BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted December 2, 2018 Share Posted December 2, 2018 Had a major victory against an adversary I had always lost to in the past. Felt like a milestone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted December 2, 2018 Share Posted December 2, 2018 Had a major victory against an adversary I had always lost to in the past. Felt like a milestone. That’s great. How about some details? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted December 2, 2018 Share Posted December 2, 2018 Okay you know I play Blood Angels-Custodes-Deathwatch. My opponent plays Guard-Sisters-Ravenwing. His Ravenwing detachment is the two HQ speeders and a Librarian - Guard is just chaff now. Sisters are melta heavy which is really bad news for my elite army. The Mission was Supply Drop from CA 2018... really nice not to have to play an ITC Championship Mission just for a change of pace. We did make one house rule in that First Blood was changed to First Strike. I got to go second and Null deployed my army out of enemy LoS. One thing I did different following some advice from the fraters over on the Deathwatch forum was to take the Angelus Beacon on my Deathwatch Captain which was huge allowing me to move a Veteran Squad exactly where I needed them on the crucial third turn. My Custodes all eventually died to melta except for the ever magical Wardens but they all did a lot of work pushing back my opponent’s army. One of my Smash Captains took out Sammael on the drop which was huge effectively cutting his ranged shooting in half. We were both spread out to grab the critical objectives but I had more heavy hitters left at the end of the third turn which pretty much sealed the deal and my opponent actually conceded after the fourth turn. The game really felt like a mile stone for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted December 2, 2018 Share Posted December 2, 2018 That sounds like a really interesting list he had. I've played elements of it, but never as one functional army. I really couldn't stand playing ITC all the time so I'm glad you got to spread your wings a bit with something else. I think it all comes down to playing what you like and Deathwatch is a lot of fun as an army, but I've never blended them with my Custodes. That Angelis Beacon is fantastic though at the right moment. Good win... and interesting lists! Prot - the above strategy with Lootas is unaffected by the banner. The dakka on 5s strat allows them to auto hit on 5s and 6s, invalidating the banner entirely. Again I think this guy has been playing Orks a very, very long time but just really didn't absorb the full power of this stuff. In the past week I've played other guys and as mentioned I had to pack up the Custodes but I do really miss them. The good news is I've had a few people tell me they would like rematches.... Especially the Tau guy with Riptides/Stormsurge. So maybe... maybe I will get to pull them out again. I feel like I have to bring two armies now. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted December 6, 2018 Share Posted December 6, 2018 Had a league game tonight versus Tau Empire and it turned into a real blood bath too - Poor old Xenos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted December 7, 2018 Share Posted December 7, 2018 New Bobby G I ordered arrived, going to paint him in a similar Solar Watch theme as my Custodes and pretend he's the second coming of the Emps. I'll add him to my more fluffy list for those that struggle to deal with a mass weight of bikes. I think he'll make an effective Distraction Carnifex marching up the board with my Custodian battalion. Nothing but power weapon blades and faces to paint now, then the Custodes are finished. Then I need to move onto the loyal 32 and Leman Russ I have based in white. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted December 8, 2018 Share Posted December 8, 2018 Not finished, but Gulliman is coming along half decent. EDIT:Pretty much finished. I really really suck at power weapons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted December 8, 2018 Share Posted December 8, 2018 Played a massive 16k apocalypse game with 1k custodes battalion today. They tanked very well and at the end only three bikes and four custodians died. We won by a slight margin with my "castellan" nuking stuff every turn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dulahan Posted December 9, 2018 Share Posted December 9, 2018 First Custodes game in a while (And last before Chapter approved!), and managed a rather crushing victory versus a Ravenwing + Whirlwinds army I played. The Teleport Homer thing is brutally hilarious, and helped me quickly deal with the three whirlwinds he had - especially having 7 Allarus going after them. Sure they tanked me most of the game, but they didn't get to shoot other than the first round (Where sheer volume of fire hurt a lot, particularly with that Dark Angels stratagem giving one of them auto hits). I was also helped by my opponent's inexperience against said army, as he focused fire on a unit of 5 Sentinel Blade + Storm Shield wielders. That... was not going to end well for him, they tanked a LOT of firepower. Including literally every shot in the first round with only wounding 1 model. (My list roughly: SC w/Spear, SC w/Axe, Allarus SC, Vex Prae with the -1 hit banner, Allarus Vex w/+1 attack banner, 7 Allarus, then 3 troop squads - first w/1 Sword&Shield &2 Spears, second with 1 S&B and 3 Spears, third with 5 S&Bs. Yeah, I need more spears - but these were built for 30k where Sword and Board was better!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necroscope Posted December 9, 2018 Share Posted December 9, 2018 I'll just move over here for my Custodes builds from the "how to run them without bike spam" thread. That is still my goal though along with attempting to run them pure. Not trying to run down anyone who does the bike thing I just want good variety to play with. Chapter approved freed up some points for us so here is my new list. Hopefully get to try it out in the next week or so. BattalionCaptain General/WarlordShield Captain on foot axe and misericordiax3 Custodian Guard, spears, misericordiax3 Custodian Guard, spears, misericordiax3 Custodian Guard, swords and shieldVanguardAllarus Terminator Shield Captain, axe, misericordiax3 Allarus Terminators, axe, misericordiax4 WardensVexilus Praetor with Storm Shield, MagnificaVenerable Contemptor Dread, Multi meltax3 Bikes 2 with hurricane 1 with missleSo the general idea is that the Captain General rolls up the board with all 3 guard units and Vexilus Praetor. The Shield Captain on foot splits off with the 4 Wardens to tackle a secondary target. The Terminators, Terminator Shield Captain and Dread all deep strike, generally together so the Captain can buff all of them but they can split up for objective purposes if necessary or join with the Shield Captain/Wardens force. The bike squad also deep strikes and goes after flyers or tries to thin out hordes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BolterZorro Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 Has the CA changed anything (build wise) for us? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 Has the CA changed anything (build wise) for us? In Summary: Allarus Custodian: 10pt drop Warden: 10pt drop Shield Captain: 10pt drop Allarus Shield Capatin: 20pt drop Venerable Dreadnought: 40pt drop Land Raider: 66pt drop Trajaan: 65pt drop Salvo Launcher: 10pt drop Sentinel Sword: 2pt drop Storm shield (Characters): 5pt drop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
balordazul Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 Ya I still wish they would have brought down the cost of the guards stormshield. 10 points is still to high on the non character models. It is not like when it is was 5 points sword and board AC was taken as allies because they were so good. Trajann's new point cost so much closer to what it should be compared to the old cost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necroscope Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 Ya I still wish they would have brought down the cost of the guards stormshield. 10 points is still to high on the non character models. It is not like when it is was 5 points sword and board AC was taken as allies because they were so good. Trajann's new point cost so much closer to what it should be compared to the old cost. Trajann seems pretty much auto take now. It also lets me take a venerable dread now which is cool. I wish they had dropped the las cannons on the land raider. It's nice that the LR itself is cheaper but the marines saw a drop on las cannons and we didn't oh well I don't run one anyway. Also I wish they had dropped wardens another couple of points, but anything is good and I like the models too much to not use them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 I sure wish Battlescribe would hurry up and update the new points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 The Allarus is drop is SO tempting. I just had another game. A Dark Angel player wanted a swing at the Custodes (pre points drop). We just played a fun game and I kept my very low level list in play. He did have a heck of a punch though. Hellblasters annihilated my Contemptor on the drop with Auspex Scan. I was okay with that because it let the Allarus drop in, and they barely lived long enough to kill the Hellblasters. He made one critical mistake. He had an amazing firebase with the floaty -1 to hit skimmer, and some Plasma talon Black Knights with that Darkwing HQ... very strong fire line, but he got too close and I tied it up with some bikes long enough for the Guardians to get there and clean it up. Although I won, all I had left was Trajann, 4 Guardians, and 2 Wardens, and the banner dude. The rest was beaten up pretty bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverson Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 Has the CA changed anything (build wise) for us? In Summary: Allarus Custodian: 10pt drop Warden: 10pt drop Shield Captain: 10pt drop Allarus Shield Capatin: 20pt drop Venerable Dreadnought: 40pt drop Land Raider: 66pt drop Trajaan: 65pt drop Salvo Launcher: 10pt drop Sentinel Sword: 2pt drop Storm shield (Characters): 5pt drop Allarus dropped 5points per model right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necroscope Posted December 10, 2018 Share Posted December 10, 2018 Yes 5 points and the Allarus Shield Captain dropped 20. Like always things could have been better but it let me squeeze some extra stuff in and in an army this small even one or two dudes is such a huge help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BolterZorro Posted December 12, 2018 Share Posted December 12, 2018 What is our best list now? Still bike spam? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted December 12, 2018 Share Posted December 12, 2018 What is our best list now? Still bike spam? Most likely, but the point changes have encouraged me to try less cutthroat lists. Actually going to run a battalion of IG for the CP farm and a battalion of Custodes with Trajaan, obviously with a dozen bikes thrown in so it can actually win. That comes to 2K points, so I'm pleased the golden lord himself can come out for once. Still not touching the Land Raider or Dreadnought with a barge pole. They seem at odds with a sensible Custodes game plan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BolterZorro Posted December 12, 2018 Share Posted December 12, 2018 Actually going to run a battalion of IG for the CP farm Admech is a lso a good contender as it is cheap and can repair your bikes.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted December 12, 2018 Share Posted December 12, 2018 Actually going to run a battalion of IG for the CP farm Admech is a lso a good contender as it is cheap and can repair your bikes.... Already got the IG battalion, plus three LRBT and an Executioner Russ, 3 primaris psykers, two more company commanders and a fully magnetised baneblade - can't be arsed to buy into a third army :D (although I do have a SoS squad + Rhino and Saint Celestine + Geminae) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted December 12, 2018 Share Posted December 12, 2018 Pretty sure Admech enginseer/dominus can't repair bikes, they aren't vehicles or the factions listed in the repair rule. (Don't have it in front of me, so I could be wrong.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted December 13, 2018 Share Posted December 13, 2018 Lol it is not even any good unless enginseers are getting jetbikes too. I still remember some wonkz on another forum crying because the Vexilla Praetor doesn't has one either - LULZ !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted December 13, 2018 Share Posted December 13, 2018 Custodes nearly complete, just electric effect on weapons left to do and then I can get on with the IG army. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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