balordazul Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Agreed assault 2 or rapid 2 would put them just under what 4 marines can do. Personally I very happy about beta rules as I have not been impressed the marine bolter line units for a long time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Why in God's green earth do SMs get Bolter Discipline and not Custodes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Why in God's green earth do SMs get Bolter Discipline and not Custodes? Marines operate in tight knit squads and use the bolter as their sole weapon in precision cohesive fusillades to eliminate foes of a much greater number/ strength than their own. It's their iconic weapon and was sorely lacking in tabletop representation. Custodes however fight as individuals and are all about close combat and subsequently, the Guardian Spear. Custodes already shoot better, have a stronger bolter as standard and will want to be in rapid fire range of their spears so they can engage in combat regardless. Custodes do not stand back and use their spears like rifles, so do not need bolter drill. The Hurricanes on the Jetbikes too move so fast they don't need the extra shots at max range for standing still. So that's why they shouldn't have it ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Got in a game vs a good friend of mine running AM. I ran my list I plan to take to LVO. My List: Bike cap Bike cap Vexilla w/magnifica 3 guard w/2x spear, 1x shield 3 guard w/2x spear, 1x shield 3 guard w/2x spear, 1x shield 6 bikes 6 bikes His list (approx.): Catachan BN straken company commander priest priest 3 infantry squads Catachan BN tank commander (battle cannon/heavy bolter) tank commander (as above) tank commander (gatling/heavy bolter) 3 infantry squads 2 hellhounds Cadian spearhead (artillery formation as well) pask (battle cannon/heavy bolter) company commander 3 basilisk 1 manticore 3 mortar teams We played mission 6 (I wanted to see how difficult the bonus would be with only 3 characters.(Bonus is having a character in scoring range of 3 objectives.)) Deployment type was Frontline Assault (pointy Dawn of War.) Secondaries: I took reaper, headhunter, and recon. He took marked for death (bike squads and 2 guard squads), recon, old school. Deployment: With a dawn of war style deployment type I knew there would not be any good places to "hide" the bikes, especially with so many of his vehicles ignoring LoS as well. (I really wanted to try and mitigate the tank commanders/pask because they do a lot of damage with overlapping fields of fire.) Without having a good way to avoid being shot by the Russes right away I chose an aggressive toe the line deployment with the bikes. I chose to deepstrike a guard squad (not sure this was a good use of 1cp, but I am playing with it still.) The other 2 squads deployed near the objective in my deployment zone, but still far enough forward to trail the vexilla and bikes. He deployed conservatively, basilisks in one corner, manticore in the other with mortar teams, russes central but closer to the basilisks. The hell hounds were between the russes and the manticore. He won the roll off for first and chose to go first. I tried to Seize and succeeded, much to his chagrin. My Turn 1: I advance the vexilla onto the center objective, the bikes swarm the center, one captain goes with. I was intending on leaving a guard squad back on my objective, but realized they could die if they got focused and I needed to try and have a character in scoring range for the bonus (whenever I could get to a third objective haha.) So both guard squads advanced as well, back into the vexilla bubble. The second captain shifted to my deployment objective. My shooting phase killed 3 guard squads and put 2 wounds on a hellhound. I was 10 away from the nearest guard squad and tried to charge with both bike squads, but failed both charges. Kill 1, Hold 1, Recon, 1 Reaper - 4pts His Turn 1: He pushes his hellhounds up, Straken, a priest, and a guard squad. Guard squad by the mortars advances towards side center objective. In his shooting phase he dumps everything into 1 bike squad, killing 5. At the start of his charge phase, I use the vexilla to tanglefoot the undamaged hellhound (hoping that only the 1 with 2 damage gets into combat and subsequently dies.) I rolled a 6 for the strat, reducing that charge by 6 inches. He charges both bike squads with the damaged hellhound and makes it in to the undamaged squad, but not the solo bike. The undamaged hellhound charges both and has to go 4", so needs a 10" and he makes the roll, so in goes the hellhound (much to my chagrin haha.) Then the guard squad charges the solo bike, 3 die to overwatch, but the squad makes it in. Straken charges the solo bike and gets in, the priest charges the solo bike and fails. The guard squad ends up within 3" of the vexilla, so he heroics into the guard squad. He swings with Straken first and whiffs. I choose not to interrupt at this point (all ap0 1d attacks left.) He swings with the rest and deals a couple wounds. I swing with the vexilla first, kill 4 guardsmen. I pop avenge the fallen for the solo biker, put 3 attacks into the guard squad and 6 into Straken, he kills both and consolidates closer to the guard line. I swing with the full bike squad, split 2 into the damaged hellhound and 4 into the undamaged. The attacks on the damaged one kill it, it explodes. It deals 2 mortals to the undamaged, 3 to the solo bike (killing him,) 2 to the vexilla, and 3 to the full bike squad (killing one and dealing a wound to another.) I then roll the attacks on the undamaged (well 2 damage now,) and deal 8 damage, need 9 to kill, I choose to reroll a d3 that dealt 1 damage, and roll 2 damage instead, killing the hellhound. It also explodes, deals another 3 mortals to the remaining bike squad, killing another bike. His scoring - Kill 1, Hold 1, first strike, marked - 4pts End of turn, I get kill more, hold more. 6-4 My Turn 2: I look at my 4 remaining bikes (captains not included) and look at what I can lock in combat. I push the bikes as close to the russes as possible with the intent of wrapping one (they are along the board edge.) The vexilla shuffles around the center objective. Forward bike captain splits off towards side objective with encroaching enemy infantry squad. Both custode guard squads move up, back captain sits on home objective. I bring in the 3rd custode guard squad from reserve, 9" away from a priest and company commander. My shooting phase kills more guardsmen, and fails to do any wounds to a basilisk. Custode guard try to charge company commander and fail. I have the bikes charge one of the tank commanders with a battle cannon and the close priest who failed his charge the first turn. Using pile in moves I lock the russ and get within 1 of pask, 2 bikes swing on the priest and kill it, other 2 swing on the russ and deal 6 wounds. Kill 1, hold 1, recon, reaper, headhunter (2 total now, straken from his turn 1 combat.) His turn 2: He moves the punisher russ closer to the locked melee, 1 remaining infantry sgt moves by himself to a side objective. His shooting phase he focuses the 2 russes and arti on the closest custode guard squad (a marked unit.) He kills 2 out of 3, leaving the storm shield bearer with 2 wounds remaining. He charges the bikes with the russ and company commander, uses the arti formation strat to deal mortals on the charge, deals 3 mortal wounds and kills a bike. I deal 2 more wounds to the previously damaged russ. His scoring - Hold 1 End of turn: I kill more, we hold same so zero. 13-5 My turn 3: I leave the bikes in combat with the hopes that I can kill that russ, and even though he can fall back, he'd have to move the basilisks out of the way at this point. I advance the vexilla onto his home objective, back captain moves to center objective, side captain moves onto objective with infantry sgt, the 2 3 custode guard squads advance back into the vexilla aura, the solo custode guard moves towards the company commander. My shooting phase has the side captain putting wounds into the mortars, and center captain kills the company commander. Side captain charges the solo infantry sgt and kills him. The bikes kill the damaged russ. Kill 1, Hold 1, recon, reaper, headhunter x2, bonus for 3 characters in scoring range We call it at this point, my second wave of custode guard is close enough to get stuck in, and all his basilisks will need to move to allow pask to fall back out of combat. 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BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Well played and epically brutal. I love to see Guard los3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 Well played and epically brutal. I love to see Guard los3. Well, like all great things in life, it is suitably rare. Still, it was a great game and I love to read custodes reports where people use their units like the elite that they are, playing them well and counting on a small number of models to accomplish things through being awesome, good positioning, and excellent use of abilities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necroscope Posted January 27, 2019 Share Posted January 27, 2019 I had my 2nd game against Death Guard last night. Here is a link to the highlights on the 'tube if anyone is interested my buddy does a battle report channel. I felt kind of hampered because I hadn't tried taking 5 bikes out of the house and had transport issues. I could only get about 2 in my case. So I had to shuffle things around and use the dread and wardens which wasn't ideal.. But they didn't do that bad! I lost but I felt a lot more confident about playing them. Definitely made some mistakes.Off to fight some Black Legion (I think) today! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necroscope Posted January 28, 2019 Share Posted January 28, 2019 So I ended up fighting Admech last night. I was able to take the 3 man bike squad and 2 bike shield captians this time. I sacrificed a shield captain to tie up the knight long enough to get the rest of the army up the board. The terminators struck in to support them and again unleash the lions just rules. A 3 man sword and shield squad held our main objective and just would not die. We had to call it turn 4 due to time. He was winning on points but I was in a good position to beat him if it had gone on probably 50/50 chance. Good game and again I feel more confident about playing the army now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necroscope Posted January 30, 2019 Share Posted January 30, 2019 Another game! Vs Blood Angels. We tried playing an ITC mission with 3 objectives, I forget the name. I took Linebreaker, headhunter and old school as secondary objectives. This was my 1st win playing Custodes so that felt really good. I think I was down to about 7 or 8 models by the end but I was able to win it on points, great game. Feeling better and better about playing these dudes. I need to stop deep striking Trajann on turn 3 it's the 2nd time I've done it and it was kind of a foolish. It's kept me from moment shackles for CP twice now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 Brutal game versus Alpha Legionnaires this evening . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 10, 2019 Share Posted February 10, 2019 Start of a new project ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 11, 2019 Share Posted February 11, 2019 Finished another bike ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted February 12, 2019 Share Posted February 12, 2019 OK so ran my first iteration of my GT list tonight. Bike captain auric aquilas Aquilon custodians lastrum and fist x5 Vexillus praetor magnifica Caladius grav tank illiastus Telemon fist and arachnus Telemon fist and arachnus Vostroyan tank commander with HB and punisher cannon Company commander grand strat/kurovs 3 x 10 guardsmen I played Ad mech Stygies VIII 2 x dominus 2 x enginseer 2 squads with 2 snipers 2 squads wkth 2 plasma 3 x 10 hoplites 3 x termite assault drills Dragoons x3 2 x neutron DC 1 x icarus DC We played cut off the head with search and destroy he set up first and went first His dragoons did a 9 inch infiltration and with the Search and destroy they had a turn 1 charge no problem, he managed to clear my guard screen just enough to get into one of my telemon but I almost killed one on overwatch and I stopping dived with my shield captain and knocked the wounded one off before he then took 4 wounds off my shield Captain, he had fired all of his dune crawlers at my fore most Telemon and I saved all but 1 so took 3 damage on him. He was the one now in combat with the dragoons and he hit back hard killing the remaining 2. He had disembarked his dominus and a squad of hoplites onto the objective ready to try and score at the beginning of his turn 2. I pushed my bike captain up to the objective and kept him out of line of sight of his snipers, I'm just outside 3 though so not contesting it. Both telemon and the caladius move up towards the centre to deal with the termite. I put all my big guns into one of his neutron dune crawlers and with the - 1 to hit and some invuln saves I leave it on 1 wound, damn it. I clear the hoplite squad that's screening the dominus on the objective. Then I charge the termite with both telemon and the vexilla. I hit the the first telemon and kill it outright, this enables my vexilla to use his pile in and consolidation moves to get within 3 of the objective and contest it. I consolidate towards his deployment with the 2 telemon. We both score first strike,end of turn 1 it's 1 point each. Turn 2 he bring in his other 2 termites and shores up his castle to deny my deepstriking aquilons. He flanks my units, one termite on each side and deploys one of the hoplite squads. His dune crawlers mostly target the telemon that's bearing down on his lines but they do nothing. He takes a few wounds off my caladius with the icarus guns, he puts one termite into the second Tel and it does nothing and one into my bike captain and I save whatever came through. My vexilla gets targeted by his 4 snipers and unfortunately he rolled well and rolled badly so he went down, he had denied the objective though so it wasnt all bad. He tried to charge with both termites and both failed, and his dominus failed a 5 inch charge into my 2 wound bike captain, bad dice for him there. In my turn I move the company commander for wards toward the objective, send the second telemon over to one of the termites, move the caladius more centrally to avoid a charge from any disembarking hoplites or the termite if the dread fails to destroy it. The forward telemon moves right up to his screen. Bike captain moved I to range of the objective but still out of sight of the snipers and I forget to bring in my terminators. I remove the wounded dune crawler but it takes both of the big guns from my dreads, I clear he screening squad in front of my rampaging telemon and the caladius wipes the TPD from existence with his accelerators, between his lastrum, the tank commander and the bike captain I remove the 10 hoplites. Telemon 1 charges the icarus dune crawler, no point declaring both as I can only do enough damage to kill 1 and I can tie the other one up, I take no damage and make it in, Telemon 2 charges the full termite, he hits with a melta shot, I fail the save and he does 6 damage to me, but I make it in and I'm stoll hopeful of killing this thing, I need 3 to get through and it's gone, I get one though, horrible rolling and he hits back and I fail the save so he starts dropping mortal wounds on me with this strange ability the termites have, when all was said and done I have 3 wounds left on the telemon. The forward telemon didn't fare much better, another shocker of a roll and I only manage to get 1 wound though so 4 damage, it doesn't really matter, both dune crawlers are shut down. End of the turn and it's still 1-1 Quick turn 3 summary, he managed to take a couple of wounds off the front telemon with plasma fire, and a couple off the caladius with sniper fire, the other termite failed to damage my bike captain again and charged my tank commander doing 5 wounds I think. He did manage to kill my Telemon with the other one in combat after he disembarked the last 10 hoplites. In my turn I wipe a sniper squad, put some damage on a dune crawler in shooting with the telemon. The caladius took a chunk out of the hoplite squad with the lastrum and took down the fresh termite with an impressive display of fire power from the Illastus Accelerators. Meanwhile I deepstriked my 5 aquilons right in the middle of the board between the wounded termite and the dune crawlers, and moved my company commander up on to the objective nicely hidden away. The aquilons finish off the hoplites, damn those lastrum storm bolters are nasty and Im able to pick off the last couple of wounds from the damaged termite. I charge the telemon into the 2 dune crawlers again and I make it in with the aquilons too, they murder one of the dune crawlers and the telemon takes care of the other one. I score 3 this round and he scores 2 making it 4-3 in my favour, but he called it there as he had no way to score more points than me. Thoughts, I got very lucky with my invulns on the first telemon early on, which helped, ut I also deployed badly not adequately screening from the dragoons and putting my precious bike captain at risk and making me burn 3cps. Not bringing the aquilon in turn 2 was probably a mistake as they kick out a chunk of fire and would have been a target themselves, on this occasion it didn't matter but I needed to learn for the future so stuck to it once I'd realised I had forgotten to bring them in. Can't seem me wanting them out of my list anytime soon, they rock. Telemon or caladius, damn I dont know, the caladius is great for its cost, the telemon is really resilient and has good duality if you take a fist. When my other telemon arrives I'll be testing a 3 telemon variant of the list, one double arachnus and 2 with arachnus and fist. I think cash will be the prohibitive factor with running 2 or 3 caladius tanks, but I can see that doing a lot of work, they are nigh unchargable from deepstrike and fly is immense. Lots more variations of the list to try though, its a long road to September's heat 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krom4095 Posted February 14, 2019 Share Posted February 14, 2019 Epic battle report. I love my big Aquilons and was glad to hear they wrecked face. Was there ever an instance where 1-2 firepike flamers would have been useful? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted February 14, 2019 Share Posted February 14, 2019 Epic battle report. I love my big Aquilons and was glad to hear they wrecked face. Was there ever an instance where 1-2 firepike flamers would have been useful? Personally, I think firepikes are a trap sadly. While they are very very cool, the Lastrum Bolters are just cheaper and more reliable. Flamers could have as low as 1 hit whereas Stormbolters always have a guaranteed 4 shots, which will most likely hit due to BS2+ and easy access to re-rolls. Against MEQ they both wound on a 3+ and it's only against GEQ that the firepikes have the edge in wounding. Overwatch is a factor too, but it depends how assaulty your meta is - but I don't imagine many units want to charge a unit of Aquilons! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted February 14, 2019 Share Posted February 14, 2019 The shooting is really nice from them, but they are there to punch knights in my list, I rate the lastrum, it's really great for 5 points, I am going to test out the firepike as well, it's a serious deterrent to any would be chargers, I'm wanting to run a unit of 5 so the number of shots should average out. I can just see them holding the middle of the board in the new eternal war missions which I'm building for and that's a focus of 3-4 of the missions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Funktastic Posted February 15, 2019 Share Posted February 15, 2019 I like the firepikes personally, while the storm bolters are great for the points I feel like the firepikes have a place to deter chargers like sword said whether it be your opponent's chaff trying to bog your guys down or would be counter chargers, making them good against assault armies. Plus, it lets them threaten T5 and T6 better and it basically ignores any -1 to hit shenanigans your opponent has going on. Either of them is a good choice IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted February 18, 2019 Share Posted February 18, 2019 Won a game with devastator gk paladins soup. Bike capi was mvp killing a dreadknight and a banner gk, telemon didn't do much but he survived and captured an objective. I could have played the telemon more offensively tho since he had a fist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted February 19, 2019 Share Posted February 19, 2019 Really fun game last night vs orks, played Narrow the Search on front line assault deployment. He had a batallion of evil sun's, Defkilla Big mek on bike 3 x 10 boys 7 x nob bikers Bone breaker deffrolla 2 trucks Bad moons batallion Wierdboy Big mek with shokk attakk gun relic 3 x 10 gretchin 12 x lootas 3 kustom mega kannons 2 smasha guns My list was 2 x shield captain on bike both with 3++ relics 3 x 3 custodian guard with 1 shield in each Vexilla magnifica 3 x Aquilon with pikes and fists 2 x telemon with arachnus and fist I won the roll off so he set up first, we had a fortress of redemption in a fairly central position so I was able to get both of my telemon out of sight of the most of the grot guns, he put lootas in a corner up in a ruin, the rest was pretty central and he then redeployed the three kustom mega kannons to the other corner to shoot my telemon. I used prepared positions, not something I'd normally do, but with the lootas only having -1 AP I wanted to make the telemon a very unappealing target for them. End of his turn 1 and he has killed 2 custodian guard with shields, he has 10 boys and 20 gretchin in range of the central objective. In my turn I decided to focus on the bikers that has come around the fortress, this meant all of my squads were out of line of sight of the lootas. End of the turn 2 bikes are dead, and Ive killed 1 smasha gun and one kustom mega kannon, the telemon just removed one of these each with the arachnus beam mode. I knew I couldn't take the objective turn 1 so didn't bother, we end battleround 1 a point each. Round 2 He decided not go gung ho with the bikes and bring them back around the fortress towards the centre, repositioned the bone breaker and a truck and pushed a truck full of boys towards my deployment. Key moment of this turn was his shock attack gun going off and dropping 11 mortal wounds on one of my telemon, which when all was said and done with the regular damage too left him on 4 wounds, ouchee. Anyway his kannons didn't do much this turn that I can remember and nor did the lootas as they only had the telemon as a target and rolled a 1 for their number of shots. In my turn I jumped everyone that could up onto the fortress to draw a bead on the grots and boys, and I drop the aquilon in some terrain near the lootas and their grot shield. The terms killed 9 of the grots with their firepikes and then both telemon opened up removing 5 lootas with some terrible rolling and removed the central grot squad with their spiculus. Between the bike captains and the guard I removed the other grot squad and the boys. End of round 2 and the I hold the objective. Round 3 and he can just squeeze the bonebreaker between the fortress and another bit of terrain to get to my telemon, he's 4 inches away and with his bonus I decide its not worth a CP for tanglefoot. I had made a small mistake with my positioning and left my warlord closest to his 2 kustom mega cannons and I've got no invuln due to the aura, damn. He unloads one of the squads of boys in range of the objective, he doesn't really have a choice as I'm going to get it for sure if he doesn't. Bikes stay back for another turn to put dakka on my units. Luckily the vexilla neutered the grot guns sufficiently and my warlord only took 2 wounds having just used his warlord trait to deny a super smite, nice. The shokk attakk did 2 wounds to an aquilon, I was a little lucky there. Bonebreaker charges just the injured telemon and duly kills it, damn those things are nasty as hell. My turn and I shufflse my captain around a bit and move a couple of guys to shoot the bikes. My 2 captains remove the squad of boys, Telemon takes a few wounds from the bonebreaker and removes the last smasha gun, the aquilons cooked the last of the lootas. Telemon charges the bonebreaker a long with my non warlord bike captain and a squad of 2 custodian guard, this thing must die, Telemon duly smashes it to pieces and it goes up in an ungodly explosion, killing 4 custodian guard, my warlord and my vexilla, holy crap I was cruising to victory here, I spend my last CP to shoulder the mantle and take superior creation and luckily my new warlord only takes 2 wounds. Damn it's looking a bit squeaky now although I take the objective again due to my Ob Sec and I'm 3-1 in the lead. Round 4 He shoots the deffkilla and the bikes up to take on my warlord, and moves the 2 remaining kustom mega cannons to get Los on a squad on the fortress and he hops his last squad of boys out in an effort to hold the objective, and moves the truck to block my aquilons from cooking his shokk attakk. The shokk attakk gun whirrs into life and rolls another 11+ for strength and 9 shots or something, dropping 8 mortals on my remaining telemon, luckily his regular wound roll is terrible and I have one save to make which I duly do, if he had gone down it would probably have been over. By the end of the phase I've got 2 custodian guard left, he's whittling me down. He charges the warlord with the defkilla and the bikes, I save pretty well and after the defkilla and the nobs have attaced I have 4 damage taken and 4 wounds left, I need a 5+ to live, I got 1, so I remain in the game with 1 wound left, I put everything into his warlord and he needs a 5+ to live, he gets one so is also on 1 wound. My turn and I fall the warlord back and keep the deffkilla closest, I want warlord kill. Aquilons move toward the truck. My last 2 guard move inwards a little to try and charge the bikes. I shoot everything from the telemon but the flamers into the boys but some horrible rolling means I don't clear them, even with the 2 spear and 2 sword shots I only drop 6 of the 10. I put 6 wounds on the warlord and he can't save them all, he goes down and doesn't blow up thankfully. Big Tel and the spear welding custodian make it into the 4 remaining bikes, Tel kills 3 and the guardian kills the last one. The aquilons unsurprisingly wrecked the truck with ease. Now it's down to the morale test on the boys, they don't hold their nerve in the face of the Emperors Retribution and I take the objective again. End of round 4 and 5-1 to the Custodes and that's the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted February 19, 2019 Share Posted February 19, 2019 Pretty much given up on Custodes at this point, I think I've won 1 game in several months because my meta is totally anti-building/ruins and they play pure gunlines. Swapped to an IG parking lot list and haven't lost a single match, something which would be fixed if they just added more buildings... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted February 19, 2019 Share Posted February 19, 2019 Pretty much given up on Custodes at this point, I think I've won 1 game in several months because my meta is totally anti-building/ruins and they play pure gunlines. Swapped to an IG parking lot list and haven't lost a single match, something which would be fixed if they just added more buildings... I feel sorry for you, can't think of anything more boring that a shooting gallery on a bowling ball Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 19, 2019 Share Posted February 19, 2019 I had a great game versus Admech with a Castellan this past weekend... I’ll try to post a batrep this evening... I was testing a new list with more dawneagles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FelipeFlops Posted February 19, 2019 Share Posted February 19, 2019 Played a 1,500 point pure guard list last weekend with Vanguard Strike deployment. I was trying some new FW units I have gotten. He took; Cadian Battalion Company Commander Company Commander Primaris Psyker Infantry Squad, Voxcaster, Sergeant w/ Bolter Infantry Squad, Voxcaster, Sergeant w/ Bolter Infantry Squad, Voxcaster, Sergeant w/ Bolter Infantry Squad, Voxcaster, Sergeant w/ Bolter Platoon Commander Ratlings x5 Ratlings x5 Veteran Squad w/ 3x Plasma Hellhound Heavy Weapons Squad, 3x Mortar Heavy Weapons Squad, 3x Mortar Basilisk Cadian Spearhead Tank Commander, Punisher GC, 3x HB Leman Russ, BC, Lascannon, 2x HB Leman Russ, BC, Lascannon, 2x HB Leman Russ, BC, Lascannon, 2x HB My list; Custodes Battalion Trajann Shield Captain, Castellan Axe, Warlord, Eagle's Eye Custodian Guard Squad, 1x Sword & Board, 2x Spears Custodian Guard Squad, 1x Sword & Board, 2x Spears Custodian Guard Squad, 1x Sword & Board, 2x Spears Aquilon Terminators x3, Fists and Stormbolters Contemptor Achilles, Spear, 2x Stormbolters Vexills Praetor, Magnifica Venatari, 3x Spears Ended in Turn 6 with a Custodes Victory. The -1 to hit on all my troops turn 1 really hurt his army, was able to tank most of the shots only losing a few wounds. His wound rolls were unlucky unfortunately. My deepstrike troops took out most of the Infantry Squads trying to capture objectives (Stormbolters were brutal). Deepstriked my Dread (From Golden Light) into his tanks and made my charge, systematic destruction on Turn 2 and 3 before he was blown off the board by the rest of the Leman Russes. Managed to get my Custodian Squads into combat with the remaining tanks and used the +1 to wound for spears strat to put some decent wounds on them. Won 12-8 in the end with 4 models left, he had 1 infantry squad and both squads of ratlings left, hiding in some ruins on the other side of the board. He called it after drawing his tactical objectives for Turn 7 and got nothing he could achieve (Playing acceptable casualties, so even if he tabled me he would lose). Fun game! MVP was my Vexilla Praetor for tanking 3 Turns of Ratling sniper fire and giving my dudes a -1 to hit before finally succumbing to his wounds. FW Units: Contemptor Achilles: It hits extremely hard in CC, vehicles were dropping one a turn to that spear, scary stuff. 5++ felt a little useless as all the high AP weapons shooting it put his save to a 5+ save anyway, would prevent higher AP weapons though. Spear shooting was a bit lackluster, but at 140pts with 2x SB he is a beast. Aquilon Terminators: These guys were disgusting. Landed Turn 2 9" from two Infantry Squads (found the gap), and proceeded to cut one squad down with the stormbolters and made the charge on the other removing 2 squads from play. Proceeded to footslog across the board and take out both Mortar Squads and Company Commander. Venatari: Had a good charge from deepstrike into same squad as Aquilons for the free movement, proceeded to get blown off the board as they were the only visible squad without a -1 to hit on them. Will need another game with them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danarc Posted February 20, 2019 Share Posted February 20, 2019 It seems that Aquilons are absolutely better than Allarus despite the lack of stratagem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FelipeFlops Posted February 20, 2019 Share Posted February 20, 2019 It seems that Aquilons are absolutely better than Allarus despite the lack of stratagem. Yeah being cheaper with a better melee weapon really does make them stronger, 4 attacks with a Str10 Power Fist that still hits on 2s hurts. In the shooting phase I feel I got more out of the Str5 AP-1 Stormbolters than the Castellan Axe and Grenade Launcher. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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