Deadnaughty Posted May 10, 2018 Share Posted May 10, 2018 Played a 2000 game against Tau. Maelstrom CA game, the one with killpoints. It was very bloody, I was extremely unlucky with saves (like 3 1's out of 3 unlucky). In summary my bikes did most of the work getting rid of the infantry, but all I had whiffed in close combat or died to overwatch, even when trying to reduce overwatch to a minimum. Riptides did most of the work on my army, wiping out a unit every turn. Just give the most threatened one a 3++ for 1 cp and they tank everything better than any custodes unit, then jump out with "fly" next turn and blast the unit away with 18 2dmg shots + plasma/smart missiles. I had a dreadnaught trying to get in, but that just fell apart from 1 salvo of the riptide with the equivalent to a 6 shot lascannon. With enough bubble wrap like that, it is very hard to get any work done. My main trouble also always seem to get the points with of custodian guard that does not deep strike, they just never reach anywhere overly important and are too expensive obj campers. That's why I don't run Custodes as a battalion. Your spending a quarter of your list on units that sit on an objective without the ranged firepower to be useful while doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted May 11, 2018 Share Posted May 11, 2018 Bring back riptide wing! Hahahaha god no Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeatGrinder Posted May 12, 2018 Share Posted May 12, 2018 Looking forward to seeing what these new subfaction custodes rules are, and how they'll affect how we play. I cant even fathom what they might be, we pretty much do everything as is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkwrath121 Posted May 12, 2018 Share Posted May 12, 2018 Looking forward to seeing what these new subfaction custodes rules are, and how they'll affect how we play. I cant even fathom what they might be, we pretty much do everything as is.Based on what I've heard about them (a faction that grabbed a lot of tech and went vengeance crusading after the Heresy) I imagine some interesting offensive-based or tech rules/wargear. No clue though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cam3lot Posted May 16, 2018 Share Posted May 16, 2018 Hi Folks, Been lurking around this forum for an age now and finally decided to get involved. So my first question is how are people handling T'au?I've got a local guy I regularly struggle against and I've seen a few Tau armies are set to attend the London Grand Tournament where I'm taking pure Custodes. Any insights people have would be great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted May 16, 2018 Share Posted May 16, 2018 Hi Folks, Been lurking around this forum for an age now and finally decided to get involved. So my first question is how are people handling T'au?I've got a local guy I regularly struggle against and I've seen a few Tau armies are set to attend the London Grand Tournament where I'm taking pure Custodes. Any insights people have would be great. Played my pal a couple of times. It's rough going I have to be honest, riptides with fire warrior support is really hard to break into. With drones and pathfinders it easy for them to keep you at bay deepstrike wise, and y'vahra is just down right horrible as with borkan it's nigh unchargeable. Hate to be negative but it's a hard match up. Granted I'm not taking bike spam, so don't know how that would fare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cam3lot Posted May 16, 2018 Share Posted May 16, 2018 Yeah I'm feeling like I'm up against it. I'm running a Custodes Battalion and Outrider. I'm just hoping there's another LoS blocking terrain because I think if I can get into combat with key units I'll stand a chance. That or just play the mission I suppose Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted May 16, 2018 Share Posted May 16, 2018 LoS blocking is key and most tables just don't have enough, clearly if you make it to him, and past the overwatch, then you will crush whatever you are fighting, it's just getting there. Playing the mission is all well and good but it won't stop you from getting shot off the table. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crabstuffed Mushrooms Posted May 18, 2018 Share Posted May 18, 2018 I second these guys (I haven't played against the new Tau): The YouTube videos I saw had great success using Dawneagle Jetbikes to lock their dudes in combat and harry them as they tried to fall back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted May 18, 2018 Share Posted May 18, 2018 Hi Folks, Been lurking around this forum for an age now and finally decided to get involved. So my first question is how are people handling T'au?I've got a local guy I regularly struggle against and I've seen a few Tau armies are set to attend the London Grand Tournament where I'm taking pure Custodes. Any insights people have would be great. Played my pal a couple of times. It's rough going I have to be honest, riptides with fire warrior support is really hard to break into. With drones and pathfinders it easy for them to keep you at bay deepstrike wise, and y'vahra is just down right horrible as with borkan it's nigh unchargeable. Hate to be negative but it's a hard match up. Granted I'm not taking bike spam, so don't know how that would fare. Well the truth also is that the right Tau army, played hardcore, is going to severely destroy a LOT of armies. I've seen gunlines completely gutted by multi riptide lists. It's a grind for almost anyone, and if you go second... good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Wolfguard Posted May 19, 2018 Share Posted May 19, 2018 Played a 1500 point game vs Tau, he had 30 fire warriors, a riptide, ghostkeel and a bunch of stealth suits and path finders. I ran 6 bikes, a shield captain on bike, 2x 3 man guardian squads and 1x5 man squad, with an allarus shield captain. The jetbikes absolutely minced him, over and over. We deployed width ways on a 6x4... I honestly felt really guilty, it was the first time using the jetbikes in a proper game. If not using them I would have struggled as he managed to block loads of deepstriking arcs, only in this game the jetbikes cleared out the chaff and managed to get big charges. I lost 3 models all game (2 jetbikes and one guardian)... yeah... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cam3lot Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 Well I can report that given I took pure Custodes to a rather competitive GT it didn't do horribly. Placed 96th out of 360ish so I can't complain. Certainly learnt a lot, Hemlocks hurt real bad, as does Line Breaker Bombardment, enough said really Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 Well I can report that given I took pure Custodes to a rather competitive GT it didn't do horribly. Placed 96th out of 360ish so I can't complain. Certainly learnt a lot, Hemlocks hurt real bad, as does Line Breaker Bombardment, enough said really What was your list like? :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cam3lot Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 It was: Battalion: Shield captain Castellan Axe Shield captain on dawneagle jetbike Vexillus Praetor Vexilla Magnifica, Storm Shield 3x 3 Custodian Guard with 2 storm shields and sentinel blades, 1 spear. Outrider Shield captain on dawneagle jetbike 4x Vertus Praetors 2x3 Vertus Praetors Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 Bad game for Custodes tonight, faced necrons. Shield captain, Shield captain on bike 3x3 guard Vexilla magnifica Achillus 2x3 Vertus Praetors Caladius. Vs Overlord Lord Cryptek X2 Illuminor 20 warriors 10 immortals Gauss 10 immortals Tesla 2x doomsday ark Tesseract vault He gave me the first turn and I duly moved everything forward apart from the caladius, keeping my Captain and banner in range. Got a few bolter shots on to a doomsday ark and then shot it with the caladius, it clung to life with 1 wound. I also made a charge with one of my bike squads after killing the Tesla immortals with their hurricane bolters. Unfortunately 4 warriors survived. And that would be tale of the game, things almost dying but just hanging on, and with the strat to act as if on full bracket his arks were still very effective. The tesseract vault is no joke, if you can't take it down then it's going to mortal wound you out of the game, this is totally brutal for Custodes as we all know. And way ended up getting tabled in T5, was a very uninspiring game for me but had to give the caladius it's due, I like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 Kill it til it’s dead. Only way to beat necrons haha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 I played a game against my arch nemesis. Magnus. Batrep will be up on the channel Wednesday. I encourage people to watch it. Took first turn. Killled 30 pinks. Magnus moves up and smite me for 10 mortals. I save 2 so lose 2.5 bikers. He kills another few in combat after I fluff a stooping dive. Tzaangors Bomb kills a couple. I lose 2 stupidly to heroic intervention from demon prince. Gangbang Magnus to death turn 2 and eventually get lucky with Ahriman perilling twice to basically kill himself lol. Close game but vixtory for Custodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 Kill it til it’s dead. Only way to beat necrons haha Yeah for sure, I just ran out of guns at the wrong moment lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted June 8, 2018 Share Posted June 8, 2018 Won one today I brought 2x shield 1x spear Dread Vexil 2x bikcapt Deepstriked dread & shields + 3devastators / captain + 40 guard 2company cmd Vs BA The goldenboys utterly trashed the death company, sanguinary guard and characthers, used the bikes to grab linebreaker points and smush mephiston. The las vets killed 2 dreads one pod some termis and scouts. Guard just defended objectives. Bike capts are brutal and normal custodes overmatch most ba hth units, thundertermies showed up late and killed a captain despite eating some plasma and las. Overall the BA lacked antitank to deal with my army Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted June 9, 2018 Share Posted June 9, 2018 That's interesting. To be honest I just played Blood Angels and I found a huge thing for them was getting to swing first. Their Chapter power goes off whether they are charged or get charged, but they're still susceptible to good -ap CC units which Custodes have plenty of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted June 9, 2018 Share Posted June 9, 2018 They struggled vs 1 dread ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 Yeah the only good thing they had were the termis and a thunder hammer capt that always hits first he killed a custodian only to be knifed to death next turn. He charged the dread with a tactical with a predictable outcome. His death company carried just one fist, chainswords kept bouncing from glorious gold plate ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 Okay it was his list... always bring some melta when you play BA. I had a recent game versus Nurgle that was spamming plaguebearers and cultists plus three squads of Oblits camping next to a daemon tree. My opponent was leading the first half of the game but I got dug in and was able to pull ahead in the end to win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 Death guard also have muh D3 flamer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 muh ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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