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A secondary Captain joins the ranks of the 5th Company, I havn't thought out so much a name or characteristics for this one although he does look quite a bit meaner than Captain Vitellius. More the grim resolute commander than the noble hero.










The head of the thunder hammer looks good.


Thanks, I think I managed even better on this one with the lightning. Admiteddly it's a dirt cheap trick but I think it makes for a decent power weapon aesthetic seeing the amount of work that you put into it. 

So I've been working on a homage piece inspired by the thread over in Halls of Honour. Does anyone know which kit the space marine torso with the vent in the center and the wings spreading out on either side comes from? I am sure it is something obvious and just missing from my basic sprues I got lying around.

  • 8 months later...

Alas I hang my head in shame. I grew full of the sin pride during the ETL and took on a second vow after I had completed my first which has left me dishonored. I've touched picked up the blue a little bit now again for the first time since back then and did just today put together my first Primaris. He's not nearly done, seems my black has dried out so have to wait until I can get some more before I continue. 


I really like their looks so far, plan is to try and play around with weathering for the first time once he is painted up more. It's nothing advanced so far but mostly putting it here for my own motivation.



Done with the first marine sans decals. I've run out of black paint hence why they're 3rd Company rather than 5th. Might repaint the edges once I manage to get to some store that has paint again. Local one closed down awhile back. Really liking the Primaris so far and I feel like I am improving.


Comparing something I painted a year ago.








To this most recent marine.






Currently looking at making a Kill Team squad out of these Know No Fear Intercessors.

They slowly multiply. I will say it is a bit disappointing how they are all so mono-pose, but I suppose that is what the starter boxes will get you. Just a shame in comparison to the great variation with the Plague Marines in the very same set. The five will not be quite enough for a full Kill Team, so might have to try and dig up some more or a Reiver or two. It feels a bit odd to mix Intercessors and Tacticals, makes the tacticals look stunted.




  • 5 months later...

The models are well-painted, with good-looking bases and well-applied weathering effects. Will you leave their pauldrons blank?


I will likely try to put transfers on there eventually, just not something I am very well praticed at so gone into the bad habbit of just leaving them blank. 



Back from another long break from hobbying and finally put some paint onto the Sergeant from these Intercessor. I really need to start doing a paint journal at some point, I ran into the trouble of not quite remembering the steps and colours I used back when I did the other four. But it turned out alright enough if a bit worse than the others.





  • 3 months later...

 I toyed around with one of my marines after having been inspired reading about the Mortifactors recently. Such brutal descendents of the Ultramarines are an intresting contrast with their tribal cannibalistic customs. I had one marine with a Heavy Bolter already primed in black so simply went to town, something I now think might have been a mistake. Getting good coverage with the bone colour was a pain making me guess a white/grey primer might have been better.


Any tips from people when it comes to painting these chapter colours that have two different ones that only cover certain parts? Do you prime different parts of the model and assemble it later? How to deal with the fact any mistakes can be a real pain when you are basically dealing with black and off white? 


Here is the marine as it stands, no decals or basing yet.



As I dug out my tactical squads I decided to try and work on some simple upgrades to the paint jobs from the lessons I learned doing the Intercessors above, I found it quite pleasing to see some comparisons.














Started putting together my ten man Sternguard Squad, found two boxes hidden away in a chest somewhere. Looked into the new codex a bit and been thinking about options a lot, as I understand it they lose their special ammunition if they get a combi-weapon for example? Which is a shame. So far I'm looking at Sergeant with Powerfist, Heavy Flamer and either two of four combi plasmas.


Any reccomendations on how to run these? I realise they are likely not a very competitive unit seeing how old marines seems to largely not be.









Edited by Torbenos
  • 2 weeks later...

Recently had some bitz and pieces arrive and got my first taste ever of working with Forgeworld Resins as I acquired some spesific parts to make myself a striking Smash Captain. I have run into a cunundrum however, the eternal battle of utility vs aesthetic. In proper Smash Captain spirit I got myself a thunder hammer, to have him add to the rest of my Captains as seen above, they all seem to have hammers. But I also got myself one of the Ultramarine forgeworld axes in my box, and that too looks striking to me. 


Which do people think works the best?







  • 8 months later...

Plan is to attend an all-comers 1000p tournament next week, so dug around my ultramarines to see what I could put together for it. Going through them made me a bit nostalgic and want to paint up some of the half finished marines I have lying around. Maybe make that rule of cool command squad with power gladius and storm shields that I bought the bitz for. Was also fun to put them up, I have not actually played a game with my 5th Company for atleast two years now.




Apologies for the shoddy photo.


Patrol Deatchment 6CP


Captain, Thunder Hammer, Santic Halo, Calm Under Fire


Librarian, Force Staff, Tele Assault, Psychic Shackles


x10 Tactical, Plasma, Heavy Bolter


x10 Tactical, Flamer, Heavy Bolter


x5 Bikes, x2 Melta, x1 Combi-Melta


x1 Dreadnaught, Assault Cannon


x1 Stormtalon Gunship, Typhoon Missile Launcher


Obviously quite far from bleeding edge, mostly based around what I had and wasn't super expensive points wise.

  • 8 months later...

I do not have a thread in which this miniature really fits, but figure I'd throw him in here as he is Imperial. Was inspired by make a kitbash/conversion in a humble attempt to add something to Apologist's work over at War of the False Primarch. A wonderful narrative and the sort of thing that always gets me engaged in the hobby again.







Edited by Torbenos

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