Danarc Posted April 6, 2019 Share Posted April 6, 2019 Exactly. See the march WD. There are new rules that substitutes the index ones and set also new rules and stratagems. EDIT: do you think that bring assassins is important for a Custodes detachment? Because I'm thinking on the following list: Sparehead -Shield captain in Allarus - Venetari - Caladius arachnus - Sagittarum - Telemon twin arachnus Vanguard - Shield Captain on bike (warlord, auric aquiline, radiant mantle) - Vexilla - Aquilon - Vexilla Allarus - Vertus praetor (the shield captain on bike goes with caladium and 3 vertus, venetari goes around for objectives and kill little units, Telemon and vexilla stay on an objective as sagittarium while aquilon, vexilla allarus and Shield captain in allures are in DS.) with this I have te points to include the special assassin detachment for -1CP. But I'm not sure if this would be a good choice. What do you think? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5292085 Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Torch. Posted April 7, 2019 Share Posted April 7, 2019 The 0CP Vanguard detachment option for the Assassins has been out for nearly a year now. I'm glad it's been given a little tweak in White Dwarf. It's much more fluffy and there's less excuse for people to trying to claim a sly extra CP. ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5292701 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 Played in a tourney this past weekend, took 7th out of 40. My list was as follows: Custodes Outrider bike cap vexilla w/axe 6 bikes 5 bikes pallas BA battalion cap w/jump, hammer, shield (warlord) lib dread 5 scouts 5 infiltrators 5 infiltrators I'll break down my games later, but long story short I messed up game 2 vs Bash bros haha. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293026 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 I really like that list Shane . How are you liking the Pallas and how do you use it ? Another question - does the infiltrators straight force armies like GSC to setup reinforcements 12" or do they have any get arounds you know of ? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293137 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 The Pallas is still somewhat hit or miss, but in this list it functions well. I am mostly using it because it is our cheapest fast attack choice and offers some positioning shenanigans. I typically use it to block DS charges that can place away from the infiltrators, eat some smites, and to take objectives. It is very good at finishing off light vehicles in addition. (Played against a guard brigade and enjoyed watching it pop sentinels on its own haha.) Any GSC units arriving from reserve have to be placed outside of 12" of the infiltrators. The only thing they really can do is that they have a stratagem to move up D6" after placement, so they could place outside of 12" and then use the stratagem to move forward. So they can really mess up a GSC army if you use them for denial. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293142 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 Thanks Shane I highly value your feedback. Btw I am running Inflitrators now too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293182 Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted April 8, 2019 Share Posted April 8, 2019 OK folks, so I finally got to play my first proper test game in preparation for the warhammer world GT I'm attending later this year, my opponent was Astra Militarum with the brief "make it as nasty as you can". For anyone that's not aware it's 1750 points Eternal War CA18. Onto the lists Trajann Vexilla magnifica 4 x Aquilon, lastrum/gauntlet 2x telemon, Arachnus/Arachnus 1x telemon, Arachnus/Caestus Company Commander, power sword, warlord, grand strategist, kurovs Company commander 10 guardsmen 2 x 10 guardsmen with lascannon HWT Assassin The Astra Militarum Tallarn Supreme command (Tank Company) Leman Russ battle tank commander, relic battle cannon, lascannon, 2x heavy bolters 2 x leman russ executioner commanders, lascannon, 2 x heavy bolters Double cadian batallion 3 x company commander Tempestor prime Knight commander Pask, battlecannon/lascannon 5 x 10 guardsmen 5 x scions 4 x Bullgryns Ogryn bodyguard Leman Russ battle tank, battlecannon, lascannon Basilisk Assassin We roll for the mission and get Vital Intelligence, we then roll off and I'm setting up first after he determines dawn of war deployment. I deploy my 3 Telemon, Trajann, vexilla and the bare guard squad centrally with all but the telemon out of Los and the 2 double arachnus guys will be getting cover if they need it. I put a company commander and a squad with a lascannon in at either end in terrain close to the objectives and lascannons out in the open so they don't have to move, I choose to take a vindicare and deploy him high up in the centre above my castle. Spreads all the way across the line and manages to hide all 3 of his tank commanders and the basilisk, some infantry is out in the open as well as Pask and the other leman russ, his vindicare is out Los of mine, scions and bulgryns in reserve using the dagger of tu'sakh on the Bodyguard. I decide to go first even with the end of round scoring, I feel like I can put the hurt on him early here. He fails to sieze so it's Custodes and friends turn 1. We roll to see which objective is the 2 point one and its on my side on the left. Guard squads move enough to claim the 2 side objectives with lascannons remaining stationary, nothing else moves. First telemon takes 9 wounds from pask, so I take a chance with the lascannon from that side and it pays off, Pask is gone, first strike. Second telemon takes aim at the other leman russ 12 damage and its gone too, the lascannon on the left takes 4 wounds from the executioner commander on that side and the vindicare takes another 1 with the mortal wound strat, the final telemon with the single arachnus takes down some guardsmen. Astra Militarum turn 1 and the tank commanders all move out to shoot, the undamaged executioner has to move its full distance to get in range as he wants to use the 'get behind them' order to fall back out of line of sight where possible. Infantry move up to claim his 2 objectives. The damaged executioner manages to put 4 wounds on one of the double arachnus telemon with a lascannon getting through, the basilisk only manages to kill 1 of the guardsmen from the squad holding the 2 point objective and the heavy bolters from the executioner fail to kill any, the executioner on the other side is now just in range of the telemon with the caestus but fails to do any damage, the commander with the relic battlecannon gets 3 wounds and I the armour only stops 1 so 6 damage goes through dropping him to 8 remaining and his heavy bolters kill 2 from the guard squad on that side. End of the round and it's 3 points to 2 in favour of the Custodes. The roll of the dice says all 5 objectives are worth 2 this round Turn 2 and all three Telemon move out to get line of sight, the vexilla and Trajann go with the 2 that move right, the left most one has to fend for himself, he's now holding the objective though. The central guardsman squad advance and with a re roll make it to the central objective. Aquilon drop in 9" from his relic battlecannon commander and the infantry squad holding the objective. Between the 2 telemon on the right and the aquilon the leman russ is destroyed and the guardsmen are gone, the lascannon on the left dropped the executioner to 2 wounds, so I try to plink them off with the vindicare, I roll a 1 for the mortal wounds, re roll it and another 1, its got 1 wound left, so I put one of the arachnus from the last telemon in to it, surely this will do it, it does have cover though, 1 shot hits and wounds but he spikes a 6 and the executioner lives on 1 wound, the other gun takes down a few guardsmen. Astra militarum turn 2, infantry move up to hold the other objective on his side, the limping executioner moves out to go all in on the telemon, scions drop in to have a go at my warlord who I've foolishly left exposes, and the bulgryns come in behind my group of 2 telemon and 2 characters. His vindicare can now see my vexilla, I didn't check well enough that he was out of sight, he puts 2 wounds on him, the infantry line up and start cutting down my guard squad holding the central objective and the basilisk finishes the job, the 1 wound executioner unloads everything into the telemon but he stands firm, the other executioner puts his big guns into the terms but only manages to drop one guy down to 2 wounds, the scions put eveything into my warlord doing 2 wounds, and then charge him but they fail to kill him, I tanglefoot the bulgryns and they roll terribly anyway. End of round 2 and we score 4 each, it's now 7-6 to the custodes Roll the dice for the objective and its another 6, Warlord falls back, The telemon with the fist moves to claim the centre objective, trajann moves back to take on the bulgryns, terms move forward to take the squad out that's holding an objective, I remove the 1 wound executioner with the lascannon, damn that team have been good, not missed all night, this frees up the telemon to lay waste to the infantry squads, he doesn't do a great job but it's enough, the other telemon one shots the last tank commander, terms split fire to avoid wiping the squad in shooting and charge in and finish them off also claiming the objective. Shooting takes out 2 of the bullgryn and trajann charges in to first kill the Bodyguard and fights again to wipe the other 2, taking the final wound with his misericordia, how fitting. At this point I'm on 4 objectives about to score 8 points to his 2 at the end of the round and he has nothing left to get me off them so he calls it. Going first was a bonus for me, but I genuinely think I would have done OK going second, the -1 to hit is great vs guard and with prepared positions the telemon are saving vs battlecannons on 3's. Will be interesting to see how this list fares vs other opponents in the near future. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293295 Share on other sites More sharing options...
faithonwings Posted April 9, 2019 Share Posted April 9, 2019 So do I, really like the batrap. Still trying to decide what list build I would like myself Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293491 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 9, 2019 Share Posted April 9, 2019 Round 1 from the RTT this past weekend. When my opponent got to the table, they told me this was their first tournament, so I immediately pumped the brakes. We were playing ITC missions, so I broke down how the scoring worked (the importance of picking the right secondaries,) and to focus on killing at a minimum one unit a turn and holding one objective while ideally outdoing me for both. I made sure I explained my army and why I had each unit which led to my telling them how good of a secondary Gang Busters is vs my list. They were playing Deathguard and roughly was running the following: 2x Daemon prince Typhus 3x 10 poxwalkers 3x Bloat drones (spitters) 3x PBCs 3x Hellbrute w/melta, fist We were playing Mission 1, and rolled Dawn of War for deployment. For Secondaries I chose Big Game Hunter, Recon, and Engineers (2x infiltrators.) They chose Gang Busters, Head Hunter, and Engineers (2x poxwalkers.) I deployed fairly simply, the bikes all lined up in the center of my deployment, infiltrators in terrain by both objectives in my deployment, scouts slightly forward near one of the center objectives, brought in a culexus and put it in reserve. They deployed all the helbrutes and bloat drones on the deployment line, pbcs in the back, one set of poxys by the PBCs on their objective, typhus and the rest of the poxys (engineers) by their other objective. I won the roll off and chose to go second. Their turn 1 - They pushed all the bloat drones into the center, helbrutes following behind, most everything else chilled. During the psychic phase they dropped a miasma on a bloat drone. In the shooting phase the helbrutes and PBCs shot at bikes, killing one and dealing a couple of wounds, the drones were out of range. Scoring - Hold 1, Gang Busters 1 My turn 1 - I advanced the vexilla towards the center objective on the same side as the PBCS, bikes all moved forward, scouts repositioned towards the side of the board, pallas stayed with the bikes, dread and slam cap went towards the PBCs. My psychic phase the dread cast quickening and wings, then moved up just past the bikes. In the shooting phase the bikes and pallas killed 2 helbrutes. Started the charges with the slam cap charging 2 bloat drones and the last helbrute (they were all close to each other) and making it, the 6 man bike squad then charged the mob of 3 as well, the 5 man bikes charged the last bloat drone and took a wound from overwatch. I started with the slam cap, put most of swings into the helbrute and killed it, did some wounds to one bloat drone. I then explained how I chose that unit and target to eliminate the helbrute swinging with his melee on an interrupt and told them about the importance of interrupts in multi-combats. The 5 man squad killed its solo drone, the 6 man failed to kill both drones, both of them with 3-4 wounds each. The drones swung on the slam cap and did 3 wounds! Scoring - Hold 1, Kill 1, Recon 1, Big Game 4 End of turn 1 - I hold more and kill more. 9-2 Their turn 2 - They fall both bloat drones back, and mostly stay static. In the psychic phase they boost a pox engineers squad to T5 with vitality, toss a smite that kills another bike. In the shooting phase the pbcs and drones go into the damaged 6 man bike unit taking it down to 3 bikes remaining. Scoring - Hold 1, Gang Busters 1, Engineers 1 My turn 2 - The 3 bikes moves towards drones, 5 bikes moves away from typhus side and pulls back to objectives, pallas and vexilla position on objectives, dread moves towards center PBC, slam cap moves towards nearest prince. Psychic phase the dread fails quickening but gets wings off and lands right next to the center PBC. My shooting kills the solo poxwalker squad, and the last 2 bloat drones. The slam cap and 3 bikes charge the near prince, and the dread charges the center PBC. My slam cap murders the prince, who turns around and kills the slam cap with mortal wounds (suppurating plate,) and the dread half kills the PBC. Scoring - Hold 1, Kill 1, Recon 1, Engineers 1 (My Opponent scores a Head hunter.) End of turn - I kill more and hold more. 15-6 Their turn 3 - Prince shuffles to line up a smite, everything else just chills. Psychic phase they pop miasma on the prince and vitality on the poxys again, smite fails. The 2 unengaged PBCs kill another bike from the 6 man. The PBC deals a wound to the dread and takes a couple in return. Scoring - Hold 1, Gang busters 1, Engineers 1 My turn 3 - 3 bikes move towards closest PBC, 5 man moves towards other prince, vex and pallas hold objectives, scouts move up towards the 20 poxys, Culexus drops in on an objective. Psychic phase the dread smites and quickens. My shooting shaves some wounds off the prince and poxys. The 2 man bikes charges the close PBC, the 5 man charges the prince, the scouts charge the now 5 man poxys. I start with the 5 man bikes who kill the prince and pile into the PBC, The 2 man bikes shave most of the wounds off the pbc, the dread kills the one he was working on, the scouts kill no poxys and take no wounds in return. Scoring - Hold 1, Kill 1, Bonus 1, Recon 1, Engineers 1 End of turn - I kill more and hold more. 20-9 Their turn 4 - The other poxys move towards the scouts, Typhus shuffles. Typhus drops a smite on the bikes and a vitality on the poxys. The combined poxys murder all 5 scouts. Scoring - Hold 1, Kill 1 At this point there wasn't much time left so we talked out the rest. I encouraged them to put typhus into the bikes to finish gang buster and try to get another kill. So they rolled out some psychic phases and combats. End score was 39-16. 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.Torch. Posted April 9, 2019 Share Posted April 9, 2019 Well done for being awesome and helping the new guy out. I hop I get paired with someone as helpful as you when I attend my first tournament! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293791 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 9, 2019 Share Posted April 9, 2019 The last tournament I played in my first round was versus a guy that was like his third game. He lost of course but I spent a lot of time explaining rules and tactics... only got on four turns. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5293805 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted April 14, 2019 Share Posted April 14, 2019 Just ordered another box of Wardens to try out the Erik TrokTM method and go pure footstodes. Don't like the idea of two shields in a squad so I'll be running 1 shield and 2 spears and use the extra points to beef up the Vexilla to a termie model with Misericordia so it's got a half decent melee profile. Will switch between that and a Loyal32+Bikes list depending on the opponent. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5296551 Share on other sites More sharing options...
faithonwings Posted April 14, 2019 Share Posted April 14, 2019 Can you share a list build ussing wardens? can't find any half decent builds online. verry interested in how it would look like. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5296679 Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted April 14, 2019 Share Posted April 14, 2019 Can you share a list build ussing wardens? can't find any half decent builds online. verry interested in how it would look like. When you look at it you won't go.. "oh yeah that's gonna wreck face" because its a list that needs to played just so to make it work in my humble opinion. It's definitely done the rounds in the FB Custodes groups so if you are a member you may find it there Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5296684 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rcoon Posted April 14, 2019 Share Posted April 14, 2019 Can you share a list build ussing wardens? can't find any half decent builds online. verry interested in how it would look like. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5296691 Share on other sites More sharing options...
faithonwings Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 rcoon, looks very nice. very elite build. can anyone tell me how it is played? just a link to a battrap (youtube or a written one on this webside) is fine. very interested in how it works. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5296875 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 The only recorded game with Erik piloting this list I think is on the Nights of the game table paid section (Vs Nick's Orks.) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297019 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Who won ? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297034 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Erik by a slim margin. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297037 Share on other sites More sharing options...
faithonwings Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Seems like a tough matchup not have bikes to thin out the horde. But guess to expected with this list. Good to hear it's still possible however. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297040 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 I’d love to watch it but I’m not paying for it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297140 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 I didn't get to watch it either, not a fan of paywalls. I got a summary from a friend. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297149 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Cool.I love to see great matchups but yeah no paywalls for me either . Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297163 Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Quick one tonight to update on week 2 of testing the GT list. Played necrons Imotekh Szeras Cryotek VoD 2x10 tesla immortals 10 gauss immortals Triarch stalker 6 x tomb blades 6 x destroyers 2 x doomsday arks Game 1 was supplies from above, necrons went first, wiped2 of my guard squads and did a 4 wounds to one of my telemon. I hit back removing the cryptek with the vindicare and then took out all of the destroyers and 1 doomsday ark. Following turn the remaining doomsday ark didn't manage to do much to the any of my telemon. I hit back removing 1 squad of immortals and most of another squad. Terminators failed a charge into the tomb blades. Turn 3 and the terminators tank everything that gets shot at them, he doesn't bother trying to do anything to the telemon now. He called it at the end of this as I was about to remove a significant chuck of what he had left and I was in position to score. Second game was cut off the head, hammer and anvil, I took the eversor instead of the vindicare. Again he was going first but I did seize. I had hidden all of my stuff from all but one of his DDA, which I removed in my turn 1, and it was downhill all the way from there. His destroyers VOD and didn't did very little to one of telemon, I then removed them, he held the centre objective and was winning up to turn 4 but I managed to get a terminator and eversor onto this objective and by that point he had very little left and I had my entire castle left losing only a few guardsmen and 3 of my terminators. Not sure what I'll be facing next week but bring on the next test. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5297406 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 19, 2019 Share Posted April 19, 2019 Had a game versus a jetbike heavy Custodes army this evening. He also had three grav tanks. First turn my Smash Captain long bombed one of the Caladius and blew it sky high, consolidated into another one and blew it up too. Great start. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/343856-how-are-your-custodes-doing/page/38/#findComment-5299306 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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