BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 5, 2018 Share Posted November 5, 2018 Strong win Shane ! Thanks for the report. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 5, 2018 Share Posted November 5, 2018 SoCal breakdown round 2 My next match-up was vs "The List" (Castellan + Catachans,) piloted by the renowned Brandon Grant. (For those not ITC savvy, he is super good and always in the top of the ITC circuit.) His list was roughly: Raven Castellan Catachan brigade straken 2 commander primaris psyker priest platoon commander 9 bullgryn with mauls, combo of shields 8 infantry squads 3 artemia hellhounds 2 basilisk mortars Mission was champions mission 2, deployment was vanguard strike. (My secondaries were recon, headhunter, and reaper) I deployed my Custodes aggressively and the guard far in my corner (near an objective). He won the roll off and chose to go second. I blitzed up turn 1, and dakka-ed a few guard squads. (Brandon deployed 26.1" away from my deployment zone to prevent any chance of charge/double tapping bolters.) His turn 1, he circled the hellhounds at max range to the bikes, ran his bullgryn, straken, priest, company commander, 2 guard squads into a necron building. Castellan killed 2 bikes from the 3 bike squad, hellhounds killed a bike. (Kill more/Hold more for me) (Side note: This necron building is a big deal vs my list. It is enclosed with a roof, and my bases are bigger than the door, so FLG ruled that I cannot put any bikes inside.) My turn 2, I move forward with the bikes while holding the center objective still, the guardsmen sit in buildings in the backfield. I dakka down more guardsmen, and charge/kill a guard squad that is in the necron building but within 1" of the outside wall. His turn 2, he moves the castellan back, shuffles guard around to block, moves hellhounds further into my backfield, but still within range of bikes. He puts psychic barrier on the Bullgryn, giving them a 3++. His shooting kills 4/5 bikes of one squad leaving 1 remaining. He then charges the other squad with the Bullgryn, which are out of LoS (and since they are in the building I couldn't stoop even if I wanted to.) The Bullgryn kill 2 bikes and lose 2 bullgryn w/ invuln shields. (Kill more/Hold more) My turn 3, I move the vexilla towards the building wall, bikes stay locked with bullgryn, guardsmen move to center objective. Solo bike moves closest to the primaris psyker, captain moves on his own after a platoon commander near the corner of the table (couldn't get LoS, but 8" charge.) Solo bike doesn't manage to pick up the psyker, only 3 wounds get through. Captain is able to charge and kill the platoon commander. Vexilla charges straken and company commander, deals 3 wounds to straken. Bike squad kills 2 more invuln shield bullgryn, lose 1 more bike. His turn 3, the bullgryn back out of combat, hellhounds move up. Primaris murders solo bike with smite (sadface.) Castellan picks up bike squad. Basilisks/hellhounds pick up the captain. Vexilla nearly dies to straken, priest, company commander, kills straken. (Kill more/Hold more for me, don't remember how I managed to kill more.) My turn 4, vexilla stays locked, guardsmen turtle. Vexilla doesn't manage to kill company commander, dies from priest/company commander. His turn 4, everything advances, kills guard squad/officer on objective. (Hold one) My turn 5, turtle on objective with guard/warlord. His turn 5, murders guard squad. (Hold one) My turn 6, warlord holds objective. His turn 6, Bullgryn murder warlord. (Hold one) Game ends 25-27, I lose by 2 points. A really close game and a fun one. That necron building hurt my ability to choose fights/stoop, and kept me from being able to get max headhunter points. In retrospect if I had taken butchers bill instead of headhunter, I could have gotten more points. Lessons learned. Playing against Brandon was a tough game but very refreshing, both of us like to play by intent and explained beforehand as we went our moves, which makes playing a lot more enjoyable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 5, 2018 Share Posted November 5, 2018 I really feel the whole thing with the building is something that gives locals a huge advantage knowing in advance how it will be ruled. I have asked Reecius publicly in the past what is the ruling on jetbikes for this circumstance and he never answered... that is unfair IMHO. It is not written anywhere but should be public knowledge. It is a house rule and not supported by the actual rules for eighth edition. I don't understand why you couldn't swoop the Bullgyrn with the jetbikes... were the jetbikes within 1" of the wall ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 What list are you running Shane? I'm assuming it involves at least 15 bikes. EDIT: OK, so no less than 18 bikes and a DKoK CP farm. Interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 I must not be understanding the Bike / Necron building ruling. Bikes are not infantry correct? So they can't squeeze through walls/windows unless they literally can fit there, or fly directly to the spot they intend to land on. I'm not arguing a point here; just saying that this was my understanding of the rule. But that being said I confess I've never, ever been in that situation (at least in 8th edition). ITC has some uniqueness to it. Some people like those quirks some don't. I don't want to turn this into an "ITC debate" but it's interesting to note the 'home field' advantage (if it existed) is something we can all be affected by in a new environment. (I felt this at the last ITC event I was at even though it was local) I think Tanglefoot is such an amazing tool. I know Stooping Dive is amazing too, and I love using the Vexilla deep strike one too. The problem is I never have command points since I rarely ally! Good job on the tournament Shanewatts. Someone was telling me about your successes there and I thought... hey I know that name. :) I know Geoff Robinson is a big Custodes fan/player and recently I believe he's been using them without allies. I wonder though if bikes get touched by the CA in December if that will be plausible going forward. I'm even thinking of throwing my Admech in there for the 5 CP and some backline holds. (I ate babysitting objectives out of the action with Custodes). I've even thought of 15 scouts and Tigurius just to control some of the Psychic game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 Keyword Fly supersedes any restrictions for entering buildings/ruins on the first floor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 Alrighty replies to make: Black Orange: Ya being able to know how the building would be ruled beforehand would have been nice, I am not sure so this was a case of "homefield advantage." Brandon had mentioned that the building in question had been used against him in a similar manner in a previous FLG tourney, that he disliked the ruling on it and that we should bring it up to question again on the spot. In regards to the stoop, I could have Stooped with the captain based on where the Bullgryns stopped with his charge move, but that was the only close charge (the other squads were more than 8" or were on top of a building which would have been a similar charge range.) I didn't have much left in the other 2 squads at this point anyway so my advantages of a stoop were low. Rcoon: Yep, 17 bikes + bike cap + vexilla and a DKoK battalion. Not sure I'd call it a farm anymore simply because of how little cp it generates. If it wasn't for having to drop 4 bikes, I would prefer running a Custodes battalion over the guard. Prot: So the majority or the tourneys I have played in don't have "enclosed" buildings (4 full walls and a ceiling), so even the buildings that are majority walls (or even 4) didn't have a full roof. So with fly I could move as if the wall wasn't there, to land inside the building (still obeying placement in regards to fits and outside 1" of enemy models.) I also wouldn't call this an "ITC" issue either, since 99% of the tourneys I go to are ITC and haven't had this in question. - Stoop and Tanglefoot make dividends, and I forget tanglefoot a lot. I like the idea of the vexilla teleport, but it is really costly and typically I like to start my units on the table. - Thanks for the praise haha. Geoff's Custodes were still bringing Assassins last I saw, so still bringing in allies. Bikes might get messed with in CA, I hope not but it is certainly a possibility (I'd rather they just drop Allarus to make them a competitive choice to bikes.) - The 5cp from a Battalion is pretty clutch, wherever you can source it from. Admech and guard are the cheapest on points, Sisters are a close second, following with marines. Like I said to Rcoon, if it didn't lower my bike count by 4 I would just run a Custodes Battalion. Makes getting kills even harder for your opponent and a rock solid backfield that isn't going to crumble when enemy units sneak in turn 2-3. I really like how stable foot custodes are in their ability to score points and deny points, just cost a little more than I am willing to sacrifice pointwise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 Can't wait to read about your next round Shane !!! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 So with that list, what do you think your worst match up is? I'd have to guess it would be something super smite heavy.... Thousand Sons perhaps? What would you consider your toughest match up? (aside from Castellan lists which are everywhere now). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 SoCal open recap Round 3 Played against a pure Drukhari list, here is the approx.: black heart flier 2 razorwing 1 bomber prophets of the flesh battalion Urien 1-2 haemon 3 wrack squads (8-9 man I believe) Talos (forgot how many) battalion flayed skull? (ignores cover and reroll 1s for fly keyword units) 2 archon 3 kabalite squads 3? venoms 3 ravagers (Feel like I am forgetting something here, will edit) Mission Champion mission 3, hammer and anvil deployment. (My secondaries were Big game, recon, headhunter) I deployed the bikes centrally and aggressively, all the guard were hiding in ruins, characters all wrapped so no flier sniping. He deployed pretty defensively, most everything far back in his deployment (planes on his back deployment edge as they should have been.) I won the roll off and elected to go second. His turn 1, planes all zip into my deployment, ravagers moved into range/LoS, wracks deepstrike from on the table 9" away from a guard squad. The bomber drops a bomb on the center guard squad, kills 9 with mortals. The shooting phase deals some wounds to bikes, none die. Wracks fail their charge with a reroll. I try to auto pass morale for my guard squad (9 died in the movement phase,) which he Vects successfully. My turn 1, Bikes move towards planes in the backfield, guardsmen move away from wracks. One squad of bikes shoots the wracks to death, rest shoot a plane to death. Other plane gets charged and dies. (Kill more/hold more) His turn 2, he moves a venom w/kabalites inside onto a center objective, moves an empty one onto the other center objective. Shooting kills most of the remaining guard, plane + ravagers down a bike. Wracks fail charge on guard. My turn 2, move one bike squad towards full venom and wracks (same table side, 2" away from wracks, 10"-ish away from venom/objective.) Other squad moves towards other plane, and empty venom on objective (can't draw LoS on empty venom.) Guard hides in the center building. Bikes by wracks shoot the venom to death, throw some shots into the plane. Other squad shoots plane, gets it down to 1 wound. Cap+small bikes shoot and kill kabalites from the venom. Bikes close to wracks charge wracks, bike closest to now empty objective moves within 3", rest daisy chain back to wracks, kill all but 1. Other bikes charge empty venom, destroy it and take objective. (Kill more/Hold more) His turn 3, solo wrack falls back and hides in a building, talos jump out from his center building, plane moves into my backfield, last wracks squad + characters jump out from center building towards my vexilla/captain/3 man bikes. His shooting finishes off the small bike squad and the remaining guard squad. His talos charge the closest squad, wracks charge the vexilla, haemonculus charges the vexilla. The talos murder the squad they charged (but are out of range of the objective.) Wracks and Haemonculus bounce off the vexilla. Wracks? pile into the other bike squad. I kill a few wracks in melee. My turn 3, I fall back to objective away from talos, warlord moves into ruin to fight solo wrack in melee, other field officer moves to my backfield objective. Dakka combined takes down the wracks, and haemonculus. Warlord charges solo wrack, captain charges archon. Archon dies to captain, Wrack lives and deals a wound to warlord. (Hold more) His turn 4, talos move towards to remaining bikes/cap/vex, urien and archon moves with them, plane moves to snipe field officer on my backfield objective, venom blitz over to my backfield objective. His shooting kills field officer on backfield objective, and a bike. He makes the charge with the archon, but no talos/urien. (I messed up here, I threw a tanglefoot at the Talos not thinking about the fly caveat or the fact they had the keyword. He brought this to my attention after the game, I felt terrible and apologized, and we came to the conclusion it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the game.) The archon dies from his attempt. Warlord kills the solo wrack in combat. My turn 4, The remaining bikes move towards the talos, was able to have a few get closest to urien, captain and warlord moves to my backfield objective, vexilla turtles on the objective nearby. Shooting manages to kill urien. Bikes charge the talos. Almost all the Talos die, and mostly do nothing in return. (Kill more/hold more) His turn 5, he moves his backfield (ravagers, archon, kabalites) up. But still too far away from objectives. He kills my warlord with shooting. My turn 5, I turtle up on objectives and use any LoS I can, kill a venom. (Hold more) His turn 6, nothing much that I remember. My turn 6, I hold 2 objectives (Hold more) I win 26-18 This was a really sloppy game for me, choosing Recon was a terrible idea going into a matchup where I have to be chasing units and having to avoid being charged first by Talos. Not sure what else I would have chosen at the moment, but I scored zero recon points. If I had positioned my guard a bit better I could have scored it the first 2 turns (move move move) but I messed it up pretty hard. I made some good plays and some mistakes this game. A personal low for me was the Tanglefoot, I had been trying to remind myself to use it and I messed up the rule for it in this game. I wish I could have caught it, or at least my opponent at the time, thankfully he was pretty chill about it when we figured it out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 Prot: Tough match ups for me have been: "The List" (No surprise), Knights, Ynnari (50/50 odds it feels like.) I was worried about Tsons smite heavy comps, but so far vs them I am undefeated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 Interesting. The list is bound to get nerfed and Orks might do it with that tractor cannon. Hopefully I can still wallop them in cc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 TBH I have not been all that impressed with what I have seen for the new Orks yet... of course the Internet pundits continue to talk them up for the hits . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 TBH I have not been all that impressed with what I have seen for the new Orks yet... of course the Internet pundits continue to talk them up for the hits . I've also noticed internet pundits talking them up, but the two very keen Ork players I've spoken to still say they're underwhelming and not quite on the true competitive level yet. That said, maybe they just need to work on new lists. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 SoCal Breakdown Round 4 Opponent was Hayden (Dressed as Ash from Pokémon for Halloween,) running Tsons/CSM. List is as follows: Tsons Battalion Ahriman 2 princes 30 Tzaang 37 cultists 10 cultists Black Legion Battalion Abbadon Sorceror 3x 10 cultists 10 noise marines daemon Battalion khorne prince slaneesh herald 3x 3 nurglings Mission was Champion Mission 4 (bonus is hold both objectives you placed), deployment was Search and Destroy. (My secondaries were reaper, headhunter, marked for death (tzaangors, 37 cultists, khorne prince, noise marines.)) I deployed fairly defensively, 1 guardsman the farthest forward with 3.1" away to other units (In case of Infernal Gateway), one guard squad covering backfield so no turn 1 dark matter crystal back there, other guard squad near bikes. Bikes were all forward but still farther then the prepositioned guardsman. Hayden deployed outside of 26" to prevent charges/double tap, a lot of units were out of LoS, nurglings were out of LoS but forwards towards objectives. I won the roll off and chose to go second. His turn 1, he moves most everything out of hiding in order to engage me. One squad of nurglings moves closer to an objective my guard squad near the bikes are holding (One of his placed objectives.) One nurgling squad moves onto the center objective and the third hides in terrain. Khorne DP advances down the board edge to stay out of range and LoS. Abbadon and the character blob are all near one of my placed objectives, but still around 24" away (Also screened by the 37 cultists.) He decides to Dark matter crystal his Tzaangor bomb, they drop near one of my bike squads. Psychic phase he is able to give the Tzaangors -1 to hit but not the +1 invuln, He deals some mortals to the closest guard squad, doombolts the squad closest to the Tzaangors. His shooting phase the noise marines delete the close guard squad. His charge phase he declares the nurglings on my guard to get into my table quarter and hop on the objective (He had recon) and makes the charge, he positions so my Stoop would be an 8" from the closest squad. The Tzaangors declare a charge on the closest bike squad, I kill 11 in overwatch, and he fails the charge with a reroll. In the fight phase the nurglings kill 2 guardsmen, I deal a couple wounds back, pile in to have more bodies on the objective. He loses a few tzaangors to morale. My turn 1, I fall back the guard squad from nurglings towards the center objective. I re-adjust the guard in the backfield, All the bikes move back. Squad closest to tzaangors stays with 12" for rapid fire, squad that was close to nurglings jumps on top of a building and out of range of a charge from the khorne DP, third squad moves towards nurglings. Shooting phase I move move move the squad headed towards the center to steal the objective from center nurglings. Squad on top of the building kills the noise marine squad with dakka, noise marines shoot at the guard in the center, kill all but 4. Squad near tzaangors kills tzaangors with dakka as well as the center nurglings. Captain + small bike squad throw some wounds into the 37 cultists (kill 7?). My small bike squad charges and kills the nurgling squad on his placed objective (that my guard fell back from.) (Hold more/Kill more) His turn 2, He pushes the khorne DP forward (towards his placed objective and my small bike squad,) the character blob shifts around my placed objective, he uses tide of traitors to put the cultists into my backfield (I managed to leave a gap still.) His psychic phase removes my center guard squad, gets some buffs up, deals some mortals to bikes on the building (kills 1-2 I think.) Doombolts the same squad again (kills a bike.) His shooting phase, the 37 cultists unload on my kurov's field officer and kill him. No charges. My turn 2, Doombolted squad conga lines, move close to my home placed objective (around 10" from the cultists blob) and conga out closer to my other squad on the building. Squad drops from the building near the khorne prince, small squad does similar. Last guard squad moves towards center along with my vexilla. Guard squad gets a move move move onto center objective. Squad near cultists is able to kill 20ish with shooting and most of the 10 man screening the character blob. Captain picks up the remainder of the screening unit. Both squads near khorne DP dump into Ahriman and one of the tson dps, killing them. I charge both squads into the khorne DP, first squad doesn't quite kill him, he interrupts and kills 2/3 man, and the DP survives. His cultist blob dies to morale, he is outta cp at this point. (Hold more/Kill more) His turn 3, The remaining tson dp moves in to kill bikes. Abbadon, sorceror and herald hide by my placed objective. Last nurgling squad is still hiding in an untouched quarter of the table. His psychic phase finishes the guard and kills a couple bikes. (I am down to 8ish bikes I think at this point.) He charges the tson dp into the melee with the khorne dp and kills 2 bikes, I interrupt and kill the khorne DP. My turn 3, I turbo the solo biker (who is now unegaged from the dead khorne DP) onto my placed objective near abbadon and the herald. My unengaged squad and captain moves towards the tsons dp. Vexilla stays on center objective, warlord moves to my back placed objective. I shoot the sorcerer to death. I charge into the tson prince and kill him. (Hold more/Kill more/Bonus) His turn 4, Abaddon and the herald move to kill the solo biker, remaining cultists are way in his backfield on his placed objective, nurglings still hiding outta LoS in an empty quarter. Biker dies to abby+herald. My turn 4, vexilla shifts towards bottom objective, bikes move to center objective. Kill the herald with dakka. (Hold more) We more or less called the game here and talked through it, for a solid win for me, 36-20ish I think. I will edit the correct score later. I went into this match concerned because of Tsons smite spam hurts Custodes a lot, being able to continue to push guard into smites made a huge impact in the early turns. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 Very well played... must have felt good when the Tzangors failed that charge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 Well played. It does surprise me how he chose to engage you. The psychic phase seems... perhaps missplayed? (Hard to tell from the description but getting too close to Custodes too early can be really counter productive) and then the cultists (larger squad) really seemed to take a chance being so disconnected from Abaddon in that situation (typically that's what Abby is there for). Leaving Abby out so long too.... It seems from how it's written that he kind of through chunks at you and you ate them up and took down his stuff in stages pretty nicely. Nice win. That's a tough list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 SoCal recap Round 5 Played against Knights + guard, list was: house raven castellan crusader w/battle/gatling/ironstorm crusader w/thermal/gatling/ironstorm guard battalion 2 company commander 3 guard squads with mortar guard battalion primaris psyker company commander 3 guard squads with mortar Mission was Champion mission 5, deployment was either hammer and anvil or the point version. (Secondaries were titanslayer, kingslayer (thermal crusader), and recon) The table was covered in ruins with a huge ruin in the center. We talked about LoS through this center building and agreed that seeing through the closer sides into our opponents deployment wouldn't be feasible (However I failed to notice the screenlike windows on the second floor on his side of the building, will come back to this.) I deployed the guard as far away as possible in buildings, but still within move move move range of objectives. I deployed one of the big squad of bikes, the small squad, the captain and the vexilla as close as possible, but out of LoS using the center ruin to block. I decided that if I deepstruck the second squad that would make it so he would be unable to shoot me with most everything turn 1 since 11 bikes could comfortably fit in the ruin. He deployed his guardsman in terrain as much as possible and all 3 knights mostly central. I think he won the roll and chose to go second, can't remember. My turn 1, all the bikes push into the center ruin and make sure as many as possible can draw LoS out of the side into a guard squad. My guard move just far enough to take objectives but still stay in terrain. My shooting kills a guard squad. His turn 1, knights advance around his ruin in the center of his deployment, one crusader on one side and the other 2 go the other way. Guard move forward to screen out turn 2 deepstrike. (At this point I feel pretty confident that not all the knights could see my bikes.) He starts his shooting phase by popping the raven strat and oathbreaker missile on my vexilla, he then declares the rest of the guns into my 3 man squad (which brings me around the table to see if he can see through the side, only for him to point of the screenlike windows on the second floor of his side, which I can clearly see bikes through much to my chagrin.) He manages to hit and wound my vexilla with the missile, but I manage to save it (5+ with cover!) with a reroll. The rest of his shooting mostly bounces off, I rolled pretty well on saves, getting 3+ saves vs gatling was excellent, he killed 1 bike and wounded another. (Kill more) My turn 2, all the bikes move as close as possible to crusader/castellan, vexilla moves as close as possible without advancing and stays outta LoS from the 2 knights, guard stay put, squad comes in from reserve 9.1" away from a guard squad near the other crusader, still within 6" from vexilla/captain. I kill 2 guard squads with shooting, do some wounds to the castellan and crusader, kill a few guardsmen from another squad. I try to charge first with the vexilla on both the crusader and castellan (8" to crusader, 10" to castellan) and fail. I charge the crusader with the big bike squad and survive overwatch. I measure out the heroic intervene from the castellan and verbally say so, to prevent any confusion. I finish the move of the bikes (only 6 will get to swing,) and he still tries to intervene with the castellan. I remind him of the pre-measure and the die marking it (which is still there on the table,) and we move on. I try to charge the guard squad screening the other crusader with the deepstriking unit and fail the charge. In the fight phase I take the crusader down to 3 wounds. His swings back are mostly ineffective. His turn 2, he makes the crusader act as full wounds with strat and backs out of combat, the other crusader shifts to be in front of the nearly dead one, the castellan moves forward. He kills the 2 bikes of the small squad with shooting, and kills a few of the squad that had been in combat. He charges the crusader and castellan into the wounded squad and kills all but 2. I pop avenge the fallen and put all my swings into the crusader, which takes him down to 5 wounds. (Kill more) My turn 3, vexilla moves into his center ruin where a couple of wounded guard squads are hiding, big squad moves close to the crusader/castellan, small squad falls back onto one of his objectives, guard keep holding down my backfield objectives. I kill a bunch of guardsmen with shooting, stealing that objective. I charge the castellan with the big squad and kill it. Vexilla charges a 4 man guard squad and kills it. His turn 3, he moves both crusaders back to his objective I am threatening, the guard shift. He is out of CP at this point, and hitting on 5/6s on my bikes. He manages to kill 1 from the big squad, and we more or less call it here. (Kill more/hold more) He conceded at this point, but we talked it through because I knew he was capable of scoring more points and I knew he wasn't having too much fun. This ends up as a big win for me, 34ish (again will edit with actual haha.) I always find knights to be a tough match up, so I was worried going into the match, especially with all that dakka. The vexilla was by far the MVP in regards to making my bikes take way less shots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 Black Orange: Oh hell ya I was stoked when he failed that Tzaangor charge, I wasn't overly worried about what would happen if he made it, but not having it happen was much nicer haha. Prot: I think he did his psychics pretty well, his doombolts to prevent my mobility were always strong. I think the turn 1 tzaangor bomb might have been a misplay, simply because he wouldn't be able to engage with much anything else. I understand why he did the tide of traitors, it did net him an easy kill and a recon point that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise, but it certainly was a gamble that may or may not have paid off. As far as him throwing chunks, I kept backing up from the character blob so they couldn't engage with anything else he moved forward to prevent just that, so we were both trying to choose who got the first punch. I prolly would have kept the khorne DP back with the blob as well, but I dunno his thought behind that. If he had ran Abby forward I would prolly have jumped on him, so I kind of left him in a bad choice scenario. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 SoCal Recap round 6 My opponent Jeff Poole was running Tsons/Daemons, list is approx: Tsons battalion ahriman prince tzaangor shaman 30 tzaangors 28? tzaangors 10 cultists (using kairic acolyte models so cool themed) Daemon battalion nurgle herald slaneesh herald on seeker 3x 3 nurglings Khorne Daemon battalion prince skulltaker 3x 15 bloodletters Mission was champion mission 6, deployment was dawn of war. (My secondaries were headhunter, reaper, marked for death (all 3 bloodletter squads, 30 tzaangor squad.)) I deployed slightly defensively, one guard squad in the center on the deployment line (to eat smites), bikes all behind it, other 2 guard squads off to the sides to push out deepstrikers. I messed up where I put my kurov's field officer, he was buried in guardsmen instead of my custodies (will come back to this.) He deployed all the letters in reserve and gave them banners of blood, skulltaker in reserve, and the small tzaangors in reserve. His nurglings were forward from his character blob and out of LoS. I won the roll off and chose to go second. His turn 1, he moved the character blob forward but still behind nurglings, centrally placed nurglings chill on center objective (on top of a 2 story ruin.) 30 Tzaangors get dark matter crystalled turn 1, placed in a crescent 9.1" away from center guard squad and right guard squad wrapping my kurov officer. His psychic phase he tosses buffs around, tzaangors get -1 to hit, +1 invuln, and prescience. His charge phase he charges the tzaangors into both guard squads, no casualties to overwatch. After he finishes his charge move I stoop the closest squad into the combat. Only kill 8ish tzaangors. Tzaangors kill center squad and kill 8 of the squad wrapping the kurvo's officer. I leave one guardsmen based on his closest tzaangor to the officer and the other is based with the back of the officer. He is unable to wrap my officer because of this. He pops cycle of violence to fight again, I pull the 2 guardsmen and he is now able to wrap the officer. He loses 2? tzaangors to morale. My turn 1, I move the other big bike squad over to charge the tzaangors and get LoS of the nurglings on the building. I advance the one surviving guard squad towards the center objective, characters bury within bikes (I left 2" gaps spread throughout my bubble of bikes in order to be able to stoop around if available.) My shooting phase I kill one of two nurgling squads on the center objective (one nurgling from the second squad survives with 2 wounds.) Guard squad move move moves onto center objective. Large bike squad charges into tzaangors. Charging squad kills all the tzaangs minus 3, he pulls casualties away from the engaged squad to prevent them from swinging (made me realize they should have just left combat and shot the last nurglings.) 3 Tzaangors swing back and deal no damage. He auto passes the tzaangors in morale, and passes morale for the nurglings. (Hold more) His turn 2, he moves the character blob forward (opposite side of center ruin from objective,) nurgling on top stays still, other nurglings move to side center objective near character blob but still out of LoS, and brings in all his reserves. The second tzaangor blob comes in where the first came in (but closer with no guard in the way), all the letters and skulltaker come in on the opposite side (closest to small bike squad and characters.) His psychic phase, he tosses buffs on the new tzaangors, slaneesh herald pops a -1 LD aura power, casts treason on tzeentch on my other officer (I catch later that this was a mess up since he was my warlord, but even with changing the target the result would have been mostly the same,) and kills a bike with mortals from the tzaangor engaged squad. He charges all the letters into my small bike squad (which can't overwatch because they are within 1" of his newly treasoned model.) All 3 squads make the charge, skulltaker fails his charge. The tzaangor blob charges the engaged bikes and makes the charge. I stoop with my unegaged bike squad into 2/3 letter squads (3rd was blocked by second squad.) With the charge move from the stoop I am able to get all 7 bikes into swinging range, 3 on one letter squad, 4 on the other. I take one letter squad down to 6, and the other down to 8. I don't interrupt at this point, after all the letters swing he kills 2/3 bikes. The tzaangors kill a bike. My other bike squad kills the 3 remaining tzaangors and some from the new squad. The solo bike kills 3 from the 15 man letter squad. In morale he loses letters from each squad, leaving 3, 5, and 8. My turn 2, I fall all the bikes back centered on my backfield objective, bike squads layered to stoop (even though I didn't have the CP to do so haha.) I conga line the guard squad to hold both the center objective and the side objective (opposite direction from the character blob.) In my shooting phase I kill all the letters, the tzaangors, and the tzaangor shaman. My vexilla charges skulltaker. Both the vexilla and skulltaker deal wounds to each other. (Kill more/hold more) His turn 3, he pushes the character blob towards the bikes, his cultists pile out of the building they were hiding in towards my guard squad. His psychic tosses buffs around, slaneesh herald pops -1 LD aura again, gets treason off on my captain, deals mortals to bikes (both squads are about 5 bikes remaining.) His shooting phase cultists kill a few of my guardsmen. He charges his cultists into the guard, he charges the both DPs into the front bike squad (which can't overwatch from my captain being within 1" haha.) His DPs manage to kill the squad, he piles into the back squad, which deals some wounds to one of them. His cultists kill 1 guardsmen (wrap another,) guardsmen kills 2 cultists. Vexilla kills skulltaker. My turn 3, I fall back the engaged squad towards the center objective (guardsmen are only holding side objective at this time,) captain moves up to DPs. (One DP has 1 remaining wound.) In my shooting phase I kill the solo wound DP and the slaanesh herald. Captain charges the surviving DP. Vexilla charges cultists. He chooses to heroic his nurgle herald into my surviving bike squad (I ask if he wants to do that, and that I'll fight first as the first non charging unit, he thinks he can tank it and sticks with it.) Captain kills DP, Vexilla kills a few cultists, and bikes kill nurgle herald. (Hold more/Kill more) At this point we call it and talk through the rest, all he has left is Ahriman, a couple cultists, and the hiding nurglings. Another pretty big win for me, 34ish points (will fix with edit again haha.) Again I was concerned going into the match from the mortal wounds etc, and his being able to wrap an officer turn 1 was huge. The bikes just offer so much shooting that screens for characters just always seem to melt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 Wow really well played - I hate daemon-bomb ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted November 9, 2018 Share Posted November 9, 2018 A hard earned victory today. I brought three bike capt, 3x3 guardians a double iliastus telemon, vexilla and a lone inquisitor. The enemy was catachans with two basilisks three russes and loads pf infantry. The tanks were a pain, lucky I maxed out on . -1 to hit from vexila and trait, I managed to seize but had bad luck at cards, the custodes advanced into contact with the enemy weathering the bombardment, once in combat I managed to kill all the infantry finally winnimg due to killing his warlord tank. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted November 9, 2018 Share Posted November 9, 2018 Way to go nolgrim ! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted November 11, 2018 Share Posted November 11, 2018 Are 3x3 worth it or is it better to up the numbers a touch to 5 per unit? I've tried both but can't really get a consensus on it personally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted November 11, 2018 Share Posted November 11, 2018 I think 3 x 3 works but that +1 to wound strat is amazing in a bigger squad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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