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Thanks A.T., I had missed that. I've edited it in so Apologist has the options available to him.


Noctus - It actually wasn't something I had considered, but there ought to be some tactical merit to killing the Synapse Creatures. Once the Alpha Shrike is dead, I will try to incorporate Synapse more accurately.

What the Errata states is:


“Entering Squad Mode is an action that effects

the group, not just an individual. If a Battle-Brother successfully enters

Squad Mode all other Kill-team members within Support Range may (if

they choose) immediately enter Squad Mode without using Full Action or

passing a Cohesion Challenge.”


The key wording here is "immediately" - to do so later would require a Cohesion Challenge or spending a turn doing nothing as per p.214 of the Core Rulebook.


With that said, as you weren't around to make the decision at the start of the Battle, I'd be happy for you to retroactively join Squad Mode.

Mazer, Morovir and Noctus - if you can get some actions up I will work them out!


Obviously Montesa will be fighting the Horde, but Akkad has some options.


Teralil could unjam his bolter or simply switch to his bolt pistol - and presumably moving?

Nice work with all the updates everyone- especially Mol, who's doing all the heavy lifting with my bolter assaults...er...might have done another one...:ph34r.:


Sorry. :facepalm:



I'd certainly appreciate it, Mol. :)


And sure thing. I have a meeting today (first one for the new job) but I will certainly get a post up a bit later on in the day.


Placeholder put for now. (It's literally just gonna be Montesa swinging his ol' sword around n' stuff

Edited by Noctus Cornix

Teralil's bolter clearly has a truculent machine-spirit!


Update up - once Noctus has posted I will be able to update through to Vorr.


Do bear in mind that anyone still in Zone 6 may well get charged by Hormagaunts..!

Edited by Commissar Molotov

The patient hunter gets the prey!  I hope it's a good read.  I'm enjoying reading everyone else's input at the moment, The verbiage isn't flowing terribly well for me at the moment!  Hope everyone is cool?



Mol -I updated my post to provide the mechanics of my actions in the spoiler, though I'll be working on the writing portion of the post itself in just a minute. I want to make sure I did that right.... Would you mind double-checking it? :sweat:

Are we not utilizing Righteous Fury?


Edit: Nevermind, I saw the little spoiler answer in your post. That's a pretty bothersome change to the rule, because it means that it provides utterly no bonus at all to when you're fighting hordes. That's an incredible shame, if you ask me. 



As per where I got the Furious Assault from, Slips said in an earlier post that if we're in squad mode with him, we get Furious Assault from being in squad mode with him. 


Also, Solastions Squad Mode is still on (sustained) so anyone in support range has Furious Assault which lets them perform a 2nd attack for free when they make an All-Out Attack, if necessary.


Surprised the bugs still aren't running yet. Tenacious things.

Edited by Noctus Cornix

Well, it took me about two hours to write the post (and you might see some more edits coming in) so I've missed the psychology. Gargoyles F should flee, you're right (and I will edit accordingly.)


That's why I haven't written any narrative - which I will edit in.


I will consult with Nineswords in the morning to get Greysight's actions and finish the round.


Next turn the Kill-Team needs to make some decisions to try to close down the Genestealers and save Varvost...

What is the cost of the Furious Charge attack pattern under our cohesion system? (we used it earlier in this encounter) and would it take one or two charge actions for Atratus (charge move 48) to reach the Hormagaunts?


One the one hand I think it would only take his charge and Varvost's next attack to break them, on the other hand those genestealers need to be dealt with pretty sharpish and i'd guess around 13 magnitude to the hormagaunts between Varvosts attacks and support fire would seem him get out of that mess.

A.T.: The Errata states that:


"The Battle-Brother must spend the required amount of Cohesion (as indicated by the ability) and be in Squad Mode. He only needs to spend this cost once, however, and once an ability has been activated, it remains so for the remainder of the Mission (for Sustained abilities, until the Kill-team no longer chooses to sustain it) or for the duration of a single combat, (if the ability is not Sustained) and may be used by either him or any other members of his Kill-team in Squad Mode.”


So it would seem that Furious Assault can be done again for free in this combat.


With the Genestealers, if the shooty guys can burn the dodges then combat's potentially not so bad against them...

Edited by Commissar Molotov

[snip] and save Varvost...


I mean, I would, but my hands are full, it's a Tuesday and the bin men missed me, it's raining and I forgot my umbrella, he's a Scorpio and I'm an Aries, my shoes are too tight and my back aches carrying this big lump of metal I wanted.


Besides, he squeezes the toothpaste tube from the middle.  Who does that?





Edited by Mazer Rackham

If Tyber would like to try and soften up one of the stealers with bolter fire (or a charge) Atratus will furious charge it and then try to assassin strike off into a second, and either pull them off the line or put them down.


He is still squadded with Varvost so the call for the charge should give him another whirlwind of gore attack at his horde which (with his WS) should drop them into the 20s. Anyone else not engaged is of course free to join the banzai genestealer charge.

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