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How are your Custodes doing?

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My Culexus won the game for me... shut down his psykers, took out a 10-man squad of cultists then got into a squad of Oblits shutting them down at a key moment late in the game. My Wardens teleported on a flank, got inside a LoS blocking ruin and slaughtered a big squad of Plaguebearers then held an objective. Shield-Captain mounted on Dawneagle held my back line removing two squads of cultists. Allarus took out another huge block of Plaguebearers before getting gunned down by the Oblits but they were a great distraction taking the heat off other units.

I think if you can tie up the oblits early on or stay it of LOS it’s fine. By a buffed up group of oblits with a tree just makes Custodes cry.

I tried that and in my case it did not work. The tree let’s Oblits simply walk away and shoot normal from cc.


The Culexus literally danced through fire. It really frustrated my opponent.

What is the cover save for Nurgle Oblits by the tree ?

2+ to your save. I was shooting -2 Ap do they get a 2+ cover save. Nasty stuff.


I should clarify by saying this was in a very recent ITC GT I entered so it was somewhat expected.

This is anecdotal and is based on a grand total of just a few games, but my local meta has adapted to the Custodes fairly quickly (the past few months). I'm seeing more AP2 and things that can tear me a new one, like Obliterators. I love Custodes, but I think Wh40k is all about shaking things up to get people to try different things. I'm having an absolute blast with them - but they'll either go big or go home against people familiar with their durability. I might spice it up with one of the new Knights!

Oblits has left our local meta. You might see a chaos soup splashing a unit of 3 now but thankfully the double tree 18 oblit list is now gone


As mostly Custodes still struggle with triple super heavy. Either three shadowswords or now, knights is gonna be trouble for us. Every weapon they have wrecks us from range. They wreck us in combat. And it takes our whole army to take one down in combat. Tough matchup we were ok when knights weren’t popular but I suspect you won’t be able to go to any major tournament now without seeing multiple all-knight lists

Lost my first game ever with my Custodes last weekend. Was playing against Tau and got blown off the table by Riptide/Deep-Striking Suits and Hammerheads/Longstrike. I just couldn't get close enough to do enough damage.

Ran my usual list of Vanguard Detachment:



Shield Captain on Dawneagle with Salvo Launchers and Mis


3 Allarus with Axe and Mis

2* Contemptor with Kheres AC/Fist

Vexilus with +1A Banner, Relic Spear and Mis


4 Praetors with HB


Land Raider with HK Missile


Thinking of swapping out the Landraider for another Pair of Contemptors (with MM/Fist) to enable me to split it into 2 Vanguards, count Trajan as Regular Captain in Terminator Armour, and upgrade the Vexilus to an Allarus one too, for some Deep Strike fun.

Oblits has left our local meta. You might see a chaos soup splashing a unit of 3 now but thankfully the double tree 18 oblit list is now gone


As mostly Custodes still struggle with triple super heavy. Either three shadowswords or now, knights is gonna be trouble for us. Every weapon they have wrecks us from range. They wreck us in combat. And it takes our whole army to take one down in combat. Tough matchup we were ok when knights weren’t popular but I suspect you won’t be able to go to any major tournament now without seeing multiple all-knight lists


The jury is still out on the Knights but at this early stage it looks like no one thinks they're contenders in competitive play so it might actually help Custodes if that's the case.



Lost my first game ever with my Custodes last weekend. Was playing against Tau and got blown off the table by Riptide/Deep-Striking Suits and Hammerheads/Longstrike. I just couldn't get close enough to do enough damage.

Ran my usual list of Vanguard Detachment:



Shield Captain on Dawneagle with Salvo Launchers and Mis


3 Allarus with Axe and Mis

2* Contemptor with Kheres AC/Fist

Vexilus with +1A Banner, Relic Spear and Mis


4 Praetors with HB


Land Raider with HK Missile


Thinking of swapping out the Landraider for another Pair of Contemptors (with MM/Fist) to enable me to split it into 2 Vanguards, count Trajan as Regular Captain in Terminator Armour, and upgrade the Vexilus to an Allarus one too, for some Deep Strike fun.


You do have a lot of eggs in one basket. I don't know if another Contemptor on top of the two you have is going to really make that big a difference. Flat out, and I know you probably know this, the first thing anyone is going to tell you to make the list stronger is -more- bikes. My suggestion is consider Deepstriking an Achilus? Get lascannon spear going in T1 if you can with Deepstrike, T2 in his face.


The problem here is this is such a brutal miss-match. The last tournament game I played against Tau was brutal. Make sure you're using ample terrain to be fair too.


I think an inherent issue is Tau are super susceptible to something we don't have... Psykers. Catching them is very hard. Riptides can stand to nearly anything short of mortal wounds with pumped up saves. If you get first turn, you need to put high heat on those Riptides. Otherwise it's always going to be uphill.

For sure especially if you’re playing a battalion.



This Friday afternoon in Austin, Texas I’ll be throwing down with the ever eternal Goatboy in a 40k death match at the BoLS HQ. Thomas will be running some Imperial soup featuring the new Knights and Slammaguinius Bros ! I’ll be running my patented secret tech Ultramarines with some friends (Custodes)... Check it out.



Not that I think knights will win a big event. They won’t. But they’re a gate keeper. Much like they were in 7th. You probably will end up meeting a knight list on your way to a major event finals and so you gotta be able to beat the gatekeepers.


Tau as well that matchup is so terrain dependent. If you play without much LoS blocking terrain your basically messed. If your playing where you can hide as you move up your golden. Geoff’s two games against alex at London’s GT were perfect illustration of how not to play against tau (game 1) and then how to play (game 2)


You mean are they viable ?

I mean is it worth it mixing in some custodes with shields or should one just take 3 with spears and save the points.:smile.:



Yes, they are worth it. I tend to run Custodian Guard heavy lists and mixing 1-3 Shields in a 7-10 man squad can be effective.


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