drukhari, who would have guessed) and he plays Tau and Necrons, which I tried to convey in the last sentance :rolleyes:


Oh you´re absolutly right I never wanted to let it come off that the Dark Virtue is a big Player inside the Legion, I wanted them to be one of the many following on Lorgar´s campaigns and admiring him from the distance not being something like his advisor :sweat: Also Assurgal´s relation towards Erebus and Kor Phaeron should have been like telling your :censored: boss you wanna still work at the company but at another place so you can still support it, if that makes any sense at all. Maybe the title Grand Apostle, which is a title that I interpreted in the lore as beeing given out pretty easily but at least deserving for a long serving member of the Dark Apostles, wasn´t enough for a seat on the Dark council though :tongue.:

If it comes off like they are these great guys who are on the same level as the top named charakters of the Word Bearers during the HH, im sorry that´s not what i intended to convey (there´s a reason I didn´t talk of Argel Tal :biggrin.: )


Thanks I wanted something easy so I could replicate it on my models and an hommage to something Iike, it´s at the baseline a very slighly modified symbol from the game "Darkest Dungeon" which pops up above the head of your charakters if they go insane in various ways. 

Yes, I liked the hints at the end regarding new foes.


They didn't sound so much as a big influence within the legion, more so that they're at Lorgar's side, meaning it could be hard to separate their stories and actions from his. There's a somewhat defined structure of where he was and what he was doing at different times, giving you less leeway to describe campaigns/actions of your chapter in that period. Though if during the Crusade and Heresy eras they were just your standard legionnaires, following the Word and then coming into their own during the Scouring, as it seems is the case, this could be a non-issue.

Yeah they where mosty that a more or less standard chapter of word bearers legionnaires followong their Primarchs command, of course with their own personalitys but not deviating from the path set by their master and only following their own volition when they lost his guiding light.

Never thought about it that way but don´t we all in one way or another? 


So while I´m waiting for somewhat better weather (currently it started snowing) to start basecoating the Dreadclaws and leftover HQ´s I again indulged in a converting frenzy adding 3 new charakters to the roster (which is kinda growing out of proportion) 


Assault Captain Kar-adad

he was brought into life some time ago and I wasn´t really motivated to post him at the time because of the incrdible backup I have of unpainted models

IMG 5564

more angles:

IMG 5565

IMG 5566


Legion Champion Niraris

very spontanius build, I wanted to creat something new and unique with some models that where just standard ones collecting dust, so I chopped up 3 mini from which 2 fresh one emerged and the last was scrapped

IMG 5567

one more angle:

IMG 5568


Legion Vigilator Sin´Enlil

second conversion of a Vigilator for the Dark Virtue because the first one really didn´t hit the spot for me, this one was mainly inspired by sarabando ´s own White Scar´s Vigilator

IMG 5559

more angles:

IMG 5560

IMG 5561

IMG 5562


I really need to get back together with some friends and force myself to paint :sweat:


Hope you guys like my work, and please tell me what you think!

The hanging parchments and helmet horn are well done on the Assault Captain, however I think his front leg needs reposing. As it is, the angles look off and his foot doesn't meet its rest sufficiently, meaning he looks rather off balance.


Champion Niraris looks like a brute, there's a solid sense of weight and momentum there, but again, I'm not sold on the angle, though this could be due to the photo perspectives.


Vigilator is absolutely cracking, the switched out helm really completely changes the silhouette and the bolter is well made. Liking the extra detail on his base too.

You´re definitely right with your critiques, so I sat my ass down and got right to it!


IMG 5573

IMG 5574

Kar-adad was a bit tricky to repose, because I haven´t really tried to change the base stance of a model out of lack of experience but I think that it came out adequately, now at least.


With Niraris I think you where also quite right he was way to low to the ground almost looking like he was tripping over, which was due to his basemodel beeing the new Khârn, which had another flow. So I lifted him a bit up by just angling his foot up a bit.

IMG 5569

IMG 5570

Hopefully these quick fixes are enough.
What do you think?

Niraris is looking much better, to be honest I think the new Khârn looks seconds away from meeting the ground, so it's not surprising it carried through.


Kar-adad's foot contact is spot on now and the angle of his lean is much more stable now. Though I personally would put a slight lean forward for a more aggressive look, I would say he's good to go. Reposing legs can be a nightmare, I've had some 'adventures' in that particular aspect of the hobby with my Iron Tenth.


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