BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 27, 2019 Share Posted February 27, 2019 I am playing in a GT this weekend and will be bringing my revamped list... Custodes are the primary faction plus I will be running Blood Angels and Deathwatch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted February 27, 2019 Share Posted February 27, 2019 Good luck. That could make for a very nasty combo. I think the psychic phase is the only thing that could give you a really difficult matchup. Otherwise you could be equipped to handle a lot of different stuff with that set up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted February 28, 2019 Share Posted February 28, 2019 I’ve got Mephiston as the ace up my sleeve. He can wound Knights on a 2+... Quickening, Red Rampage then fight again... bye bye big guy. He can deny twice too and has a hood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crizza Posted February 28, 2019 Share Posted February 28, 2019 Dunno where this belongs, but has anybody realized that Forgeworld has removed the two Custodes Contemptor Dreadnoughts from their page? Edit: My bad, this post can be deleted. By the search mode I found them, but via the Heresy dropdown menu and ticking the Talons box they don't show up, wierd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 Had a game versus GSC this evening with my revised army - really smashed them hard. Mephiston denied a couple key enemy psychic powers plus the Shield-Captains tanked a tonne of damage in melee. They seem like a real glass hammer. Here was my deployment ... I hid everything in a corner and waited a turn letting the GSC come to me... they took the bait. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted March 8, 2019 Share Posted March 8, 2019 Do you think that's a bad match up for GSC? I've only played them a few times since new codex, and I haven't tried my Custodes against them. Great wound counters btw! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted March 9, 2019 Share Posted March 9, 2019 I'd imagine that when GSC's main schtick is getting into combat, we must be a tough opponent for them. They're fragile so unless very focused will probably just break on our golden form. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 9, 2019 Share Posted March 9, 2019 My invulnerable saves were red hot plus I was locking up all my units in melee so the opponent couldn’t shoot me. The turning point was when he charged a bunch of units into melee and I popped the Culexus strat to make them all go last plus he didn’t have enough cp left to Vect it... they were wholesale butchered... felt great. @ Prot - opponent was really struggling to hurt my units plus having five jetbikes was extremely useful... really glad to have them in the list now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 13, 2019 Share Posted March 13, 2019 Had another game versus GSC this time with Tyranids... Smash Captain was able to snipe out the Hive Guard first turn fighting twice. I am just running a Deathwatch patrol now... wow they ended up controlling half the table by the end game. Aquilon terminators so strong I’m running two with fire pikes and two with Lastrum bolters... so strong. Jetbikes got in quick and tied up lots of enemy units plus vaporizing a full squad of Abominations. Ended up tabling my opponent but only won by a slim margin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted March 14, 2019 Share Posted March 14, 2019 Okay so you are getting games in with the Aquillon. Would you say they are better, or just different from Allarus? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danarc Posted March 14, 2019 Share Posted March 14, 2019 I saw a lot of wardens in some matches instead Aquilon/Allarus. Which do you think could be better? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 14, 2019 Share Posted March 14, 2019 Okay so you are getting games in with the Aquillon. Would you say they are better, or just different from Allarus? I’ve had two games with them both versus GSC and they absolutely murdered everything they touched. S10 is really good with AP4 plus their bolters are better too. I’ve stopped using Wardens and run two Vexilla Praetors now with the Aquilon to fill out elites for my Vanguard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted March 14, 2019 Share Posted March 14, 2019 I prefer Aquilon to Allarus, their loadout is better (bolter/fist.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 Killed to a man in two games but still won yhanks to objectives Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezr91aeL Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 What about Aquilon with "Flamers"? I think they could be a good alternative to the Hurricane Bikes against hordes with some extra chance against elite units. What do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master_Trajan Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 What about Aquilon with "Flamers"? I think they could be a good alternative to the Hurricane Bikes against hordes with some extra chance against elite units. What do you think? For the same price, I will always prefer the praetors, cause of better mobility. I think that the best built for aquilons is with bolters (you will save 30 points and they are still great against hordes) and an allarus shield captain in the nearings, if you have the points Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 I don't find the flamers to be worth the point cost in comparison to the bolters. The only scenario in which they would perform better than bolters is in overwatch from auto hits. Otherwise the bolters are effectively the same at the range the firepike would perform (4 shots at 12" vs D6 shots at 12") and can shoot beyond 12". The strength difference is negligible vs most targets in the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 Was just able to finally order the Caladius... have been watching the FW site like a hawk. Got a decal sheet too. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 Batrep incoming ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 I love my Telemon. I know what they’re capable of and that’s an intimidating family picture you’ve got there! Can’t wait for the batrep! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 He was an all star yesterday for sure... game was versus Admech. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danarc Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 I’m sorry but the contemptor exemplar is no more? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 Here’s my battle report ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 I’m sorry but the contemptor exemplar is no more? His datasheet is still valid as there is no replacement, however his points are a bit high now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
burningsky25 Posted March 18, 2019 Share Posted March 18, 2019 Played a couple casual games with friends over the weekend, didn't know what I'd be up against beforehand. Game 1 was 1250 points, Mission was Chapter Approved 2018 Maelstrom of War - Scars of War. The Lists: My list included the following: Batallion: Trajann Valoris Bike Captain HQ with Auric Aquilis, Victor of the Blood Games, Radiant Mantle. Custodian Guard Squad with spears x3 Vexillus Praetor with SS + Misericordia (not ideal, but it's modelled from 7th) Contemptor Achillus with 2 twin Adrathic Destructors Contemptor Galatus. His list included the following: Spearhead: Flyrant with relic Miasma Cannon Exocrine x2 Biovore Auxillary Auxillary: Genestealer Aberrant HQ dude Auxillary super heavy: Shadowsword As soon as I saw his list I knew it would be an uphill battle, as I didn't have anything fast enough to threaten immediatly, and most of my heavy hitting was in my dreadnoughts which would never survive the Shadowsword. Deplyment was diagonal, he deployed in his corner with tyranids on one side and shadowsword on the other, and I deployed as close to him as possible, put the Galatus in reserve. I waflled on whether to put the dreadnoughts in reserve or march up with the -1 to hit, ended up with only one in reserve, likely should have put both for the extra command points. There was no major cover between us that I could hide behind. He got first turn with the bonus to the roll. Turn 1: Tyranids:He shot the Shadowsword into the Achillus, vaporizing it with 2 successful wounds and 14 damage from the primary gun. He shot everything else into a couple Guard squads, I lost 2 or 3 models. Custodes: I advanced everything forward and dropped the Galatus on his flank nearest to the exocrines. Bike captain advanaced up the left side behind the Galatus. Turn 2: Tyranids: He shot the shadowsword at the Galatus, 2 successful wounds, and 12 damage. I realized I had the 6+ FNP and rolled SEVEN 6s!! Galatus dropped to 5 wounds. He had to shoot both exocrines into it and still only dropped it to 1 wound with more above average 6's, finally fell to shooting from the Flying Hive Tyrant. Custodes: Advanced everything forward again. Shooting from the biovore dropping spore mines in front of me slowed me down somewhat combined with a small cliff. Only made it about halfway to his units so far. Bike captain moved straight for the exocrines to try tie one up in combat but failed the 8" charge with a re-roll. Turn 3: Tyranids: He attempted to infiltrate his Aberrant HQ but rolled badly, and ended up deplying him on the back half of his board edge. He shot everything into the bike captain. I saved all the shots from the Shadowsword, failed some from the exocrines and used a CP re-roll and VotBG re-roll to save one. Dropped down to 3 wounds. Custodes: I advanced everything forward again. Next turn I'd be in range to charge. Bike captain successfully charged the exocrine, dealing 5 wounds but not degrading him. Turn 4: Tyranids: He disengaged his one exocrine, shot into my custodes and killed a couple more models, charged my bike captain with his Flying Hive tyrant and killed him. I transferred my HQ to Trajann with a stratagem. Custodes: I had the option to either charge his shadowsword with everything I had (Trajann, 6 custodian guard, Vexillus), or try and tie up his tyranids and kill the hive tyrant. I chose to multi-charge one exocrine with one squad, charged everything else into his Hive Tyrant. Fought with Trajann and the 4 available Custodian Guard who were nearest, taking him down to 5 wounds. Hive Tyrant fought back hitting Trajann for 4 wounds. I fought again with Trajann getting 2 wounds through his invulnerable, rolled max damage and he saved nothing with his 5+ fnp. I had amazing luck rolling for damage this combat with about 50/50 2 or 3 damage and no 1 damage wounds. My one Custodian guard who piled into the Exocrine knocked him down a damage bracket. Turn 5: Tyranids: He fell back with the Exocrine. He fired everything into my remaining Custodian Guard Squads. He had hot dice this round and finished off all 6 of my remaining Custodian Guard as well as my Vexillus. He charged Trajann with his Shadowsword and Aberrant HQ, but only made it in with the Shadowsword, dealing no damage. Trajann hit back and stripped 6 wounds off the Shadowsword. Custodes: Not much to do except fight-back, and successfully stripped another 7 wounds off the shadowsword knocking it down to 11 wounds of 26. We rolled for turn continuing and the game ended. VP was around 8-2 in the end for him. Despite the bad matchup it was still an enjoyable game, and I learned a few things. Even writing up a battle report really helps review the game and analyze good and bad decision making. Playing the Mission: From the start I didn't prioritize the mission - I suppose ultimately VP are the only things that win a game (especially with Acceptable Casualties as this mission had), but I expected to be completely shot off the table by Turn 3 with no opportunity to contest. I preferred to try and rush for what fight I could manage rather than get shot off the board without any interaction. I also did not draw cards that were very achievable otherwise I may have focused it more, and he had one or two early that gave him a large lead. Things I'd change: Bike HQ's with -1 to hit, 3++ and free once a turn re-roll are incredibly tanky. Insanely tanky. Looking back on it I think my best chance of success would have been to deepstrike both dreadnoughts the same turn I moved forward with my Captain, allowing him to be targeted and drawing all his heavy power into a unit that can survive one turn. Despite the loss this definitely cemented my love for Custodes. I survived far longer than I ought to have into a very strong shooting army, and once I got into combat my units hit very hard. I was impressed with Trajann knocking off half the wounds of a Shadowsword in two rounds, and the durability of a maxed biker captain. Even with this list it may have been possible to pull out a win, and I certainly think if I had taken an equally aggressive list with just Terminators and Bikes it would've gone far better. Though I never got to see the offensive capacity of either dreadnought this game I did play another that day and managed to charge a Great Unclean One with the Achillus, killing the GUO over two rounds of combat with the help of a bike captain. Feels like the most glass-cannon unit Custodes have, but if you make it into combat with a vehicle or monstrous creature it does serious work for a very respectable cost. As a last note this was also the first time I got to use a custom made organizational unit for cards, dice, and CP and VP tracking - pics in the spoiler. Absolutely loved using it and was a highlight of the game in it's own right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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